2000-03-22 * * OFFICIAL MINUTES UNAPPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 3 4 March 22, 2000 5 6 MINUTES 7 8 Board Members Present: Chair Maria Cameron, Debbie Baynard, Marjorie Zielke, C.D. 9 Peebles, Karen Cienki, Scott MacLeod, Wanda Poe 10 11 Board Members Absent: 12 13 Staff Members Present: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; Terri 14 McLaughlin, Library Administrator; Meredith Parrish, Administrative Secretary 15 16 Regular Session: 17 18 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Chair Maria Cameron 19 at 7: 38 PM 20 21 Reports: 22 23 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments. 24 Mr. Polasek introduced Terri McLaughlin as the new library administrator. Mr. Polasek also 25 introduced Meredith Parrish as the new administrative secretary. Mr. Polasek mentioned that 26 information was included in the packet about the permanent library site. Mr. Peebles had a 27 question about what return of the City Manager meant. Mr. Polasek clarified that it meant 28 when the City Manager returned from vacation. 29 30 Consent Agenda: 31 32 Agenda Item No. 3.A., Approval of the minutes of the February 23, 2000 33 34 Ms. Cienki asked that a change be made to the February 23, 2000 minutes to reflect that she 35 would only be available for day meetings in March due to voting in April. 36 37 Marjorie Zielke made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 23, 2000 meeting as 38 amended. 39 40 Motion: Marjorie Zielke 41 Second: Ms. Poe 42 Ayes: Ms. Cameron, Ms. Cienki, Ms. Zielke, Mr. Peebles, Mr. MacLeod, Ms. 43 Baynard, Ms. Poe 44 Nayes: 0 45 Abstained - 0 46 Approved: 7-0 47 1 Library Board Regular Meeting n:\parks & recreation\boards\library\minutes\2000\03222000.doc * * OFFICIAL MINUTES ` UNAPPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 Regular Agenda: 2 3 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum. No issues were presented for Public Forum. Public 4 Forum was closed at 7:41 P.M. by Chair Maria Cameron. 5 6 Consider: 7 8 Library Furnishings 9 Mr. Polasek stated that the goal of this meeting was to review with the Board various 10 furniture choices in regards to their style, color, and fabric patterns. Following the 11 recommendation of the Board, this information would then be presented to City Council for 12 review in April. Mr. Polasek stated that he would like the Board to try to get as far as 13 possible this evening, but if needed asked if the Board would be agreeable to calling another 14 meeting within the next week or two in order to complete the selection process. The Board 15 agreed to an additional meeting if necessary. Mr. Polasek shared that he had met with Rex 16 Potter and that Mr. Potter was pleased with the paint and carpet samples that had been 17 selected. Mr. Polasek also indicated that Mr. Potter is anxious to see the Board 18 recommendations for furnishings. 19 20 Mr. Polasek introduced Aaron Babcock from Hidell and Associates. Mr. Badcock stated that 21 the way furniture is usually selected is in a two step process. The shelving, study carrels, 22 tables, circulation desks, are all things that are limited in selection. Mr. Badcock suggested 23 that tonight's goal would be to get a consensus on style and type of wood finishes then Mr. 24 Babcock would be able to bring catalogs of chairs and lounge seating at a future meeting. 25 Samples of the items selected could also be brought at a future meeting. Mr. Babcock 26 brought BCI and Palmentari catalogs, among others, for the Board to look at. Mr. Babcock 27 indicated that the furniture shown in the books that he brought were within the budget. 28 29 The library board reviewed the catalogs, and discussed various style options and wood grain 30 colors. 31 32 Mr. Peebles made a motion that the Board request that Hidell and Associates bring samples 33 to a future meeting of the furniture that the Board initially has selected. The circulation desks, 34 tables, study carrels, and endcaps will be to match that as shown in the exhibit. Finish for the 35 wood will be to match veneer hardwood #925TG, American Cherry. The shelf color will be 36 Cream 3103. The children's area is going to have Midland endcaps with three pin oaks 37 horizontally placed on the endcaps. Midland will use a cutout so that the empty part of the 38 leaf is where the shelf color is seen. Chairs will be Midland and have one pin oak cutout. 39 Three different colors of chairs will be used. Those colors are Sienna 53, Blueberry 62, and 40 Leaf 65. 41 42 Motion: C.D. Peebles 43 Second: Ms. Cienki 44 Ayes: Ms. Baynard, Ms. Cienki, Ms. Cameron, Mr. MacLeod, Mr. Peebles, 45 Ms. Zielke, Ms. Poe 46 Nayes: 0 47 Approved: 7-0 2 Library Board Regular Meeting n:\parks & recreation\boards\library\minutes\2000\03222000.doc * * OFFICIAL MINUTES UNAPPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 2 3 The Board agreed to schedule another meeting in two weeks, on April 5, 2000, at 7:00 p.m., 4 to finish discussing the selection of library furnishings. 5 6 Agenda Item No. 6; Adjournment. 7 8 Chair Maria Cameron adjourned the meeting at 9:36 p.m. 9 10 Motion: Ms. Zielke 11 Second: Ms. Cienki 12 Ayes: Ms. Baynard, Mr. Macleod, Mr. Peebles, Ms. Poe, Ms. Zielke, Ms. Cienki, 13 Ms. Cameron 14 Nayes: 0 15 Approved: 7-0 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ' ~ 24 25 aria Cameron 26 Library Board Chair 27 28 29 Attest: 30 31 32 33 34 teve asek 35 Deputy Director of Community Services 36 3 Library Board Regular Meeting n:\parks & recreation\boards\library\minutes\2000\03222000.doc