4 June 14, 2000
8 Board Members Present: Chair Maria Cameron, Debbie Baynard, C.D. Peebles, Wanda Poe,
9 Marjorie Zielke, Scott MacLeod, Karen Cienki
11 Staff Members Present: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; Terri
12 McLaughlin, Library Administrator
14 Regular Session:
16 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Chair Maria Cameron
17 at 7:12 PM
19 Reports:
21 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments.
23 Mr. Polasek had no administrative comments.
27 Consent Agenda:
29 Agenda Item No. 3.A., Approval of the minutes of the May 24, 2000
30 Ms. Cienki had a correction to reflect her absence at the May 24, 2000 meeting.
32 Motion: Marjorie Zielke
33 Second: Wanda Poe
34 Ayes: Ms. Cameron, Mr. Peebles, Ms. Baynard, Ms. Poe, Ms. Zielke
35 Nayes: 0
36 Approved: 5-0
37 Ms. Cienki and Mr. MacLeod abstained.
39 Regular Agenda:
41 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum. No issues were presented for Public Forum. Public
42 Forum was closed at 7:34 P.M. by Chair Maria Cameron.
44 Discussion:
46 A. Library Foundation Update
47 Ms. Baynard said that she had several topics to discuss.
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1 Ms. Baynard said that the fundraising committee would like to appoint a Friend's liaison. The
2 purpose of this would be to work together on fundraising ideas. Mr. Peebles asked Mr. Polasek
3 when he planned to bring forth the Friends group. Mr. Polasek said there was some difficulty in
4 the past with starting this group because the library had not yet been created. Mr. Polasek also
5 stated that the Friends group is on a lower scale than a Foundation; so the decision was made to
6 proceed with the Foundation. Mr. Polasek said that it makes sense to resurrect the Friends group
7 at this time, as the library is nearing completion. Mr. Polasek said this could be brought forth at
8 the July board meeting. Mr. Peebles asked if the Foundation wanted a Board member appointed
9 as liaison. Ms. Baynard said that the Friends and Foundation are two separate entities. The
10 purpose in having the two work together would be for communication purposes only. Ms.
11 Baynard said that they are looking for a Library Board member to act as liaison for the Friends
12 foundation.
14 Mr. Polasek said the Friends group is a nationwide organization. Mr. Polasek said that a Friends
15 group is a more hands on organization that helps with book sales, special projects in the library,
16 etc. Mr. Polasek said the Foundation is involved in larger type fundraising events. Mr. Polasek
17 said that both are needed.
19 Mr. MacLeod expressed concern of starting the Friends group too early. Mr. MacLeod suggested
20 waiting until the fall. Ms. Cameron said that when the liaison is appointed it would be their job to
21 come up with bylaws, etc to go by. Ms. Baynard asked if the Board would need to go through
22 Council to have a Friends group appointed. Mr. Polasek said this would not be necessary. Mr.
23 Polasek suggested that appointments be put on the July agenda, and in the meantime those
24 interested in being on the Board contact him. Ms. Cameron asked if a show of hands could be
25 done now. Ms. Cameron then asked who was interested in serving on the Friends board. Ms.
26 Baynard and Ms. Poe expressed interest in being invovled.
28 Ms. Baynard said the Foundation wants to know where the permanent library will be. Ms.
29 Baynard said that it would probably be at least a year before a final site is selected.
31 Ms. Baynard said the Foundation would like an explanation of the half-cent sales tax. Mr. Polasek
32 said that he would write something up to be handed out to the Foundation regarding the half-cent
33 sales tax.
35 Ms. Baynard said the Foundation would like to know if the Foundation or the City would pay for
36 an architect when the time came. Mr. Polasek said that was a question that could not be answered
37 at this time. Mr. Polasek said that City Council must approve all actions. Formal
38 recommendations can be made by the Library Board for Council to approve.
40 Ms. Baynard said the Foundation wanted to know the opening of the library. Mr. Polasek said the
41 opening would be early 2001.
42 Ms. Baynard invited the Board to attend the Foundation meetings.
44 B. Automation Sub-committee Update
46 Mr. McLaughlin said that he would like to meet with the sub-committee briefly after the Board
47 meeting. Mr. McLaughlin mentioned that the sub-committee is moving forward and that he has
48 ideas of how to progress. Ms. Zielke asked if progress had been made on the requirements for the
49 Ft. Worth system. Mr. McLaughlin said that it was included in the packet the sub-committee was
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1 handed earlier. Mr. McLaughlin said the Ft. Worth system uses an Dynix system. Mr.
2 McLaughlin said the Ft. Worth system is three upgrades old. Ms. Zielke asked if it was a
3 requirement to use the Ft. Worth system to join with them. Mr. Polasek and Mr. McLaughlin said
4 yes. Mr. McLaughlin said that the new Epitech system would not be compatible with an older
5 Epitech system. Mr. McLaughlin said Ft.Worth is planning on upgrading but they are unsure as
6 to when that upgrade will occur. Ms. Cameron said that the Board was looking forward to hearing
7 a final proposal from the sub-committee.
9 C. Librarian's Report
11 Mr. McLaughlin said that he would be attending the American Library Association in July. Mr.
12 McLaughlin mentioned some policy information that was handed out to Board members. Mr.
13 McLaughlin mentioned a new item to libraries called e-books and would be researching this idea
14 some more at ALA.
16 Mr. McLaughlin said that he received a form from Texas Women's University for a field
17 practicum. This would be a master's degree student who would be available on a volunteer basis
18 to help with the set-up of the library.
20 Mr. McLaughlin presented a survey of magazines that local libraries prescribe to.
21 Mr. McLaughlin said that he is excited about having a student to do a practicum with the library.
22 Ms. Cienki asked if this would be starting in the fall. Mr. McLaughlin said that this student would
23 start in September or October. Ms. Cienki asked if this was possible to have a participant every
24 semester. Mr. McLaughlin, said that this might be possible.
27 6. Agenda Item 6A Consider Allowing non-Board members to serve on sub-committees.
29 Mr. Polasek said the Board might assign non-board members to certain committees at their
30 discretion. Mr. Peebles asked if this was to serve on the sub-committee itself or to serve on a
31 work group that would report on a one-time item. Mr. Polasek said that it would be determined on
32 how it is worded, and that his recommendation would be to assign non-Board members to a group
33 that has a defined ending. Mr. Polasek said that this a Board decision and is not clearly defined.
34 Mr. Polasek also mentioned that this is not a common practice among boards. Mr. Peebles said
35 that if a group is on going that it should be a sub-committee and should not include non-Board
36 members. If the group is short term it should be called a work group and can include non-Board
37 members.
39 Mr. Peebles made a motion that when there is a permanent sub-committee the members of the
40 sub-committee needs to be members of the Library Board; when the sub-committee being formed
41 is finite the group may include non-Board members.
43 Motion: Peebles
44 Second: Cienki
45 Ayes: Peebles, MacLeod, Baynard, Poe, Cameron, Zielke, Cienki
46 Nayes: 0
47 Approved : 7-0
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1 Mr. Peebles made a motion to change the automation sub-committee from a sub-committee to a
2 work group. Non-board members will be permitted to participate on automation work group.
4 Motion: Peebles
5 Second: Cienki
6 Aye: Peebles, Cienki, MacLeod, Cameron, Poe, Baynard, Zielke
7 Nayes: 0
8 Approved: 7-0
10 Agenda Item 6B Review of proposed Library Budget for FY 2000-01.
12 Mr. Polasek said that fiscally this is an important year for the City. Financially, it will be tight for
13 a twelve to eighteen month period until some construction is completed and additional revenues
14 come in. Mr. Polasek said that it would be a lean and flat year as far as the budget is concerned.
16 Mr. Polasek said that based on that, several options have been prepared. Beginning with Option
17 A, this option recommends starting with a 60-hour week for the library. Earlier hours in the
18 morning and later hours in the evening, this is due to the active community. Mr. Polasek said that
19 is competitive with other local libraries. Ms. Baynard expressed concerned with not being open
20 on Sunday. Mr. Polasek said that the survey indicated that being open on Sunday was not a
21 priority. Mr. Polasek said that this might change in the future. Ms. Baynard asked City staff to
22 check on the attendance at the Keller and Grapevine libraries on Sunday. Mr. Polasek said that he
23 would do this. Mr. Polasek said that the schedule is developed to accommodate staff as well as
24 programs. Ms. Ceinki suggested that the full budget presentation is made and then discussion
25 would follow.
27 Mr. Polasek reviewed the professional staff under Option A. Mr. Polasek stated that the
28 volunteers would be coordinated under the City volunteer coordinator. Mr. Polasek said that this
29 option allows for one full-time librarian to supervise the library at all times. The schedule will
30 rotate every three weeks, and Mr. McLaughlin would be the floating librarian to fill in as needed.
31 This plan also allows for two staff members at each of the key stations in the library. Mr. Polasek
32 said the staff is cut back a little bit on Saturday, with one staff member per station and two staff
33 members at the circulation desk. Mr. Polasek said the personnel cost is $425,000.00. This would
34 be a personnel increase of $385,000.00.
36 Mr. Polasek said that option B, shortens one of the evening hours. This option decreases the
37 library hours from 60 to 57 hours. Staffing is the same but shortens the hours. Total cost
38 $416,570.00. Mr. Polasek said that the personnel increase from the current year is $376,000.00.
40 Mr. Polasek said that option C cuts Saturday hours back to 3 '/2 hours. This brings the library
41 hours down to 52 hours per week. This cuts the total hours by 8. This would be a total cost of
42 $383,727.00, with an increase from current year of $343,000.00.
44 Mr. Polasek said that option D involves closing the library on a Monday, which cuts the library
45 hours down to 43 '/2 hours. Total cost would be $303, 780.00, with an increase from current year
46 of $263, 412.00.
48 Mr. Polasek said that there are four options, and while the Board may want to choose what is best
49 for the public, they need to keep in mind that financially, this is a lean year for the City. Mr.
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1 Polasek said that the City Manager is required to submit a balanced budget to the City Council.
2 Mr. Polasek said that there are a lot of funding requirements from other departments as well, that
3 the City Manager is considering. Mr. MacLeod said that there are two separate issues, those being
4 operating and administrative.
6 Mr. Peebles expressed concern about the funds allotted for materials. Mr. Polasek said that the
7 library will open with a 30,000-collection base, and that a 50,000-collection base is not possible
8 at this time. Mr. Polasek did remind the Board that the base collection would be added to every
9 fiscal year. Mr. MacLeod said that physically, the library is limited to 50,000 materials. Mr.
10 Polasek confirmed this. Mr. Polasek said that while books are important to the library, the City is
11 planning to offer more than just books. The library will offer programs and services for the public
12 to take advantage of.
14 Mr. Polasek said that he would like to present the operational costs. Mr. Polasek said that the City
15 would carry Grapevine's service for an additional six months, which will cover the City until the
16 library opens. This will cover the City through March. Mr. Polasek said that in office supplies
17 they are budgeting for approximately 6,000 library cards. Other items included in the operational
18 budget are postage and printing, travel and training for the library staff. Also included in this
19 portion of the budget are uniforms, tuition reimbursement, and other related costs. Mr. MacLeod
20 asked if there would be one library card per household. Mr. Polasek said that it would likely be
21 one card per person. Ms. Baynard asked what uniforms were. Mr. Polasek said that Citywide
22 there is a uniform policy. Mr. Polasek said that each staff member would be provided with two
23 shirts. Nametags would also be included in this uniform budget.
25 Mr. Polasek stated that capital items included in the budget included a security system, outdoor
26 book return, and indoor book return carts, book trucks, and resource materials. Resource
27 materials would be $188,000.00 that would allow for 5,000 purchased materials. Mr. Polasek said
28 that there is about one million dollars in purchasing materials, but that the City wants to
29 maximize on this with leasing materials in addition to purchasing materials. Mr. MacLeod asked
30 why the capital expenses were not included in last year's budget. Mr. Polasek said that these were
31 minor things, and made sense to hold off until this year. Mr. MacLeod asked how much was in
32 last year's budget for the automation system. Mr. Polasek said there is $173,000.00 allotted.
34 Mr. Polasek said in regards to resource materials, that the City is making a recommendation of
35 having a balance of current and classic materials in various formats. There will be an emphasis on
36 the children's collection, adult and reference sections. Mr. Polasek said that it is being
37 recommended that fiction will cover 20% of the library and non-fiction covering 22%, and other
38 being 8%. Other would include books on tape etc. Reference materials would make up 10%,
39 young adult items making up 6%, children's materials at 24%. This would bring the budget at a
40 grand total of $993,000.00 for resource materials. Ms. Zielke asked if the INTROS is the same as
41 the Ft. Worth system. Mr. Polasek said that NTRLS is different from the Ft. Worth system.
43 Mr. Polasek said that staff is asking the Board to review and consider the budget. Ms. Cameron
44 said that she liked Mr. Peebles suggestion of Option D and then putting the leftover revenue into
45 books. Ms. Cameron said that she would like to change the 6PM closing on Saturday, and omit
46 Option C. Mr. Polasek asked if the Board was wanting to cut out option A. Ms. Cameron said that
47 the Board would like to strive for option A, and that the Board is not comfortable with option D
48 and the closing times under that option. Ms. Cienki said that if the Board recommends option A
49 and the Council says no, without a backup plan from the Board, the Council may choose another
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1 option. Mr. Polasek said that if the Council says that things need to be cut, he would recommend
2 that the Council allow the Board to aid in the cutbacks.
4 Ms. Cienki asked if Council would be discussing this at the retreat. Mr. Polasek said that he was
5 sure that they would.
7 Ms. Baynard mentioned that the Council would like a report from the Board on activities. Mr.
8 Polasek said that this would be a good idea and one that should be implemented.
10 Ms. Cienki said that she would rather have plenty of staff and minimal hours, than have ambitious
11 hours and not enough staff. Ms. Poe expressed her concern, that if the patrons find the library is
12 not open at desired times that patrons may not come back. Mr. Peebles expressed his concern
13 over lack of materials. Mr. Peebles emphasized that he does not feel that there are enough
14 materials to open the library with. Mr. Polasek said that the goal of this budget is to get the library
15 open and sufficiently staffed. Mr. Polasek expressed to Mr. Peebles that while this was not the
16 ideal budget, it was what staff had come up with a working alternative. Mr. Polasek said that staff
17 felt that it would be easier to add materials over the next two years as opposed to expanding
18 library staff and adding library hours. Ms. Cameron asked if it would be acceptable for the Board
19 to ask for an additional $50,000 for library materials. Mr. Polasek said that the Board might ask
20 for that, but more than likely, this request would be turned down due to budget constraints this
21 year. Mr. Peebles asked when the anticipated library opening would occur. Mr. Polasek said early
22 in 2001.
24 Ms. Cienki suggested having a set of library hours Memorial Day to Labor Day and then a
25 different set of hours from Labor Day to Memorial Day. Mr. MacLeod said this was a good idea.
26 Ms. Cienki asked how many staff would be employed by October 1, 2000. Mr. Polasek said the
27 goal would be to have all staff in place by December. Mr. Peebles said the best approach at this
28 point would be to look at increasing the resource budget; Mr. Polasek reminded the Board that
29 City Council might deny this request.
31 Ms. Cameron asked about giving the Council option A and option B. Mr. Polasek said that the
32 Council will be given one budget recommendation from the Library Board. Mr. Peebles
33 expressed concern over the lack of funding for resources in this budget. Mr. Peebles said that he
34 would like to look at what surrounding libraries opened with in their resource materials budget.
35 Mr. Polasek said the average standard is one item per capita, based on information gathered from
36 the American Library Association (ALA). Mr. McLaughlin suggested that the TLA be contacted
37 rather than ALA. Ms. Baynard asked if it was necessary to just look at Texas. Mr. Polasek said
38 different parts of the country fund at different levels. Mr. Polasek also said that the City has a
39 listing that shows what other local libraries are spending at different levels.
41 Mr. Polasek reminded the Board that although it would be desirable to have more materials; the
42 current budget is still above the ALA's standard. Other items to keep in mind are that the budget
43 will be submitted, per City ordinance, by the City Manager. Mr. Polasek restated that this is a
44 lean year for the City and the City Manager must present a fiscally responsible budget to the City
45 Council. Mr. Polasek said that if the Board wanted to ask for high numbers, it would be carried
46 forward to the City Manager for review.
48 Mr. MacLeod said that he felt an obligation to have the City Council know of the Board's
49 concerns. Mr. Polasek said he understood the Board's position. Ms. Cameron asked how much
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1 the Board could ask for and potentially get. Mr. MacLeod said the number the Board feels
2 comfortable with should be submitted regardless. Ms. Cameron expressed that the Board was
3 pleased with Option A. Ms. Cameron said that the Board should go for the extra $50,000 added to
4 resource materials. Mr. Peebles said that he could agree with all the numbers except for the
5 resource materials and until there is more information on what new libraries should open with, he
6 could not vote on the budget. Mr. MacLeod asked when the budget needed to be submitted to the
7 City Manager. Mr. Polasek said they need to be submitted towards the end of June.
9 Ms. Baynard made a motion that the Library Board goes to City Council with Option A and that
10 an additional $50,000 be requested for resource materials; specifically, increasing the childrens
11 resources from $238,000.00 to $288,000.00. Ms. Baynard expressed the need to be reasonable
12 with the City.
15 Motion: Baynard
16 Second: Cienki
17 Ayes: Cameron, MacLeod, Poe, Cienki, Zielke, Baynard
18 Nayes: Peebles
19 Approved: 6-1
21 Mr. MacLeod made a motion to adjourn.
23 Motion:MacLeod
24 Second: Zielke
25 Ayes: Cameron, MacLeod, Cienki, Baynard, Zielke, Peebles, Poe
30 Agenda Item No. 7; Adjournment.
31 Chair Maria Cameron adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p.m.
33 Motion: MacLeod
34 Second: Zielke
35 Ayes: Peebles, Poe, Zielke, Cameron, MacLeod, Cienki, Baynard
36 Nayes: 0
37 Approved: 7-0
41 Maria Cameron
42 Library Board Chair
44 Attest:
47 _,.-Steve olasek
48 Deputy Director of Community Services
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