2000-10-25 * * UN- OFFICIAL MINUTES UN APPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 3 4 October 25, 2000 5 6 MINUTES 7 8 Board Members Present: Chair Maria Cameron, Brent Burford, Debbie Baynard, Karen 9 Cienki, Scott McLeod, Peggy Firestone 10 11 Board Members Absent: Marge Zielke 12 13 Staff Members Present: Terri McLaughlin; Library Administrator, Meredith Parrish; 14 Administrative Secretary 15 16 Regular Session: 17 18 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by Chair Maria 19 Cameron at 7:05PM. 20 21 Reports: 22 23 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments. 24 25 Mr. McLaughlin stated that the RFP for the automation system has gone to bid. Several 26 responses have already come in. 27 28 Mr. McLaughlin stated that he was aware of interest from the Library Board in the 29 Timmarron/Richards property as a potential future library site. Mr. McLaughlin shared 30 with the Board that this property is City owned and currently there are no plans to 31 develop it. Mr. McLaughlin said that if the property was purchased from the City with 32 SPDC funds, it would not necessarily rule out a library on this site. This is because the 33 library is under the community services umbrella which is also shared by Parks and 34 Recreation. 35 36 Ms. Cameron stated that she wanted to bring this item before the Board to make them 37 aware of the site as a potential library site. 38 39 40 Consent Agenda: 41 42 Agenda Item No. 3.A., Approval of the minutes of the September 27, 2000 43 44 45 Motion: Cienki 1 Library Board Regular Meeting n:\hbrary services\minutes\2000\102500.doc . * * UN- OFFICIAL MINUTES UN APPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 Second: Firestone 2 Ayes: Baynard, Cameron, Cienki, Firestone, McLeod 3 Nayes: 0 4 Approved: 5-0. 5 Mr. Burford abstained. 6 7 8 Regular Agenda: 9 10 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum. No issues were presented for Public Forum. Public 11 Forum was closed at 7:28 P.M. by Chair Maria Cameron. 12 13 Discussion: 14 15 Agenda Item 5A Librarian's Report. 16 17 Mr. McLaughlin shared that job postings for a children's services librarian and a 18 technical services librarian have been posted. Mr. McLaughlin shared that they are being 19 responded to. He shared that staff is looking to hire professionals first and then add full- 20 time clerks by November. Staff is planning to hire part-time staff by early 2001. 21 22 Mr. McLaughlin said that he would like to have staff in place before the automation 23 system is installed to allow for all staff to participate in training on the system. 24 25 Ms. Cienki asked about the furniture bid. 26 27 Mr. McLaughlin stated that the furniture bid would be going out shortly but that he was 28 unaware of an exact date. 29 Ms. Parrish shared the chair the Board had originally chosen to furnish the library, has 3o been found to still be available. The original chair will be ordered. 31 32 Agenda Item 5B Library Foundation Update. 33 34 Mr. McLaughlin reported that Board member Marge Zielke had attended the last 35 Foundation meeting. He reported that the Foundation is very interested in the Board 36 retreat. 37 38 Agenda Item 5C Friends of Southlake Library Report. 39 40 Ms. Baynard reported there would be approximately 5,000 books for sale as the book sale 41 during Harvest Fest. There will be a preview sale on October 27, 2000 for a $5 entrance 42 fee. Ms. Baynard asked for assistance from the Library Board members in setting up for 43 the sale. 44 Ms. Baynard also reported that Chick-Fil-A has donated $300 in audio/books for the 45 library. 2 Library Board Regular Meeting n:\library services\minutes\2000\102500.doc a ~ * * UN- OFFICIAL MINUTES UN APPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 Ms. Cienki requested a list of current FOSL members. 2 3 Agenda Item 51) Library Board Retreat. 4 5 Board members agreed that the Library Board Retreat would take place on February 3, 6 2001 from 9-2 PM. The retreat will be in the new library facilities. Mr. McLaughlin 7 stated that Lynne Handy has agreed to be the moderator. Mr. McLaughlin encouraged the 8 Board to think of items they would like to address at the retreat and pass them on to him 9 so that he may share them with Ms. Handy. 10 11 Agenda Item 5E Permanent Library Location. 12 13 This item was discussed during the administrative comments. No further discussion was 14 made. 15 16 Agenda Item 6A Mission Statement. 17 18 Mr. MacLeod requested that the last sentence in the statement be revised to read, " The 19 Library recognizes a special responsibility to introduce children to the world of learning 20 by stimulating their interest and appreciation for books and reading." 21 22 Motion was made to approve the mission statement as amended. 23 24 Motion: MacLeod 25 Second: Baynard 26 Ayes: Cameron, Baynard, Cienki, Firestone, MacLeod, Burford 27 Nayes: 0 28 Approved: 6-0 29 30 Agenda Item 6B Policies and Procedures-Donation Policy. 31 32 Ms. Cameron requested format changes to the policy. 33 34 Motion was made to approve the policy as amended. 35 36 Motion: MacLeod 37 Second: Burford 38 Ayes: Cameron, Burford, Baynard, Cienki, Firestone, MacLeod 39 Nayes: 0 40 Approved: 6-0 41 42 Agenda Item 7 Other Items 43 44 The Board asked Mr. McLaughlin to check on library tour dates. 3 Library Board Regular Meeting n:\library services\minutes\2000\102500.doc * * UN- OFFICIAL MINUTES UN APPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 Ms. Baynard reported that the Greater Southlake Women's Society had a recent art 2 auction and that the executive body has agreed to purchase a map case for the library. 3 The Society will also purchase a set of Caldecot, Bluebonnet, and Newberry books. They 4 will also have a mural painted in the children's section of the library. 5 6 7 Agenda Item No. 7; Adjournment. 8 9 Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9PM. 10 11 Motion: Burford 12 Second: Firestone 13 Ayes: Baynard, Cameron, Cienki, Firestone, MacLeod, Burford 14 Nayes: 0 15 Approved: 6-0 16 17 r 18 19 Maria C eron 20 Library Board Chair 21 22 23 Attest: 24 25 26 27 Terry McLaughlin 28 Library Administrator 4 Library Board Regular Meeting n:\library services\minutes\2000\102500.doc