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1999-01-27 City of Southlake, Texas * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS I CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING 3 4 January 27, 1999 5 6 MINUTES 7 8 Board Members Present: Debbie Baynard, Maria Cameron, Scott MacLeod, Cynda Mast, 9 C.D. Peebles, Wanda Poe, Marjorie Zielke. 10 11 Board Members Absent: None. 12 13 Staff Members Present: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Kevin Hugman, Director of 14 Community Services; Ron Harper, City Engineer; Teddi R. Zonker, Administrative 15 Secretary. 16 17 18 REGULAR SESSION 19 20 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order - The first meeting of the newly established Library Board 21 was called to order by City Manager Curtis E. Hawk at 7:06pm. 22 23 Mr. Hawk welcomed the Board. The Staff and Board Members introduced themselves to 24 each other. 25 26 Mr. Hawk said that an opportunity arose to build a library as part of the planned Town Hall. 27 He said that the architectural contract and the construction managers contract is signed and a 28 ground breaking ceremony is scheduled for March 20, 1999. He noted also that he would 29 like the Board to develop a profile of a Library Director within the next six months so one 30 can be put in the next years' proposed budget. 31 32 Ms. Poe asked how involved will the Board be in the design of the library. Mr. Harper said 33 that the architect will meet with the Board during a programming function. He said that since 34 the school district decided not to be in the Southlake Town Hall, 12,000 square feet (half of 35 floor one) is available for a library facility, with the understanding that this is not the ultimate 36 library facility. Mr. Harper said that this location is an interim location for the library for 37 about 5-10 years dependent on the future needs and desires by the community for a larger 38 facility. Mr. Harper said that there is a budget for the building, but no budget for the 39 equipment, furniture and fixtures for the Library. He said the two architects working on this 40 project are Mr. David Schwartz, Architectural Services and GSI Architects. Mr. Harper said 41 that both have library design experience. He said that the construction management team 42 also has library construction experience. 43 44 Mr. MacLeod asked when construction would begin. Mr. Harper said that dirt would begin 45 turning early Summer 1999 with an occupancy date of October 2000. 46 47 Mr. Hawk said that staff will bring other individuals in to speak with the Board if they feel 48 that they need experienced individuals to speak with such as library design consultants. Ms. Library Board Regular Meeting, January 27, 1999 Page 1 of 6 I.- Iparkrec I boards (library I minutes 101-27-99. doc City of Southlake, Texas * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 Mast asked when the Library Director would be hired. Mr. Hawk said that he would like to 2 have money in the budget in October 1999 to bring someone in. Mr. MacLeod asked about 3 funding for an initial collection. Mr. Hawk said that the Board would be responsible for 4 informing the City Council of collection needs by making their recommendations during the 5 budget process. 6 7 Mr. MacLeod asked if public meeting rooms would be available. Mr. Hawk said that the 8 Town Hall building is designed to have meeting rooms within the building. Mr. Harper said 9 that the first floor will include Tarrant County Tax Offices, the second floor will be public 10 access areas (court, human resources, City Council Chambers, constable) and the third floor 11 will consist of Community Development, Public Works, county offices and a conference 12 center. 13 14 Ms. Cameron asked if TIF funds would be available for the collection of books. Mr. Hawk 15 said that TIF funding only assists with the construction of the building. He said that there are 16 several resource options for the collection need. 17 18 Mr. Peebles said that this meeting is the first time that he has heard about an interim library 19 facility. Mr. Hawk said that the assumption is that this facility would require growth in the 20 future, so that is where the term came about. Mr. Harper said that the library will remain at 21 this location until the community desires the library to grow and relocate. He said that even 22 if there is a future "free standing" library, this location could exist as some type of library 23 center. 24 25 7: 36pm - City Manager Curtis E. Hawk left the meeting. 26 27 REPORTS 28 29 Agenda Item 2A, Administrative Comments - Mr. Harper said that the preliminary meetings 30 with the designers have begun. He said that there will be additional meetings with the 31 architects and some, if not all of the Library Board Members. Mr. Harper said that the entire 32 Town Hall consists of 76,000 square feet/four stories and will cost $12 million, which does 33 not include specialized equipment, fixtures and furnishings. 34 35 Ms. Mast informed the Board that there is a Southlake collection of books at the Grapevine 36 Library that the City of Southlake already owns. Mr. Peebles said that the books are stamped 37 "Property of the City of Southlake." Ms. Mast asked what the collection holdings are and 38 Mr. Hugman said that he would research this and provide this information to the Board at the 39 next meeting. 40 41 Ms. Mast asked if a Library Director is the only item that the City Council is considering for 42 the next budget cycle. Mr. Hugman said that the majority of the current Library Services 43 Division budget consists of funds for the collection at Grapevine and resident library cards. 44 He said that there is an amount set aside for design and consulting fees. He said that the 45 Board will be involved in developing the Library Services Division budget for the next fiscal 46 year. 47 Library Board Regular Meeting, January 27, 1999 Page 2 of 6 l: Iparkrec I boards (library I minutes 101-27-99. doc City of Southlake, Texas * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 Mr. Peebles said that once a blueprint is available, he would like a design consultant to come 2 forward to discuss the library facility with the Board. Ms. Mast said that she would like the 3 Board to speak with a consultant as well as visit other libraries. 4 5 Mr. MacLeod said that he would like the Board to focus on what the community desires with 6 regard to programming. Ms. Zielke agreed that a clear vision of what the community and the 7 Board desires in a library is needed. The Board said that a focus group would be an 8 important element in communicating with the public. Mr. Hugman said that focus groups and 9 library tours are great ideas for getting through the process of reviewing the community's 10 library needs and desires. 11 12 Ms. Mast said that the Board needs to revive the "Friends of the Southlake Library." Mr. 13 MacLeod said that possibly those who applied to be on the Library Board and who were not 14 appointed may be interested a "friends" group. He said that this group would be responsible 15 for items such as identifying available grant funds, etc. 16 17 CONSENT AGENDA 18 19 No items were on the consent agenda. 20 21 REGULAR AGENDA 22 23 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum - There was no public present at the meeting. 24 25 CONSIDER 26 27 Agenda Item No. 5A, Election of Officers - Mr. Hugman said that the ordinance specifies 28 that a Chair and Vice Chair be elected by the Board to hold one year terms. Mr. Peebles 29 suggested electing Ms. Mast as the Chair. 30 31 A motion was made to elect Ms. Cynda Mast as the Chair of the Library Board. 32 33 Motion: Peebles 34 Second: Cameron 35 Ayes: Baynard, Cameron, MacLeod, Mast, Peebles, Poe, Zielke 36 Nayes: None 37 Approved: 7-0 38 39 Ms. Mast said that she would like assistance with regard to the parliamentary rules. Mr. 40 Hugman said that staff will assist the officers. Mr. MacLeod said that the Chair is 41 responsible for running the meeting and building consensus among the Board. 42 43 Ms. Mast asked the Board for any recommendations on a Vice-Chair. Mr. Hugman said that 44 the Vice Chair would serve in the absence of the Chair. Mr. Peebles suggested to elect Mr. 45 MacLeod as the Vice-Chair. Ms. Cameron suggested Mr. Peebles. Mr. Peebles declined. 46 47 Motion was made to appoint Mr. Scott MacLeod as Vice Chair. 48 Library Board Regular Meeting, January 27, 1999 Page 3 of 6 l: IparkreclboardsllibrarylminutesW-2 7-99.doc City of Southlake, Texas * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 Motion: Peebles 2 Second: Poe 3 Ayes: Baynard, Cameron, MacLeod, Mast, Peebles, Poe, Zielke 4 Nayes: None 5 Approved: 7-0 6 7 Mr. MacLeod said that he would like two subcommittees formed. The first would be a 8 program committee and the second would be a facility committee. He said that each 9 committee would consist of three individuals from the Board. Mr. Peebles said that he would 10 like to go through an orientation process first. Mr. Hugman suggested there be an item on a 11 future agenda for this issue. 12 13 Agenda Item No. 5B, Setting a regular meeting day - The Board agreed to the fourth 14 Wednesday of the month for their primary, regular meeting day. Mr. Peebles suggested that 15 a second meeting day be established on the second Wednesdays on a case by case basis. Mr. 16 Hugman said that this could be arranged. Mr. MacLeod suggested a work session for the 17 meetings on the second Wednesday. Mr. Hugman said that the second Wednesday could be 18 a day for touring libraries, etc. Ms. Zielke asked if the first meeting of the month could be 19 informal, not requiring an agenda. Mr. Peebles said that he would prefer an agenda. Mr. 20 Hugman said that the Board By-laws state that the Board may set "special" meeting days and 21 maintain their primary, regular meeting day. Ms. Mast said that it would be a good idea to 22 have two meetings each month until the Board becomes established and organized. 23 24 Ms. Mast asked staff to contact the Forth Worth North Texas Regional Library System and 25 the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for information with regard to 26 construction and programming. Ms. Zonker said that she has contact information for the 27 organizations. 28 29 Mr. Peebles requested staff ask these groups for information on survey format examples. Ms. 30 Mast asked that staff contact the City of Colleyville with regard to their upcoming library 31 survey. 32 33 The Board agreed to a special meeting on Wednesday, February 10, 1999. With regard to 34 their packet, the Board asked for the following information: 35 36 • A copy of the study performed by the prior ad hoc Library Committee (Water's Study); 37 • the current budget; 38 • a breakdown (fiction/non-fiction, adult, childrens', etc.) of the Southlake collection at the 39 Grapevine Public Library; 40 • information and services available by the Fort Worth North Texas Regional Library 41 System and the Texas State Library and Archives Commission; 42 • Colleyville Community/Library Needs Survey; 43 • Recent Southlake Citizen Survey information regarding libraries. 44 45 Mr. Peebles said that he would like the Board to concentrate on programs, facilities, surveys 46 and survey formats. Mr. Peebles asked staff to contact the Forth Worth North Texas Regional 47 Library System and the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for information with Library Board Regular Meeting, January 27, 1999 Page 4 of 6 1: Iparkreclboards(libraryl minutes 101-27-99.doc City of Southlake, Texas * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 regard to construction and programming and survey formats. Ms. Zielke said that she would 2 assist staff by doing some research concerning the technology aspect of libraries. 3 4 Motion was made to select the fourth Wednesday of the month for the regular meeting day. 5 6 Motion: Cameron 7 Second: Zielke 8 Ayes: Baynard, Cameron, MacLeod, Mast, Peebles, Poe, Zielke 9 Nayes: None 10 Approved: 7-0 11 12 The Board agreed to set a "special" meeting day for Wednesday, February 10, 1999, 7pm. 13 The Board said that the preferred location for this meeting would be at the Senior Center. 14 Mr. Hugman said that the regular meetings will be at the City Hall Council Chambers. 15 16 DISCUSSION 17 18 Agenda Item No. 6A, By-laws of the Library Board - Mr. Hugman asked the Board for 19 comments with regard to any changes to the By-laws. 20 21 Ms. Zielke proposed that the Board develop a mission statement and goals during the first 22 work session and assign duties to Board members. Mr. Hugman said a goals and objectives 23 session would be very beneficial for the Board. 24 25 Mr. Peebles asked that staff check with the City Secretary on appropriate regular appointment 26 dates. The Board did not have any changes to the By-laws and they would like to approve 27 the By-laws at the next meeting. 28 29 This item will return to the agenda at the next meeting, Wednesday, February 10, 1999. 30 31 Agenda Item No. 6B, Board Orientation - Mr. Harper said that he would like to provide the 32 Board with a status update on the Southlake Town Hall/Library. Mr. Peebles said that he 33 would like this to be a standing item on future agendas. 34 35 Mr. Hugman said that goals and objectives can be discussed during the orientation or as a 36 separate item. 37 38 With regard to the orientation, Mr. Hugman said that during the orientation he will provide 39 the historical information that the Board requested. He said that he would like to familiarize 40 the Board with the budget process (TIF, general fund, operations and maintenance fund), city 41 staff organization, etc. and that goals and objectives could also be discussed. Ms. Mast said 42 that she would like to hear more about city staff organization. Mr. Hugman said that he 43 would focus on the city staff that the Board will be dealing with. Mr. MacLeod asked that 44 staff look into what funding sources may be available, such as the Technical Infrastructure 45 Fund that shows up as a charge on local phone bills. Mr. Hugman said that he will have staff 46 do research on available funding sources and grants. 47 Library Board Regular Meeting, January 27, 1999 Page 5 of 6 l: Iparkrecl boardsllibraryl minutes 101-27-99.doc City of Southlake, Texas * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE LIBRARY BOARD MEMBERS 1 Ms. Mast asked that the next meeting consist of an orientation and to include goals and 2 objectives on this agenda. Mr. MacLeod asked that the issue of subcommittee appointments 3 be placed on the next agenda. 4 5 Mr. Hugman said that a packet will be sent and he will work on pulling the requested items 6 together. Mr. Hugman and the Board agreed that packets will be delivered on the Friday 7 before each Wednesday meeting. 8 9 Agenda Item No. 7, Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned by Chair Cynda Mast at 10 9:21pm. 11 ~ 2 1 3 14 Chair ynda Mast 15 16 17 Attest: 18 19 20 1 , 21 Teddi R. Zonker 22 Administrative Sei✓retary Library Board Regular Meeting, January 27, 1999 Page 6 of 6 l: Iparkrec I boards (libraryI minutes W -27-99. doc