2007-05-23 City of Southlake JOINT MEETING OF THE SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TOWN HALL, 3rd FLOOR TRAINING ROOMS MAY 23, 2007 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tem Carolyn Morris, Deputy Mayor Pro Tern John Terrell, and Councilmembers Laura K. Hill and Virginia M. Muzyka. CITY COUNCIL ABSENT: Mayor Andy Wambsganss; and Councilmembers Gregory Jones and Vernon Stansell. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PRESENT: Chairman Al Morin, Vice- Chairman Brandon Bledsoe, and Commissioners Darrell Faglie, C.D. Peebles, and Jeff Wang. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ABSENT: Robert Hudson and Mike Springer. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Shana Yelverton, Director of Planning Ken Baker, Director of Economic Development Greg Last, Deputy Director of Public Works Gordon Mayer, Deputy Director of Community Services Chris Tribble, Chief Planner Dennis Killough, Chief Planner Jayashree Narayana, Planner Jennifer Crosby, Planner Clayton Comstock, and City Secretary Lori Payne. 1. Introduction and back rg ound: Director Baker called the meeting to order at 5:39 p.m. and made opening comments. He introduced project consultants Dennis Wilson and Jim Richards of Townscape, Inc., and Blake Hodge and Kurt Schulte of Kimley-Horne. The consultants made presentations on and led discussions on the following agenda items: 2. Status of the median plan and traffic analysis 3. Preliminag design context and impressions 4. Presentation of Preliminary Design Concepts for: a) roadway corridors; b) medians and intersections; c) parkways; d) roundabouts; e) pedestrian crosswalk options; f) other 5. Discussion and comments 6. Next Steps The group continued discussing the Urban Design Study and possible future meeting dates. No action was taken. The work session was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. JOINT MEETING OF THE SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION- MAY 23, 2007 PAGE I OF 2 7 , Carolyn M is Mayor Pro Tem. A-Abrin Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission ~o ATTEST: e,r"OUTH ,,a ~ ••ooooose ~ • ® o• •o i ~ a s ~ a a • Lori Payne °d 4 City Secretary d ,FOA°Y*aa amp°a° JOINT MEETING OF THE SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION - MAY 23, 2007 PAGE 2 OF 2