2007-08-28 4 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE OFFICIAL RECORD CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING TOWN HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBERS AND EXECUTIVE CONFERENCE ROOM AUGUST 28, 2007 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Pro Tern Carolyn Morris, Deputy Mayor Pro Tern Virginia M. Muzyka, and Councilmembers Laura K. Hill, Gregory Jones (had to leave meeting at 6:05 p. m.), and John Terrell (arrived at 6: 05 p. m.). CITY COUNCIL ABSENT: Mayor Andy Wambsganss and Councilmember Vernon Stansell. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager / Director of Public Safety Jim Blagg, Assistant City Manager Ben Thatcher, Community Relations Officer Pilar Schank, Manager of Information Services Gary Gregg, Information Systems Technician Sam Cobb, Director of Community Services Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services Kerry McGeath, Deputy Director of Community Services Chris Tribble, Director of Economic Development Greg Last, Director of Finance Sharen Jackson, Chief of Fire Services Robert Finn, Chief of Police Wade Goolsby, DPS Analyst Ross Korkmas, Director of Human Resources Kevin Hugman, Director of Planning and Development Services Ken Baker, Director of Public Works Robert H. Price, Deputy Director of Public Works Gordon Mayer, and City Secretary Lori Payne. Agenda Item No. 1. Mayor Pro Tern Morris called the special meeting to order at 5:10 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2. Discussion: Proposed Fiscal Year 2008 Annual Budget overview. City Manager Yelverton presented this item and answered Council's questions. Director Hugman presented information on the workforce investments being presented with this budget. Council briefly discussed this item. Mayor Pro Tern Morris announced at 5:37 p.m. that the meeting would move into the Executive Conference Room for Council to have a working dinner and discuss the logo concepts with the consultants. The meeting reconvened at 6:01 p.m. in the Executive Conference Room. Agenda Item No. 3. Discussion: City logo development. Director Last introduced the creative team, Brad Bishop and Mike Thurman of Torch Creative, and turned the discussion over to them. Mr. Bishop and Mr. Thurman presented logo concepts to City Council and discussed their initial thoughts and suggestions on each concept. After discussion, Council narrowed down the number of concepts they were interested in exploring further and offered their thoughts and ideas to the consultants. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL -AUGUST 28, 2007 PAGE I OF 2 Director Last made closing comments regarding the logo discussion. No action was taken at tonight's special meeting. Mayor Pro Tern Morris adjourned at 6:24 p.m. arolyn Mo Mayor Pro Tern ATTEST: eye' 450 U TH sv~ ?m. Lori Payne City Secretary ,c'® SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SO UTHLAKE CITY CO UNCIL - A UG UST 28, 2 007 PAGE 2 OF 2 City Council special meeting - Executive Conference Room August 28, 2007 Council: Carolyn Morris, Virginia Muzyka, Laura Hill, Greg Jones (left at 6:05 p.m.), John Terrell (arrived at 6:05 p.m.) Staff. Shana, Jim, Ben, Greg, Stefanie, Pilar, Sharen, Ken, Lori, Sam 6:01:52 PM Mayor Pro Tern Carolyn Morris called the meeting back to order. The meeting continued from the meeting called to order in the Council Chambers. 6:02:24 PM Shana Yelverton made opening comments. Director Greg Last introduced consultants from Torch Creative, Brad and Mike. 6:08:23 PM The consultants presented their concepts to Council. They presented four "S" designs and discussed with Council. Council gave suggestions and recommendations. They most liked numbers 2a and 2b with a wrought iron look with a shield similar to a, 2a, or 2b. Suggested a flag bar on the top of the shield. 6:23:21 PM Director Last made closing comments and discussed a next meeting and input session. 6:24:03 PM Mayor Pro Tern Morris adjourned meeting.