2008-10-16REGULAR ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT City of Southlake 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas Southlake, Texas 76092 MEETING DATE: October 16, 2008 MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Michael Waldman; Laird A. Fairchild; Kate Smit ; John Smart; Knstin Jain, Alternate # 1; Todd Parrish, Alternate #2; Karen Whitaker, Alternate # 3; Thomas Joyner, Alternate #4. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Lewis Miltenberger STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Killough, Deputy Director Planning; Richard Schell, Planner II, Dianna Brawner, ZBA Secretary. Agenda Item # 1 Call to Order: Vice-Chairman Waldman called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Dianna Brawner, ZBA Secretary administrated the Oath of Office to Laird A. Fairchild, a newly appointed Board of Adjustment member. Agenda Item # 2 Approval of the Minutes: The minutes of the September 11 & 25, 2008 Regular Zoning Board of Adjustment meetings were deemed approved. Motion: Smith Second: Jain Ayes: Joyner, Whitaker, Jain, Laird, Parrish, Smart, Smith, Waldman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 8-0-0 to Approve Board member Karen Whitaker left the meeting at 6:45 p.m. Agenda Item # 3 Administrative Comments: Richard announced the next scheduled meeting is October 30, 2008. Agenda Item # 4 ZBA Case # 552, Special Exception Use Permit: ZBA Case # 552, Special Exception Use Permit per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 (1) for family quarters. The applicant is requesting to place one (1) family quarters building to the existing residence. The property is located at 1015 Mission Dr., being legally described as Lot 8, Block 4, Mission Hill Estates Addition, and being approximately 1.152 acres and zoned as SF 1-A. The applicant Kazor Custom Homes sent notice to staff to withdraw his application. Kate Smith made a motion to withdraw ZBA Case # 552 as the application requested. Motion: Smith Second: Jain Ayes: Jain, Fairchild, Smith, Smart, Waldman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0-0 to Approve Agenda Item # 5 ZBA Case # 553, Variance to rear vard setback: ZBA Case 553, Variance to Ordinance No. 480, Section 11.5(d), requiring a rear yard of not less than forty (40) feet. The applicant is requesting a rear yard setback of ten (10) feet to build family quarters. The property is located at 1015 Mission Dr., being legally described as Lot 8, Block 4, Mission Hill Estates Addition, and being approximately 1.152 acres and zoned as SF 1-A. The Applicant Kazor Custom Homes sent notice to staff to withdraw his application. Kate Smith made a motion to withdraw ZBA Case # 553 as the application requested. Motion: Smith Second: Jain Ayes: Jain, Fairchild, Smith, Smart, Waldman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0-0 to Approve Agenda Item # 6 ZBA Case # 551, Special Exception Use Permit for portable building ZBA Case # 551 Special Exception Use Permit per Ordinance No. 480, Section 44.12 (7) for portable buildings. The applicant is requesting to place one (1) portable building at Carroll Baptist Church for additional classroom space. The property is located at 1280 E. Highland St., being legally described as Lot 4, F. Throop No. 1511 Addition. Richard Schell reported that thirteen (13) notices were sent within 200 feet with two (2) responses, Bryan & Leslie McLarty, 1202 Blythe Ln., Southlake, Texas in favor, Kermit L. Stosberg, Jr., Southlake, Texas not opposed. The applicant's representative Eli Melton, 1600 S. Brumlow, Southlake, Texas once sworn in, presented items to the Board and answered questions. Vice-Chairman Waldman opened and closed the public hearing at 6:55 p.m. Kristin Jain made a motion to approve ZBA Case # 551 subject to the requirement the applicant does provide landscaping around the building specifically on the East Highland side of the building. Motion: Jain Second: Smith Ayes: Jain, Fairchild, Smith, Smart, Waldman Nays: None Abstain: None Vote: 5-0-0 to Approve AEenda Item # 7 Meetin! to Adiourn A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Motion: Waldman Time: 7:00 p.m. 4 e-Chairman Michael Waldman Dianna Brawner ZBA Secretary N:\Community Development\ZBA\Minutes\2008\10-16-08.doc ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT CI-1-Y 01 SIGN IN SHEET SO[JTHLAI~E Date: ~-l~ " ~~X Print Name Address Telephone Case #