City of Southlake
1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas
Southlake, Texas 76092
MEETING DATE: September 11, 2008
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Miltenberger; Vice-Chairman Michael Waldman; Kate
Smrt ; Kristin Jam, A ternate # 1; Todd Parrish, Alternate #2; Karen Whitaker, Alternate #
3; Thomas Joyner, Alternate #4.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Place 3, Vacant; John Smart.
STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Killough, Deputy Director Planning; Richard Schell, Planner
II, Dianna Brawner, ZBA Secretary.
Agenda Item # 1 Call to Order: Chairman Miltenberger called the meeting to order at
7:33 p.m.
Agenda Item # 2 Approval of the Minutes:
Dianna Brawner, ZBA Secretary administrated the Oath of Office for newly appointed and
reappointed Board of Adjustment members: Lewis Miltenberger, Chairman, Michael
Waldman, Vice-Chairman, Kate Smith, Place #4, Kristen Jain, Alternate 1, Todd Parrish,
Alternate 2, Karen Whitaker, Alternate 3, Thomas Joyner, Alternate 4.
Chairman Miltenberger ask everyone to stand and take a moment of silence to remember
our former Board Member, Frank Cornish who unexpectedly passed in August, 2008 and
also to remember those who lost their lives in the 911 disaster.
The minutes of the July 24, 2008 Regular Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting were
deemed approved.
Motion: Waldman
Second: Smith
Ayes: Joyner, Parrish, Smith, Jain, Whitaker, Waldman, Miltenberger
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 7-0-0 to Approve
Agenda Item # 3 Administrative Comments:
Richard announced our next scheduled meeting will be September 25, 2008.
Agenda Item # 4 Orientation for Board of Adiustments:
City Attorney Steven A. Wood provided a presentation to the Board of Adjustment
regarding general rules, authority, and actions of the Board of Adjustment.
Agenda Item # 5 Adoption of Rules of Procedure:
Dennis Killough presented the proposed Rules of Procedure.
Michael Waldman made a motion to approve the Rules of Procedures as presented.
Motion: Jain
Second: Smith
Ayes: Joyner, Parrish, Smith, Jain, Whitaker, Waldman, Miltenberger
Nays: None
Abstain: None
Vote: 7-0-0 to Approve
Agenda Item # 6 Meeting to Adiourn
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
Motion: Waldman
Time: 9:40 p.m.
Chairman Miltenberger
ianna Brawner
ZBA Secretary
NACommunity Development\ZBA\Minutes\2008\9-11-08.doc