A-687 (Stevenson) (2) ~~.~~ STATE OF TEXAS x X KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT ;"0 ~J: -, j . ~ That John M. Stevenson , Tarrant County, Texas, for a~d 1n cons1deration of the sum of $10.00 (ten dollars) and other good and valuable consideration paid by the Grantee herein the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, do convey to said city of Southlake , its successors and assigns, the free and uninterrupted use and passage in and along the following parcel of tracts of land situated in Tarrant County, Texas, as described as follows: DESCRIPTION: A Utility Easement 15 feet in width to be located along the most Southerly 15 feet of a tract of land as recorded in Volume 2203, Page 349 of Tarrant County Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas. Said property being owned by John M. Stevenson of Southlake, Texas. The City of Southlake shall have the right to maintain the utilities to be placed within said easement, provided that the property is returned to a condition as good or better than that prior to said construction. TO HAVE AND TOrHOLD t!e above described easement unto said ~ ~c) r E: , its successors assigns, ogether w1th, all and s1ngular, the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise pertaining. the and EXECUTED this ) 9,1 s;- '-' ffi day of ~~.D., ~~~ ##71 ...~ ~ "0 n M. -- evenso-n. Owner v veL 8090 fAtf2180 STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF /~ 0 BEFORE ME, A ~otary Public in and for =sy-~ ~~ Texas, on this day personally appeared /l~) known to me to be the person ose name '.~ subscribed ~ the foregoing instrument, and acknowledge to me that . p.-/ executed the srune for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN Jf~DER 1,'lY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, This day of-r~~nQ.~~1 ' A.D., I~Y:;- g7Pv in and for Gglnlt~' , Texas STATE OF TEXAS o o COUNTY OF BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared and his wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are sub- scribed to the foregoing instrument, and the said acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. And the said wife of the said having been examined by me privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said , acknowledged such instrument to be her act a-nd deed, and de<?lared that she had willingly signed the same [or the purposes and consideration therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. GIVEN UNDER UY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this day of A. D. , A Notary Public in and for County, Texas .VDL 8090 tACfl181 (f) ~t' l il : I il ;, ,)1 /' ., --"', - ~ ~ t' --i17'b'OO?::/. , Q IV _" ,) 1'"'V!iI"Z It) "".93.....,.IN CD -sI - N o lt1 p') f-.; ~ '""' ct:: Ci ~O'l O';t ~ ~~ ~ - U)~ C\J ~. ~ ~~. ~> /' .. -------- U <l: o ~OO _0 .(\) ) ~ N V @ ,CL.b'l ZC>) M ..-\r~ . b\o.oc; ,CLbbZv -rj i7. s---: - - - - - - - - - - - .. .. - ,- - - - - -- - ; 1; I l ----- '~ ~ "''B.'~:l ~ / , ;;-"7OSZ ~l.Sl C'O , <i:9'-t..,Z -~- ,lib u <( NO) -0 ,'q ,s,="Jr r (j <t, V L()g C\J ..,{ !..!!'~ - -,bOI9Z ~ ~ -0 - c:o 9 .. rJ ~ .1..0'1.92 3."'''',CLC;;:o1..N u O~ - <D ~ I"'- ,o<srz l"\..bI.c;\eON $( .....~ 0'1 It') l:- Ii .I '...J ~I (\J , ~ j J ~ ~ '~ i I : I I :g rf ~, I N It ~ I~ ~ /11 II) , ~ ~' / t! a ll'" 0. .... c-..; "'" .. i ~ --' ~ ::- u c.. c C :< ," ........ ".001 0\- = t"-- ,.... CI) q: ~ ~ "~' >- (J ~ ~ ~ ~ CI) q: ~ ... ca :s ... I\.. C CO C. (0 .. I ... q: c 'II: ): C ~ ~ Q: ~ : /~~ l I / ~..J ; ~;; .. :q:~ i ,,~~~ I-~~~ ( <:LUYJ~ ~ ~llJ~~ : ....J~~t: , ...J(,j '1.1 C ~~t3~! ~~~~i ~,-,q:~ 4 ~I"'- O)~ I "S~~ ..' <.. c;.. . C\I ' 8o~~1 ~~~~; v J -== :--0; La.: I ~S~Cri ' J...:Q I , .. (!) Z ~ o I en o z I , I ~ ~ , I I, I vS- - 61-' ....,.. ! T Ii', ,;'~> { r. I; t, - '. . . i~I""~~~~'!',~r- ' ~y .~Ij .:IJ. ).' I /1',1 · ~ ~. .~s ' .. ..,1.1 , ,,l/l""',,,,,'" -- 1ii' I' :Eil!i~lt ,Moo ,~~~t~ " ...~,~~':' ... ill - (j i'4>]l $ '\'\",- Q)~~, ' ~~"~~~~ o~~ .l!!~~ (~':;U(;, i'L~ '85 FES 12 P 2 :22 ~./ ! 1_;" ,:'^ 11\ BY ---- ;? +-'.-. " -,~-- ~. '. J.o, &~ 7 S~*,JJ ;I (0 -/L ~ I ) ,I _ ~ ~l ~- ~',Tf' 7 /"0 '1 ~