A-525 (Lam) }-, ;< (jJf)' '" 'i)/ )' . ;' OFFICIAL RECOR1'" UTILITY EASEMENT ST A TE OF TEXAS * * KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT * That CONNER LAM, hereinafter called "Grantor", for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements for the benefit of Grantor and Grantee, set forth herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by Grantor and Grantee, does hereby GRANT, SELL AND CONVEY unto THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee", of Tarrant and Denton Counties, in the State of Texas, a permanent and perpetual non-exclusive Easement for the purpose of ins talling, repairing, maintaining, altering, replacing, relocating and operating a sanitary sewer line and other public utility lines and appurtenances in, into, upon, over, across and under those two (2) tracts of real property situated in Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Tract 1: Tract of land in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, containing 0.0179 acres, described by metes and bounds on the attached Exhibit "A" , and by graphic description on the attached Exhibit "B"; Tract 2: Tract of land in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract 525, containing 0.0125 acres, more or less, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds on the attached Exhibit "C", and described by graphic description on the attached Exhibit "D". In addition, Grantor does hereby grant, sell and convey to Grantee an additional Temporary Construction Easement contiguous to the North boundary of the above described Tract 2, as said temporary easement is described by graphic description on the attached Exhibit "D". Said Temporary Construction Easement shall continue until the earlier of (a) the date on which a sewer line and other public utilities is completed, or (b) one (1) year after the date hereof. Grantee shall have the right to excavate and fill, as needed, upon both the temporary and permanent easements granted herein, but Grantee shall replace any Utility Easement - Page 1 12712 1630 existing fences, improvements, or other fixtures within or upon said permanent or temporary easements, without cost to Grantor, and Grantee shall restore the property as nearly as possible to its condition prior to entry thereon. Grantor covenants and agrees that Grantor shall at no time erect, place or construct, or cause to be erected, placed or constructed in, into, upon, over, across or under said permanent easements granted herein, any temporary or permanent structures which would interfere in any manner with the full utilization by Grantee of the specified easements. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easements, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, in anywise belonging unto Grantee, and its successors and assigns forever; and Grantor does hereby bind himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to warrant and to forever defend all and singular the specified easement premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, or any part thereof. J.. SIGNED this the =:5 day of March, Conner Lam, Grantor ST ATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT The foregoing document was acknowledged before me this March, 1997, by CONNER LAM. ~~o day of :::;;~:i,l~~' ~.. r~~\''''{ !'1/6'( SHERALYN l. WilL. lAM S ~ i"':' -(, Notal'l Public ~~.., ,,* STATE OF TEXAS ~~il ..' ;..,.~. My Comm. Exp. 04/22/96 . , . c. - " ,.:;;:)~~"-N'~" <.. 1r~ Utility Easement - Page 2 127 2 531 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE This is to certify that the interest and real property conveyed by this dedication instrument dated from to the City of Southlake, County of Tarrant, State of Texas, has been duly accepted subject to all terms and conditions contained therein by resolution of the City Council adopted the day of , 19_, and the City Council has consented to recordation of such dedication instrument by its duly authorized officer. DATED: .~~I /q11 , ~ If YOR. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE ATTEST: AFTER FILING, PLEASE RETURN TO: GRANTORS GRANTEE 1 fl....~ r ....'} I L ilL City of Southlake c/o: Sandy LeGrand City Secretary 667 N. Carroll Ave. SouthGa~e2 TX 76092 , "-...._-,.~._.,.,..,..."..., ''-.' ..,._-'~.-.--,. ..-....,.- 214-357-2985 H 1,J L ENG. 403 P04 AUG 21 '96 13:04 EXHIBIT "A-' ~EGAL DBSCRIP~ION BEING a tract of land. situated in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described as folloWSl BEGrNNING at the intersection of the east line of Kimball Road (a 140 foot right-of-way) and the north line of Southlake Boulevard (F.B. 1709 - a 130 foot right-of-way)~ THENCE North 13 deg. 20 min. 06 sec. West along the east line of said Kimball Road a distance of 100.00 feet to a point for corner; '!'HENCE South 22 OOq_ 17 min. 42 sec. East a distance of 77.05 feet to a point for corner; THERCE South 13 deg. 20 min. 06 see. East a distance of 30.00 feet to a point for corner in the north line of said Southlake Boulevard, sud point also being in a curve to the left that has G central angle of 00 deg. 23 min. 27 see., a radius of 1,974.86 feet and a chord that bears North 76 deg. 21 mi.n. 31 see. 'West J THENCE along the north line of said Southlake Boulevard and said curve to the left an arc length of 13.47 feet to the point of beginning and contai..n.ing 779.9 6quare feet or 0.0179 acres of land. .. r4/6/1- ;; // ! '. -j , ) I L j L ,'- /""I, f1 ojJ ..- :I:cn oct ~w .q~ 0:J .0 om o:J <;t~ ~cn (J)- z-oo 0....... u:C ~/~, //'1 ' 'I )' -=7 .-~ .0,11 ~~ Q 17~ III ./11:: II! CO !, 1/")0& :i ~ -.. .. -<t: - 0- : :m:u@ u.J u.J W 0 ~ z z<i ...J ...J::io ,.... 00-0 co 00 . ++ ~ tD06""= . 0 (/) <t<t<iz ..-..-....0 (J)(J)(J)U "H"W (6 O./,/ .~. .::/) 2J){tI'l 'ltJ.f") Os - VI C \ \" -=:- (Y) l.o ~ \ u\ : I I ~ l~ , <"J r- I..'.J David C. Moak Su rveyors, Inc. Registered Professional Land Surveyors David C. Moak, R.P.L.S. Consultant Texas . New Mexico . Arizona . Nevada · Acreage · Topography · Subdivisions · Loan Surveys · Investigative Surveys · Construction Layout David W. Myers, R.P.L.S. President 10 FOOT WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT DESCRIPTION All that certain tract or parce 1 of land si tua ted in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, Tarrant County, Texas, being a portion of the tract described to Conner Lam, as recorded in Volume 8118, Page 1154, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas and being more particularly described by metes and bou~ds as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch steel rod found at the Southeast corner of said Conner Lam tract, also being in the Northerly right-of-way line of Southlake Boulevard (a 130 foot wide right-of-way) ; THENCE Northwesterly along the Southerly boundary line of said Conner Lam tract and said Northerly right-of-way line and a curve to the left having a radius of 1974.86 feet, a central angle of 00 degrees 55 minutes 04 seconds, an arc length of 31.64 feet and a long chord of North 75 degrees 27 minutes 34 seconds West, 31.64 feet; THENCE North 45 degrees 23 minutes 54 seconds West departing said right-of-way line 21.71 feet to the East line of a Proposed Utility Easement to the City of Southlake; THENCE North 00 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds West at 13.10 feet East of and parrallel to the East right-of-way line of Kimball Avenue and along the East line of said Proposed Utility Easement, 14.06 feet; THENCE South 45 degrees 23 minutes 54 seconds East, 28.87 feet; THENCE Southeasterly 10.00 feet North of and parallel to the aforesaid Northerly right-of-way line of Southlake Boulevard and a curve to the right having a radius of 1984.86 feet, a central angle of 00 degrees 45 minutes 27 seconds, an arc length of 26.24 feet and a long chord of South 75 degrees.27 minutes 38 seconds East, 26.24 feet to the East boundary llne of the aforesaid Conner Lam tract; (PAGE 1 OF 2) Member Texas Sodety elf ProfeSlional Surveyors'" American CongreSl on Surveying & Mapping 1/ E~r41 1" f Ltd p4je I 105-B Bedford Rd. . Bedford, Texas 76022-6208 . Metro (817) 268-2211 . Fax (817) 282-0401 i2712 ~0r- I00~ David C. l\'loak Survc)'ors, Inc. Registered Professional Land Surveyors David C. Moak, R.P.L.S. Consultant Texas . New Mexico . Arizona . Nevada · Acreage . Topography · Subdivisions · Loan Surveys · Investigative Surveys · Construction Layout David W. Myers, R.P.L.S. President THENCE South 00 degrees 46 minutes 11 seconds East along said boundary line, 10.39 feet to the place of beginning and containing 0.0125 of an Acre of land, more or less, as surveyed by David C. Moak Surveyors, Inc. during the month of August, 1996. Job No. 96-198E3.doc (PAGE 2 OF 2) CU5(:) 105-B Bedford Rd. . Bedford, Texas 76022-6208 . Metro (817) 268-2211 . Fax (817) 282-0401 Melllba Teu\ SocielY of Prok,sional Sun eyors & AllIai(;,n Congress on Surveying & Mapping i~-f'/;I"~I /"/ f7~:J~ d- ?7l~ .- '"' ..... ,bjb . 'J i ~ ~~ ~ o <( - -3 CO~JJ.--J r-r- lA~'" './o\..... 2J\ 1 D Pt1. ~I 11':7; OyrG 1 ~ C) II) eX L11l?1-r liD I) ___ -_______1____ ~ ::1 :z JJ ~ ~, ~Q ....J-~ ~ -:t 1""\.< ~. '"--" "2 - ~ l?1..- U 'e- 't">O \--HJ f:( 'kJ At? rA~T\1t=r0 )-l, to.:.;VOl,. 1 1042 r~ t?7 tJ D.12-:\.(". I . o LVb. ~ f:;"'/~\l1J\\ ~Wov/\ lJCq 0.012J7 ACAZE- or:- L..A~D LOG-L\ 1(--0 \ \J jU[: o A ~-li L1 t-L. F-12, c-e- MA N C:I L1 'tZ-V E-Y At~0f. ~~ f:7'2'? l-t\ ~-?_\2-.l.\ I~ r co U '--I ry l TC;<b,C':;J. ---- ~ . /, c- -rh,6Irl) ~ 1.2712 , r r"\ ~. lDJI .._.....w.._"."....'_._~ ..,."__~ ..._.....".._,,~._,~~,.^__,.....'" _.~_.. ",--..-~,~..__P.~.___.__,_..O~_~,_._...__.___,___~ ,-_.............'" D197052391 CITY SOUTHLAKE SANDY LEGRAND 667 N CARROLL AVE SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 197147344 REGISTER DR96 RECD-BY T000224 PRINTED DATE TIME 03/26/97 13:59 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D197052391 WD INDEXED TIME 970326 13:59 CK TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 23.00 ~ B Y: ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. j2i' j 2 ,038