A-521 (3F1J) ,)1 .~) \./'\ CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS s COUNTY OF TARRANT S KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, .L IffJpl/(},4 -j &1fNli'M, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Grantee herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, sell and convey to the City of Southlake, Grantee herein, of Tarrant County, Texas a permanent and perpetual easement for the purpose of installing, repairing, maintaining, altering, replacing, relocating, and operating utilities in, into, upon, over, across and under that land in Tarrant County, Texas described as follows, to-wit: Being a 15 foot permanent sanitary sewer utility easement and a 35 I temporary construction easement, described as follows: See attached Exhibit 'A I for graphic depiction See attached Exhibit 'B' for metes and bounds description together with the right of ingress and egress as necessary for such purposes. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever; and We do hereby certify that We are the owners of the property described herein and bind ourselves, our heirs and assigns, to warrant and to forever defend all and singular the premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim same or any thereof. EXECUTED this the c101k day of JCtnu.c. vy , 1117 / ~J;~ctP~ / / ~t/n ()~ -1a-m'~'~' 7tJjh Page 1 of 4 12656 200 BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared /.-.IJ(I(VUplJ- J. PIiTI:f!Z )0/</ known to me to be the p~rsons whose name are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office on this the Jl:> day of /A /J(,If}/"Z Y A.D. 1m. My commission expires: 7 - 3 J - :;;., 00 0 Accepted by the City of South lake, this the~ day o~ ,A.D. 1{tJ . ByGkl~ RETURN DOCUMENTS TO: GRANTOR J.,'fJhOAJ~ Pe-tee.so.v / / 5uz:-toAJ jJ I j(o/l.Al-v,tej 17 1~;Lh)..- .;?3 3. - ;2..01- 'J- ~. , -dF 0 L/L/2L/ tf, &fbJ U /---/' - . . GRANTEE City of Southlake c/o Sandra LeGrand City Secretary 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Page 2 of 4 12656 1201 . " i" EXHIBIT 'B' 15' Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement 35' Temporary Construction Easement 3FlJ-UE Being 0.058 of an acre of land, more or less, situated in the J.J. Freshour Survey, Abstract No. 521, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and being a portion of a tract conveyed to Roy H. Hamilton by deed in Volume 8129, P. 432 (D.R.T.C.t.), which 0.058 of an acre of land, more or less, is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of said Hamilton tract; THENCE , WEST, for a distance of 169.98 feet to a point for corner in the east right-of- way line of Sutton Lane and in the west property line of said Hamilton tract; THENCE N 000 42' 00" E, for a distance of 15.00 feet to a point for a corner in the east right-of-way line of Sutton Lane, said point being the northwest corner of said Hamilton tract; THENCE EAST, for a distance of 169.80 feet to a point for corner, said point being in the east property line of said Hamilton tract; THENCE SOUTH, for a distance of 15.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing within these metes and bounds 0.058 acres or 2,548 square feet of land, more or less. G:\OOl-431 \431_LGLl. wpd Page 4 of 4 2656 1203 ';0 -- Cl Cl I A. W -- A. W - I .., IC - - 0- lD ::> '-- OJ ::> Ul f"-.:;. 0"'\ Ul 0') ill ;0 ill CD --..J <Q, UI .... 9 CD ru ., CD . . a. Cl Ul N o N ~ Vl .f>o 0'1 n Q;' ::I:: ;. t-atzj - ell> 0l~~0-3 ~...tol::r:: I....> g~t"'a:: C ~~ 0101:> ~~Z f""lCOt:l q tol~ O~Cl> ...... cnC/) ~-.lC:C/) ~g~o lI:I...toln ell... _ 01 11:I> J, g0-3 g; tz:I 01 C/) r' f ~ U' ( J CJl a. Ul.- (/) -5.g~fTIC CD -. < a. ;0 ""~CDQ..< ~. o'~ CD -< o.::J ..., :- 0 ::JooC);o :l -':T (J) ~a.,..CD o - ::J'" 0 3~CDs:~ OUlo ::0 00:0'3 --f ::J CD.- ::;:; o CJl CD 0 n n _ 2" -6' 2. C) ~ Q.~--fRi 6 III g ~ )> Z ~IIlO--f < UI I CD o. )> '< - a. 3:: '-0 3 ~ )> o III ::J'" Z a. III ~ 0 CD c CD o ..., 0" )> ::J ~ '< ~ .-'<0.0 ::J'" :IE ~ Q CD CD 0" )> ~ ., -. --f ..., CD CD fTI g".-,!/l 5-0250 . " .- CD .... ~ ~::J'"<o '< 0 _, ....CJl "0-0;- m :J'" ..., " CD CD Q n a. CD Q. "U a. n ..., c 0 3 0- CD a.::::(J) CD g !!!. ..., CJl 0 3. ::J <0 Q. '< ..., r " 0 0 ~ ~. 5- Ul n o ::J Q. ,--.. . 1.2 E::" ...... 5' n - ::J' 2 ." fTI .f>o fTI o --f - .- a~ :-~ ~~ lOr- :-o~ t~ ~~ atl) ~~ :'1~ 0~ :'10 =--<: ;t III ::0 o -.; ~ ~ i'" "-1 ~ :ti h (") ."-1 --0 J -- _1___ -- --------- _ _ -- --T-- __ ___ -T- - I (./) ~ v.. ~ U'1'"T"] ::tlfTl _~ fTl::e-oc... ~fTlfTll "::tl::tlC N s::::fTl !='. fTl ~ oU'1~z U'1-l>o(./)fTl COcofTlZ (./)s::::~ f)~~(./) ~"'T']~~ (./)~ - . ~ ~ -< ;o~ <OGJo O~Ul)>~ :Oc<;o Cll^~Of) ~!'1C;.,.,~ '-.I-Iz. GJ - X (").,., -u -uo~ . '-.I r z ^ ~R;f)z GJcnfTJ N N o .. o CJl o o rrl o n )> -< en o :;0 o ::;: SUTTON LANE - - - - - - - -<E:,-- -- . b ~ ~ \ffi CW) ~ ________, v__~___ I -------~ (g 1 ()~ <S I ~~ : ~@l) .... t.?:. ~~ ~ \ffi 4. Nooe 42'OO"E 15.00' U_h ~ S5 ~ ~ ..., ____U,_ _ _ __ _ __ __~ 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I JO I <(j)~~ I O)>(j) -I I r~c-<;:o I . 0-1 )> I CXl~-I:() I N.1 0 I -I I to-Yz)> I - X ~lN I -0 1 -or=~ I . -l.Jr -1'- I ~an)>o I lNl'!-)()z I Nq1fT1 ~ : I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 35' TEMPORARY ~ I CONSTRUCTION 1 I EASEMENT : : 1 I I __Lu __..J_ ._u____ I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 L- -;- - 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I .----J _ - I 1 I I I I .... CA)OJ OJ-u -1m m:D ~~ "> Oz :IJm >z :IJ-I -<(/) 0> Oz z~ ~:D :0-< c(/) ~m -~ Om Z:IJ !:!: (/)(/) mm ~~ mm Zz -1-1 m >< ::J: - m - -I ~ .. .. ,. , " L) () .. '\"~ - NO. 360 - 8399:5 Y L. HAMILTON AND LaHONDA ~O HAHILTON .53 . . . * . * IN TIE DISTRICT COURT OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 360TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FINAL DECREE ;]f' DIVORCE On November:s, 1986, the above cause was duly and regularly set for trial, and was callPd far trial in its order an the docket of the court. APPEA~ANCES The Petitioner, ROY L. HAHILTON, though duly. notified of this hearing, appeared not upon .the triA.. This sui t was filed' by an Association of J a..",!!,:""p! ~c!r.- ~~;i.._.... ill ~ne na.. of Texas LegAl SerVices Clinic, and the Petitioner was represented by the Honorable Keith Mckay, as attorney far the Petitioner. The Respondent, LAHONDA JOHHrtILTON, who WAB Also the Crass-Petitioner, appeared in person and through her Attorney of record, Brantley Pringle, and announced ready far trial. RECORD At the direction of the Court an official record of the testl.any and of the proceedings ~as .ade by the Court Reporter. JURISDICTION AND DOMICILE .. The Court finds that this Court has Jurisdiction of the parties and of the SUbject .atter, and Although no proaf was offered on behalf of the Petitioner, ROY L. HAMILTON, the testi.ony and the evidence adduced by the Respondent and Cross-Petitioner, LaHDNDA JO HAMILTON, proved and sustained her allegatl.ons of her answer and crass-action. The Court finds that it has persanal Jurisdiction aver the parties, and that all legal prer8quisites to the hearing of this suit have been had and obtained. The Court further finds that the Petitioner, ROY L. HAMILTON, has voluntarily subaltted hi.s.lf to the . Jurisdlction'~f this Court, and thereafter Absented hi.self. JURY . . . . No jury was d..anded, and all questions of fact and af. law were submitted to the Court. After hearing the evidence of the. Respondent, the Court finds that the allegations contained in her crass-ac~ion are proved, and are true and correct in substance. DIVORcE IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the Respondent, LaHONDA Jp HAMILTON, and the Petitioner, RDV-L. HAMILTON, are divorced, and the .arriaga betN8en these parties is hereby diSSOlved. ROY L. 'HAMILTON VB. LaHONDA JO HAMILTON FINAL DECREE OF DIVORCE I F 02361PAGE 013 PAGE 1 o~ 12656 1204 -t -. o OUL.DREN IF "RtE___1ASE o . . The Court find. that no chil~ren were barn to the .arriage, none liHlre adopted, .nd nane are expected. DIVISION OF THE ttAR~TAL ESTATE . The Court finds that the R..pendent, LaHONDA JO HAMILTON, did awn .ubstantial property prior to the .arriage, and that the Petitioner, ROY L. HAMILTON, by fraud and deceit, induced the Respondent to convey property co hi. in trust by representing that he needed to ~ave such property in his ~wn name to establish credit for the benefit of the .arriage~ The PeU ttoner paid nothing for sw:h property, and .uch transfers were aade upon fraudulent representations under circumstances where the Respondent re.ained the equitable and beneficial owner of such properties. The Court h"'eby finds ami determin.. that the Respondent, LaHDNDA JO HAMILTON, should be, and she is hereby, confirmed as the legal and equitable owner Df the fallowing described property, and the title and pOIiSII..sion of such property i. hereby awarded to her. a) The -.abil hoae and furnishings and lot an .....ich it i. located, being further particularly described a. fallowsl Being a tract of land aut of ~he J. J. FRESHouR SURVEY, Abst. 8521, Tarrant County, Texa., and .-are particularly a portion of a 5 acre tract of land conveyed to E. J. Larson and Wife, Vel.a Larson, and recorded in Val. ~16, Page 324, Deed Records, Tar~ant.Caunty, Tex.., and Dare particularly described by m.tes and bounds as fallawsl BEGINNING at an Iran pin in the East line of .aid Larson 6 acre tract, .aid paint being North 686.0 feet from the Sautheaiit carner of SOli d Lar.~1i 6 acre tract.. THENCE West at '180.0 feet an iran pin In the East line of a 30 ft. gravel road, in all 195.0 feet to a paint in the center of .aid road; . .. THENCE North 0 deg..42 min. East along the center of said road, 98.0 ft. to a paint. THENCE East at 15.0 feet m Iran pin In the East Une of .ald road, in all 193.8 feet to m iron pin in the East line of .aid Larson 6 acre tract; . b) THENCE South along .aid East Une 98.0 "_t to the paint of begt"nning. t:-. That ~.rtaln 1984 Ford FI50 XLT piCkup, Vehicle identification nueber IFTDFl5F2EPAD5976 (registered in the na.e of ROY L. HAMILTON). c) , All other prop.rty,' real and personal, nOM In the actual posseSSion, dominion, custbdy, and cantrol of the Respondent, Including bank accounts in her name and life insurance policte. upon h8r own life a. Insured. d) All of the Re.pondent'. l~wn .nd garden taale, including a gasoline powered lawn DOwer as well as a po~er weed-eater, and other power and hand tools taken by the Pet~~loner fr~ the .torag. building behind the ReBpondent.s mobile home. F 02361PAGE 014 ROY L. HAMILTON VB. LaHDND" JO HAMILTON FIHAL DECREE OF DIVORCE PAGE 2 2656 1205 " .- , ' ,- ( ) .l The Court doe.' hereby ....ard to 'the Pei:t b~., .ROY L. HA1'IILTnN.. ..al.~ ........... LV 1n the o-t"~N."'- -si... dDldnj~ and control of the Petitioner, except those items of lawn and. garden tools which are specifically, awarded to the Respondent. IT IS THE FURTHER ORDER OF nHE COURT that the Petitioner, ROY L. HAMILTON, shall pay and discharge the fallowing debts: a) The unpaid balance of' that nate and debt owing by ROY L. HAMILTON to the Northwest SPonk in Roanol:e, Texas, and secured by a mortgage on th~ Ford XLT pickup truck described above. ' b) All other secured and unsecured debts incurred by ROY L. HAMILTON, both before and during the marriage, including the unpaid debt and mort9lge owing on a certain 1982 Cutlass 2-d oar automobile which was financed at the Northwest Bank in Roanoke. Texas, which note was in fact signed by the Respondent., _IT fA !l:'URTW'rR OR~~E~:;;,-;~~~'nallle of the"Respondent is' hereby changed to LaHONDA JO PETERSON, and she shall be known by such name. 8tJTJ;::R~g -... ...f 1I._ 1--' -uti ~akB ril ~l ~e! "'-'''~--. .".. signed at Fort WO~~thiS the ..1::, .. day of ~I-.."",...h",,_, ~ ~~"'- ~ 'J /frrl .~~..L~ JUDGE PRESIDING Approved as to farm only:" ~......... Attorney far Petitioner Texas Legal Services r.linic 99~ West ~osedale Street Fort Warth, Texas 76104 Phone No.: .(817) 335-1450 'JNO. I Q7J1l30"J (!). /J . f' /J<<V' BR~~LEY LE, Attorney fo Responde 113 Houston Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Phone No.: (817) 332-1131 Bar No.: 16330000 HAMILNI0/DEC:630 W!'hAi:.' ~TWf WtvoM!lDNDA JO HAMILTON .ce~ '~"-' -:.. - '- ...- F 02361Pl6E 015 . PAGE 3 2656 1206 D197018337 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE C/O SANDRA LEGRAND 667 N CARROLL AVE SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 197099767 REGISTER DR91 RECD-BY T021602 PRINTED DATE TIME 01/31/97 11:38 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D197018337 WD INDEXED TIME 970131 11:38 CG TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 21.00 B Y: G ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. i ?65. r '..... 0 1207 ~ -------- CA./0 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS 9 COUNTY OF TARRANT 9 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, j /I-l/pL()A ./ ftti/\5<.'/t.--< for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid by Grantee herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, sell and convey to the City of Southlake, Grantee herein, of Tarrant County, Texas a permanent and perpetual easement for the purpose of installing, repairing, maintaining, altering, replacing, relocating, and operating utilities in, into, upon, over, across and under that land in Tarrant County, Texas described as follows, to-wit: Being a 15 foot permanent sanitary sewer utility easement and a 35' temporary construction easement, described as follows: See attached Exhibit I A I for graphic depiction See attached Exhibit I B I for metes and bounds description together with the right of ingress and egress as necessary for such purposes. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described easement, together with all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto, anywise belonging unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever; and We do hereby certify that We are the owners of the property described herein and bind ourselves, our heirs and assigns, to warrant and to forever defend all and singular the premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim same or any thereof. EXECUTED this the ).:711, day of JC'''kO 7 ' lrfJ1 /~A~ (fPar4MJY / / / Attt070~ /-;) I /Iy.:a'?&~, J~;z!'1 :n~i h Page 1 of 4 0JU I I 1 7 BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared /- 1}/lat>pfJ J P~TEfZ fo/vl known to me to be the persons whose name are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office on this the JD day of /A !JUf)rz y A.D.l~. My commission expires: 7, 3 J - ,';2, ad 0 B day Of~' A.D. 121/ ~ Accepted by the City of Southlake, this the 10 RETURN DOCUMENTS TO: GRANTOR I-l1hOA,hlti- /l/-ct"e.sc.i} I / Su t te, ,-t,' /J I o. ) t' 1f,).t J-, Ire /JA -r K ,"; r-, '.' ,A31- )-,"2J... I) 1- 4" c L/L/ 21/ h E'Ii GRANTEE City of Southlake c/o Sandra LeGrand City Secretary 667 N. Carroll Ave. Southlake, TX 76092 Page 2 of 4 OIL; . I i t) U ;c It I- - In - :I: )( W ........ Zz Ww ::E~ Ww ~~ Ww O:z wo ~- w.... (1)0 :) >0: 0:.... ~~ Zo :Co (I)> ....0: z< wo: zo <0.. ::E::E O:w w.... a..io ioew> ,... ", I I I I I I I I , 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I --,-- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ---, I I I I I - - ----. I I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ @S '2) ~~ ~\\@ I ~ \ ______ I ~ _ _ _ L__________ % g ~ ~ @S ~ I I I I -I lN3Vf3SV3 I I NOllJnCJ1SNO:J ~ "CJVCJOdV'nl ,C;[ I I I I I I C'lJ ZWtON OU("\JI"') Jr-:5~~ ~::::!Cl.. I Cl.. I"') ~ :>j::_ <(Zl-j-O'l r- I 0 I. ~ U~f-~OO <( r- """ . 0::: ::)\.J.....I r->-(f)~0 O~CD> o:::~ or: I I I I I ---- ,OO'<;l 3"OO,GV oOON 3NVl NOilns 9> . ____~-----u N WtDn UN" Z<(tDn :0.:: Z --'" . ~O(L (L LL U X- n ,Z I- " I-LL2w6; Sigl-~OCI O::>=:JO~ I-<(UlZO On6> ~o:: c ~ Cl It >- ~ !:: ~(J') ~I-u...~ (J') Z . U WO<( I-~(J') ZWOOOO W(/')-=f"LO ~<(LOC! W -0 W~ N ::)0:::0:::" ,WW<( -:>Q..:3=w L;:::LnW~ "" ~ (J') t u_ 5: o et: o W I- <( U Ci w o --u-u----'f- I o CO o . 1-0 W'<t w u... . ~ -5 .S o N o -2 22 . "-----1 I..: U <{ e: ~ ...... ;:::! ~ -; )... o 0:: ~ ...... '0 c o u Ul -g:.c~ Og-a. ...J .... >. '0 0> E c: - o tII .... 'iij g aJ Ul ,- " ~ :2 5 ~ 3 " Q. '0 ~ " u 0 aJ aJ a. .... .c aJ ~~a. Ul__ 'cr. .,g ~ ~+-I~ -- a. . o.,g~-g vi--a.6 ~~~o, <.QaJ [j~~~ 0,,>.__ ~>.~c <l: .D .... 0 aJ :) Q) O~Ul" Z.cUlO < :.EE 0__ ~,,_>. < - 0 aJ I tII > I-OUl.... Z<XC~ Q w ~ ,2 _ I .... 0 :;c U - .9- .3 U_Ot)U o Q) tII 0 u... __ Q) I- E 2 ~ ~ a::: 0 Vl 0 :SaJ~E O.c- 0 (fJ Q)....".... .t:....-.c....... a::: u 0 0 c 0' 0 >- ...J 0 g :iE w ,~ ~:e ~ > " >.- Q) ~w5frg. (fJ ...:Vl" tII ~ . 0: ...... e~ lr)...... ~~ o lr)...... l..:> ~~ ~"'" 135ct ......01 <(~ q, , -is ~:::. -- - CJ'J CD ~ ~ E-<Q ~ <~ or.- - "'CD ural"'''' OE-Q~ CJ'JS~!:; CJ'Jrn e <~~ 0 ~ tl b l::l a:l E- ~ Zll: .2 <.cZ ::10 CD -.:s!:;~ ~ zQ <':31 ::z::ralll:lI:l E-<o.c~ <co ~ ~... !:; ::z:: e u r J d\ ./ . / <.D '<t ,.,., N 0") ,'J [-- \,0 '....1 LD o "0 ~ ('\J 2 0 (J) . 6> " CI) m a::: m ~ C rtl "") c en -0 en I ...... (Tl ...- ---- ...... (Tl ...- I o o ---- en EXHIBIT 'B' 15' Permanent Sanitary Sewer Easement 35' Temporary Construction Easement 3FlJ-UE Being 0.058 of an acre of land, more or less, situated in the J.J. Freshour Survey, Abstract No. 521, City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas and being a portion of a tract conveyed to Roy H. Hamilton by deed in Volume 8129, P. 432 (D.R.T.C.T.), which 0.058 of an acre of land, more or less, is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of said Hamilton tract; THENCE WEST, for a distance of 169.98 feet to a point for corner in the east right-of- way line of Sutton Lane and in the west property line of said Hamilton tract; THENCE N 000 42 I 00" E, for a distance of 15.00 feet to a point for a corner in the east right-of-way line of Sutton Lane, said point being the northwest corner of said Hamilton tract; THENCE EAST, for a distance of 169.80 feet to a point for corner, said point being in the east property line of said Hamilton tract; THENCE SOUTH, for a distance of 15.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing within these metes and bounds 0.058 acres or 2,548 square feet of land, more or less. G:\OOI-431 \431_ LGLl.wpd Page 4 of 4 i ') 0 uJU '- L) () . '\."1, _ NO. 360 - 8399:5 Y L. HAMILTON AND LaHONDA ,.JO HAI'tILTON :53 .. .. .. .. .. .. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 360TH .JUDICIAL DISTRICT FINAL DECREE ilF DIVORCE On Nove.ber :5, 1986, the above cause was duly and regularly .et far trial, and Nas callPd for trial in it. order an the docket of the court. APPEARANCES The Petitioner, ROY L. HAt1ILl"ON, though duly, notified of this hearing, appeared not upon the trial. Thi. suit Na. filed by an a..ociation of J ....~~-!'! :1cfr.:" ~;~=i....... i.1 ~ne n..e of Texa. Legal Services Clinic, and the Petitioner Nil. repre.ented by the Honorable Keith I'tcKaV, a. attorney for the Petitioner. The Respondent, LaHONDA .JO ,HHI1ILTON, Mho wa. al.o the Cro..-Petitioner, appeared in person and through her attorney of record, Brantley Pringle, and announced ready for trial. RECORD At the direction of the Court an official record af the te.timony and af the proceedings ~as aade by the Court Reporter. .JURISDICTION AND DDl'tICILE ~ The Court find. that this Court has Juri.dictian af the partie. and af the subject .atter, and although na proaf was affered on behalf af the Petitianer, ROY L. HAI'tILTON, the testimony and the evidence adduced by the Respondent and Cro.s-Petitioner, LaHONDA .JO HAl'tILTDN, praved and sustained her aUegatt,on. af her answer and cro..-actlon. The Court finds that it has per.anal Juri.diction over the parties, and that all legal prer_quisites to the hearing af this suit have been had and obtained. The Court further finds that the Petitioner, ROY L. HAHILTON, ha. valuntarily aubaitted hi..elf to the , Jurisdlctian'~f this Court, and there.fter absented hi..elf. JURY . . No Jury was deaanded. and all question. of fact and of, law were submitted to the Court. After hearing the evidence of the. Re.pondent. the Court finds that the allegations cantained In her crass-ac~ion are proved, and are true and correct In .ub.tance. . DIVORCE IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the Respondent. LaHONDA .Jp HAt1ILTDN, and the Petitioner, ROY-L. HAttILTON, are divorced, and the aarrlage between the.e parti.. is hereby diSSOlVed. ROY L. 'HAI1ILTDN VB. LaHONDA .10 HAI'IILTON FINAL DECREE OF DIVORCE I F 02361PAGE 013 PAGE 1 o~. o u 2 '- o IJW..D:iEN IF 'RtE___1IME o . . The Court find. that na chi!l'iren tMr'e barn ta the .arriage. none "~e adapted, and nane are .xpected. DIVISION OF THE ttAR~TAL ESTATE Th. Caurt find. that the R..PDndent. LaHDNDA .10 HAMILTON, did awn .ubstantial property prJor to the .arriag., and that the Petitianer. ROy L. HAMILTON, by fraud and deceit. induced the Re.pandent ta conv.y property ca hi. In trust by repre.entlng that h. needed to ~ave .uch property in his ~wn n... to ..tablish credit far the b-neflt af the .arrlage~ The PeU Uoner paid nathlng far .w:h prop.rty. and .uch transfer. were .ade upon fraudulent r.pre.entatlons under circu..tances where the R..pondent re.ained the .quitable and beneficial awner of such prop~tie.. The Court hereby find. anti det"'.ine. that the Re.pondent, LaHONDA .10 HAMILTON. should be, and she i. hereby. confirmed as the legal and equitable owner af the fallowing de.crib.d propertV, and the title and pa.....liion af IlUch praperty i. hereby awarded ta her. al The.mil hoa. and furni.hing. and lat on which it I. located. being furth~ P~tlcularly de.cribed a. fallaw.. Being a tract af land aut of t:he J. J. FRESHOUR SlJRVEY, Ab.t. .521, Tarrant County. Texa., and .-are partiCUlarly a portion af a 5 acre tract af land conveyed to E. J. Larson and wif., V.l.a Larson, and recorded in Val. ~16. Page 324, Deed Record., Tarrant,County, Texa., and more particularly de.cribed'by sete. and bound. a. fallaws. BEGIN'4ING at an iran pin In the East line af .aid Larson 6 acre tract, .aid paint b.ing t~th 686.0 feet fra. the Sauthe.ist carner af .aid Lar~i 6 acre tract., THENcE We.t at '180.0 feet an iran pin in the Ea.t line af a 30 ft. gravel raad, in all 195.0 feet ta a paint in the center af .aid raad. . .. bl THENCE Narth 0 deg..42 .in. East along the center of said raad, 98.0 ft. ta a paint. THENCE Ea.t at 15.0 feet an iran pin in the Ea.t line of .aid raad, In all 193.8 f.et to an iron pin in the East line af .aid Lar.on 6 acre tract. THENCE South along .aid Ea.t line 98.0 f.et ta the paint af begi'nning. t:-. That ~er~ain 1984 Ford F150 XLT pickup, V.hicl. id.ntification number lFTDFl5F2EPA05976 Cregi.t.r.d In the na.e af ROy L. HAMILTON). cl , All ath~ property, real ..d per.onal. naw in the actual pa.....ion. daainion, CU.tOdy. and contral of the Re.pondent. inclUding bank account. in her'n... and life in.urance pallei.. upon h.. ow. Uf. a. in.ured. dl All of the Re.pondent'. I,,,,.n ...,d garden taal., including a ga.aline powered lawn ~ a. well a. a pa~er w.ed-eater, and ather power and hand toal. tak.n by the Pet~~ianer frea the .tarage building b.hind the Re.pondent'. mobil. haaae. F 02361PAGE 014 ROY L. HAMILTON VB. LatIJND" .10 HAMILTON FIt4AL DECREE OF DIVORCE PAGE 2 u i u r, ') / , '-~ .- , ,- ( ) .\ The Court daa_' hereby ..ard tD 'tf1It Pei:! i:~"-r. .ROY L. HAIULTDN. tAlI ........_ LV 1n the ~..)'. pr si.... daain1an. and control of the Petitioner, except those items af lawn 'and garden toals which are specifically awarded ta the Respondent. IT IS THE FURTHER ORDER OF nHE COURT that the Petitioner, ROY L. HAMILTON, shall pay and diSCharge the fallowing debts: a) The unpaid balance of' that nate and debt owing by ROY L. HAMILTON ta the Narthwest SPonk in Raanal{e, Texas, and secured by a mortgage an th. Ford XLT pickup truck described above. b) All other secured and unsecured debts incurred by ROY L. HAMILTON, both before and during ~he marriage, including the unpaid debt and martgage awing an a certain 1982 Cutlass 2-d oar automobile which was financed at the Northwest Bank In Roanoke. Texas, which note was in fact signed by the Respondent. - IT fR !l:"URTUI'ZR ClR~~EI:: :;.,;~~~'na"fi af the'Respondent is' hereby changed to LaHONDA JO PEltRSON, and she shall be known by such name. titIT&~~R -- ...r 1I,_ , __I -..A .:lat. r 11 ~l. ~e:! hl_' "~-T>lI. ..... signed at Fort ~~~this the o.~, .. day of ~1_u""'_hCl"'. t c~" - 'J /f rr. oz1~.oL~ JUDGE PRESIDING Approved as ta farm anI y:' ~o........ ~~.. Attar~ey far Petitioner .~ Texas Leg~l Service~ f.l inic . ,~", ~_. _._ ._._ 99'1 Nest liasedal e Street ... Fart Warth, Tex.. 76104 Phane No.: (817) 335-1450 ;:;0. ~, BR~~LEY PR LE, Attorney fa Respande 113 Houston Street Fort Warth, TeKas 76102 Phane NO.1 (817) 332-1131 Bar No.: 16330000 HAMILNI0/DEC:630 W1~Ai.' ~TWf YnVcM!fJNDA JO HAMILTON F02361'ASE 015 . PAGE 3 r, ;-, I ~_ I ,J 1..J / '___1 _ D197026888 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE SOUTHLAKE, TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: CITY OF SOUTHLAKE RECEIPT NO 197111548 REGISTER DR92 RECD-BY T003957 PRINTED DATE TIME 02/13/97 12:09 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D197026888 WD INDEXED TIME 970213 12:07 CG TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 21.00 B Y: G ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. r; f vi...., ~ L~ -'~.,. ,~,_.,....,"......,~~,",',.' ..--. .....,..........,-,.- _..._,-_._~...-=-._..._-,.~-=---,_.._..<....__.'...-