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/ • CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TEXAS OFFICIAL RECORD STRATEGY SESSION WITH THE SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL HILTON SOUTHLAKE 1400 PLAZA PLACE SOUTHILAKE, TEXAS JANUARY 24, 2008 MINUTES CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Andy Wambsganss, Mayor Pro Tern Carolyn Morris, Deputy Mayor Pro Tern Virginia M. Muzyka, Laura K. Hill and John Terrell. CITY COUNCIL ABSENT: Gregory Jones and Vernon Stansell. STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manager / Director of Public Safety Jim Blagg, Assistant City Manager Ben Thatcher, Assistant to the City Manager Alison Ortowski, Community Relations Officer Pilar Schank, Manager of Information Systems Gary Gregg, Director of Community Services Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services Kerry McGeath, Director of Finance Sharen Jackson, Director of Human Resources Kevin Hugman, Chief of Police Services Wade Goolsby, Director of Planning and Development Services Ken Baker, Director of Public Works Robert H. Price, Deputy Director of Public Works Gordon Mayer, Public Works Operations Manager Chuck Kendrick, Deputy City Secretary Tara Brooks, Assistant Finance Director Sharon Guess, Assistant Finance Director Sean Leonard, and City Secretary Lori Payne. Mayor Wambsganss called the session to order at 5:45 p.m. City Manager Yelverton made opening comments and introduced Scott Hansen of Decision Analyst, Inc., who presented results from the recent citizen survey. Assistant City Manager Jim Blagg presented information on managing risk. He discussed the Protiviti Risk Model, the staff on-line survey, and the risk rating interpretation. Assistant to the City Manager Orlowski made introductory comments on the values management team initiatives. Each value team leader then presented their team's successes to date and future initiatives. Assistant City Manager Thatcher discussed evaluating strategic progress. City Manager Yelverton presented information on strategic and performance management in 2008. MINUTES FOR THE STRATEGY SESSION WITH THE SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 24, 2008 PAGE 1 OF 2 Although an executive session was posted, it was not held. No action was taken at tonight's strategy session. Mayor Wambsganss adjourned the meeting at 8:18 p.m. Andy Wambsganss Mayor E I ATTEST: iv--opa Lori Payne City Secretary ~®•°••4 ~ ~~i iii O~° - yN • • ' i s • V MINUTES FOR THE STRATEGY SESSION WITH THE SOUTHLAKE CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 24, 2008 PAGE 2 OF 2 E CITY OF SouTHLAl<,,,,,E CITY COUNCIL STRATEGY SESSION JANUARY 24, 2008 ~01 O v v I Ee 0 C AGENDA TIM AVERY- 600022 CrrY SOUTHLAKE Meeting: City Council Strategic Retreat Date: Thursday, January 24, 2008, 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Place: Town Square Hilton Hotel Integrity Being worthy of the public's trust in all things. We deal honestly and respectfully with each other and the public at all times. Innovation Valuing progressive thinking, creativity, flexibility and adaptability in service delivery. Accountability Taking personal responsibility for our actions or inaction while putting the interest of the taxpayer first. Commitment to Excellence Behaving responsively in our delivery of service to the public. Our work is characterized by its quality and by the diligence with which it is carried out. We proactively seek to solve problems in advance. Teamwork Recognizing the importance of working together to meet our citizens' needs, communicating clearly, sharing resources and information freely. No. Time Agenda Item Owner Purpose 1 5:30 Welcome Mayor 2 5:35 Citizen Survey Update Consultant Review the results of the 2007 Citizen Survey. Working Dinner Calvin 3 6:15 Webb Managing Risk JCB Brief City Council on the Values Management Value initiatives undertaken to 4 6:30 Team Initiatives Teams instill an organizational culture based on the 12ACT values. Interactive exercise for Council to evaluate the 5 7:00 Evaluating Strategic BT strategic efforts of the Progress organization and discussion of the internal evaluation of the SMS. Strategic and 6 7:30 Performance SKY Discussion of the future of Management in 2008 the City's SMS. 7 7:45 Executive Session Deliberation regarding personnel matters SOUTHLAKE TEXAS Citizen Survey Update City Council Strategy Session January 24, 2008 ~~asurnAnah~lirc. Southlake City Services Citizen Survey Confidential Report Prepared For. SOUTHLAKE 13 January 21, 2008 aKE Background and Objectives SOV® K{ BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Aa pan m the CM w SaMlakes onpanp Mat ro Mxtvaly amreas cmaena' wnwms and dewres, S-A. has panmleaowtl an --y. be coMUCbtl among Me ckmns of SouMbke, Tea. S.-ke wMamed - D -n Maly.. aaldect Mrs I- -y dump Me momhs m November end December 2007 The p"-- dealpned. address Me f -nil oblechves Assess gmer. oplnlorls about Me qualM of Ida arM direction of Me CM of SouMWke Assess aMNMas about antl sahshchon wdh sawral communM Issues, mcludrg -Neiphbahootl safety -CM services (ep watw,firalwllw, sheet malnbnanw) -Trelyi -Commarcul tlevelwmem Assess spec experlarlcu wM1 [M employees Asses pest -antl ".W use of Me cM weMM Assess eMUtlu about local dxn relehve to wmws Assess -1.1 demopapMCS antl mvaNemeM In cM -Ay ~~lAxiarw Study Design sou© KE STUDY DESIGN For hung-I mne rupwwems pwhcpwetl In Me Dolma survey Mat was Po w Me CM -PIN Thn -y was p-ly halducmd by Mlephone In January ]006 SPIN Ar... The CM of Seu WW Is tlmded Imo 16 arils based w 1M'SOUMIake Proplwn Fa T M Imol — U Nwphborhoods' Fa Me pugwses d ft, sMtly. Mesa areas were wmbined m form tlxee Iagw'SPIN r"-' TM sample m was allowbd to - SPIN Replom accartllnp b wWlehon tlemopraphlcs TM Iabsl ewnple pbn a W=.- wa SPIN A A.-1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 Tarpw 100 Comp ANUI Domplwu etes SPINS Mas 10,11,12,13, a.15 Tarp. 150 Campl wea Actual 167 Complwaa SPIN C Mu 7 8, 9e, Av. 11 and 16 Tarp. ISO Completes Acsual 185 Domplwes RewIC: of Mrs ziudy were wnsldered on MB basis of SPIN replon An uppercase Iwter md- a atabsbul dmerenw or 95%a 9reabr bwween wlumra te.etl AL- Southlake SPIN Regions Eil .tea ~Immm wlo~.m Iwwrora~aiaQ ewr~ SPINA c.,r«I...na...ne sPlxAnrea.lMZaasm°"in ~N~py 1l.,w m~a' _ ~4 / • 1 / SPIN B Ar.,a 10, 11nz o a 1e .j . -N C Mas 7 e,%, ew. la a la 1. 5 2 IN B ' ii 4+v C•_r~; E 16 ! 1 ~ ~3 9ir x x...s: d FP j % , ~"'t SPIN C 2 SOIITHLAKE v Southlake residents appear demographically Bo HaKE similar and express high satisfaction with the quality of life in the neighborhoods and city. Southlake residents tend to be Late middleaged, welladucated, Caucasian, established residents with high incomes who own their homes, and who vote in at least some city elections. Average ape of r«pontleds was 47 y«rs d age More than w%d respontlanfs have g,duatetl cdlege anNor re«nee gratluab tlegrees and more Man 96%are Caurasian umod one-use d r«pona«m n.ve IrvM.n souMlake ror r« or more years, four out d eve nave Inca .n Me cM mr Mr« m more years Average M1oush income.E1]1K, wdn SPIN B h-no Me hghed averageincome V-11ryell resporM own ban homes and h«e IntemerConnections,n tlam, most nave sane form of nigh speetl -r- (62% have a fir optic connection) um«r so% d raspona«e repod vohnp rn cM elections °somebmes^ or ^always Quality-of4ife ratings are very high for neighborhoods and the city itself, and most believe that the city has improved since they have lived here. Three-q -d-rd- ate So-k-gwlM of tits oa an«IIenY. 99% rate d`good a'erwlle~rt' Rabngs for neghb r,O o-ty d lee were zrm,lar m Mau for Me Crry, wdn 98%d respondent rating Man «~gnbomooes good or as«uerrc' amore Mr..-gn.n.,s d r«poneene hebeve Mal Sodmake ha-prwae dunrg Man time In ue cM, onty Nil- 4 nas became Horse Residents feel safe, but slightly concerned about SOUTHLAKE traffic, speeding, and stoplights-more so in SPINs B and C than SPIN A. Most respondents had an opinion about neighborhood issues, such as traffic, crime, and roadway conditions. Other than speeding on neighborhood streets, most issues were considered problematic by very few respondents. speetlinp on nelgM1boawotl street was tutee ar least a -minor problem' by M1ap d Mo« surveyae (C1, C2) These were some SPIN rapture dmemnc« m tsue mbngs, suep« ,s Md problems m one area may nit ba problems m anoMerarea (C1) -gM1boMaod salary ratings are vary Mgh, wM 82% of Me r«poMent rating Mmr -ghbo h- as Yary W, Rabrps were stighM twer I. SPIN A (CI) Overall, traffic seems to be a slightly more prevalent problem compared to other driving problems. Spe ,Won mmpr MorougM1tr« and cars runnag red ight appears to be a larger problem for resMent In SPIN B Man mrr«ment M SPINA (Ct,C21 TM number d M pl,ghrs s«ms I. f» more of a problem for SPIN C r«itlenis Man for SPIN A.,d.n% (02) Service experience is low, but positive, for many SWTH AKE services. The new contractor received high ratings from residents. Most residents arc either unaware of or inexperienced with many of the city services assessed. That said, experiences are largely positive with very few differences between SPIN regions in terms of experience ratings. Although many Ift se. had been by vary hw rasMer,W, some amna are key services Met musew oval- such EMS, fire, aria poll- semaen (CI) SPINmgnnalailferencesexMW,sites.. nanwandemerpmymeaicalaervices (C1,C2) City Conditions and maintenance are rated very high, with many respondents rating each issue "good" or "excellent" So-lk avaModo, was Me Iowea mW wndmon owmli, antl 9. mW I -n SPINS A Intl S Mann SRN C (C2) senemlly spxlorp. SPIN C rewenio mod wrW%-Ml My bath, (In Wrms of TopTw aox mongol Men SPINS A Ina B, tliMralwes were fe,ay consMem, albM mtMr modest, across contlWOns arM service (C2) Almost all respondents have had a positive experience with the new trash and recycling contractor, with a majority rating them as "excellent" Residents rely on multiple information sources, H regularly use the city website, and express satisfaction with city employees. Residents rely primarily on the newspaper for city news, with the webshe and Southlake Scene seen as key supplemental sources. Amen Cox a,aaaas ga lnar sty Iaarmanon hem Me newspaper IB31 • SPm B uses SoNhbke N Revaw more tlun g,ne nn o1Mr SPIN areas IBS) Almost Sg% of the residents surveyed have been to the city website before this survey. Interest is relatively high for most webshe services, but lower when service charges apply. There were slight differences among the SPIN areas. Awmpe lmereM In Panng blo am bckeb wow dropped dramwwlly for all three SPIN,agrons when a fee was soon tlw are samw (83,M) SPIN C reudero exposed mom -nno Men Nose m otlmr SPIN r- m w Nng cM wundl means (BS) More than two-thirds of residents have had contact with at least one city employee in the past year, and they were satisfied with the employees' performances on several dimensions. TM motft-oty emounwed cny employees are Ilbmry, Pena antl recmeboo aM Pol. olhcan (IM) Cxy employees mwwetl hqh ratings on most on-urea, wnh no daeranan -on SPIN mgmns The lowest raetl area for all dewamam was falovnlg le on p.- (ds) Taxes, growth/development, and traffic are Sp TH AKE concerns for residents, with many expressing desires for specific directions and changes. Residents believe that local taxes, particularly school taxes, are "somewhat" to "very" high. They are more willing to decrease services to maintain taxes at their current levels than they are willing to increase taxes to maintain or increase services. Resldeas see lout Wxss, wneulioly achod Wxn, es high (Fl) Los Men heft (90x) dam rodent frool each SPIN repmn are et best-sornewhel mlllrq'ro tlecrease zervNn ro a,nWln Wxes a Mao cuoent bush In cardmst. et least fi3%aMe resldeme ware'wf m111rg" W Iwreaee Wxes for any ream IN. F3) If Wxn M Ineroaea W increase Union. Mole wallop W awep xro Increaw belmve Me aadeonal revenue -,od go toward Parks no maeabon, sidewalks, street no-mnu (C2,03) Residents believe that the most important issue facing Southlake is growth and development followed by traffic, fazes, and schools. On-ner of resMems sand tot traRlc is to mast nop-asue facing So Mks (C2) Residents are generally supportive of commercial development specifically for retail development entertainmengsports, and businesses. SPIN regions 8 antl C am more nxxasfed Man SPIN A In aM-nmeNSw,b (G) SPIN BSh.-cl 5trongerauppon M,aWll aevaopmamcompama tp aw-SPIN auras (CS) 4 SOUTHLAK£ v Conclusions a] Southlake residents are quite satisfied with the city and city services. Quality of life is high, and they believe that the city has shown continued improvement during their time there. (B4) Very few issues are considered problems by any SPIN region and none were considered problems by all regions. The greatest concerns overall were traffic and traffic-related issues, including street conditions and speeding in neighborhoods. (Ct,C2) Experience and interest in the city website is high; that is, until there is a fee associated with a service. When faced with the prospect of paying a fee for online services, interest in the payment services diminished. Interest was highest for community information and property tax information. (83,84, B5) Contact with city employees has been positive, and residents rate the employees' performances and attitudes high on several dimensions. A possible area for improvement I. follow-up on problems and issues by city service departments. (1-2, B4) V "~~nmw,. a.ac ""E Conclusions a] (Continued) Taxes are an issue of concern for Southlake residents, especially school taxes. They rate their taxes, particularly school taxes, as being "somewhat" to "very" high and are quite resistant to increases in taxes for any reason. Given the choice of cutting services or increasing taxes, most prefer to decrease services. (F7) While respondents are supportive of commercial development, there was a decrease in support compared to the last wave. The primary preferences for commercial development included retail, entenainmenf/sports, and businesses. (C4) The most important issues facing Southlake, according to residents surveyed, are populationldevelopment control, traffic, and taxes. Consistent with this perspective, many of those who were willing to increase taxes to increase services believed that the funds should be directed toward parks and recreation, sidewalks, and street maintenance. (C1,C2, C3, C4) Table of Contents CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE .....................................................................................................................................3 CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE .................................................................................................................................6 COMMUNITY SERVICES .........................................................................................................................................6 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ..................................................................................................................10 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................................................14 FINANCE ...................................................................................................................................................................14 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ........................................................................................................16 PUBLIC WORKS ......................................................................................................................................................22 SCHOOL ....................................................................................................................................................................27 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department City Manager's Office 1. We appreciate the city's "cautious" approach to development, especially in restricting apartments from Southlake and, now this survey, hoping to obtain residents' opinion on where we go from here. While we don't want much change, increased tax base would help us, especially those of us without children in the school system, but love living here. We don't want to someday have to move because we cannot afford the taxes! Thanks for the entire city staffs efforts in helping Southlake remain as it is today! 2. We truly enjoy living in Southlake. It is obvious that the city and residents have pride in our community. Thank you for letting the residents voice our opinions to help better our community. 3. Do not locate more city department in the town center. 4. Honor the oath you took. Govern with wisdom. Utilize the talents of your people to help make critical decisions. Hire/maintain city planners with a clear vision. Monitor the activities of the Police Department on a regular basis. Encourage religious organizations to help the less needy. Pray hard. 5. City services are great but we pay dearly for them. Hold that tax rate down. 6. We love living here. Other than the high costs mentioned previously, it is a beautiful city and we're proud to be residents here. Overall I think you do a wonderful job. Additionally, the type of city government that tries to bring into law the notion of perpetual terms for city leaders is one that I suspect is moving in the wrong direction. 8. Keep up the good work. Keep standards high. Carefully evaluate and new services or projects to keep our property taxes down, as I am retired on fixed income and never get any future increases, but I want to continue to live in Southlake for a long time. 9. Your website link to this survey is invalid. It points to: http://www.daisurvey.com/surveyV3/RenderSurvey.aspx?Surveyl D=fzcv4d NtDr %2b8na%2btdYbUzw%3d%3db it should point to: http://www.daisurvey.com/surveyV3/RenderSurvey.aspx 10. We appreciate the improvements to the city website. Continue to seek additional opportunities to improve access to information and services electronically. 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 3 of 28 11. 1 am glad you are getting more information to those of us who live in Denton County. I would like Southlake to remember that not all of their citizens are in the Carroll School district. When I hear elected official speaks, they only refer to CISD. It appears that they don't care about the other school districts in which Southlake residents attend. 12. We live west of Randol Mill and get very little attention from the city. Our park is neglected (after being told we would be getting some improvements to be started by this fall). We pay city taxes, but do not feel part of the community. We are the "stepchildren" of Southlake!!!!! 13. Seems the Keller ISD portion of Southlake is somewhat overlooked. 14. Would be nice if city supported social clubs via the city website (ex. a place for Southlake residence to find about wine clubs, piano clubs, and groups interested in different things. Helps build relationships among Southlake 15. 1 have lived in many different communities and this is the only city that I can say every single employee that I have had the opportunity to interact with has been exceptional. They have always been both knowledgeable and professional and have always been courteous. 16. 1 believe that the city employees do an outstanding job. Any questions or concerns are always handled promptly, accurately, and with a smile. Please give them all a big pat on the back. 17. I'm really proud to call Southlake my home. I have enjoyed our time here and appreciate the friendliness of the staff throughout the city. 18. Thanks for the opportunity. 19. Overall, I love the city and have no real complaints. 20. She is the best city manager we have had. I put all my answers above in another spot. 21. Overall, Southlake is a wonderful city. Keep it up!! 22. My phone number is 817.688.8825. This box isn't big enough. 23. City staff well qualified and do excellent work. 24. You all are great! 25. It is an excellent town, keep the good work. 26. Southlake is fabulous - the City Manager and staff are doing a great job. Keep up the good work! 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 4 of 28 27. Everyone is so friendly; everything is so clean & happy. We are thrilled to be raising our 3 young boys here. 28. Good job, so far 29. Thanks 30. We are so proud to be Southlakians! Integrity and excellence tend to be a common theme here! Thanks you for your service to the city! You are doing a great job! Keep focused and we will continue to thrive. 31. Keep up the good work. 32. This is the best city in Texas! 33. Thank you! 34. However, on the whole Southlake is a great community and the city and mayor are doing a good job in keeping it that way. 35. Please see above comments. And know that we are not the only ones to feel this way. 36. We love living in Southlake! 37. To the City Manager - you do a great job - thanks. Jeane Alexander 38. LOVE this city! Keep up the GREAT job! 39. Let us go back to calling the Christmas season what it is!!! Who decided to call all the fantastic events in Town Square "Holiday". I think I missed the vote on this one! 40. Keep doing the great job you are doing! We love Southlake! 41. You're doing a great job, Shana. Many thanks. 42. Someone with a vision and creativity must be identified within the city's management. 43. Over all the City of Southlake does a good job. 44. So far they have all done a good job. 45. We love living in Southlake and we moved here from Hawaii. So that's saying a lot!!! 46. Amazing that SL is thinking of cutting services due to issues, but have $25,000 to spend on a new logo that looks like it came straight out of a JK 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 5 of 28 Rowling's novel. Kind of ironic that the new "S" also looks like a green $ symbol:-) 47. Southlake is a great place to live. We need to keep it that way. 48. Honestly - I have had not much interaction with the city government. City Secretary's Office 1. For elections, I would like to know more about the candidates and issues before I vote so I can make a better, informed, decisions. Could more be written up in the newspapers or special flyer? Community Services 1. 1 am looking forward to the opening of the Bob Jones Nature Center. My mother-in-law enjoys the Senior Center but I believe we need a bigger and better Center. 2. 1 love the community feel of Southlake. Please try to keep as many tree lined streets as possible. 3. My daughter asked me the other day as we drove through town "Where have all the trees gone?" she is 10 years old. Something to think about. 4. We moved to Southlake in 1989, only a short time before its growth really began to multiply. We have enjoyed some of the benefits of the growth but are now very concerned about the large impact it is having on the ecosystem. 5. Install center dividers on 1709 and start planting more trees; 6. We could spend less on fireworks and use the money for library materials. Please see notes about garbage and library. Thank you!!! 8. Larger library is needed. 9. Park money should be used to benefit the majority of your citizens who desperately want facilities. Make allocations based upon the population.. Not special interest groups like baseball and softball that PROFIT from the facilities that the city provides. 10. Why don't we have any public art? The only two pieces are in Liberty Gardens and they were donated by the Southlake Women's Club and Trees of the Field. The City should invest in art like Beaver Creek or Vail. We should have large 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 6 of 28 bronze pieces that are significant, durable and reflect the animals of our region and our heritage. (bison, deer, cowboys/girls, children putting up a flag, long horn cattle, horses, family, etc.) THIS would set us apart from other cities. 11. The athletic fields are a disgrace. Southlake needs to improve these without a tax increase. We need professional field care instead of guys mowing. Why are the Colleyville fields for baseball and soccer so much better than Southlake. This also includes the practice fields (which we need more of.) 12. Please see answer from above. It is time the city starts building a recreation center/ meeting area/ and teen center. We need to expand Parks and Recreation and leave open space around the city. Thank you Tricia Williams 13. We need to erect a community center like the city of Grapevine, Roanoke, Keller with reduced rates for city residents. It should have racquetball, weight rooms, and fitness classes. I don't want my money going to Larry North or 24hr fitness when it could go back to the city. 14. Would love to see bicycle trails and sidewalks. 15. 1 would love to see sidewalk services expanded to make bike/pedestrian access to Towne Square easier and safer. 16. 1 would also love to see crosswalks painted on streets where bike/pedestrian trails intersect roads (specifically Continental Drive) 17. 1 would love to see a venue developed for the teenagers of Southlake. They seem to fall in the cracks of life, not only in this community but in most! The empty retail space on 1709 and Nolan (behind Cristina's) would be ideal! 18. We have no designated bike lanes in Southlake at all! We need more sidewalks. We need more hiking/biking trails in the form of open space and parks (not in the form of soccer/baseball/etc. fields). 19. Would like to see continued improvement to our parks, especially Bicentennial. It is a major gathering place for Southlake residents and non-residents and in my opinion a bit run down. Not very reflective of the excellence we have in so many other areas, especially the baseball fields. 20. We have only lived here since May 2007. The one disappointment I have is that nobody seems to play in parks unless there is a baseball game going on. Is there a community park not centered around baseball diamonds. Not all neighborhoods have a community playground. 21. More sidewalks or trails for joggers/walkers/bike riders! 22. Coppell has wonderful recreation facilities to model. 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 7 of 28 23. On the whole we are very contented in Southlake. However, we do feel that there is a shortage of accessible walking trails, sidewalks, etc. for our area... since we are beyond the age of having children who take advantage of the many sports activities here, we feel a bit underprivileged in this respect. 24. Southlake needs running and biking paths along major roads (Peytonville, White Chapel, Carol, etc.). It's impossible to run and bike with our family. This is a major drawback for us. 25. We love Perry who has taken over the Therapeutic Recreation 26. Bicentennial Park is due for a face lift which the playground desperately needs. Coming from the Frisco, McKinney area, the playgrounds there are in much better shape and Southlake should be able to "keep up" in this area. 27. More cooperation between CISD and city in regards to use of school facilities for park and rec events 28. This is a community made up of families. I think we need to make children a huge priority and make sure there are more park spaces and kid friendly activities for them. 29. Southlake is a great place to live. We enjoy all of the youth programs, parks, great shopping, family environment, etc. We do not want to see Southlake get over developed, and at this point we have everything we need here. 30. Joint-Use with the schools has got to be reevaluated. I have been to school board meetings and Joint-Use meetings and have talked with individuals at park and rec and the city does not acknowledge that there is a problem with supervision at park and rec events where school buildings are used. I have personally seen kids in hallways where they don't belong and have a friend who was able to get into the school office at a park and rec event. I have personally witnessed and helped clean up the aftermath of vandalism that has occurred over the weekend during park and rec events. This needs to be addresses because there are parents and teachers who have had enough and want to make sure that their campuses are safe and in good shape when the children come back to school on Mondays. 31. We live west of Randol Mill and get very little attention from the city. Our park is neglected (after being told we would be getting some improvements to be started by this fall). We pay city taxes, but do not feel part of the community. We are the "stepchildren" of Southlake!!!!! 32. A city presently refuses to look at preserving some of its unique ecological treasures. 33. The city parks and rec leagues count on the volunteer donation of coaches' time and energy and the city is not a very "user friendly" experience. After so 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 8 of 28 many years and sports, you would think that you would have a better approach to connecting coaches and players and organizing the thing in general. Compared with the Southlake Baseball Association volunteer operation (for example), the city's paid operation is simply unjustifiably inadequate. Everything at the city Parks and Rec seems like it is makeshift, fly by the seat of the pants, or antiquated. Parks and Rec needs an overhaul! 34. Focus should continue on enhancements of the city: street lights, street trees, medians, sidewalks, trails. 35. Royal & Annie Smith Park sure could use some improvement. 36. Keep Bob Jones and the other parks as nice as they are. 37. The majority of activities provided by the park district are related to children. Since there are a good number of women at home during the day, why can't there be more programs of interest offered for that group? 38. During the summer, Movies in the Park are offered but they are only children's movies. Why can't there be one night a month for adult movies? (I don't mean "X" rated but something geared toward an audience over 18!) 39. Keep up the good works with Parks and Rec 40. This city desperately needs something for our young people, like a REC CENTER! Please consider using some of the remaining land for this, rather than for commercial. 41. We need a real Rec Center (i.e. like Grapevine). We need to add platform diving to the Natatorium. This City has a fantastic diving program of which most are unaware. We have the potential to produce several Olympic-class divers but only if we can build them the proper facility. We need to FINISH the natatorium project and install platforms... John 42. Two words... Community Center 43. Build more sidewalks and bike paths for all of the kids. 44. We love, love, love the Southlake Park District programs - especially Camp Mania and Perry Glaze! And, Southlake Saturday Night too!! Keep up the good work for our kids! 45. The parks and recreation department/activities/special events are terrific for our family with four small children! Keep up the great work! 46. 1 love the special events the city has. 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 9 of 28 47. Love all the Parks and Rec events, like Harvest Festival, Town Square Christmas... they really do first class work ...a great staff. 48. City needs more parks for rock climbing, a skate park. Plan events for kids i.e. baseball league event at one of the big parks with bounce houses and games for kids with representation from local businesses. Fourth of July fair with a local band with kids activities and rides. Department of Public Safety 1. Police need to understand SL citizens are not the 'enemy'- everyone we know has a story of being stopped by SL police for some sort of moving violation often in what appears to be a 'trap' situation. From personal experience we were given a citation for changing lanes in order to enter a parking lot - when we tried to discuss with the City Attorney as advised by the City, we encountered a rude fellow who said he had nothing to offer. 2. We should have animal control that actually calls you back. 3. 1 disagree STRONGLY with the city's recent smoking ban in restaurants, etc. and I am a non-smoker! I think what the city did constitutes the taking of personal property. And I don't think we need you, who are just a bunch of bureaucrats, telling the owners of their own property who they can or cannot serve particularly since smoking is a legal activity. Those who don't want to be bothered by people smoking can just go to another restaurant/bar. I put this law in the category of "big brother is watching and since you are too dumb to make good decisions for yourself, we will have to protect you" but it's according to what YOU think is good/right, etc. The bottom line is that you should let people "vote" with their pocketbooks! 4. 1 am very disappointed with the smoking ordinance. I feel we should ban smoking anywhere in public. I and many of my friends with children can no longer go to the fountains or park benches in town square because now that is where the smokers are. They have migrated to the center so they can stay away from the doors to shops. Please Please take a look at this. Mine and many other kids miss the fountains and playing around them. 5. If there is one thing we don't like about Southlake, it is the speeding on the streets and the lack of police presence on Southlake Blvd. I have been passed more often driving the speed limit on Southlake Blvd than I have been on the highway, and it in not always by civilians. I have been passed by POLICE cars going over the speed limit on Southlake Blvd what type of an example is that? At the stop lights, we need to do something about people running red lights before someone gets killed. I also go through the school zone at the Senior High School every day at least once a day, and the school zone there is a joke the kids coming out of school drive like their tails are on fire. I get 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 10 of 28 nervous driving the speed limit of 20 mph because I'm afraid of someone will run into the back of me because I'm going slow. I have NEVER seen a police man patrolling that area....... 6. Major problems are transition from rural to city living such as animal control Something needs to be done in Town Square especially on weekends with kids being dropped off by parents. Need to impose a curfew. 8. We need better wild animal control programs 9. Need more police patrols in neighborhoods at night and in Southlake Town Center. 10. My neighborhood has a problem with speeding 11. My neighborhood has a problem with dogs running loose. 12. 1 would like the police dept to keep a closer watch on the park by the pool in the Timberlake sub. The teenagers use it to sell, buy and use drug and alcohol. They have made it their meeting place. I call the police, but they are too busy to come out. I hate for my children to find beer can, full and empty and drug items in our community park. 13. 1 live off of North White Chapel. I am concerned about the bicycle routes. They often hold up traffic. Because of the nature of the street, we cannot go around them. Since there is a major park on White Chapel, I get concerned about the cyclist and the soccer/softball traffic. 1 just feel like someone may get hurt. It would be nice to put a bicycle route along the street. It is a very beautiful area and I can understand why they want to cycle in that area. 14. Joint-Use with the schools has got to be reevaluated. I have been to school board meetings and Joint-Use meetings and have talked with individuals at park and rec and the city does not acknowledge that there is a problem with supervision at park and rec events where school buildings are used. I have personally seen kids in hallways where they don't belong and have a friend who was able to get into the school office at a park and rec event. I have personally witnessed and helped clean up the aftermath of vandalism that has occurred over the weekend during park and rec events. This needs to be addresses because there are parents and teachers who have had enough and want to make sure that their campuses are safe and in good shape when the children come back to school on Mondays. 15. Please consider introducing a ban on cell phone use while driving, as they just did in Highland Park 16. Please ask our police department to "police"! There are too many speeding folks around our communities, especially on our side streets (Byron Nelson, 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 11 of 28 Carroll, Continental). I fear for my children walking to school with all the speeding that goes on in broad daylight. 17. Safety town is needed. 18. It is a matter of time for the kids running cross country down the parkway and Peytonville. Someone is going to get hurt. Why don't they at least run down the side roads in the neighborhood. I worry about someone with a cell phone or just not paying attention. We have miles of sidewalks? Why don't they run those? The kids really don't pay attention to the drivers. 19. The idea of a nighttime curfew has just recently come to my attention and is most troubling. The promised benefits play into our strong parental desires to "protect the children", but come with too many negatives and high costs. A curfew is unconstitutional and punishes everyone for the actions of a few. A curfew turns hard-working police force into more of a baby-sitting arm of an intrusive nanny government. It sours healthy relations between the community at large and the local police. It opens up our city government to lawsuits which would cost the taxpayers. With no compelling proof that all Southlake teens are at risk, then it is unconstitutional to put them all under house arrest at any certain time. With so many school district jurisdictions within Southlake borders - Carroll, Keller, Grapevine, several private schools and home schools - there is no way to assess motive and schedules of the mostly law-abiding Southlake teens concerning their comings and goings, night or day. A curfew puts the police officer into a position of having to make arbitrary and possibly discriminatory snap decisions solely on the basis of unfair age-discrimination against teens. Many enacted curfews are rescinded as a result of lawsuits, which would be a cost born by taxpayers. The majority of Southlake residents sacrifices greatly to move to such a family-friendly place as Southlake and are involved in the lives of their children. All of these citizens would be punished by an unconstitutional curfew, and their children automatically criminalized for a certain hour, because of the possible actions of a few. Minors "possess a fundamental right to free movement to participate in legitimate activities that do not adversely impact the rights of others.", as the judge noted in an injunction against an unconstitutional Washington D.C. curfew. He also noted that curfews violate the rights of parents to make responsible decisions about how to raise their own children, and in doing so do nothing to make the streets safer. As Arthur Spitzer, Legal Director of the ACLU in D.C. has said, "The proper response to juvenile crime is to arrest the criminals, not to put thousands of law-abiding young people under house arrest." This only makes sense, and though there is a Southlake criminal element and always will be, a night-time curfew should not be enacted and greatly concerns me as a parent and as a Southlake citizen and tax-payer. 20. 1 had occasion to call the police about vandalism to my property. When the officer arrived, she said it was "just kids" and didn't even want to fill out a report. Vandalism is vandalism and should be addressed, not blown off! 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 12 of 28 21. Does the city, including Police and Fire services, even know where the 1600 block of N Pearson is located? 22. 1 think the speeding is becoming a problem but not yet out of hand with the teenage drivers. Also, they don't have or are not participating in summer programs and thus recent vandalism has come into play. But generally, there a millions of reasons to be jealous of those who live in Southlake. I have no plans on moving; especially while my daughter has to be in school. Hats off to us all. 23. Our biggest traffic issues are on neighborhood streets. We have cars constantly running the stop sign (at a school bus stop), yet the city traffic department says that nothing more can be done. Of course, there are a number of things that can be done as a homeowners association we have been disappointed with the response we have received (and continue to be concerned with the safety of our children). What can be done???? 24. 1 think the speed limit on White's Chapel, between 1709 and Continental should be 40 mph. It was a long time ago, it just seems a little slow on that road. I know there are more houses along White's Chapel now, but they are set so far off the road, it doesn't make sense to have it 30 mph 25. There are way too many wrecks on that road and bumper to bumper traffic. 26. The problem with traffic coming out of the high school on White Chapel is a huge problem. I have contacted the Southlake Police about this and did not get much response. It is very, very dangerous to pull out of the high school and I hear it only gets worse in the spring when the kids start driving who turn 16. 1 can't believe that this issue has not been addressed. I have heard horror stories about this situation for many years but had not experienced it until this year. I have witnessed wrecks and near misses. If we know that there is a problem and is widespread, should this not be fixed? There is a SL Policeman on every corner giving out tickets for going 10 miles over the speed limit - couldn't we use one of these guys twice a day to direct traffic during the rush times at the high school to keep someone from getting hurt? 27. 1 also believe our neighborhood (Diamond Circle) is used excessively as a cut through from 1709 to Whites Chapel and the speed of drivers makes it very dangerous for children to play in the front yard... 28. The speed limit on Continental Blvd is too slow. It needs to be at least 35 mph. Also, there needs to be a delineation of traffic lines on the corner of Continental blvd and Byron Nelson to allow better flow of traffic. 29. 1 just have issues with the traffic and driving safety! 30. Lastly, please ask our police department to "police"! There are too many speeding folks around our communities, especially on our side streets (Byron 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 13 of 28 Nelson, Carroll, Continental). I fear for my children walking to school with all the speeding that goes on in broad daylight. 31. Should keep people from picking up children on White Chapel and Chapel Down very dangerous 32. Increase speed limit, higher than 30. 33. 1 would like Continental to be treated like the high traffic-way that it is. Busses drive on it all day. Students and parents drive both ways to school. They are all mixed in with people trying to get to work. What happened to the round abouts?? They really keep cars moving. The stop sign at Continental and Byron Nelson is a free for all, along with Continental and WC. 34. 1 would like the police to monitor the right-in/ right-out entrances in front of Foxborough and/or other locations on 1709 to issue citations for infractions. In my opinion this is a dangerous situation if left unattended. Violations happen frequently throughout the day. Economic Development While we don't want much change, increased tax base would help us, especially those of us without children in the school system, but love living here. We don't want to someday have to move because we cannot afford the taxes! 2. We have to develop a higher tax base to lessen burden on residents. Finance 1. We moved from out-of-state and although we realized that property taxes were high (and in fact, make up for lack of State Tax), we did not know that our home/land is reassessed annually with property taxes based on the reassessment. While this appears to be beneficial, it certainly will affect my ability to live in Southlake should the value of my home increase annually. Not sure if the City has a say with regards to how much appreciation a Southlake home has. Thank you. 2. We love living in Southlake, but are hard hit by the property taxes! It seems we should get some sort of break because of all the new development. Our appraisals keep going up and up, so even with the state mandated tax cuts, we don't seem to be getting much of a break. 3. 1 laugh myself halfway to crying when I get my tax bill, enough is enough- if I laugh any harder I am going to get a hernia, so let's not risk it, ok? 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 14 of 28 4. Long term planning must begin to accommodate a leveling of taxes as the "buildout" of the City is completed. 5. 1 do feel that my taxes are high. We have looked at moving to Colleyville, Grapevine, and Keller to get away from the high taxes. We are glad that we have great schools but our children had graduated by the time we moved here. The great schools do result in firm and increasing property values, but annual taxes are painful. Since we are a retailing mecca, is there a way to shift the tax burden to business? 6. Keep up the good work. Keep standards high. Carefully evaluate and new services or projects to keep our property taxes down, as I am retired on fixed income and never get any future increases, but I want to continue to live in Southlake for a long time. First question about taxes was unclear. If I rate the taxes high, am I saying I like them where they are or am I saying the amount is too high? 8. Utility bills should be able to be paid online and with credit cards. 9. Why does the City keep the $50 deposit for water and sewer indefinitely? All other utilities refund the deposit after a year if there are no delinquencies. Also, a $50 deposit against an average $150 monthly bill is meaningless. Why doesn't the City implement a deposit that would actually secure a month's bill and refund them after a year of on time payments? 10. 1 would like average billing for water. 11. 1 think you are missing the point on the ability to pay utilities online. Most people are moving to online banking with their bank facility. What we need is electronic billing and the ability to pay the city electronically. Southlake does not need to build a website to pay bills online, it is already available via the banks, and we need the back end ability to receive bills electronically through the bank and subsequently setup for auto payment through them. Literally, of the 20 or so monthly bills I pay, only the City of Southlake is unable to provide ebills. 12. Make the city of Southlake utilities billing available online 13. There are several: 1) Stop the ridiculous practice of disconnecting water service if one's bill is just barely over 30-days past due. This is WHITE TRASH government policy at its worst. 14. Water is too expensive (in Arlington we paid 25% what we do here). 15. would be nice to pay for utility bill online 16. Would be nice to pay bills online. 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 15 of 28 17. 1 would like for water billing to have an option for visa or some other banking mechanism. 18. 1 would like for water billing to have an option for visa or some other banking mechanism. Planning & Development Services 1. Appreciate the willingness of the Planning Department to promptly give comments and guidance. 2. Nothing that I can think of, except to say I wish that I were in the Southlake school district instead of Keller. I have been told by a builder and a realtor that I could sell more easily if I were in that school district, and much as I hate to leave Southlake, I need to downsize, as I have 2.47 acres, and it is too much for me to handle, AND on a reduced income< I cannot afford to hire the necessary help to maintain it in the condition it should be kept. 3. Transition of the Clariden Ranch sub-division "into" Southlake has been very difficult and frustrating to complete. My decision to build in the Clariden Ranch development was based on the premise it WAS already considered to be in Southlake. At closing, I discovered it would have a Roanoke address. Working with Ben Thatcher, a homeowner petition was submitted and the change to Southlake was finally completed. This should have never been required to do and took way too much effort to complete,,, in the end, all appeared to be another example of non-value added government bureaucracy. 4. We do not need a new hospital. We do not need new businesses that receive tax credits. They should pay taxes just like the rest of us. 5. We appreciate the city's "cautious" approach to development, especially in restricting apartments from Southlake and, now this survey, hoping to obtain residents' opinion on where we go from here. While we don't want much change, increased tax base would help us, especially those of us without children in the school system, but love living here. We don't want to someday have to move because we cannot afford the taxes! Thanks for the entire city staffs efforts in helping Southlake remain as it is today! 6. The city is overbuilt commercially and has attracted undesirables. Southlake is a wonderful place to live we just need to be very careful to keep it that way. 8. Please stop permitting banks to be built in Southlake. Don't we have enough already? 3 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 16 of 28 9. Major problems are transition from rural to city living 10. Please don't let commercial development overtake every square inch of land in town! Unless, that is, these new businesses will generate tax rebates for the citizens, but I have no reason to think that they will! 11. Stop building office complexes Vacancies are everywhere 12. Southlake has an outstanding urban plan but we need to draw more big business dollars. The Town Square could use a play area for children, a department store and a walkway to Central Market plaza. Encouraging safe walking, gathering and playing will draw more people and more spending. 13. We love, love, love Town Square. 14. LOW DENSTIY HOUSING!!!!! We are not happy with the density of the development across from Durham. When we moved here 16 years ago the rule was one house on one acre in this area. We fought to keep that when Coventry went in. Now you're allowing higher density housing and ruining the quiet atmosphere we moved here for. We are very disappointed. 15. STOP THE BUILDING!!!!!! 16. Please do not approve high density housing in Southlake. We have more than we need already! 17. Need careful planning for new housing developments to avoid over-crowding and traffic pressure 18. Please remember what made Southlake special in the first place, room to breathe and neat people. People tend to get cranky when they are confined. People don't care about their neighbors when there are too many of them. Kids don't learn much when their classrooms are overcrowded and their teachers are maxed out. Southlake isn't changing for the better and that makes us sad. We have more than enough stores and restaurants. We even have our own movie theater!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! 19. Do not approve any more high density housing. It is ruining this town! 20. People such as myself do not feel that living in Southlake today brings with it the same quality of life that it did even two or three years ago. Too much development has increased available services but at a real cost to residents. As transplants from other parts of the country, many of us chose Southlake because of its schools and strong neighborhoods. With all of the growth, the sense of neighborhood has gone by the wayside and now many feel that Southlake is just another Lewisville. Please take the time to listen to how residents feel about this growth. I am happy to drive to Grapevine or Lewisville for more shopping! 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 17 of 28 21. Save what little land we have left. I like the country feel of Southlake but if it gets any bigger the ambiance of the town is gone!! I like seeing the donkeys on 1709 and White Chapel but noticed the land is up for sale. I hope it stays like it is with the animals there. Southlake needs to leave the land alone. We don't need anymore shops/stores or anything else for that fact going in over here. 1709 is way too congested as it is. There are way too many wrecks on that road and bumper to bumper traffic. We are losing the "country feel" of our town!! It's becoming a mini "Plano." 22. Stop the brown stones 23. Also per my comments on population control/over-development. The beauty of Southlake is its size, it's still a community, the "city" is still accessible and very responsive; the school district is still small and responsive; citizens can volunteer and still make a difference to the city, the schools, etc. Citizens can still be heard, their opinion matters. If we grow too large, the people of the town won't matter any more; instead it will be nothing but compromises business vs. citizens, and where there's money to be made, the citizens always loose. Please don't spoil Southlake like so many other cities by sacrificing the community for the profit that could be made. 24. 1 want to make sure the city continues to work on other tax revenue besides retail. 25. Go back to half acre lots and two story buildings. Work better with the school district. 26. Please try to keep as many tree lined streets as possible. 27. Hibernia Bank looks like a box on a hill--how did that pass the architectural committee? Please keep things looking like Town Square. 28. We lived here, in Southlake, from '98-'04, moved to Missouri, and recently moved back to Texas. We could have moved back to anywhere in Texas we wanted, and did not even consider another city. We LOVE Southlake! That being said, Southlake has a different "feel" than it used to. It doesn't feel like a small town anymore with all the commercial development. I know that is good for the tax base, and we hope that we are coming to the point of being "built out" on the commercial side of things. 29. 1 appreciate the council's very dedicated work in keeping developers from pushing too many zoning changes - after all, it is in the interest of Southlake to have spacious living; an oasis for anyone who visits and a long awaited true home for those who live here. That, my friends, sums up our fair city! (Now that we live here, my husband and I are agreed that there is no better place to live or retire.) 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 18 of 28 30. This is a great town and I think it is a very close knit community and that is what makes us very marketable. This should be our first concern. 31. It's becoming a cement jungle shopping center upon shopping center, followed by housing development upon housing development. Is there no plan? 32. too much residential development on small lots 33. keep the commercial on 114 34. don't allow overdevelopment of the beautiful Southlake 35. You have a beautiful city here with a great community feel. Please do not over- commercialize Southlake. 36. Stop the building of strip malls. There is no where for this traffic to go but 1709 and 114. 37. We moved here for the schools and characteristics of the city (it is well kept up, homes are maintained, people who live here have family values, it is safe, there is an abundance of spirit- everyone is a Dragon, and it is a Christian environment). When you live here- you want to be a part of it. 38. Southlake is on a very positive track, but it's a narrow track. Let's proceed with caution to ensure that our "progress" is on course. 39. Great job of planning the city. 40. Southlake is known and desired for its schools and quality of life. It needs to be a priority to maintain this level and continue to improve. Please do not allow low cost housing (apartments or small cheap houses on small lots)as that will only lower the quality of citizens living here and attending our schools! No more brownstones please!! 41. The traffic noise from Hwy 114 is terrible for some of the older neighborhoods. This needs to evaluated and see if sound walls can be built like is done in all of the other major cites in this country. In our neighborhood the long time residents who have paid Southlake taxes the longest and supported its growth to be what it is now are being penalized by having their home disrupted by loud road noise. 42. Some of the older buildings along 1709 have outdated and downright ugly signage. I think all the signage along this road should be up to current standards. 43. Push the corridor plan for Southlake blvd (esplanades, lighting). I believe this would be the single most important advancement for Southlake in years 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 19 of 28 44. Southlake is a great place to live. We enjoy all of the youth programs, parks, great shopping, family environment, etc. We do not want to see Southlake get over developed, and at this point we have everything we need here. 45. There is too much commercial development on 1709. It needs to be along Hwy 114. Hurry as fast as you can with the expansion of Davis Blvd to 114. Thanks! 46. 1 mentioned too many banks and over saturation of retail. 47. 1 have seen a lot of change in the 16 years I have lived in Southlake. I love the look of Town Square and the Central Market area. I think you have done a wonderful job of making the town attractive in looks and to prospective buyers. 48. We need to be careful not to become another Highland Park. Not everyone who lives in Southlake lives in $1 million house, but most of us have same values of family, home, etc. 49. Please keep our city on track. The 2025 Plan was well thought out and laid out the city in accordance with the wishes of this city's residents. There have been too many instances lately of "rezoning" or kowtowing to developers that fly in the face of this well laid plan. Keep "garden homes" out (half acre minimum should be maintained), limit all high density development, and look for ways to reduce our taxes! 50. Can the address anomaly that exists on Pearson Ln. between Johnson Rd. and Florence (1500-1600 N Pearson)be corrected? 51. Excellent taste in planning for city buildings. We should be proud of our public structures. 52. Focus should continue on enhancements of the city: street lights, street trees, medians, sidewalks, trails. 53. Control of development on Continental and Brumlow with a development overlay. 54. Please enforce the tree overhang clearance of 10 feet. I can't walk or cycle on my subdivision (Stonelakes)without poking my eyes out - who should I take to court ? 55. We would like to see some up to date details on the Aventerra Development on Carroll Road 56. Southlake is a wonderful place to live, we just need to keep it that way and not make it too crowded where no one wants to drive down 1709 or come visit. 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 20 of 28 57. First, I can't remember what years I participated in the survey. Almost an unfair question. Second, on balance Southlake has done a nice job of managing growth during much of my 14 years here. It does appear that we have moved into a development at any cost mentality. I would like to see the city leaders back it down a bit. Additionally, the type of city government that tries to bring into law the notion of perpetual terms for city leaders is one that I suspect is moving in the wrong direction. 58. As to future development - minimal need for retail, but office development along 114 would be good. Residential - please enforce the 1\2 acre lot size that we were told when we moved here. 59. You and your predecessors have done a fine job. Although I've only lived in Southlake for 2 years I did live next door in Grapevine (and in the Carroll school district) for 15 years before moving to Southlake. It's been an amazing transformation! That being said, I feel we're at a point where most additional commercial development fails the cost-benefit test. We've got one of pretty near everything! Allowing two of everything only causes more 'clutter'. Residential development will continue until we're built out, and we should be close, so that is less of an issue. 60. Spend money wisely and conservatively. Rome wasn't built in one day, neither Southlake should be. Money can build city's fame but quality can only be achieved by its citizens. 61. We love it here! Please continue to encourage development that is beautiful and responsible. 62. We have lived in Southlake for almost 25 years. Overall, we like it here very much. We live in an older neighborhood, and most of us feel disrespected by the city council and other powers-that-be. Our neighborhood is made of a wonderful group of people. Most people who live here have remodeled or done renovations and additions so they could stay in this neighborhood, instead of moving to a different neighborhood. Several years ago, P&Z allowed a flat-top office building to be built on our street. Our concerns about this and some other issues were/are pretty much ignored. Just because our houses aren't million-dollar "estates" doesn't mean we are "second-class" citizens. Remember, Timarron used to be a pig-farm. 63. Soil erosion and more city lights are my biggest concern. 64. My daughter asked me the other day as we drove through town "Where have all the trees gone?" she is 10 years old. Something to think about. 65. A city presently refuses to look at preserving some of its unique ecological treasures. 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 21 of 28 66. Tell the Brownstones town houses to either reduce their prices by $250,000 so that they sell, or terminate the project so that the land can be turned into something useful. 67. All developments should require sidewalks, especially on their perimeter against major roads. They create higher traffic access areas and unsafe conditions. I see the cross country kids run by, and sometimes they have no where to go off the major road as needed. 68. Don't allow growth to change the rural feel, especially with the side roads (Continental). Increasing lanes to service Keller and other residents is not in the best interests of maintaining the Southlake feel. We will tolerate a bit of traffic. 69. Chapel Downs Subdivision needs 4) planning for the development of a hospital with respect to how that is going to affect traffic flow through Chapel Downs subdivision. Thank you for your time. Angela Easton, 817.421.6215 70. 1 would like for water billing to have an option for visa or some other banking mechanism. I hate the traffic at town square, the recent addition ruined the atmosphere with traffic. Traffic getting in and out of the city is ridiculous. Public Works 1. Public works has not returned ANY of my phone calls or emails in the past several years!!!!!!!!!! 2. The City needs to focus soon on control of rainwater drainage throughout the area. 3. Storm drainage along Dove is also a recent problem. 4. Major problems are drainage 5. Major problems are transition from rural to city living such as fencing 6. The drainage problem at my residence due to the development across the street. It has improved a little but not much. We have a fear of continuous rain and therefore causing flooding in our home. I have to say one Southlake police officer stopped by one day after a heavy downpour to make sure we were okay. Chapel Downs Subdivision needs 1) the City's help and attention with respect to storm water drainage from the High School, 2) more information regarding the widening of White Chapel and how that will affect homeowners (and drainage); 3) street maintenance and lighting; 4) planning for the development 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 22 of 28 of a hospital with respect to how that is going to affect traffic flow through Chapel Downs subdivision. Thank you for your time. Angela Easton, 817.421.6215 8. The planning for storm drainage issues ahead of the need is excellent. Kudos. Please bury the rest of the power lines. 9. Drainage in Southridge Lakes that leads to standing water and cracked streets and driveways. 10. You have done a great job with streets. I love our traffic signals, they are the best in the Metroplex. 11. 1 want more lighting on our inner streets for Safety and to see where we are going in between the massive foliage we have. 12. Better street lighting in some subdivisions (South Ridge Lakes). 13. There should be a street light at Shady Ln. and Kimball. More Street lights all through Raintree Estates. 14. Would love to see sidewalks. Please complete sidewalks!! 15. 1 would love to see sidewalk services expanded to make bike/pedestrian access to Towne Square easier and safer. I would also love to see crosswalks painted on streets where bike/pedestrian trails intersect roads (specifically Continental Drive) 16. Need sidewalk on Peytonville between Southlake Blvd and Continental. 17. We have no designated bike lanes in Southlake at all! We need more sidewalks. We need more hiking/biking trails in the form of open space and parks (not in the form of soccer/baseball/etc. fields). 18. Would like to see sidewalks on both sides of 1709. 19. It would be very important to my family to have more sidewalks or bike lanes. The city is becoming congested and you can no longer safely go out without your car. This comment is just another of my feelings that Southlake reached a pinnacle and is now going down the hill. 20. More sidewalks or trails for joggers/walkers/bike riders! 21. Need side walks through out Southlake. All residential properties should have side walks leading to schools and shopping. 22. On the whole we are very contented in Southlake. However, we do feel that there is a shortage of accessible walking trails, sidewalks, etc. for our area... 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 23 of 28 since we are beyond the age of having children who take advantage of the many sports activities here, we feel a bit underprivileged in this respect. 23. Sidewalk and trail system is lacking. The only way to safely get around town involves driving your vehicle. 24. It is difficult to live in a neighborhood without sidewalks and makes it impossible for children to walk to friends houses etc. I also believe our neighborhood (Diamond Circle) is used excessively as a cut through from 1709 to Whites Chapel and the speed of drivers makes it very dangerous for children to play in the front yard... 25. Keep working on the sidewalks and roundabouts! Great job! 26. SIDEWALKS. WE NEED SIDEWALKS!!!!!!!!!!! 27. Please complete the sidewalks - there are gaps - what are we supposed to do? Walk or cycle on the main road ? 28. I'd love to see more sidewalks or at least, finish the sidewalks that are there. 29. Why don't we have sidewalks in front of the Southridge Lakes Neighborhood. It is so dangerous for us to ride our bikes on the 1709 to get to a sidewalk? 30. Perhaps you could follow the new trash company sometime.... at least the former company would attempt to replace the empty cans in the vicinity they were gathered, I have seen the new company employees literally "toss" the cans... some keep rolling, some land in the yards... some on the street. I realize time is money but it certainly appears sloppy the current way they are placed. 31. Please see notes about garbage and library. Thank you!!! 32. It would be nice if we had access to a city dump for free. Would be nice to have standard city garbage bins provided so they all look the same. Much more attractive. 33. Would be nice to have standard city garbage bins provided so they all look the same. Much more attractive. 34. Dove, Sunshine and many roads near where I live are in dire need of updating and repair. I would also like to see sidewalks along Dove comparable to other areas of Southlake. 35. Chapel Downs Subdivision needs 1) the City's help and attention with respect to storm water drainage from the High School, 2) more information regarding the widening of White Chapel and how that will affect homeowners (and drainage); 3) street maintenance and lighting; 4) planning for the development of a hospital with respect to how that is going to affect traffic flow through 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 24 of 28 Chapel Downs subdivision. Thank you for your time. Angela Easton, 817.421.6215 36. Soil erosion and more city lights are my biggest concern. 37. Major problems are traffic speed 38. Please get the stoplights on Southlake Blvd. synchronized all day long! 39. Consider better timing of lights. 40. Traffic is also a problem. 41. Access to 121, 360, and 820 is still a major issue. 42. Do something about 1709 as earlier stated! 43. overcrowding roadways 44. Additional round-abouts. 45. 1 live off of North White Chapel. I am concerned about the bicycle routes. They often hold up traffic. Because of the nature of the street, we cannot go around them. Since there is a major park on White Chapel, I get concerned about the cyclist and the soccer/softball traffic. I just feel like someone may get hurt. It would be nice to put a bicycle route along the street. It is a very beautiful area and I can understand why they want to cycle in that area. 46. The Woodland Heights neighborhood needs access to Village Center Drive, when the "new" medians come in, to make a left hand turn in and out of our neighborhood. 47. We need traffic relief for rush-hour commuters in the form of reliever routes and timed traffic lights or traffic police to facilitate usage of alternatives to 114 to Texan Trail. 48. 1 live off of 1709. The six lanes were made to cut back on traffic. It is scary to enter from my neighborhood because the cars are going so fast. Cars travel in the third lane and drive over 45 miles. I thought it was the lane to use when exiting 1709 or when entering onto 1709. How to you communicate to drivers to not travel in that lane and that it is to exit and enter and then go to another lane? 49. Need to work on the congestion on Continental. Possibly set up the lights on 1709 to be timed during rush hour to improve traffic flow. 50. Keep working on the sidewalks and roundabouts! Great job! 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 25 of 28 51. Don't allow growth to change the rural feel, especially with the side roads (Continental). Increasing lanes to service Keller and other residents is not in the best interests of maintaining the Southlake feel. We will tolerate a bit of traffic. Push the corridor plan for Southlake blvd (esplanades, lighting). I believe this would be the single most important advancement for Southlake in years 52. Chapel Downs Subdivision needs 4) planning for the development of a hospital with respect to how that is going to affect traffic flow through Chapel Downs subdivision. Thank you for your time. Angela Easton, 817.421.6215 53. 1)lnstall center dividers on 1709 and start planting more trees; 54. 2) 114 & 121 interchange needs to be expanded to four (4) lanes in each direction. Is it possible to collaborate with the DOT to make this happen. The taxpaying fathers and mothers sit in traffic unnecessarily between the hours of 4-7pm every night. Southlake and Westlake governments should be part of this solution as it impacts so many residents who would get home earlier in the evening if it weren't for this poor infrastructure> 55. Given the increase in traffic on Continental in both directions during am and pm rush hours, but especially pm heading west at the intersection of Davis Blvd., please consider widening the road at that intersection. The right hand turn lane could be extended east past the driveway into the strip shopping center there, allowing more people to turn right on red and shorten the wait time in the center lane at the light. The traffic often backs up past the intersection at Peytonville. This could help alleviate congestion without having to widen the entire street and take down trees along Continental. Also if you could figure out a way to keep so many people from cutting through our city in the mornings and afternoons, like lobbying for a move up date on the Randall Mill Bypass that would be great! 56. 1 just have issues with the traffic and driving safety! 57. Need traffic light on white chapel and Chapel Down 58. Do not want a median system on 1709. Particularly if it would block the entrance to Timberlake sub-division. Need to rethink certain left turn options where you have driver entering the opposing traffic left turn as if it was a dual left turn lane. Such as at the high school pool. 59. Southlake is a wonderful place to live, we just need to keep it that way and not make it too crowded where no one wants to drive down 1709 or come visit. 60. 1 would like Continental to be treated like the high traffic-way that it is. Busses drive on it all day. Students and parents drive both ways to school. They are all mixed in with people trying to get to work. What happened to the round 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 26 of 28 abouts?? They really keep cars moving. The stop sign at Continental and Byron Nelson is a free for all, along with Continental and WC. 61. Would be nice to have a traffic light at White Chapel and Continental. It is a nightmare at the four way stop. 62. Would be nice to have a traffic light at White Chapel and Continental. It is a nightmare at the four way stop. 63. 1 hate the traffic at town square, the recent addition ruined the atmosphere with traffic. Traffic getting in and out of the city is ridiculous. 64. Many residences in our community have put in wells. This has resulted in significant and wasteful overwatering. Can there be an ordinance and possible meters put on wells to limit the amount people are allowed to water? No matter where the water comes from, it is still a precious resource and should never be wasted. 65. Left turn light from east-bound 1709 onto north Carroll needs to be lengthened. Also, left turn light from west-bound 1709 onto south Davis needs to be lengthened. School 1. High school sports are not the most important thing in life. 2. We need to make the children of Southlake our top priority and be sure that we do all we can to entrust their future and to hopefully they will want to remain in this amazing community as adults. 3. We just moved here in May & couldn't be happier with Southlake. Our son has some disabilities, & the school (Johnson) jumped right in & took care of his & our needs. 4. School taxes are much too high and the caliber of teachers seems to be going down every year. 5. We previously lived in Dallas and took several years to decide which suburb to live. We picked Southlake because it had a great focus on schools and also a good plan as to how it would grow to keep schools good. 6. We need to improve the classes offered at our schools. I don't like having to pay the high taxes we pay, and then have to donate to the school so that our kids can have art and Spanish. Our kids should have these classes. My only issue is the school's which I previously stated. 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 27 of 28 8. 1 love the community feel of Southlake. A one high school town unites the community. 9. overcrowding in the schools 10. 1 am glad you are getting more information to those of us who live in Denton County. I would like Southlake to remember that not all of their citizens are in the Carroll School district. When I hear elected official speaks, they only refer to CISD. It appears that they don't care about the other school districts in which Southlake residents attend. 11. This is a great community! Again, I would like to emphasize that the biggest attraction is the education system. Let's keep it at the exemplary level. Our high school is (appears to be) overcrowded. I'm concerned about teacher/student ratios. Thanks for your time 12. School grounds need to be maintained use pesticides to rid of ants and bees 13. We need ANOTHER HIGH SCHOOL EVEN IF IT MEANS NOT WINNING STATE IN THE 5A DIVISION!!! South lake-Carroll's absolute obsession with one sport is ruining this city. I have 4 kids and have had to send them to very expensive private schools to get them properly educated. You poled the x. community five years ago. We all said we wanted TWO high schools. Instead, we now bus kids back and forth all day from one campus to another just so we can win stat. Ridiculous. We now have half as many kids playing football; half as many tennis team players; half as many valedictorians, salutatorians, wrestlers, cheerleaders, you name it. And we can't go back a give a kid his high school glory days back. Smaller schools give more kids an opportunity to participate and far less provocation to experiment with their lifestyle choices. 14. 1 do feel that my taxes are high. We have looked at moving to Colleyville, Grapevine, and Keller to get away from the high taxes. We are glad that we have great schools but our children had graduated by the time we moved here. The great schools do result in firm and increasing property values, but annual taxes are painful. Since we are a retailing mecca, is there a way to shift the tax burden to business? 2008 Citizen Survey - Responses by Department Page 28 of 28 Ch P - O SOUTHLAKE TEXAS Risk Assessment City Council Strategy Session January 24, 2008 Inno..6.. 0 I.. gin 0 Acco nmhib. C Comma-I m E-Uce C Teamwork Risk Assessment Agenda 1. Process 2. Top 5 risk areas 3. What we are doing O THLAKE TEXAS,..."..... hoe no Aecoaaoauain-c commamem.a e,.ceneaee o Teamworl, Risk Assessment The Process • Used the Protiviti process • Risk Model • Categorization of risks • Heat map 0 Commkmem ro E-H- 0 1 Risk Assessment The Process Continued • On-line survey by executive team and front line supervisors • Directors and Assistant Directors - Forced Ranking -Tasked to come up with top 5 risks r_I C S6UTHLAKE TEXAS,--,_, Inte 'm0 Acco vmMiliK C Commitment m Fcellrncc G TcamworA Risk Assessment Top 5 Risk Areas • Business Interruption: Ken Baker • Employee Fraud and Third Party Fraud: Sharen Jackson • Human Capital: Kevin Hugman • Performance/Finance Measurement: Jim Blagg/Ben Thatcher • Regulatory: Ben Thatcher Commnmrnt co F -ccllrnce 0 What We Are Doing: Business Interruption • What we have done -Conducted two (2) committee meetings -Identified the following for each city department: • Critical services (operational & processes) • Critical individuals • Critical technology • Risks (departmental & overall) +i®t t 2 What We Are Doing: Business Interruption • What we will be doing in the future - Create policies and processes to minimize identified risks - Identify actions needed to implement policies and processes - Finalize document E,-]]-- o Tee-rk What We Are Doing: Employee Fraud and Third Party Fraud What we have done - Draft fraud policy-sent to attorney's for review - Webb Watch presented/discussed assessing organization fraud - Working on a communication/training plan for the employees to distribute fraud policy - Discussed ways to develop/create a culture that does not tolerate fraud What We Are Doing: Employee Fraud and Third Party Fraud • What we will be doing in the future -ACFE Fraud Prevention Check-up test • Test was developed by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. • Will assist the committee in identifying any major gaps in our fraud prevention processes 3 What We Are Doing: Human Capital • What we have done - Discussed levels of service and required staffing to meet these levels; • Correlation to department business plans, management studies, community facilities plan and city master plans • Reviewed city facilities plan and anticipated staffing needs by department - Reviewed available methods for tracking service demands and efficiency • Planned purchase of asset management software system - Discussed possible alternative solutions for staffing shortages or overages • Tempomrylcontract staffing • Cross training and/or transfer of personnel • Technology What We Are Doing: Human Capital • What we will be doing in the future - Review department business plans and recommend standards for service level description, tie to staffing levels - Review department management studies for recommendations to other departments - Review and recommend possible reporting and monitoring mechanisms -Develop plan of action/implementation i What We Are Doing: Performance/Finance Measurement • What we have done - Inventory of available performance reports - In the process of creating KAls for strategy map • What we will be doing in the future - Selected business intelligence software; will implement in 2008 - Will create new quarterly financial/performance report for City Council by March 4 What We Are Doing: Regulatory • What we have done - Executed a two year agreement with Hill Co to assist us with our legislative needs What we will be doing in the future -Will discuss legislation needs with executive team during the summer -Will bring City Council a proposed legislative agenda in September a SOUTHLAKE TEXAS Questions? Jim C. Blagg 817.748.8601 I...-i.. O Int 0 0 A-.,, ilm C C ..k- to F-fl- 0 Tca -w 5 Risk Rating Interpretation The graphic below depicts how the Risk Assessment Heat Map on the next slide can be interpreted - risk responses should be developed starting with those risks found in the upper- right quadrant. High m ra e W v r* c 221 N Low Low Likelihood High ct ~ 0t SOUTH LAKE TEXAS Values Management City Council Strategy Session January 24, 2008 Invovasioe 0 1- gm 0 Assn ntabibts 0 C -.U- . Facellmce 0 rrmmwurl; Culture Systems -SuFl- code or conduct -EMics Ordinance •Trammg a Edncawn lmary ROCeasea •D~s- d •Frau Polley • 111" 51dTeam •Lean SNdws 61mp -Pertormance Appraisal System •I t l A du F - n erna u u- •E%[e - Audit -Finanmal Reporting -Data Analysis •Stratn.. Management system Survey Rnp•narvenes •RADI McMOd .Supervisor Academy E.-..- Leadership Dev. •W. W.up system -GIP Management system Value Teams • Integrity - Team Leaders: Ken Baker, Kevin Hugman, Shana Yelverton • Innovation - Team Leaders: Jim Blagg, Steve Polasek • Accountability - Team Leaders: Sharen Jackson, Wade Goolsby, Ben Thatcher • Commitment to Excellence - Team Leaders: Pilar Schank, Robert Finn, Lori Payne • Teamwork - Team Leaders: Bob Price, Greg Last 7 1 =<Pr~7 Integrity Being worthy of the public's trust in all things. We deal honestly and respectfully with each other and the public at all times. S THLAKE TEXAS Innovarion 0 1_ ' 0 A-. ihi 0 Com i- to E-11- 0 T--rk Integrity Successes to Date - Conducted supervisor training/discussion on Business Code of Conduct - Developed "Integrity Matters" column and articles for monthly employee newsletter - Formed staff "Green Team" to foster stewardship of environment - Identified top 5 organization business risks and established teams to address each - Included ethics training requirement in executive performance contracts 1( t Excellence 0 Integrity Future Initiatives - Facilitate "Green Team" SWOT analysis and initiatives - Timely topics of interest for "Integrity Matters" column - Conduct employee training on new fraud policy, ethics, diversity awareness, etc. - Host guest speaker on ethics for executive staff - Continue development and awareness of SilentWhistle program 2 Innovation Valuing progressive thinking, creativity, flexibility and adaptability in service delivery. SOUTHLAKE TEXAS m••~~•• c ~•,e ~n o nc~o••ranamo Commit- 4• er«nm« a Te,m-ti Innovation • Successes to Date - Defined innovation within the organization and developed corresponding goal statement - Developed preliminary process for facilitating innovation in the work place Defined steps Flow chart - Began review for creating an innovative workplace environment • (physical, communication, empowerment, training, etc.) Innovation • Future Initiatives - Develop an easy to use departmental guide facilitating innovation Steps Flow Chart SOP's - Provide an on-going communications program to encourage innovation within the organization - Develop opportunities to create a more innovation "friendly" work place TEXAS oco~m~•m•„~.oE-11- 0 [7==~=T Accountability Taking personal responsibility for our actions or inaction while putting the interest of the taxpayer First. C} Accountability • Successes to Date - Email reminders for outstanding invoices - New budget software with accountability parameters - Implemented missing receipts procedure Accountability • Future Initiatives - Offer training on new purchasing policy - Implement monthly compliance reporting at Directors Meeting -Develop a training presentation regarding customer service and follow-up 4I 4 F,779 Commitment to Excellence Behaving responsively in our delivery of service to the public. Our work is characterized by its quality and the diligence with which it is carried out. We proactively seek to solve problems in advance. SO U THLAKE TEXAS Innovation 0 Inre 'a 0 ACCnun[abilit\ 0 Commnmmr ro Ecellrnce 0 Teamwork Commitment to Excellence • Successes to Date - Evaluate & improve City Council packet - Conduct bi-monthly consent agenda items - Locate Library Board and Southlake Arts Council packets on website - Create SOP for power point presentations 0 Gommnmmr ro Eaeeum« 0 Commitment to Excellence • Future Initiatives - Train city staff on slideshow SOP & preparation - Review all board agendas - Locate additional board packets on website - Comprehensive C to E review of city communications ~A S UTHLAKE TEXAS rqftvl Inonvetion 0 Inre '4 0 Acc -biW 0 Gommrtmrnr [o Eae U-" 0 Teamwork 5 ..,11, r=te Teamwork Recognizing the importance of working together to meet our citizens' needs, communicating clearly, sharing resources and information freely. 'D SOUTHLAKE TEXAS Imovetioe O 1_01y 0 Accvunmlrilin 0 Comm,mrnt m Erce11rnc<0 TeamworA Teamwork • Successes to Date - Director's retreat emphasized teamwork - Coordination of the Commercial Developer's Roundtable involved significant teamwork - Several workgroups have been organized that allow staff to focus on common issues as a team _ I i e - Teamwork • Future Initiatives -All "Teamwork" award nominees • Annual employee banquet recognition -Teamwork Resources Kit • Based on "17 Indisputable Laws" • Assembled for departmental use SOUTHLAKE TEXAS Ivv v 0 1_0o 0 Ac< enmhifin 0 Com v Eudlrnc< 0 Tee ,,k 6 SQUTHLAKE TEXAS Questions? Inn., epo. C In ,G 0 Ac.... .I- 0 Commnmmno E-11--C Tea--k I C 1 : C) F SOUTHLAKE TEXAS Strategic Management System: Where We've Been and Where We are Today City Council Strategy Session January 24, 2008 aligned with strategy dash- boarding map ' Implementing • Conducted first Performance assessment of .MS contracts for Directors Strategic Management Assessment: Individual Scores 1 MOBILIZE LHANGETHROUGH 2. TRANSLATESTRATEGY EIE-U LE---HIP TO OPERATIONAL TERMS 5~~. ' 7 J 6 GOVERN TO MAKE 2. ALIGN THE STRATEGY Y A ORGANIZATION CONTINUAL PROCESS TO THE STRATEGY +~i yw. a.~.r~. } I NII+iYfT.. g F'- [~vySw~_w.»a~'~'~.1 _J '1'L Strategic Management Assessment: Group Scores 1 MOBILIZECHANGETHROUGH Z. TRANSLATESTRATEGYTO Legend EXECUTIVE LEAOEREHIP OPERATIONAL TERMS mnltl ~Igm.emn I'<ua bl m.rgm M : ~o«ol~ro N. 5 GOVERNTOMAKE 3. A N THE STRATEGY A OMMOATION .cmapmups I~mvwn CONTINUAL PROCESS TO THE STRATEGY eww.n M~ ~ ammlN _ . - - l MOTN'ATE TO MAKE Io< MGM NI STRATEGY EVERYONE'S JOB _-T~ C -Tv SOUTHLAKE TEXAS Confirming Our Direction City Council Strategy Retreat January 24, 2008 Strategic Management System CORE VALES ~axaa, w~tnm CORE CORE VALUES wx VALUES RESULTS 'Fatl-Sa/e Leadership by Lmde L Mertm 6 Dr D..d G W.W., Strategy Execution • Communication across organization • Creation of action plans • Assigning ownership • Confirming resources • Reviewing process and content for relevance & performance effectiveness TEXA 1 .11 Strategy Evaluation Process Questions Does the process provide us what we need to know? Do we understand our strengths & weaknesses Are we measuring the right things? • Are we budgeting strategically? Content Questions Have we identified the right strategies? Are they working? Has our environment changed9 What is the impact of the citizen survey on our strategy? SlUTHLAKE TEXAS m.o..6.. o J_ OT o A-... bfj&, o comm~.mro..o U-11-0 Teamwork The Process Cwd f sae.oy Map U.N.f.0 Niyr.~n..rt ■t1Y x Key Accountability IndicatorsMarget; o r-.e o Or-4 2 ® City of Southlake Strategy Map FMu~ I ",-o~(w Id n:- PeRom una,~Z, 11 -=,q- slup ocu:A~. ~d ~.unn an mm Udi.ery vid~lun~.en.m Process Evaluation • Council Strategy Session • Strategy Map Development • June Retreat- Budget Priorities • Budget Document • Budget Hearings • Citizen Survey • Results Reporting j I TEXAS I..._eoo 0 ImcOw 0 A-..mbF m C Commit-t to -al-0 The Content t i 3 Content Evaluation • Mission Statement • Safety & Security • Mobility • Infrastructure • Performance Management & Service Delivery • Quality Development • Partnerships and Volunteerism Z • Values r ITH 1 A K P Focus Areas ED Examples • ConnectCTY Program • Traffic radar trailer • Additional police officers • Training & Safety Coordinator How important is this focus areal Is our performance effective? I 1 1, ~ -ft' 0 Focus Areas ® Examples: • CIP road projects ($7.55 M for FY 2008) • Sidewalk plan & construction • Trolley program Median Plan How important is this focus area? Is our performance effective? 4 Focus Areas Examples: • COS/Sabre Partnership • Recycling Fund programs (KSB) • Southlake Volunteer Program • Southlake/Keller jail & dispatch How important is this focus area? Is our performance effective? SOUTHLAKE TEXAS Imo.vtion C Ime 'm 0 AccounmbiLn C Gommi-t to Fac H-0 Teamwork Focus Areas ® Example: • Capital Improvement Program • Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study • City facilities (e.g., DPS) • Bicentennial Park How important is this focus area? Is our performance effective? Ilooovazion 0 1- 0. C A«ounra6,Ln 0 Focus Areas Examples: High • Foundational software implementation Performance • Fleet managementiVehicle Replacement Fund • LEAD program/Supervisory Academy 2008 Citizen Survey 4 How important is this focus area? t; r' Is our performance effective? UTHLAKE TEXAS Inno.aaan 0 I_rc im 0 A-.... Aiurt C Commitment m E-11-0 Teamwork 5 Focus Areas Examples: Quality • Southlake 2025 implementation Urban Design Study a " Contract engineering reviews • Public art program How important is this focus areal Is our performance affecd"? SOOTHLAKE TEXAS Invovaoov C Ivtee 10 Accu-n ,Im C Commitment to Fav 11-0 Tea -1 19 SOUTH LAKE TEXAS Questions? 6