A-1511 (3) !; II... (...JC.., ((J(.;...,i,7()O.... ......... '1"""-, .;1..:1-- .r RESOLUTION NO. 99-13 OFFICIAL RECORD A RESOLUTION VACATING AND ABANDONING A IOO-FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT, IN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS; DECLARING THAT SUCH PROPERTY IS UNNECESSARY FOR USE BY THE PUBLIC; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE TO EXECUTE A QUIT CLAIM DEED RELEASING PUBLIC OWNERSHIP, INTEREST OR CONTROL OF SAID IOO-FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Whereas, the City of Southlake is a home rule city acting under its charter adopted by the electorate pursuant of Article XI, Section 5 of the Texas Constitution and Chapter 9 of the Local Government Code; and Whereas, a 100-foot public utility easement has previously been dedicated to the City of South lake by Robert H. Rockenbaugh and recorded in Book 5010, Page 600 of the deed records of Tarrant County, Texas, and filed March 15, 1971; and Whereas, the City Council of the City of South1ake, after careful study and consideration, has determined that said 100-foot public utility easement dedicated to the City of South lake by Robert H. Rockenbaugh and recorded in Book 5010, Page 600 of the deed records of Tarrant County, Texas, is not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general; therefore, it constitutes a public charge without a corresponding benefit, and the public would be better served and benefited by its vacation and abandonment. Said 100-foot public utility easement is more specifically described on the attached exhibit: Exhibit A: Legal and Graphic Description Whereas, in order to remove any question as to the continued interest or ownership of the public in said 100- foot public utility easement, the City desires to execute a Quit Claim Deed releasing all title, ownership and control in said easement to the owners of the property on which the easement recorded in Book 5010, Page 600 of the deed records of Tarrant County, Texas and their heirs, and assigns. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 The 100-foot public utility easement, as described herein, is not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general. It constitutes a public charge without a corresponding benefit, and the public would be better served and benefited by its vacation and abandonment. Accordingly, the above described 100-foot public utility easement located on property owned by Robert H. Rockenbaugh and recorded in Book 5010, Page 600 of the deed records of Tarrant County, Texas, is hereby vacated and abandoned as public property and such area so abandoned shall revert in simple fee to the owner of the remainder of said property. SECTION 2 The Mayor of the City of Southlake, Texas, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute a Quit Claim Deed releasing all claims to title, ownership, or control of the 1 OO-foot public utility easement on behalf of the City of Southlake, Texas. A copy of said Quit Claim Deed shall be presented for filing with the County Clerk of Tarrant County, Texas by the office of the City Secretary. SECTION 3 This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage as provided by law. \ PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS ~ day Of~, 1999. .- ~,\\\"\II" Ifill//, ~~'" ~,",LAI( "/~ ~ O~ ........... I$' ~... s. ... "'~ ~ ,.AL... ....~~ E:;'J \" ~ =0 :>= = 100= ::: ,.. : ::: ~~ I ~ ~ ~"\ ..' ~ ~v .. ~ ~ ........... .. ~ ~II/, * ic"T' ~\~ 7//111111I\1\\\\\\'\ ~~ Mayor Attest: ~-A~ City Secretary RETURN TO: CItY OF SOUTHlAKE OFFICE OF C'TY SECRETARY 1725 EAST SOUTHlAKE BOULEVARD SOUTHlAKE. tEXAS 16092 I-'--~- . QUIT CLAIM DEED STATE OF TEXAS: KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT That the City Council of the City of Southlake, County of Tarrant, '5tate of Texas, after careful study and consideration, has determined that a certain 1 OO-foot public utility easement located on property owned by Robert H. Rockenbaugh and recorded in Book 5010, Page 600 of the deed records of Tarrant County, Texas, hereinafter specifically described, is not being used by, nor useful or convenient to the public in general; therefore, it constitutes a public charge without a corresponding public benefit, and the public would be better served and benefited by its vacation and abandonment. For and consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the City of Southlake does hereby bargain, sell, release, vacate, abandon and forever quit claim unto: the Rockenbaugh property located in the 2000 Block of North Carroll Avenue and any and all of their heirs, legal representatives of assigns, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real property situated in Tarrant County, Texas, to wit: See Exhibit A: Legal and Graphic Description TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of its right, title and interest in and to the above described 100- foot public utility easement unto the said Grantee, his heirs and assigns forever, so that neither Grantor nor its heirs, legal representatives of assigns shall have, claim or demand any right or title to the aforesaid 100-foot public utility easement, premises or appurtenances or any part thereof. Executed this the ~ day of ~ ,1999. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE B~~ RETURN TO: ClTV Of SOUTHlAKE OfFICE Of c:.=r:UlEVARO 1125 EAST ....ae 76092 SOUlHl.AKE. I~ _""~"_"'_""""'_'___""'"'''~'__''' _ ____._,c~.._~...~,__.,____~,_.__.,___,.........,_ EXHIBIT IAI ...- '., "l I, " .~ MOK 501 n ;~[ 600 50 l fJ (1200 !:;J:'l~"(l 2 :, 9 i1 'f LS - \:0 ,50 ! I ~ Ii: i. :, STATE OF TEX ',:: 1;,040 KNOW A 1.1. MEN flY T/IESE I'R ESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT That we. nOBEHT lJ. n~CKENIlM)GII Ulld wlCe, OOHOTIIY nOCKENIlAUGlJ, of Tarranl County. Texas. for and In consideration oC the sum 01 ONE IX>LLAn ($1.00). and othel'llood and valllable cnnsideraliolls paid by the City 01 Soulhlakt,. a mUlllclpal corporatloll oC Tarrant Counly, Texas. receipt oC which 1M hereby acknowledged. do grunt. bargain alld convey to said City, Its successors alllJ assll.'l1s. the UBe and pas,~age III and along the followlnl( parcel or tract oC land. i situated In Tarranl Cnunty, Texas. lo-wit: ^" easement Cor Ihe purpose oC construction . and maintenance oC any and all public utillLles. said properly being described aB Callow": BEGINNING at a point on the East lille oC Ihe Carroll School Road, said point being SO' North oC the Southern Boundary of Ihat property conveyedlO grantors herein by L. R. Ragsdale and wiCe, ['-.lrelee Hagsdak.: TIIBNCIi W"Hlward on Ih" lin" J1arallello the "aid South line tp a polnl eve 11 with the West line oC the Cayce tract oul or tilL' original Lemler tract; TIIENCE South 100'; TI IENCE Eastward all a line parallel III Ihe ahove referenced SOllth line cOlltlnulnl{ to a poinl on Ihe Easl line oC the Carroll School Hond. tht'lI North 10 the polnl oC hcglllning. II IN Intcn,"'d hy lht'se prescncc 10 convcy a rlghl-of-way Cor public lllll1lies 10 the I I i .1 j Cily of Soulhlake with the uSllal ,;"", 0' ':"':~y~";/" '0 ~~ 1:;;;;',0,1 ~.u~~ ' . 1\OIlEI\T II. 1\0CKENBAUGlJ ;'" .: ): ;' 16 ~~<LJL~LJd-/1 U<l OOROTI'Y;IWCKENIlAUGII ':J .j : 5C-7 .~~Jt~i;..~'~~~~~~,~J .11 . '. ,..,~ -~1''''1 ",''.i:~~.~~.~/~,,{~;~.t,~~.'yi.:~~~~;);..;~~,~~~f"~~. ... ;,,;' \ --.n ~n EXHIBIT IAI '~'~;,f' : , ~'l~ ' ..~.~.. ........- '"_..:.-'---- I. I i I , ,I I j" . "; STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY or HRRANT I, I '.! IlErOHE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Puhltc In IInd for Mid County IInd Statc, on thts day personally appeared ROBERT H. HOCKENMUGH IInd OOROTHY , ","1', ROCKENlltIUGH, his wife, both known to Ille to be the persons whose names ore subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledg-ed to Ille that they each executed: I .1 the same for the purposes and considerntiOl\ therein expressed, and the said I I " /X)HOTHY ROCKENMUGH, wife of the saId ROI3ERT H. ROCKENI3AUGH, having been examined by me privily anel apart [rom her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said OOROTI-IY ROCKENI3AUGH acknowledged such instrum- ment to be her act and deed, and she declared that she had willingly signed the 8ame for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, ond thot she <Jill'not wish to rest ract it. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL or OFf-'ICE this the -Jdday of Decem ber. 1968. :, Q. X/ eJL~, Notary PlIW'lc, Tarrant County, Thx~s I. i I' ,'oo(pO~lO ~ACf 601 ,',' . 5C-8 EXHIBIT IAI Mo~50W,~;~[6a2. " J,} .. '^ 0 rn FIt.ED , EX'" -0 ~ r-- -r'l\np.!,': 0:- ~CL!~ni, 1, "I.. ~ rn td t:l E-< lEtO ~ ~ r.l " \ HN~ IS AI~ \0: 20 ~;.g Eo< ~ ~ 0 @ >< r.i w ffi, , , ' ,'OWEN :.<: E-< aI~ <) E-< 2 ~ .~ 0 p I'/;..c/l t'I":.~ ;'LI:~RK po: 0 Sl c~tH< lye DE? p E-< bY_...._.~----_._- ' ~ ~o b td r.. po: ij~8 E-< 0 w ffi >' rn co Eo< tl 0 H po: <) 0-1 Po MAlE 0>; ~ I COUNTY or TAR"ANT ( f \treby u,llf) It." lhi, in5lrtJlTI,nt "15 rrlrD or. t.. ",t, Ind ~I lhl' t,m, $'~mc~d h:'fe:Jn b) ",. ,nd ...n dtAr RlCOltD(1) '1'1 tin YCtlul'Jle tmf p~p ('II t"'e DUD RECORtlS 01 fln'"l COlJ.uy. T,u\. ,1~ ..r......... ~ .,. '..on tly mi. MAR 15 1971 /I/~~ COUNTY Cl[RK TUU"T COUNTY. TlXAI 5C-9 I 1\:, I,: I' I, ~ " 'I'i- '~J';~,"I_'I..I,;-..1,;",l,.o..-'~'';'-N-'-''''~'''''-''.'''~ I ,'I ;,;,,\,''.1 ""," - ,J "::.':" i " . . .' .. i'.~ ;\'~,.I..'oI>:" <::';>.>J~'j~.:~, "', - :~}:~:.~'~ .< .... 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H! 1m;!! i \~ III \l!ll\l i I i 111\11\\1\1\, '0_ ,., .p, {, . . . ..... li!~ \1\ \~ \ \i\ 1\ \ \ \ lll\ll!;! ~ - .. !?! f. 1. ~ ~.~~~ aa _ _ ~ ;r r-' . !: .. ~!~ r ~'t~~ i~~~ \ \m\ \ Ii ii 1; Ii il!!! llll! :,! l; 1,111 !k~ l,! h . :.~ I".;. ~i - ~i !~~;l ~~ii! !; i; "g, '!'Ii ;< ;, (',;i ItL :: it !w! :~~l :i ~: ~Hh IIi: !! ldltii lllt ~ '. , .,.._.....,_~,...._'_,...^_.__... _....;.0____.-___."'''',''.._,,_____._._ D199156137 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE OFFICE OF CITY SECRETARY 1725 E SOUTHLAKE BVD SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: RATTIKIN TITLE CO RECEIPT NO 199297570 REGISTER DR96 RECD-BY A I PRINTED DATE TIME 06/17/1999 15:30 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D199156137 WD INDEXED TIME 19990617 15:30 CK 9330 TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 23.00 B Y: 7 -- ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW. .---.,.,~, "._ _".n'm_._~'_'_...__.'~_ ,,C" ,"_._..__.._____--'"'~.,__,,_,..~_,~..,..___H"....._._.,;~,~.--,~-_..------.......~-.,,-.--.-