Crime Control and Prevention District
Board Meeting
Wednesday, December 17, 1997, 6:30 p.m.
Board Members Present: Kim Clancy, Jerry Farrier, Pam McCain, Bob Mundlin, Martin Schelling,
John Swift, and Andy Wambsganss.
Staff Present: City Manager Curtis E. Hawk, Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton, Public
Safety Director Billy Campbell, Finance Director Lou Ann Heath, Deputy Director Police Services
Gary Gregg, Training Coordinator Bobby Finn, and Secretary to City Manager Kim Bush.
City Attorney: Debra Drayovitch
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. This being the first meeting of the appointed Board of
Directors, Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor
Stacy was present and welcomed the Board. He expressed his appreciation to the Board for their
willingness to serve in this voluntary capacity on behalf of the citizens of Southlake.
Agenda Item No. 2. Oath of Office. The Oath of Office and the state's requirement for Statement
of Appointed Officer for all Board members was administered prior to the meeting in the City
Secretary's Office.
Agenda Item No. 3. Draw lots to determine terms. The Local Government Code, section
363.101(b), provides that Board members will serve two-year, staggered terms, that expire September
1 of each year. However, terms for the initial appointees, under this section, will be determined by
drawing lots, with three directors serving terms that expire on September 1, 1998 and four directors
serving terms that expire on September 1, 1999. Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush presented
to each board member a concealed slip of paper to draw for their length of term on the Board. As a
result of the drawing, the following terms were established:
Pam McCain September 1, 1998
Andy Wambsganss September 1, 1998
Bob Mundlin September 1, 1998
Jerry Farrier September 1, 1999
Kim Clancy September 1, 1999
John Swift September 1, 1999
Martin Schelling September 1, 1999
Agenda Item No 4 Consider: Election and Appointment of Board Officers
Motion was made by Martin Schelling to nominate Andy Wambsganss as President.
Ayes: Schelling, Mundlin, Farrier, Swift, Clancy, McCain
Approved: 6-0-1
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December 17, 1997
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At this point Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton turned the meeting over to President
Motion was made by Pam McCain to nominate Martin Schelling as Vice President.
Ayes: McCain, Mundlin, Farrier, Swift, Clancy, Wambsganss
Approved: 6-0-1
President Wambsganss stated that it has been pointed out that the treasurer for the district must be the
person who performs the duties of auditor for the city (per Chapter 363 of the Local Government
Code), which is Finance Director Lou Ann Heath. All Board members agreed to appoint Ms. Heath
as Treasurer.
President Wambsganss commented that City Manager Curtis E. Hawk recommended the appointment
of Shana Yelverton as Board Secretary. Motion was made by Bob Mundlin to appoint Shana
Yelverton as Board Secretary.
Ayes: Mundlin, McCain, Farrier, Swift, Clancy, Wambsganss, Schelling
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 5. Consider: Approval of District Seal.
Board Secretary Shana Yelverton presented to the Board the proposed Southlake Crime Control and
Prevention District seal which will be used on official documents of the district, and she commented
that the seal resembles the City of Southlake seal.
Board members unanimously approved the seal as presented.
Ayes: Clancy, Farrier, McCain, Mundlin, Schelling, Swift, Wambsganss
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion: Board Member Orientation.
City Attorney Debra Drayovitch presented a review of Chapter 363 of the Local Government Code
which sets out the general provisions of the law governing crime control and prevention districts. A
copy of the handout provided by Ms. Drayovitch is included with the minutes.
President Wambsganss questioned whether there would be any conflict of interest between the City
and the Board if they were both represented by the same attorney's office. Ms. Drayovitch
commented that she could not think of any reason that there would ever be any conflict with the City.
Shana Yelverton commented that questions regarding the relationship between the City and the Board
could be addressed in an administrative services agreement.
Agenda Item No 7 Consider: CD Resolution 97-3, establishing rules for the adoption of the
Crime Control and Prevention District Annual Budget and establishing the fiscal year.
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December 17, 1997
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Shana Yelverton explained to the Board that prior to the election by the voters to create the district, a
temporary board (comprised of City Council members) was created to take care of the administrative
duties of the proposed district. Part of these duties included the adoption of an order adopting budget
procedures and a fiscal year for the district. Ms. Yelverton stated that CD Resolution 97-3, included
in the Board's packet, mirrors the order approved by the temporary board. This resolution provides
for the same fiscal year and provisions for public hearings as that for the City. Director Farrier
questioned if the procedure would place an additional burden on staff during a time that is already
very hectic. That is, would the preparation of the departmental budget and the District budget
simultaneously create difficulties for staff? Campbell responded that the timing was fine and would
not create problems for his staff. City Manager Curtis Hawk explained that the process of adopting
the budget for this Board will be similar to that of the Southlake Parks Development Corporation.
SPDC approves their budget and then it goes to City Council for approval during the City's normal
budget process and there are no problems.
Motion was made to approve CD Resolution 97-3 as presented.
Motion: Farrier
Second: McCain
Ayes: Farrier, McCain, Clancy, Swift, Wambsganss, Schelling, Mundlin
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No 8 Discussion: Review of Crime Control Plan and Budget
Public Safety Director Billy Campbell introduced Deputy Director of Police Services Gary Gregg and
Training Coordinator Bobby Finn and informed the Board that if they ever had any questions or
needed any information to please contact either of them.
Campbell explained how the creation of the district will allow the Department of Public Safety to take
care of the things they need to do in order to provide the kind of services a growing community will
need. Campbell explained that this cannot be provided through the general fund of the City without
severely impacting the citizens directly through increased ad valorem taxes.
Director Campbell reviewed for the Board the plan and budget that was adopted by the temporary
board and the voters of Southlake. Campbell explained about the budget process and how Finance
Director Lou Ann Heath prepares projections on the estimated revenue expected to be received from
the half-cent sales tax. Ms. Heath commented that projections are based on historical sales tax data
and growth projections both in citizen population and commercial development
Director Campbell included in his presentation the department's need to first consider land and
building design and construction during FY97-98 and FY98-99. (An overview of the plan and
budget as presented to the Board is included with the minutes.)
Campbell explained that he is asking that the crime control district fund two school resource officer
positions for the next three years. He commented that he has spoken with Superintendent Ted Gillium
about picking up half of the funding after that, and Mr. Gillium indicated that he felt CISD would be
Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Meeting Minutes
December 17, 1997
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in a position at that time to provide half of the necessary funding. Campbell further explained the
cost of police vehicles including equipment and warranty for each vehicles. He expressed the need
and importance for having a mobile command unit and explained its use for the Board.
Campbell further explained that, although the law does not allow using the district to provide for fire
services, Southlake has a consolidated DPS department, and a facility built to house both police and
fire will not be an issue. Ms. Yelverton commented that this matter has been discussed with the
attorneys and they also feel comfortable with the concept. Director Clancy asked how the draft had
been developed. Ms. Yelverton responded that the ideas contained in the draft were staff-generated,
but it will give the Board a place to start. President Wambsganss asked the Board to review the
document and send suggestions to Yelverton prior to the next meeting.
The Board arranged with staff to have a meeting on January 7 to discuss the budget in detail and then
meet again on January 21 to consider the budget and hold a public hearing. The Board also asked that
staff consider a date that would be available each month in order to have a regular monthly meeting
preferably on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 9. Discussion: CD Resolution 97-4. authorizing an agreement between
Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board of Directors and the City of Southlake
for administrative services.
Shana Yelverton passed out to the Board a draft of the administrative services agreement prepared by
staff and the attorneys. Ms. Yelverton asked that the Board review the agreement and call her with
any questions or suggestions prior to the next meeting in January.
Agenda Item No. 10. Adjournment.
Prior to adjourning the meeting President Wambsganss asked that each member introduce and tell
Board members about themselves.
There being no further business, motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Motion: Farrier
Second: McCain
Ayes: Farrier, McCain, Clancy, Swift, Wambsganss, Schelling, Mundlin
Approved: 7-0
7nd4;yy Wambsganss, President
Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Meeting Minutes
December 17, 1997
Page 5
ana K. YelvertBoard Secretary