Crime Control and Prevention District
Board Meeting
September 22, 1999
Board Members Present: President Andy Wambsganss; Members: Peter Gaal, Pam McCain, Bob
Mundlin, Frank Pittman, and Martin Schelling.
Board Members Absent: Lou Ann Heath
Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton, Public Safety Director Garland Wilson,
Police Chief Gary Gregg, Fire Chief Ricky Black, Finance Director Sharen Elam, and Secretary to
the City Manager Kim Bush.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order.
President Wambsganss called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. He introduced and welcomed new
members Peter Gaal and Frank Pittman.
Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. President Wambsganss announced that the Board would be
going into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas
Government Code, Section 551.072, land acquisition.
SCCPD adjourned for Executive Session at 7:05 p.m.
SCCPD returned to Open Session at 7:14 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene.
There was no action necessary as a result of the Executive Session.
Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments.
Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton informed the Board that staff is planning an orientation
meeting for new members. She presented to the Board a draft agenda for that meeting for review and
comment. She asked that new members let secretary Kim Bush know what date and time would work
best with their schedules.
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Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the August 4, 1999 meeting minutes.
an was made to approve the August 4, 1999 meeting minutes as presented.
Motion: Mundlin
Second: McCain
Ayes: McCain, Mundlin, Schelling
Nays: none
Abstained: Gaal, Pittman, Wambsganss
Approved: 3-0-3
Agenda Item No. 6. FY 99-00 Annual Operating Budget and Capital Improvements Program
(CIP). Public Hearing.
Director of Public Safety Garland Wilson presented to the Board the FY 1999-00 budget and the
revised budget for FY 1998-99. Director Wilson stated that the budget as presented details the
operating fund expenditures, and he explained each line item of the budget. Director Wilson stated
that the estimated actual expenditures for the two Special Reserve Officer (SRO) positions are less
than what had been budgeted in FY 98-99 because they were not hired until partly through the year.
Mr. Wilson confirmed that there would only be two SROs funded in FY99-00. Ms. Yelverton also
explained that the earnings for the two officers includes the anticipated pay plan adjustment that will
go into effect in January 2000.
lent Wambsganss explained to new members that the Board envisioned that initially the majority
of the District's funding would go towards site acquisition, facilities, etc., but also to contribute some
funding for other crime control initiatives, such as the SRO positions.
Director Wilson explained that funding for the radios and computers had to be removed from FY98-
99 due to funding constraints and the need to focus more on the purchase of land and construction of
facilities. Director Wilson explained that the vehicles were purchased through the District's FY98-99
budget, however, funding for maintenance on those vehicles will be through the City's general fund.
Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton explained that staff has developed a Capital Improvements
Plan (CIP), or a capital project's budget. Since we are moving beyond simple line items and into the
management of construction contracts, etc., staff created a spreadsheet to help Board members track
by fiscal year through the end of the life of the District. The CIP focuses strictly on the priorities that
were outlined to the voters.
Ms. Yelverton explained that capital project's budget shows anticipated sales tax collections, bond
proceeds, and the sale of a portion of the west site property that will not be used for that facility. The
expenditures include purchases already made, an estimate on what the east site will cost, and the
construction cost for the west facility. The capital project's budget does not include construction
funding for any of the other facilities through the initial phase of the district, nor does it include any
proiection on the sale of the unused property at the north site. Ms. Yelverton stated that selling a
n of the north site could be a possibility if the Board decides to take that action. Ms. Yelverton
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explained to new members that no projects listed on the CIP would be processed prior to coming back
t- -`-e Board for separate approval.
Ms. Yelverton informed the Board that if the District does not get reauthorized and if a portion of the
north site property is sold at a later date, all assets of the District will revert to the City. Staff at this
point does not have enough information on what ultimately will be needed on the north site to make
any recommendation to the Board on the sale of any portion of this site. Director Wilson explained
for the benefit of the new members that the owner of the north site property wanted the same amount
of money for a portion of his property as he did for all of it.
There were no comments during the Public Hearing.
Ms. Yelverton informed the Board that there have been some changes in the law on whether the
District has the ability to issue bonds. She stated that it appears there is that ability, but she has not
yet visited with the bond counsel or the city attorneys. She explained that right now the City is
issuing the debt on behalf of the District, and the District is appropriating payment to the City toward
that debt on an annual basis. Ms. Yelverton further explained that the debt has been structured to be
on a short-term basis - to somewhat coincide with the life of the District.
Motion was made to approve the FY99-00 annual operating budget and the Capital Improvements
Prraram (CIP).
n: Schelling
St.,ond: McCain
Ayes: Gaal, McCain, Mundlin, Pittman, Schelling, Wambsganss
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 6B. Authorize funding for the City of Southlake to enter into a professional
services agreement with Phillips Swager Associates, architects, for the design of the proposed
west public safety facility.
President Wambsganss informed the Board that action on this item would be tabled, at staff's request,
until the next meeting, however, the needs assessment related to this item will need to be discussed.
Ms. Yelverton explained that the needs assessment included in the packet is the preliminary work that
has been done by Phillips Swager Associates which is related to the architectural contract that was
also provided for information. Ms. Yelverton explained that there are legal issues with the agreement
between the architects and the city attorney to be resolved prior to consideration by the Board.
Director Wilson explained that staff contacted area cities and considered the method used for design,
construction and cost of services in order to have some guidelines to follow when evaluating the costs
submitted by Phillips Swager Associates. Based on those findings, staff estimated construction costs
`.0 - $135/sq. ft.
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Director Wilson explained that the west site development cost includes storm drainage construction,
°rete/brick wall barrier construction with a dirt berm as discussed with residents next to the
srty, and landscaping for that area.
Director Wilson further explained that the budget estimate of $225,000 for architectural fees is a "best
guess estimate," since staff does not have the option to negotiate fees prior to the selection of an
architectural provider [Texas Government Code - Procurement of Architectural Services]. He stated
that in staff's research of other cities, they found that every scope of service had some component that
was different than any other. Director Wilson said that he would not recommend to the board a
contract based on a percentage of construction cost without a maximum cap and the flexibility to
reduce the contract cost by reducing the total square footage.
Motion was made to table Item No. 6B, funding for the City of Southlake to enter into a professional
services agreement with Phillips Swager Associates, architects, for the design of the proposed west
public safety facility until the next meeting November 3, 1999.
Motion: McCain
Second: Mundlin
Ayes: Gaal, McCain, Mundlin, Pittman, Schelling, Wambsganss
Nays: none
Approved to table: 6-0
Apanda Item No. 7A. Discussion: Sales Tax Report.
Pr.ance Director Sharen Elam stated that the August collections were lower than anticipated,
however, collections to-date are very much in line with what was estimated for the budget year. Ms.
Yelverton explained that budget projections were based on what was known about the sales tax
collections for the Southlake Parks Development Corporation. However, she commented that there
are exemptions related to a District such as certain contracts, certain utilities, telecommunications,
etc., which do not affect a development corporation. She stated that staff was unable to get additional
information from the State because there are peculiarities in the law that do not allow the State
Comptroller's Office to release sales tax information to Crime Control Districts. President
Wambsganss explained to new Board members that ideally we would not like to see collections this
close to budget projections [at -0.66%]. Ms. Yelverton added that this is especially true since this is
the only source of funding for the District. Board member Pittman complimented staff on their
accurate projection of sales tax collections. He commented that it was commendable to get this close
to projection. He stated that in his opinion sales tax projections need to be as close as possible to
actual collections. He believes that we are a "zero balance based organization" that is charged with
making sure all available funds are spent for the good of the district.
Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment.
It was discussed that the next regular meeting of the Board would be November 3, 1999.
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There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Andy Wam sganss, President
i Bush
S retary to the City Manager
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