Crime Control and Prevention District
Board Meeting
Board Members Present: Peter Gaal, Lou Ann Heath, Bob Mundlin, Martin Schelling, Stuart
Spencer, and Craig Sturtevant.
Board Members Absent: Frank Pittman
Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton, Interim Public Safety Director Rick Black,
Finance Director Sharen Elam, City Attorney Allen Taylor, and Executive Secretary Kim Bush.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Martin Schelling at 7:00 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. Vice President Schelling announced that the Board would
be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas
Government Code, Section 551.071, Consultation with Attorney and Section 551.072, land
SCCPD adjourned for Executive Session at 7:00 p.m.
SCCPD returned to open session at 7:50 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene.
There was no action necessary as a result of the executive session.
Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments.
Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton informed the Board that Rick Black would be serving as
Interim DPS Director. She stated that Mr. Black has been employed with the City of Southlake for
16 years and is tri-certified as a police officer, firefighter, and paramedic.
Director Black announced to the Board that Marlin Price has been appointed as the new Police Chief.
Chief Price could not be here tonight to meet the Board due to a prior commitment, but plans to be in
attendance at the next meeting.
Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the August 2, 2000 meeting minutes.
Motion was made to approve the minutes of August 2, 2000 as presented.
Motion: Mundlin
Second: Heath
Ayes: Gaal, Heath, Mundlin, Schelling, Spencer, Sturtevant
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
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Agenda Item No. 6A. Election of Officers.
Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton explained to the Board that with former President Andrew
Wambsganss not seeking reappointment, a vacancy has been created in the office of president.
Motion was made to nominate Martin Schelling as President.
Motion: Spencer
Second: Heath
Ayes: Gaal, Heath, Mundlin, Schelling, Spencer, Sturtevant
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Ms. Yelverton commented that since Martin Schelling was vice president, a nomination to fill the
vacancy created in the office of vice president would be necessary.
Motion was made to nominate Bob Mundlin as Vice President.
Motion: Heath
Second: Spencer
Ayes: Gaal, Heath, Mundlin, Schelling, Spencer, Sturtevant
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 6B. Approve funding for construction of DPS west facility site.
Public Safety Director Rick Black explained to the Board that a total of 11 bids were received and
opened on October 10, 2000. The apparent low bidder for the project was CMPA, Inc. with a base
bid of $3,194,000. Director Black stated that there were a number of bid alternatives included in the
bid specifications, and he explained staff's recommendation on those alternatives as follows:
• Staff does not recommend alternate bid No. 1, masonry screen wall. It is staff and the
architect's opinion that the brick-crete screen wall (included in the base bid amount),
provides acceptable screening for less cost.
• Staff does not recommend alternate bid No. 2, slate shingles. The slate shingles, in
comparison to composition shingles (as provided for in the base bid), provide no benefit to
insurance premiums.
• Staff does recommend alternate bid No. 3, sod. Hydromulch is not appropriate for
installation during the months of December when construction is expected to be at the point
of requiring planting.
• Staff does recommend alternate bid No. 4, epoxy flooring. The epoxy flooring provides
for a more professional, durable and longer lasting floor. This becomes especially
important in the drive-through bay area where vehicles will operate.
• Staff does not recommend funding alternate bid No. 5 ($100,000 contingency) or No. 7
($200,000 contingency), but does recommend funding alternate bid No. 6 ($150,000
contingency). The Board budgeted over $179,000 for unanticipated contingency costs.
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Director Black commented that the capital projects budget allocated $3,863,681 for the west facility,
which included $96,800 for FFE (furniture, fixtures, and equipment) and audiovisual equipment. The
low bid is financially favorable to the District and staff recommends the Board fund the construction
of the facility in the amount of $3.4 million (base bid plus recommended alternatives).
President Schelling commented that the masonry wall was originally planned to not only be for
screening purposes but also for structural support, thus, a higher cost. Since then with some grading
design changes it is no longer necessary for the fence to be a support wall. He explained that the wall
is still a masonry wall and will provide the same type of screening for the neighbors as was promised,
it is just not quite as complex and consequently not as expensive. Staff assured the Board that the
screening wall will be just as aesthetically pleasing as promised and that at approximately 300 feet
away from the nearest resident, it will not be noticeable that it is not "laid-up" brick.
Motion was made to recommend authorization for funding up to $3.4 million for construction of the
West DPS facility.
Motion: Heath
Second: Mundlin
Ayes: Gaal, Heath, Mundlin, Schelling, Spencer, Sturtevant
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Board member Sturtevant expressed concern with the past reputation of the apparent low bidder
CMPA, Inc. and would like City Council to be well informed of CMPA's past performances.
Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton assured the Board that staff would make them well aware of
the issues.
Board member Spencer stated that he was very impressed with the amount of preparation the staff has
conducted in this process and appreciated the efforts staff has made to prepare for any unforeseen
problems. He complimented staff on being very proactive rather than reactive. He agreed with
Board member Sturtevant in his lack of confidence in CMPA, but felt comfortable and confident in
staff's professional preparedness in this issue.
Agenda Item No. 7A. Discussion: Reauthorization election benchmarks.
Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton commented that there has been a lot of discussion by the
Board about reauthorization of the District and what would need to be done in preparation for an
election. She stated that, as previously discussed, neither City nor District funds could be used in a
"vote yes" campaign.
Ms. Yelverton provided to the Board a draft of the benchmarks that could be used as a guide if the
decision was to move forward with the reauthorization election. She stated that under the law the
Board could hold the reauthorization election on the 4`h anniversary of the date the District was
created, which would be Nov. 10, 2001. The general uniform election date for November is the 13",
which would work well for the District. Ms. Yelverton explained that it is important to move
forward as soon as possible because once the issue is settled about reauthorization, the Board will be
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able to make decisions about how to continue with the construction program. She explained that
current plans call for the Board, next September, to start the formal process by ordering the election
and at that time the Board would need to decide if it wanted to take forward a proposition for an
additional 5, 10, 15, or 20 years. Staff recommends that the Board enter into an interlocal agreement
with the City to administer the election on the behalf of the District.
Board member Sturtevant asked about ways of getting input from the community on how they might
feel about reauthorization of the District. Ms. Yelverton stated that staff discussed doing a citywide
citizen satisfaction survey. She explained that this would be one option, the other would be to go to
neighborhood SPIN meetings and to discuss with other City board members i.e., Library Board. Mr.
Sturtevant stated that he understood the law allows for one of three ways for a district to be
reauthorized - through an election initiated by the City Council, community groups, or the SCCPD
Board. He asked whether or not the City Council was going to rely on the Board for a
recommendation. Ms. Yelverton said that she thought so. She explained that the Council sees the
Board as an independent recommending Board, which it relies on for input and recommendation.
Ms. Yelverton explained to the Board that November 2001 was the earliest date an election could be
held. Other uniform election dates available are January, May, or August. Ms. Yelverton stated that
the current District would end in April 2003.
Agenda Item No. 7B. Sales Tax Report.
Finance Director Sharen Elam informed the Board that the actual sales tax collected for this budget
year was 21.60% over the actual sales tax collected last budget year. Ms. Elam stated that collections
were $73,083 more than the anticipated collection for the FY1999-00 budget.
Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 a.m.
Xd5r7~ President Martin Schelling
Kim Ex ullush
tive Secretary
City Manager's Office
November 1, 2000
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