2000-04-05 Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting April 5, 2000 MINUTES Board Members Present: Vice President Martin Schelling; Members: Peter Gaal, Lou Ann Heath, and Frank Pittman. Board Members Absent: President Andy Wambsganss and Members Pam McCain and Bob Mundlin. Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton, Public Safety Director Garland Wilson, Police Chief Gary Gregg, Fire Chief Ricky Black, Finance Director Sharen Elam, and Secretary to the City Manager Kim Bush. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. Vice President Martin Schelling called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. _Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session. Vice President Schelling announced that it would not be r ;ary to hold an Executive Session. Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments. Financial Consultant Jim Sabonis with First Southwest Company presented to the Board a summary of the bond sale dated March 7, 2000, which includes $2,660,000 Tax Notes, Series 2000, on behalf of the Crime Control and Prevention District capital needs (see summary attached to the minutes). Mr. Sabonis commented that the bonds sold at 4.71 % and closing has been scheduled for April 18. Mr. Sabonis stated that the City received very favorable comments and very good ratings from Standard and Poors Corporation, Moody's Investors Service, and Fitch IBCA. He also commented that the City's ad valorem tax supported debt was qualified for "AAA" municipal bond insurance at the lowest cost ever at 19.9 basis points. Agenda Item No. 5A Approval of the January 5, 2000 meeting minutes. Motion was made to approve the minutes of the January 5, 2000 meeting. Motion: Heath S 1: Pittman A~ _ _ . Gaal, Heath, Pittman, Schelling Nays: None MINUTES OF SCCPD, APRIL 5, 2000, PAGE 1 OF 5 Approved: 4-0 ida Item No. 6A. Proposed design of West DPS facility. Director of Public Safety Garland Wilson presented to the Board for consideration a concept plan, floor plan, and elevation for the west DPS facility. Director Wilson commented that staff has been working with the consultants Phillips Swagger and Associates for several months. He stated that the space needs analysis was used as the model for creating the site plan and building layout. Mr. Wilson stated that meetings have been held with Meyers Meadow homeowners and neighboring SPIN groups, and their concerns have been addressed in the plan. He stated that the north berm and masonry wall has been designed to reduce light and noise pollution. Mr. Wilson confirmed that the berm and required landscaping will be located on the property, and the berm would gradually slope downward to a drainage area/detention pond between the site and residents. Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton commented that the landscaping, as required by ordinance, and the berm that is on City property will need to be maintained by the City, which might be budgeted either through the general fund or the District's operating budget. Director Wilson explained that the required landscaping and anv irrigation that will be necessary still needs to be addressed in the design phase. Mr. Wilson L rented that staff will be working with the homeowners on the landscaping, and he hopes to bring that forward at the next meeting. Director Wilson explained in detail the layout and articulation of the building. Mr. Wilson explained that the facility will be secured with some type of code or key and will not be used as a "lock-up" for arrested persons. He commented that the project is on target and construction costs are estimated to be within budget. He stated that he would provide to the Board a timeline that will include the projected dates to appear before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. Board member Heath commented that she was pleased with the design and suggested that KSB might do something with the courtyard area as a project. Board member Pittman agreed that the courtyard was a nice touch. Board member Gaal expressed concern with the courtyard stating that maybe the space could be used more effectively. The consultant explained that the courtyard serves two other useful purposes - it provides light for the inner offices and it reduces the span of the roof, which helps give a more residential appearance to the building. The consultant commented that they would look at the p lity of designing the courtyard to be enclosed if the need for more space should becomes necessary in the future. Board member Schelling commented that he was also pleased with the MINUTES OF SCCPD, APRIL 5, 2000, PAGE 2 OF 5 design, schematics, materials, and the harmony with the residential character, but he wants to make we stay within budget. Ms. Yelverton stated that this item is listed as a consider item on the agenda so that the Board can direct staff whether or not to move forward with the plans. Board member Heath stated that she was in favor of staff proceeding. Board member Gaal stated that he is in favor, noting that two things were brought up - 1) addressing the landscaping on the back side, and 2) he still contends staff needs to reevaluate the courtyard. Board member Pittman commented that he agrees with Ms. Heath and Mr. Schelling. Mr. Schelling added that concerning the landscaping he feels that the City needs to do what is asked of developers. He stated that he would be comfortable if we only plant trees and just use drip irrigation, however, he does not want us to waste money by needing to water something that will require mowing every week. The Board agreed that the subdivision needs to maintain the area that is not part of this property site. Ms. Yelverton commented that this plan would be going forward to the Planning and Zoning C~ mission soon, possibly as early as May 4 depending on how quickly the architect is able to get th- plan ready. She stated that the Board would have a meeting prior to that time in order to review the plans that have developed as a result of any response from the Development Review Committee (DRC). She encouraged the Board to attend the P&Z meeting to show support for the project. Agenda Item No. 6B. Annual Program Evaluation. Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton presented to the Board the Annual Program Evaluation. She explained that this is an administrative task that is required of the Local Government Code. Ms. Yelverton stated that Southlake's Crime Control District is a little different than others around the State that actually implement and fund programs, since Southlake's District is focused on capital improvements. The legislation was originally written for counties who fund programs. She commented that the thought was that Counties would have to monitor and make sure the funds were being expended appropriately. Southlake's District's mission has always been land acquisition and facility construction, which is a different concept, and it makes it a little more difficult to evaluate the ef~ °ncy and effectiveness of our program. Ms. Yelverton stated that the evaluation provided to the BL_ 1 is staff's attempt to meet the requirement of the law. She also noted that the evaluation is an opportunity to develop a communication tool that can be forwarded to the City Council on an annual MINUTES OF SCCPD, APRIL 5, 2000, PAGE 3 OF 5 basis to let them know what the Board is doing and also provides a means of communicating with the '~c by posting the evaluation on the web site. She stated that staff has evaluated the District by gaing back to the initial strategies that were developed by the Board and have tried to determine where we stand in meeting each of those strategies. There were no comments or recommended changes by the Board. Ms. Yelverton commented that a time would be scheduled to have the evaluation presented to the City Council by the Board President. Motion was made to approve the Annual Program Evaluation as presented. Motion: Heath Second: Pittman Ayes: Gaal, Heath, Pittman, Schelling Nays: none Approved: 4-0 Agenda Item 6C. Mid Year Budget Revisions. Finance Director Sharen Elam informed the Board that the only item being presented in the budget r- - ;on is the change in the operating transfer by reallocating $150,000 of sales tax collections from t1, operating fund to the capital project fund. She commented that the purpose for the increase was that the actual cash received from the bond sales was a little less than what was anticipated. Motion was made to approve the Mid Year Budget Revisions as presented. Motion: Pittman Second: Heath Ayes: Gaal, Heath, Pittman, Schelling Nays: none Approved: 4-0 Agenda Item No. 7A. Discussion: Sales Tax Report. Finance Director Sharen Elam commented that currently the sales tax collection for the District is about 24% above the actual collections for the same time period last year. Board member Schelling commented that there are a couple of users that are coming to town that are huge sales tax generators. He stated that the Board will not be able to accomplish all they need to u the current timeframe of the District and it will take another election to reestablish the District in order to complete projects. Although he has no personal ties to these developments, he feels it is MINUTES OF SCCPD, APRIL 5, 2000, PAGE 4 OF 5 necessary to support bringing in new quality development that will help generate the sales tax needed ,It these projects accomplished. He asked that the Board consider expressing their support of tnose projects that are for the right reason and the right type of users. Board member Heath commented that she supports any quality sales tax generator and pointed out that there is nothing better for a community then to have imported tax dollars. Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment. There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. A Martin Schelling, Vice President ATTEST: V Bu h toy to the City Manager MINUTES OF SCCPD, APRIL 5, 2000, PAGE 5 OF 5