A-525 (Fox) Fpfi )5.0-:) G-r--#-(3S7~Jllol.Q_ <s;:rC/FNT OFFICIAL RECORD CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PERMANENT UTIUTY EASEMENT THE 51 A TE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF TARRANT i C') 1""-. r-:; _:') KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ):,. cs " - .",.. . ..J That we, RAYM::ND & IH:NI\ mx ,for and in couaideration'oi,ihe ~f .;: Ten ($10) Dollars and orher good and valuable coosideration in bmI~,ti1y Gr.,:-';_ herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby aeknowlcclacd ...'~. .~ .} have granted, sold and conveYed. ' and by these presents. . do,lIDl, seiI... .... ,..' "con~.:a ..~u..' 'l: City of Southlake, Grantee herein. of Tarrant County, Texan ~,and .' " easement for the pwpose of instaUtna. rcpairm" maintainitlg, aJ~:::,I'isp~, _ , relocating, and operating utilities in, into, upon. over, across and UDder'~~ bI. Tarrant County. Texas described as follows. to-wit: . '" _...: Being a permanent utility easement, described as follows: See attached Exhibit 'A' for graphic depletion See attached Exhibit 'B' for metes and bounds description together with ~ right of inaress and egress as necessary for such pwposes. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described casement, together with all and singular. the rights and appurtenm:es thereto, anywise belongioe untO the said Grantee. its successors and assigns foreverj and We do hereby certify that We are the owners of the property described herein and bind ourselves, our bcirs and assigns, to warrant and to forever defend aU and singular the premises untp the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claimina or to claim same or any thereof. -rtI . EXECUTED this the 13!? day orl~j) ~ ,19:t6 /) ...,- ff;"'Y'Yl "'-< i 0 - C-7 ( "Z..-/3- jr ()ub/~c- My CommISsion ~ 08102/1999 ~3;{)Vd C~5G H&: L IG 3;1~1~ lVNOI~VN A~n3;al~ 50'GO (1114) G6. ~I ."3;~ ~.~RB ~.JlJF ~rs~ authoriq. on this day personally appeared ~f'fX>00J:t ~el2fi'JI. tQ'i known to me to be the pcl'SODS whose name are subscribed to the foreSOUl& lDBtr11ment. and acknowledged to me. that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. G~ under my hand and seal of office on this thc!PdaY Of~ A.D. 19~. ~~.0./!!L~orado My commission expires: My Commission CVft.I_.. 98~1999-.mvo Accepted by the City of SoutbJake. this the it day of RJYlit'Ud, A,D. 19 if. {I By: tf!(liLIC/ I&fd?z~z-- . / . // . i . r/ /J I ) -/ //_ /t<:::..,j~ (~///'lL.LI'('.(f'(~' CIty of . T-.r '../ RETURN DOCUMENTS TO: GRANTOR GRAN'M<P. city of Spllthl..kt c/o Sandra LeGrand City Secretary 667 N. Carroll Ave. Soutblake, TX 76092 .30Vd 0~59 6~. 1.19 31~a ,vl'loaVl'l .UI13QI.:I 90'90 (111.:11 96, 61 '133.:1 FEE 13 '98 15:10 LANDES & ASSOCIATES INC. EXHIBIT "A" P.l &. UTILITY EASEMENT A DRAINAGE CROSSING THE PROPBRTY OF RAYMOND A.. "OX et WI; ~ONA T. FOX, srruATEP IN THE SAMUEL FRJ:BMAN SURVEY. ABSTRACT NO. 526. TARRANT: COUNTY. TEXAS. ........c OO"""L1-., l/ft' DtF LlDYD EDWARD SHIm_OOD. ~R. e\ US DANA A.. __trOOD VOL. 11282, PO. 2130 N 8V6Q'OO" E _ 2'7O.lM1 11ft' ..... d>~ 'Y.~ . qp~, 8U)Q. sa'IIMoClC . ~ VOL. 4OM. ~. ..,. .. ..t' VOL. ... .-. 'I'S " '... 1.262 AC. ....~ ~ :--t'~ 'Q'- N evSQ'OO'" E ~~~.tp v> - -~loo.00 ~~ cmr,.~ ~_ ~DIWN... 0... ~ ~ ....... :!I.r. - 1.... d ) = CARL PATTlmSON (1/2 INT.) VOL. 7888. PC. 83 a: CHaRYL S. PA'l"IWRS!ON (1/2 INT.) VOL. 8988, PC. 1192 ~ LkA 1/ftr IRS. I :Ii 9~ =~ ~g if~ !!!i~ 2i .oo.ee r 8~158' I 3.284- AC. I RAYMOND ... POX et. us LBOlIfA T. FOX VOL. 7238. PO. 186 Ail I I ~I I ~ 0.,::: ,'!>~ 5/~ (. ~ t> 'lo ." ~ I ~ ~ ~{,. I "i.'" <to t ~"1'>'i'> I '\) to , .. ~t-t "i I ii,;; El.. I /___ o. f ,co -- 10.00 I .8 l\ \"IOI:TAL =. 280.20. ~ IUN'I'OH A.. RAftOIIS et _ DAIn'IIY L MA"nOMS - VOL. 1l1li88. PO. 800 1/Z" IRF. .-.i- ~; ...- _00 .oj I~ -. . - - - i2 ;z;8 -~ "" <:i ~ 1/ZO PIPE I'ND. LkA 1/Z" IRS. GLEN ALl"RED RBIOIER .t. WI; BETTY LOU RBMIO:R VOL. 3182 PO. 182 LA1IfDBS a: ASSOClATBS. IlIfC. UGISTIIR8D PBOJI'BSSI01IfAL LAND SURVBYORS t1fD IE. .-r ~ET ..,. ......... 1'DAS 7&iOa can, 1DO-1ZZO-'. ~t.. _~."_."-""""",_,"",,,,___u, ,._... __~','4,,,,,,,,,,,.__N__'____"___."~-" .-. ~~ mol ..... ~ c;; q J J .... Got ~~ ;...:.... ':-<<~ - - OQ CI1 U,l N ~ SCALE: 1- - 100' UicA i/Z' IRS. APPRO:![. CJ:MTBRI.INE OF ROAD 1/..:;' IRS. ./:t' UU', I ".' P', // .L-, '-.-- ,,~ '/0_ I -v'T--- ? - / -Z ~':7P; / ......- - /_~ #98008D EXHIBIT -B- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION 1.429 acres of land situated in the Samuel Freeman Survey, Abstract No. 525, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a portion of that certain tract ofland conveyed to Raymond A. Fox and wife Leona T. Fox, according to the deed recorded in Volume 7236, Page 195, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, said 1.429 acres ofland being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod found at the northwest comer of said Fox tract and the southwest comer of a tract of land conveyed to Lloyd Edward Sherwood, Jr. and wife Dana A. Sherwood, according to the deed recorded in Volume 11282, Page 2130, Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas; THENCE N 890 59' 00" E, along the common line of said tracts, 66.78 feet; THENCE S 440 04' 25" E, 153.03 feet; THENCE N 89059' 00" E, 100.00 feet to a point in the east line of said Fox tract and the west ROW line of Shady Trail, a public road; THENCE SOlo II' 30" E, 110.02 feet along said east line and said ROW line; THENCE S 890 59' 00" W, 100.66 feet; THENCE S 130 19' 02" W, 307.48 feet to the south line of said Fox tract; THENCE S 890 59' 00" W, 92.49 feet along the south line of said Fox tract to the southwest comer of the tract herein described from which a 1/2 inch iron rod set with plastic cap stamped "Landes & Assoc." (the southwest comer of said Fox tract) bears S 890 59' 00" W, 10.00 feet; THENCE N 130 19' 02" E, 357.11 feet; THENCE N 440 04' 25" W, 134.53 feet to the west line of said Fox tract; THENCE N 000 10' 11" W, 75.00 feet along the west line of said Fox tract to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1.429 acres ofland. D198031609 THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N CARROLL AVE SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 -w A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE AGENCY RECEIPT NO 198118068 REGISTER DR92 RECD-BY T021063 PRINTED DATE TIME 02/18/98 12:40 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D198031609 WD INDEXED TIME 980218 12:40 CK 1739 TOTAL DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 15.00 B Y: ANY PROVISION WHI RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW.