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()l.~ Notary Public in and for tile State of Texas My commission expires: Lf /lI f I~-~b-,v ~(J61 ~~, D.E EKSTROM (*:~Q!*i MY COMMISSION EXPIRES \~~\."'~/ .t,?,,~:~!~ NOVEMBER 4. 2001 ~~'." GRANTOR Accepted by the City of Southlake. tIlis the _ day of By: City of Southlake Sewer Line Easement Jenkins 2 ~~ 11 \ g~li I ~ 11 ' Ulil"lij I ~ ci \ i~ ~ ~- ffi-":": Oil "'., I Q~ ~ I ~~~~ \ 6 ~~ I 3i:~1D ~:I Y.l a.. ~ 0.: \ 0 It) "i I- J::::E w ~"'I I 0' '" -' -:1"-< '" cI n lD "",': I -=~=---------T------ 0 > \::; ~g !;(i '_~ - _, -=_,_=~=;___________________ \ /\ I ~ g 65 - I ------------ --------~--- " ~ .......1 --:-=-:-..:1::--------- .c. r-- ,-, f- W : I --------- Z (/) I I --------- W <( I I W I I 2 I Wz ~ : (/)051 '" I <( - ~ I W f- W 1 0-'- I... :: ~ :::l-~ : <(_0: d 1 _ -If- .!:; 1 _ f-(/) en '1- iO 1 :::l Z ': · - 1 I- O~I. : -f-o-- . I I CO Z ",'-'''1\'' I W .' I I z 11: g <:J.l : X<(<(lD ill r 1 W 2 0: I i' Ii a: 0 .:() ~(),. W 0.. 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II) ~~ wO (1)0 OW :J:D:: 1-0 WW ~~ lI)oi C):t Z' -u ~Q,~ W .~ mS!! .....:2 0.J~ 1I)0t; ~>:s m.:8 -, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I """ [(1I ."~." , Al 11<11 .,...,,"" '''b;~' ,S:, .'eo" .",,,.,...,7 .,.."..' " \"',>V 1011\', EASbvlENT NO. 2001-U-003-TA . EXHIBIT "BoO 15' PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT AND 35' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Being an easement out ofa tract ofland situated in the Benjamin 1. Foster Survey, Abstract Number 519, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a portion of that tract ofland as described by deed to James H. Jenkins and wife Hertha L. Jenkins as recorded in Volume 6319, Page 149, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being described as follows: Being a 15 foot strip ofland continuous, contiguous, and west of the east line of said Jenkins tract for a distance of 338.2 feet from its southeast comer to its northeast comer and being continuous, contiguous, and south of said tracts north line from said northeast comer west to a point in the north property line of said Jenkins tract for a distance of 940.0 feet. Also included will be a 35' temporary construction easement as shown on Exhibit "A" to be terminated upon completion of project. G:\OO 1-449A\A3\449A3-ESMT4C.DOC Project No. 001-449a3 Page 4 Feb. 2001 AMENDMENT $10.00 & OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION In addition to the sum of$10.00 paid in cash. Receipt of hereby acknowledged by the signatures below. The sewer line tap fee for one 4-inch single family residential dwelling will be waived. One copy of the fully executed easement and amendment must be presented to the City of Southlake when making application for said sewer line connection permit. The City of Southlake. it's Contractors. and or assigns will make every effort to preserve and maintain the trees. shrubs. and lawns affected through this construction process. Upon completion of construction, all lawns. shrubs. trees. driveways. etc. will be left in its current or better condition. Accepted and agreed to: 11.is 0,. II 1l.. day of At' n' J . 200 I BY1LU4U+ . H}~~ '~~~7>> By: .2001 '~~.__.,"-"--"'--'-' _...._~-..._----...,-'''--_._....._--"'_.,_.._..._. D201154450 METROPLEX TITLE INC 1723 E SOUTHLAKE BLVD #100 SOUTHLAKE TX 76092 -W A R N I N G-THIS IS PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORD--D 0 NOT DES T ROY I N D E XED -- TAR RAN T C 0 U N T Y T E X A S S U Z ANN E HEN D E R SON -- COUNTY CLERK OFF I C I A L R E C E I P T T 0: METROPLEX TITLE INC RECEIPT NO 201287109 REGISTER DR2A RECD-BY LW PRINTED DATE TIME 07/05/2001 14:38 1 INSTRUMENT FEECD D201154450 WD INDEXED TIME 20010705 14:38 CK 1111 TOT A L DOCUMENTS: 01 FEE S: 17.00 /' ...- B Y: ANY PROVISION WHICH RESTRICTS THE SALE RENTAL OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF COLOR OR RACE IS INVALID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER FEDERAL LAW.