Wednesday, January 14, 1998
Members Present: Rick Wilhelm, Chair; Doug Strickland, Vice-Chair; Judy Gilmore, Carol
Lee Hamilton
Staff Present: Kevin Hugman, Community Services Manager; Kathy Schaeffer,
Recreation Supervisor; Derek Citty, CISD
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order
Rick Wilhelm called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2 Approval of Minutes of the October 15, 1997 Meeting
Doug Strickland made a motion to approve the minutes; Judy Gilmore seconded. Motion passed
Agenda Item No. 3 Consider Interlocal Agreement for Joint Elections
Kevin Hugman presented the proposed interlocal agreement for joint elections and noted that it
was the same agreement as had been done in 1996. He noted that early voting would be done
at the City Administrative offices, and election day voting would probably be held at Johnson
Elementary School.
Rick Wilhelm asked if there had been any problems with having joint polling facilities. Judy
Gilmore and Doug Strickland both stated that they had no concerns. They had heard of some
minor problems but these had been worked out.
Doug Strickland asked about the location of the polling facilities and if it needed to be in the
agreement. Rick Wilhelm said that the polling location would be designated by resolution, as
stated in the agreement. Kevin Hugman said that the resolution calling the election and
designating the polling location, would be coming to the City Council at their next meeting.
Judy Gilmore made a motion to approve the agreement; Carol Lee Hamilton seconded. The
motion carried unanimously.
Agenda Item No 4 Discuss Status of Joint Use Facilities in Tax Increment Reinvestment
Doug Strickland began by saying that Carroll ISD had signed a contract for 2 lots east of
Carroll High School. He noted that this was good news for joint use, since the land may be
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used to construct a natatorium. The natatorium had been discussed previously by the JUC as a
potential joint use facility. Doug also noted that the consensus of people he had talked to, was
that this location would be ideal for a natatorium.
Doug stated that there was a study committee looking at the stadium issue. The proposed
bond election for a stadium had been postponed until September 1998. He thought that the
bond election would be for a stadium and a natatorium.
He also noted that he and Judy were participating in the Joint Drug and Alcohol Committee.
The committee was targeting 4th-12th graders to ascertain their attitudes towards this issue.
The subcommittee he is on, Doug said, was tasked with working with the educators to
determine parents' attitudes towards the issue of drugs and alcohol. Part of the survey would
focus on extracurricular activities. Doug stated that he felt that they would find that the more
extracurricular activities available, the less likely that an individual would become involved in
drugs or alcohol. This relationship he felt, would help underscore the need for a stadium in
the bond election.
Doug stated that Ted Gillum had an architect studying both potential sites for the stadium.
There were some concerns he said, with the TIF participation. CISD was waiting for the
Attorney General's opinion related to Katy ISD, which is a similar case to Carroll ISD's
situation. Doug said that the CISD board felt that the participation costs in an administration
building were too high for CISD given the percentage of their share of the building.
Kevin Hugman noted that the City and CISD would each have approximately 40% of the
building, and the County would have about 20% of the space.
Kevin also said that the AG case revolved around the issue of using TIF money for schools,
not for administration facilities, therefore the AG opinion would not have a bearing on CISD's
participation in the Town Hall building. He also noted that the TIF Board had recommended
that the TIF boundaries be pulled back to no longer include the "legs" which CISD wanted, so
as to include potential school sites. Since the TIF boundaries were established by ordinance
though, he said, it required City Council action to actually approve the revised boundaries, but
that the feeling was that the TIF would not include the "legs."
Judy Gilmore stated that she believed the CISD Board would keep the door open by voting to
participate at 0%. Doug Strickland noted that they still had a concern about parking if a
stadium were to be built in the TIF. Kevin Hugman said that there would be a parking garage
built, and that being a "downtown" area, people could park on the street and wherever else
they could find parking.
Doug Strickland said that he thought Brian Stebbins had warmed up to the idea of a stadium
after seeing the numbers of people who would come to events there, and the variety of events
that could be held there as well.
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Carol Lee Hamilton mentioned the possibility of shuttling people, on a temporary basis,
perhaps from Durham or the 7/8/9 school. It would be inconvenient, but compared to the
current situation, would be much better.
Kevin Hugman updated the JUC on where the City stood at this point. He noted that the City
planned to move forward with the Administration building and that the County, Hospital
District, and TCJC had all agreed to participate in the TIF. The County wanted to also use
office space in the Town Hall for tax collections, a Justice of the Peace court, and a county
commissioner's office. The City was waiting for CISD now to decide if they were going to
Rick Wilhelm asked if CISD had committed to being in the Town Hall. Doug Strickland said
that he felt they would participate. Judy Gilmore said that the CISD Board had some more
work sessions scheduled.
Rick Wilhelm asked about the design of the Town Hall and when would it be necessary to
have a decision as to who was going to be in it? Kevin Hugman said that City staff was
planning to meet soon and begin reviewing the space analysis that had been done previously
with the work of the citizens City Hall Planning Committee. He was not sure of when a
decision had to be made, but said that there was a deadline of 60 days from when the finance
plan had been adopted, for CISD to decide if they would participate or not. He was not sure if
there were any other deadlines.
Agenda Item No 5 Discuss Revisions to Interlocal Agreement for Park, Playground and
Other Recreation Facilities
Kevin Hugman gave the background of the current interlocal agreement and noted that he,
Curtis Hawk, Kim Lenoir, and Kathy Schaeffer, had met recently with the CISD
Superintendent and the school principals. The intent of the meeting was to discuss the
scheduling problems and any other concerns that the principals had regarding the joint use
program. Kevin said that the meeting was very productive. The principals explained their
difficulty in committing to a schedule in late summer, before the school year began. They also
noted that sometimes events would become available, but they had no facility to place the
event, because it was being used for joint use programs. Kevin said that they had agreed to
leave some more slack time in the schedule, such as one day a week that nothing would be
scheduled in the school facilities, so that if an opportunity came up for the principals, they had
some flexibility to be able to schedule it. Kevin also said that the principals and City staff had
agreed to break up the schedule into three parts, instead of the current two. There would be a
Spring, Summer, and Fall schedule, and the principals and Parks staff would meet to plan and
coordinate each schedule.
Kevin noted that he had sent each of the principals a copy of the interlocal agreement, and
asked for their comments. Mark Terry, Durham principal, had sent comments, and Kevin
gave each of the JUC members a copy of Mark's comments.
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Doug Strickland asked if litter was being picked up after recreation programs. Kathy
Schaeffer said that it is, and explained how the City has staff to monitor each site while
programs are underway. Carol Lee Hamilton stressed the importance of leaving flexibility in
schedule for CISD to use for events as they come up. She thought this would help CISD be
more willing to agree to a schedule.
The JUC directed staff to make the appropriate changes to the agreement, and to bring it back
at the next meeting for consideration.
Agenda Item No 6 Discuss Future Joint Use Facilities, Projects, and Goals
Kevin Hugman briefed the JUC on the CMS parking lot bids and the fact that the bids were
considerably higher than the SPDC budgeted amount. He said that there were a number of
factors for the difference, but the City needed the parking lot to be built since the CMS would
be closed for renovation. Derek Citty said that the school would be closed for approximately
seven months, but that the renovation work should not affect the gym/rec center, but it would
affect the other parking areas.
Doug Strickland noted that CISD was set to close on 17-acre tract north of Dove Road
(Stanford property). This would be an elementary school site.
Carol Lee Hamilton stated that the Park Board had an issue recently come up at their meeting
regarding additional practice fields. She said that many people do not understand that the City
has invested quite a bit of money and maintenance in making the ballfields at Bicentennial park
into premier playing fields. As such, the fields cannot be opened to the general public for pick
up games and practices. She said that the Park Board is sensitive to these needs as well, and
questioned if the CMS old baseball field could be used. Kathy Schaeffer said that the City had
spent about $1,200 last year to fill in holes so that the field could be used as a soccer practice
field. She said it would take more work to be able to use it for baseball practices.
Judy Gilmore said that there were some fields in Grapevine by the lake. Kathy Schaeffer said
she thought that the Grapevine-Southlake Soccer Association had plans for these fields.
The JUC decided to try meeting the 2nd Thursday of each month, the next meeting being
Thursday, February 12, 1998 at 7:00 p.m.
There being no further discussion, Rick Wilhelm adjourned the eting at :25 p.m.
Rick Wilhelm, Chairman
Kevin Hugman, ommunity Services Manager
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