1998-12-14 City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING 3 4 December 14,1998 5 6 MINUTES 7 8 Board Members Present - Vicki Johnson, Chair; Sherry Berman, Vice Chair; Cara White, 9 Secretary; Chris Miltenberger, Lisa Stokdyk, James Glover. 10 11 Board Members Absent - Bobby Rawls, Robin Jones, Richard Anderson 12 13 Staff Members Present -Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services; Kathy Schaeffer, 14 Recreation Supervisor; Teddi R. Zonker, Administrative Secretary 15 16 17 REGULAR SESSION: 18 19 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order - The meeting was called to order by Chair Ms. Vicki Johnson 20 at 7:04pm. 21 22 REPORTS: 23 24 Administrative Comments - Ms. Johnson announced that Mr. Dick Johnston's wife passed away 25 last week and confirmed that flowers were sent on behalf of the Park Board. Ms. Johnson 26 congratulated Kathy Schaeffer on her new position at the City of Denton. She thanked Ms. 27 Schaeffer for all the work that she has done in her position at the City of Southlake. Ms. Stokdyk 28 asked for an update on the information board that was damaged at Bicentennial Park. Mr. 29 Hugman said that the information board will be repaired and he verified that the City has received 30 some community service from the youth that damaged the board. 31 32 CONSENT AGENDA: 33 34 A. Approval of the minutes of the November 9, 1998 meeting - 35 36 The following items were moved to the consent agenda: 37 38 5.C. Approval of Facilities Usage Agreement with Southlake Baseball Association - 39 5.E. Approval of Facilities Usage Agreement with Grapevine-Southlake Soccer Association - 40 41 Motion was made by Ms. Stokdyk with a second by Ms. White to approve the consent agenda. 42 43 Ms. Johnson asked that the following corrections be made to the minutes: Page 4 of 7, line 19 the 44 word "item" should be changed to "concept;" line 28 should state "Park Board `should' be 45 involved...;" page 6 of 7, line 36 add "with regards to possible use of their extra acreage for 46 practice soccer fields" when referring to Countryside Bible School Church. 47 48 Mr. Miltenberger asked why item 5.D. was not moved to the consent agenda. Ms. Johnson said 49 that the Board had questions about the signage. Ms. Johnson said that the facility usage 50 agreements should include language referring to the signage. Mr. Hugman said that there is a Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, December 14, 1998 Page 1 of 7 I I slksv00011 shared I parkrec l boards I pkboard I m in utes 119981121498. d oc City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 reference, but the motion should include a correction in the Southlake Girl's Softball Association 2 agreement to read SGSA, not SBA (Southlake Baseball Association). Ms. Schaeffer said that the 3 associations are looking at one pennant flag per field, per division. She said that the pennant will 4 only include the previous year's winner. 5 6 Ms. Stokdyk amended her motion to include item S.D. Approval of Facilities Usage Agreement 7 with Southlake Girl's Softball Association in the consent agenda and include the correction in 8 the SGSA Facility Usage Agreement. 9 10 Motion was made to approve the consent agenda. 11 12 Motion: Stokdyk 13 Second: White 14 Ayes: Johnson, Berman, White, Miltenberger, Stokdyk, Glover 15 Nays: None 16 Approved: 6-0 17 18 REGULAR AGENDA: 19 20 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum - 21 22 Tod Radford, 3185 Johnson Road, Southlake - Mr. Radford, President of Keep Southlake 23 Beautiful (KSB) spoke about the Bicentennial Waterscape Donor Monument. Mr. Radford said 24 that KSB is ready to begin working on the KSB Donor Monument. He said that Eagle Scout 25 Nathan Harold would be working on this project. Mr. Radford distributed a photograph of an 26 example of a donor sign. He said that he is present this evening to see if the Park Board has any 27 further suggestions with regard to the donor sign. Mr. Radford said that the information board 28 will include two signs, a donor sign and a sign from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 29 which designates the area as a wildscape area. 30 31 Ms. Stokdyk said that Mr. Ben Henry has additional examples of signs and will be working with 32 Mr. Radford and Mr. Harold. Mr. Radford said that he is thinking of an area set off of the trail 33 against the evergreen trees, which are located near the Red Cedars at Bicentennial Park. 34 35 Nathan Harold, 1210 Cross Timber Drive, Southlake - Mr. Harold provided the Park Board 36 with an outline detailing the proposal. Ms. Johnson asked if the information board in Grapevine 37 has a cover. Mr. Harold said that the board is covered with plexi-glass. Ms. Stokdyk asked if the 38 Board has a preference on the location of the information board. Ms. Johnson asked if some trees 39 would be removed. Mr. Hugman said that some of the trees near Tom Thumb will be removed 40 due to the store's expansion. Ms. White said that Mr. Harold should speak with Mr. Henry in 41 terms of location. 42 43 Ms. Johnson asked if the information board should be portable or permanent. Ms. Stokdyk said 44 with the trail location changing, portable might be nice. Mr. Hugman suggested that staff work 45 on the details with Mr. Harold since this is a public forum and the Board must not deliberate on 46 the topic at this time. Ms. Johnson and the Board agreed. 47 48 Ms. Johnson asked about completion and Mr. Harold said that construction might begin during 49 Christmas break or sometime next spring. Mr. Harold said that he will receive approval from the 50 District Committee this Thursday. Ms. Johnson said that staff should formulate details with Mr. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, December 14, 1998 Page 2 of 7 1 Wksv00011 shared Iparkrecl boardslpkboard I minutes119981121498. doc City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 Harold and Mr. Radford and come back to the Board next month with a recommendation. She 2 asked that this item be placed on next month's agenda. 3 4 Jessica Vacek, 2937 Tumbleweed, Grapevine - Ms. Vacek was present on behalf of her parents 5 who had a prior commitment. She said that her father has talked with Ms. Schaeffer about her 6 father taking pictures of the Parks and Recreation basketball league. Ms. Vacek said that her 7 father would like to take random action shots of the children that would be sold as 8"x10" 8 pictures to the parents. 9 10 Mr. Hugman said that the City does not have a policy on such a concession event. Mr. Glover 11 said that Grapevine has someone who takes photographs of Grapevine's inline hockey team, 12 which are sold to parents. Ms. Schaeffer said that Southlake does have a professional 13 photographer take photos of the basketball team for parents. Ms. Johnson said that the only 14 problem is that there is no policy and procedure for such an issue. She asked that this item be 15 placed on next month's agenda as a discussion item in order to decide if a policy should be 16 formulated. Mr. Hugman said that this would allow staff to complete some research with other 17 cities and the City Attorney. Ms. Johnson asked that a letter be sent to Ms. Vacek's father stating 18 that this item was brought forward during Public Forum and that the Board asked that this item 19 return next month as a discussion item on the agenda. 20 21 Public Forum was closed at 7:33pm. 22 23 CONSIDER AGENDA 24 25 Agenda Item No. 5. A. - Approval of Park Dedication for Loch Meadow Estates - Mr. Hugman 26 said that this is a development that is on the north side of Southlake off of Ridgecrest. He said 27 that the plat is for 27 lots, however the ordinance assesses fees on developable lots/dwelling units 28 and this development has 24 developable lots. Therefore, the park dedication assessment of fees 29 will be $1,000 per lot, which will be $24,000. He said that the developer is asking the Park Board 30 to pay fees in lieu of park land dedication. 31 32 Motion was made to accept fees in the amount of $24,000. 33 34 Motion: Miltenberger 35 Second: Glover 36 Ayes: Johnson, Berman, White, Miltenberger, Stokdyk, Glover 37 Nays: None 38 Approved: 6-0 39 40 Agenda Item No. 5. B. - Approval of Park Dedication for Timarron Village "H," Huntly Manor, 41 Phase 2 - Mr. Hugman said that Timarron is asking for credit on the following items: 42 43 • Public trail along the south side of Continental Boulevard and the west side of Brumlow 44 Avenue using a credit value multiplier of 1.0 for a public trail and an additional 0.2 multiplier 45 for the trail connecting to other public trails. 46 • 1.7 acres of public open space, which is calculated based on the interior lot on Street "J" and 47 an additional 10' of right-of-way along Brumlow Avenue and 20' along Continental 48 Boulevard, which will be dedicated to the city. This amount of right-of-way is over and 49 above the city right-of-way requirement. He said that Timarron is also asking for a credit 50 value multiplier of 1.0 for public land. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, December 14, 1998 Page 3 of 7 0slksv00011sharedlparkrecl boardslpkboard I minutesl1998U21498. doc City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 Mr. Hugman introduced developer David K. Hollander, Carter-Burgess, 7950 Elmbrook Drive, 2 Dallas - Ms. Berman asked if the open space is public land that the City would maintain. Mr. 3 Hollander said that the open space is public land that the Homeowner Association would maintain 4 as they have in the past. Ms. Berman asked if the public would know about these spaces. Mr. 5 Glover asked if the interior land along Street "J" in Mr. Hollander's mind is considered public 6 access park land or just for homeowners. Mr. Hollander said the areas are intended to be 7 common open space areas, which would fall under improved/maintained open space. Ms. 8 Johnson asked if this land is public open space or private open space for homeowners only. Mr. 9 Hollander said the areas are intended to be private. Ms. Johnson said that fact would change the 10 multiplier. 11 12 Ms. Berman asked where the trail system ends. Mr. Hollander said that the trail stops at the main 13 entrance on Brumlow and ties into a trail system that is interior to Timarron and will exist 14 throughout the development. He said that the interior trails system consists of public sidewalks. 15 Mr. Glover said that the trail along Continental Boulevard does not connect with the trails within 16 the Trail System Master Plan because those trails are designated on the opposite side of the street. 17 Mr. Hollander said that the trails would connect at the Brumlow Avenue intersection by crossing 18 the street and at an additional intersection in phase one. 19 20 Mr. Miltenberger asked if they would consider completing trails on the south side of their main 21 entrance along the west side of Brumlow Avenue. Mr. Hollander said that at this time they are 22 not committed to do that. Ms. Berman said that since this land is being developed, she would like 23 to see this trail continue to Brumlow Avenue. It would also make a good connection to the 24 proposed Cottonbelt Trail. 25 26 Mr. Miltenberger inquired about open space for all of the homes and families. Mr. Hollander said 27 that the golf course is viewed as the open space amenity and there are large open play areas 28 within the community in the southern and northern sections of the community. Mr. Miltenberger 29 said that open space practice fields should be within Timarron. Ms. Berman asked how many 30 homes are within Timarron. Mr. Hollander said about 1,500. Ms. Berman said that equals about 31 3,750 children that must have open space. Mr. Miltenberger asked how many soccer goals were 32 present. Mr. Richard Payne, Carter-Burgess said that there are no soccer goals as far as he is 33 aware. 34 35 Ms. Berman expressed her concern about the cost of the benches. Mr. Hollander said that these 36 benches could withstand the abuse of roller blades, etc. He said that they are not in the business 37 of replacing benches every year. Mr. Hollander said that the benches will be located on 38 Continental Boulevard and Brumlow Avenue, but the actual location has not been determined. 39 Ms. Johnson asked if the benches on Continental Boulevard would be public. Mr. Hollander said 40 they would be. 41 42 The Board took a break at 8:16pm. The Board returned at 8: 40pm 43 44 Mr. Hugman said that during the break, staff, some Board members and developers discussed 45 various options. Mr. Hollander proposed two different options. 46 47 • If they decide to complete the trail south along Brumlow Avenue they requested that they 48 receive entire public trail credit along Brumlow Avenue and Continental Boulevard. 49 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, December 14, 1998 Page 4 of 7 1Wksv0001(sharedlparkreclboardslpkboardlminutesl19981121498.doc City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 • The second option if they do not do this additional trail, they request to accept park 2 dedication credit at private value multiplier for the park land and Brumlow Avenue trail and 3 pay the remainder in fees. 4 5 He said ideally, they would like to receive credit for what they are doing along Continental 6 Boulevard and what they are willing to do on Brumlow Avenue based on a private multiplier. 7 Ms. Berman said that she would like to see the first option, a public credit for Continental 8 Boulevard and Brumlow Avenue with the additional trail section along Brumlow Avenue. Mr. 9 Hollander said they do not have the authority, but they would like to propose this to Mr. Steve 10 Yetts. The Park Board asked if they would like to table this item, but Mr. Hugman said that the 11 developers would like to take the developer agreement to the next City Council meeting in 12 January, which would be before the next Park Board Meeting. Mr. Hugman said that he and the 13 developers spoke about asking for the credit for what they are proposing for Continental 14 Boulevard at a public value multiplier; a private value multiplier for the piece along Brumlow 15 Avenue; and the remainder being paid in park dedication fees. He said that they would talk with 16 Mr. Yetts about the additional trail length and show the difference between 50% for the trail 17 versus 100% for the full length. 18 19 Mr. Hollander said that if Mr. Yetts is willing to accept that proposal, then the developers would 20 like to return in January with an amended park dedication request for the additional credit. Mr. 21 Hugman said that an amended Developers Agreement would then be completed. He said that if 22 Mr. Yetts is not comfortable with the additional trail, the developers would still have something 23 to go forward with on their developers' agreement. 24 25 Mr. Miltenberger said that a third option would be to not provide credit as this does not relate to 26 what the Parks and Recreation Board is striving for and they pay the $156,000 now with the 27 option of coming back for credit if Mr. Yetts decides on the additional trail. 28 29 Motion was made to reject the expense credit worksheet and ask that the developer pay $156,000 30 fees as required by the ordinance. 31 32 Motion: Glover 33 Second: Stokdyk 34 Ayes: Johnson, Berman, White, Miltenberger, Stokdyk, Glover 35 Nays: None 36 Approved: 6-0 37 38 Ms. Berman said that the option should be available for them to return to the Park Board. Mr. 39 Hollander confirmed that he would come back to the Board to request public multiplier for 40 Continental Boulevard and Brumlow Avenue if they decide to construct the additional trail. 41 42 Ms. Johnson said that there is frustration due to the fact that since Phase II began, the Parks and 43 Recreation Board has asked for open space for this community. She said that there is about 3,750 44 children who do not have recreational open space and it is very frustrating for the Board to not 45 see open space. 46 47 Agenda Item No. 5. F. - Approval of water feature for pond at Bicentennial Park - Mr. Hugman 48 noted that Southridge Lakes has the Sunburst style fountain and Foxborough has the Phoenix 49 style of fountain. He said that the staff has no preference, but the Tri-Star is one type not used 50 already, although it would probably be more expensive due to the more complex spray pattern. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, December 14, 1998 Page 5 of 7 Ilslksv00011sharedlparkrecl boards lpkboard I minutes 119981121498. doe City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 Ms. Johnson asked if the Tri-Star cost would be about $8,000 with an additional $1,000 for full 2 lighting and Mr. Hugman said that is the preliminary estimate. Ms. Johnson said that she would 3 like the Tri-Star with full lighting in order to make the entrance more welcoming. Ms. Stokdyk 4 inquired about how many hours the feature would have lighting. Ms. Berman said that staff 5 should include funds in the budget for maintenance. 6 7 Motion was made to accept the Tri-Star fountain with full lighting for the front pond at 8 Bicentennial Park. 9 10 Motion: Berman 11 Second: Glover 12 Ayes: Johnson, Berman, White, Miltenberger, Stokdyk, Glover 13 Nays: None 14 Approved: 6-0 15 16 DISCUSSION: 17 18 A. Liaison Reports 19 20 Youth Parks and Recreation Board - Johnson - Ms. Schaeffer said that the next meeting will be 21 this Wednesday, December 16, 1998. 22 23 Recreation/Special Events - Johnson, Jones - Ms. Johnson apologized for missing Holiday in the 24 Park. She inquired about the lighting of the trees. Ms. Schaeffer said that there are spot lights in 25 the trees, but they may be on timers due to the recent vandalism. 26 27 Teen Center Update - Johnson, Jones - Ms. Schaeffer said that the Teen Center Committee did 28 meet December 3, 1998. Mr. Hugman said that this item would be on the SYAC agenda in 29 January. 30 31 Community Relations - Berman, Anderson - No report. 32 33 Youth Sports Associations - Miltenberger, Rawls - No report. 34 35 Community Groups - White, Stokdyk - Ms. White said that there was a workday on the 36 Bicentennial Park Adventure Alley Playground. Ms. Stokdyk said that Ms. Aloha Payne stepped 37 down from the Historical Society. Ms. Stokdyk said that KSB is hoping to put together a 38 workshop with Andy Wasowski. She said that Mr. Scott Martin is working on this project. Ms. 39 Stokdyk and Ms. Johnson asked that staff develop a community group list. 40 41 SPIN - White - Ms. White said that she could not attend the joint SPIN and City Council 42 meeting due to attending the joint Park Board and JUC meeting. She said that no City Council 43 members were present at the joint meeting. 44 45 SPDC - Jones - Mr. Hugman said that SPDC would not meet this month. 46 47 JUC - Glover - Mr. Glover said that JUC would vote on a resolution to recommend to the Park 48 Board and to the City Council that the Natatorium be considered as a joint-use facility subject to 49 negotiation of time and control of the facility. He said that it appears that CISD is anxious to 50 cooperate. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, December 14, 1998 Page 6 of 7 11slksv00011shared Iparkrecl boardslpkboard I minutes119981121498. doc City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 2 Ms. Stokdyk asked about the City thoughts on a gymnastics center. Mr. Glover said that there is 3 neither enough community interest nor enough to utilize it from a city standpoint and Mr. Hawk 4 does have liability concerns were the City to get involved in gymnastics programs. 5 6 Ms. White said that each joint-use project with CISD has not been followed through since the 7 problems and concerns with Durham Elementary/Intermediate School. Ms. White said that Mr. 8 Buddy Luce said that the city would have 50% use of the Natatorium, but she does not see where 9 it would be possible due to the CISD schedule presented at the Joint-Use Committee meeting last 10 Thursday. 11 12 City Council Monthly Report - Miltenberger - Mr. Miltenberger will report to the City Council 13 December 15, 1998 at 5pm. 14 15 Nature Center Committee - White, Anderson, Stokdyk - Ms. White said that the committee is 16 waiting on the building from Monticello. 17 18 Agenda Item No. 7, Adjournment - Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 19 9:19pm. 20 21 22 23 24 Vicki Johnson 25 Chair 26 27 QL 28 29 .ICJ 30 Cara White 31 Secretary Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, December 14, 1998 Page 7 of 7 11slksv0001 I sh ared I parkrec I boards I pkboard I min utes 119981121498. doc