1998-09-14 City of Southlake, Texas * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING 3 4 September 14, 1998 5 6 MINUTES 7 8 9 Board Members Present: Vicki Johnson, Chair; Sherry Berman, Vice Chair; Cara White, 10 Secretary; Richard Anderson; James Glover; Robin Jones; Chris Miltenberger; Bobby Rawls; 11 Lisa Stokdyk 12 13 Board Members Absent: None 14 15 Staff Members Present: Kevin Hugman, Interim Director of Parks and Recreation; Ben Henry, 16 Park Planning and Construction Superintendent; Kathy Schaeffer, Recreation Supervisor; Teddi 17 R. Zonker, Administrative Secretary 18 19 20 21 WORK SESSION 22 23 The following consider items were moved to the consent agenda by recommendation of Chair, 24 Vicki Johnson and the Board. 25 26 Consider item A. Revising the Donation Policy, providing for donation of trees as memorial 27 28 Consider item D. Naming of Bicentennial Park Loop Road 29 30 REGULAR SESSION 31 32 Call to Order - The meeting was called to order by Chair Vicki Johnson at 6:57pm 33 34 REPORTS 35 36 Administrative Comments - Berman inquired about trail signage and Hugman stated that staff 37 would make an effort to provide information with regard to trail signage at next months meeting. 38 Hugman stated that they did look into on-road bike trail striping of Byron Nelson Drive, but 39 realized that the width of the road pavement is one foot short of what is required for an on-road 40 bike path. The reason for this is because the road was platted before the Trail System Master 41 Plan was adopted with the wider pavement width. Henry stated that 14' is the minimum criteria 42 for an on-road bike path and driving lane, and Byron Nelson Drive is one foot too narrow to have 43 an 11' driving lane and 14' driving lane/on-road bike path. Hugman stated that the width 44 requirement is now detailed in the Trail System Master Plan. 45 46 Johnson inquired about the baseball field lights. Schaeffer stated that there was a coaches 47 meeting last night and turning lights off after the final games was discussed as a priority. 48 Anderson inquired about coaches being able to manually turn off the lights and Schaeffer stated 49 that they are providing keys to all coaches. Hugman stated that they are looking into altering the 50 system so a key is required to turn the lights on and off. Hugman referred to the neighbor who Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, September 13, 1998 Page 1 of 7 1:I parkrec I boardsl minutes119981091498.doc City of Southlake, Texas * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 inquired about the lights and stated that the lights were not on past IOpm, but the last game was at 2 8pm and the lights remained on until lOpm. Schaeffer stated that the lights are now set to cut off 3 at 9pm. Miltenberger stated that the last practice is until 9pm. Schaeffer stated that she would 4 check into this issue. 5 6 Johnson inquired about Park Board Orientation meeting dates and Hugman stated that he wanted 7 to speak with the Board about days and times that were preferred by the Board. Johnson stated 8 that no Wednesdays. 9 10 The Park Board Orientation was scheduled for Monday, October 19, 1998 at Spm at the 11 Bicentennial Park Community Center. 12 13 Rawls stated that with regard to a Teen Center, Council Member Scott Martin told him that an 14 architect should be contacted before the Board becomes involved in the planning stages of a Teen 15 Center. 16 17 Anderson inquired about soccer games at Bob Jones Park this past weekend. Miltenberger stated 18 that games were cancelled due to the rain. Anderson stated that North White Chapel is not the 19 route to take to the park. Hugman stated that a map with an alternate route has been send to the 20 coaches. Miltenberger asked that a map be placed on the GSSA website. Zonker stated that she 21 would submit a map to them for their site. 22 23 CONSENT 24 25 A. Approval of the Minutes of the August 10, 1998 meeting - Minutes from the regular Park 26 Board meeting of Monday, August 10, 1998. 27 28 B. Park Dedication for Georgetown Park, Phase III - The developer has requested to pay fees of 29 $800 per acre for the 1.554 acre development. 30 31 Consider items moved up within the agenda during Work Session: 32 33 A. Revising the Donation Policy, providing for donation of trees as memorial - Berman brought 34 forward the idea of a memorial tree program at last months' meeting. Staff felt it would be 35 appropriate to incorporate such a program under the existing donation policy. 36 37 D. Naming of Bicentennial Park Loop Road - As we begin construction on Bicentennial Park 38 Expansion Phase 11, naming of the loop road has been recommended to provide location 39 clarification to the Department of Public Safety. Staff recommendation is "Bicentennial 40 Drive". 41 42 Motion was made to approve the consent agenda: 43 44 Motion: Berman 45 Second: Anderson 46 Ayes: Rawls, Jones, Miltenberger, White, Johnson, Berman, Anderson, Glover, 47 Stokdyk 48 Nays: None 49 Approved: 9-0 50 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, September 13, 1998 Page 2 of 7 1:I parkrec I boards I m in utes 119981091498. doc City of Southlake, Texas * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 REGULAR AGENDA 2 3 Public Forum - No public present, no comments from the Board. Public Forum was closed at 4 7:16pm. 5 6 CONSIDER 7 8 A. Revising the Donation Policy, providing for donation of trees as memorial - item moved 9 to consent agenda. 10 11 B. Prioritization of projects for Capital Improvements Plan - Hugman reviewed the Long- 12 range Capital Improvement Program, Additional Future CIP Projects, FY 1998-98 Capital 13 Projects Budget and SPDC Capital Projects Budget FY 1998/98-02/03 which were enclosed in 14 the Board packet. 15 16 Berman asked about the $4.5 million available in FY 1998/99 and asked if these are the funds that 17 must be used to complete the CIP projects. Hugman stated that this is an estimate of the bond 18 proceeds planned for later this calendar year and that in two years the city would probably sell 19 bonds again. The Board could opt to recommend completion of all projects within 2 years, but 20 this would deplete the planned revenues. The Board should look at a five-year plan and see how 21 revenues would match against planned expenditures. 22 23 Hugman stated that the Board should consider allocating funds for reserve for land acquisition 24 and for matching funds. Jones stated that since a majority of the matching funds still remain in 25 reserve, staff should promote this option to area associations. Hugman stated that staff would 26 forward an informational letter to the associations with regard to matching funds process if SPDC 27 establishes this reserve again. 28 29 Jones stated that she felt land acquisition should be placed at the top of the priority list, 30 recognizing the need to acquire land when the opportunity arises. Berman inquired about funds 31 for trails. Hugman stated staff would begin reviewing which trails can be completed soon and 32 recommend funds for these trails. He stated that within the next year, the City would begin 33 improvements on Continental Road (Two phases: Davis to Peytonville and Peytonville to White 34 Chapel). Hugman stated that it would be appropriate to target funds for trail construction the first 35 phase of this project. Hugman stated that the idea of budgeting for trails each year as road 36 projects are budgeted for each year, is a good idea if interim trails are desired. Berman stated that 37 the Trail System Master Plan should begin as soon as possible. 38 39 The Board asked about the Jr. High school off of North White Chapel and Hugman stated that 40 there is an asphalt trail to the side of the school. Hugman stated that North White Chapel is not at 41 ultimate width at this time. Miltenberger stated that he had discussions with the school with 42 regard to a sidewalk at the front of the school and stated that he thought it was a requirement that 43 any new construction requires the development of a sidewalk. Jones asked if the schools are 44 exempt from the Sidewalk Ordinance. Hugman stated they are not exempt, but he will review 45 how the schools are affected and report to the Board. Henry stated that the Jr. High School might 46 have been approved before approval of the Sidewalk Ordinance. 47 48 Hugman referred the Board to the items listed on the Long-Range Capital Improvement Program 49 which have already been approved within the SPDC budget as follows: Bicentennial Park, Phase Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, September 13, 1998 Page 3 of 7 l: Iparkrecl boards)minutes119981091498.doc City of Southlake, Texas * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 II with the exception of the concrete loop trail; Bob Jones Park, Phase I and II with the exception 2 of the loop road; and Land Acquisition - Southwest Park. 3 4 Glover left the meeting at 7: 52pm 5 6 The Board reorganized the Priority list to include the additional items recommended by Park 7 Board from the FY 1998-99 Parks Budget which the Board recommended in May be removed 8 from the General Fund and placed in the SPDC fund. The Board's recommendations for Group 9 A, B and C were: 10 11 Group A: 12 13 Land Acquisition - SE and SW Park and other land acquisition as available 14 Complete Bicentennial Park, Phase II - concrete loop trail 15 Continental Trail - White Chapel to Davis 16 Lonesome Dove Park Additions 17 Install roof for in-line hockey court at Bicentennial Park 18 Wood rail fence at Fox Hollow Equestrian Trail; Trail Head for parking lot 19 Signage for on-road bike trail ($5,000) - 50 signs 20 Teen/Youth Center 21 Practice Fields 22 23 Group B: 24 25 Koalaty Park, Phase I 26 Smith Park, Phase 1 27 Noble Oaks Park, Phase 1 28 Loop Trail from Bicentennial Park to Durham and Jr. High School 29 Loop Road at Bob Jones Park 30 Nature Center 31 Practice Fields 32 33 Group C: 34 35 Practice Fields 36 Community Center/Recreation Center - Timarrron site 37 Joint-use Durham Gym #2 38 Indoor Swimming Pool 39 40 The Board noted that the groupings were based generally on A-High Priority; B-Medium Priority 41 and C-Low Priority. 42 43 The following will be budgeted out of Maintenance and Operations: 44 45 Install concrete pads for Bicentennial Park ballfield bleachers 46 Install sun screens on Bicentennial Park ballfields (except #2, #6) - This may be a project eligible 47 for SPDC matching grant. 48 49 Motion was made to approve the Long-Range Capital Improvement Program Priority List as 50 above. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, September 13, 1998 Page 4 of 7 l: Iparkrecl boards)minutes119981091498.doc City of Southlake, Texas * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 2 Motion: Miltenberger 3 Second: Jones 4 Ayes: Rawls, Jones, Miltenberger, White, Johnson, Berman, Anderson, Stokdyk 5 Nays: None 6 Approved: 8-0 7 8 C. Ethics Statements for Youth Recreation Programs - Hugman stated that staff would like 9 to develop ethics statements for all of the City-sponsored athletic leagues. Schaeffer stated that 10 there have been a lot of questions with regard to what is expected from the coaches, referees, 11 players, parents and the Parks and Recreation Department as a sponsor of the program. The 12 ethics statements were developed for the in-line hockey program, but staff would like to use the 13 same ones for other City-sponsored athletic programs. Several members of the Hockey 14 Association Board were given draft copies of the statements and their comments were 15 incorporated. She stated that staff is asking the officials, administrators and coaches to sign this 16 statement. Schaeffer stated that parents would receive the Parent's Code of Ethics and Player's 17 Code of Ethics at the time of registration and that staff would make it mandatory that coaches 18 have a meeting with all parents with regard to league rules and parent/player ethics. Schaeffer 19 stated that many Parks and Recreation Departments are moving to this type of informative 20 process she learned when attending a seminar on youth sports. She stated this method may assist 21 with any questions or concerns regarding the youth sports and Southlake's recreation program 22 philosophy. 23 24 Rawls inquired about the smoking policy at the baseball fields at Bicentennial Park. Schaeffer 25 stated that there is an ordinance and there is signage at each entrance to thepark which states that 26 there is no smoking in the park. Schaeffer stated that the Baseball Association did put up signs 27 near the fields, but they were torn down. 28 29 Stokdyk asked that vandalism of facilities be included within the Code of Ethics. 30 31 Motion was made to adopt the Code of Ethics which may be revised by the Recreation Supervisor 32 from time to time for all city sponsored leagues, and to add a statement about players respecting 33 and not damaging the properties and facilities provided. 34 35 Motion: Miltenberger 36 Second: White 37 Ayes: Rawls, Jones, Miltenberger, White, Johnson, Berman, Anderson, Stokdyk 38 Nays: None 39 Approved: 8-0 40 41 D. Naming of Bicentennial Park Loop Road -item moved to consent agenda. 42 43 DISCUSSION 44 45 A. Operation and staffing of Tennis Center - Hugman referred to the survey of area cities 46 included in the packet and noted the wide range of options there are in how the City approaches 47 staffing and operation of the Tennis Pro Shop. Jones stated that the Tennis Association has 48 received recommendations from USTA and TTA with regard to studies of how to run a city 49 tennis center. She stated that the association has received numerous resumes and that USTA Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, September 13, 1998 Page 5 of 7 l: I parkrec I boards)minutes119981091498.doe City of Southlake, Texas * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 magazine has published articles with regard to Bicentennial Park Tennis Center. Berman asked 2 that the articles be given to Zonker for the packet. 3 4 Johnson reminded the Board that Glover stated that he believed the Park Board members on the 5 working group should not be someone who is involved with the tennis association. He felt this 6 would appear to be favoring the tennis association. (Glover was not present at this time and had 7 made his comments during work session). Jones stated that she does not agree. She stated that it 8 would be "peddling backwards" to have someone step in who has never been involved with the 9 Tennis Association. She stated that it would be frustrating for the Tennis Association to not have 10 someone involved who has been there since the beginning. Johnson stated that Glover's 11 comment was only a suggestion. Hugman stated it would be appropriate for Jones to be involved 12 as she is familiar with the Park Board perspective as well as the tennis association. Another Park 13 Board member not affiliated with tennis would also lend balance. The Board agreed that it is a 14 good idea to have someone involved who has been there from the beginning. Hugman also noted 15 that any recommendation will still come before the full Park Board for consideration. Rawls 16 stated that this issue relates to the fact that when the Board does something with hockey, they 17 would certainly want Glovers input due to his experience and interest in the sport. 18 19 Rawls stated that he would like to be a part of the Tennis Center Work Group. 20 21 Hugman stated that he would contact Laura Suarez and Lynn Jumper with NETT to assist on the 22 working group. Jones noted that the chosen tennis pro has to possess professional knowledge of 23 the sport as well as the business knowledge to run a Tennis Center. Hugman stated that there 24 would be a Facility Usage Agreement between the Tennis Association and the City and that the 25 Work Group would be a good group to work with staff on such an agreement. 26 27 B. FY 1998-99 Budget - Hugman stated that the City Council would consider the Second 28 Reading of the FY 1998-99 Budget tomorrow, Tuesday, September 15, 1998. He informed the 29 Board that the Council did not receive a complete Parks and Recreation Budget presentation, but 30 he does not expect any changes to the Parks budget other than the changes made to travel and 31 tuition. He stated that once it is approved, the Board would receive a complete approved budget. 32 33 C. Liaison Report s - 34 35 Johnson welcomed Lisa Stokdyk to the Board as the new member. With regard to liaison 36 positions, Stokdyk stated that she would like to be a part of the Nature Center, but she would talk 37 with Johnson before committing to a position. 38 39 a. Youth Parks and Recreation Board - Johnson - Johnson stated that the Youth Park Board 40 is really excited about the Teen Center. She stated that there must be ample 41 representation from the youths and that the presidents of each of the school clubs should 42 be invited to the Teen Center Work Group meeting. Johnson asked that the Board provide 43 Zonker with a list of youth and adult individuals to contact for the Work Group. 44 Schaeffer stated that staff is currently formulating a list of contacts. 45 46 Schaeffer stated that she met with the National Charities League with regard to March for 47 Parks. She said that the group will choose in early October who will organize March for 48 Parks. With regard to a new meeting time, the Youth Board agreed to Wednesday nights 49 at 6:30pm. Johnson stated that she understands that Wednesday is the only night that the Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, September 13, 1998 Page 6 of 7 I: Iparkrecl boards) minutes119981091498.doc City of Southlake, Texas * * OFFICIAL MINUTES * * APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 Youth Park Board has free. Johnson inquired about the Youth Park Board Ordinance. 2 Hugman stated that staff had not had time yet to address this ordinance. 3 4 b. Budget - Discussed during discussion item B. No report. 5 6 c. Recreation/Special Events, Johnson, Jones - No report. 7 8 d. Community Relations - Anderson, Berman - No report. 9 10 e. Youth Sports Associations - Miltenberger, Rawls - No report. 11 12 f. Community Groups - White - White stated that Larry Abernathy is constructing the first 13 pavilion at Bicentennial Park. 14 15 g. SPIN - White - No report. 16 17 h. SPDC - Jones - No report. There will be a joint meeting with SPDC and the Park Board 18 on September 28, 1998. 19 20 i. JUC - Glover - Hugman stated that the committee elected officers last week. Doug 21 Strickland, CISD Board of Trustees was elected as Chair and City Council member Gary 22 Fawks was elected Vice-Chair. The meeting dates will be the second Thursday of each 23 month. 24 25 j. City Council Monthly Report - Berman to report for the month of September. 26 27 k. Nature Center Committee - Anderson, White - Anderson inquired about the building in 28 discussion. Johnson stated that it is a trailer and nothing official has occurred. 29 30 31 ADJOURNMENT 32 33 Being no further business, the meeting was called for adjournment by Chair Vicki Johnson at 34 8:49pm. The next meeting will be Monday, October 12, 1998. 35 36 37 38 Vicki Johnson 39 Chair 40 _._.r 41/ 42 43 Cara White 44 Secretary Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, September 13, 1998 Page 7 of 7 1:Iparkreclboardslminutesl19981091498.doc