° City of Southlake, Texas
4 August 10, 1998
8 Board Members Present: Vicki Johnson, Chair; Sherry Berman, Vice Chair; Cara
9 White, Secretary; Robin Jones, Chris Miltenberger, James Glover, Richard Anderson
11 Board Members Absent: Bobby Rawls
13 City Staff Present: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager; Kevin Hugman, Interim Director
14 of Parks and Recreation; Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction Superintendent;
15 Kathy Schaeffer, Recreation Supervisor; Ron Harper, City Engineer; Shelli Siemer,
16 Assistant to the City Manager; Christel Bartlett, Administrative Intern
19 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order - Chair Vicki Johnson called the meeting to order at
20 7:05 p.m.
22 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments - The Board inquired about the
23 replacement for Park Board membership. Mr. Hawk stated that no one had requested
24 placing the item on the Council's agenda.
26 Hugman informed the board of the scheduled joint meeting with SPDC and the Park
27 Board on September 21, 1998. He also stated that a date has been set for the
28 Groundbreaking Ceremony for Bicentennial Park Expansion - Phase II. Invitations will
29 be sent out, but the date is scheduled for Friday, August 21, 1998, at 9:00 a.m. at
30 Bicentennial Park.
32 Berman expressed the concern she received from parents about the After School
33 Program. She said added stress was placed on the parents because of the letter and the
34 short notice, and that the staff should reconsider the process in the future to eliminate
35 this problem. Hugman explained that the City Council had directed staff to evaluate the
36 program, including whether or not the program should be offered in the fall. Council
37 and staff were aware that parents might be upset. The staff notified parents to inform
38 them of the possible transition. The City decided to continue the program until an
39 alternate program was established, but the class would be capped at 60 participants.
40 There is still plenty of room to sign up, but the City was not going to hire any more
41 staff. The parents will be notified of any future changes.
43 Berman inquired if the City could begin a tree donation process for memorial purposes
44 with metal or bronze plaques. Jones asked if they could incorporate this idea with the
45 tree farm or tree-sharing program, maybe at Bob Jones. Hugman said an appropriate
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1 species of tree would have to be considered, and the City would want to have input on
2 the location. Miltenberger suggested placing a master plaque at the entrance of the
3 park claiming the name of the program and the donors and the have trees dispersed
4 throughout the park. Glover added that other cities do make donations to similar
5 programs, and that it is something worth looking into. Berman requested that it be
6 placed on the next agenda.
8 Berman also brought forward pictures of the Lone Star Park Baseball Facility in Euless.
9 She thought the shade structures would be a good model to move forward on with our
10 baseball facilities. Henry stated that it would be a possibility for fields #8 and # 9, but
11 more difficult with fields #6 and V. Berman said that it would offer further structures
12 for spectators, thereby justified in using the 1/2 cent sales tax. Miltenberger added that
13 Bicentennial Park has decreased in aesthetics over the past two years. Jones stated that
14 the pavilion has never been fully completed, and the pavilion in the photos looks to
15 serve a purpose. Henry explained to the Board the materials involved with a pavilion
16 structure, such as the one shown in the photos, and that it would include a load bearing
17 vinyl structure allowing rain to pass, but one that would primarily serve as a shade
18 structure. Hugman said the Department could look at different shade options, but
19 funding is an issue. It could be considered by SPDC for funding, but would have to
20 compete against the other projects. Hugman stated that money had been included in the
21 proposed FY 98-99 budget for the shade screens for the ball field dugouts. Jones
22 expressed her desire to put this issue as a priority because the ball fields do not look
23 complete. Hugman explained that this would be an item to take to the joint session with
24 SPDC. Jones said she would take it to the SPDC's next meeting. Mr. Hawk reminded
25 the Board that Euless is a built out city and could afford to spend its money on
26 aesthetics. Southlake, however, is still growing and money is being spent on needed
27 facilities first.
29 Johnson reminded everyone to discard their previous Trail System Master Plan Maps.
31 Anderson asked about the status of White Chapel Road and Bob Jones. Henry
32 explained that the water restrictions have impacted the hydomulched grass and plans for
33 sodding. Bids for a water well at Bob Jones would be on next week's SPDC and City
34 Council meeting. Although we planned to use the pond for irrigation, it was currently
35 drained to accommodate work. Anderson asked how this impacts the soccer
36 association's needs. Henry stated that the Association is aware of the situation, and that
37 they will utilize Bicentennial Park until the fields at Bob Jones are ready. He
38 continued by saying that having the entire season at Bicentennial Park could delay
39 improvements to Bicentennial. Staff hopes to have the fields ready at Bob Jones Park.
40 Hawk informed the Board that Council will address the bid for the well at the next
41 meeting. Hugman stated that the City will be meeting with the contractor to address the
42 possibilities of working around the soccer fields for as long as possible. As for White
43 Chapel Road, it should be finished around two months. They are waiting on utilities.
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1 Liaison Reports
3 Youth Park Board - Johnson - Officers were elected on the same evening. The Youth
4 Park Board voted on the bylaws, and requested changing the number of members to
5 nine, like the Park Board. Since the ordinance specifies seven members, it will have to
6 go to before Council. Schaeffer stated that since all of the members are in high school,
7 she would like to see representation from the middle school. A larger group would
8 have a better chance at maintaining a quorum. Miltenberger suggested amending the
9 ordinance to have it read that the Park Board could change the number from time to
10 time. Hugman said he would bring a revision to Park Board at the next meeting.
12 Budget - Hawk requested that this item be discussed under its agenda item.
14 Recreation/Special Events- Johnson, Jones - The Southlake Scene has been distributed.
15 Schaeffer will brief the Board on the programs during the agenda item.
17 Community Relations-Berman, Anderson - No report.
19 Youth Sports Associations -Miltenberger, Rawls - Registration for fall baseball is
20 Saturday, August 15'h and Wednesday, August 19'. Flag football registration is going
21 on, with flyers going out to the schools. In-line hockey registration will be this
22 Saturday also.
24 Community Groups - White - The coverings for the hockey rink are being looked into.
26 SPIN - White - The meeting this month is regarding the Alzheimer's Center to be
27 located at White Chapel and Hwy. 114.
29 SPDC - Jones - Discussing land acquisition.
31 JUC - Glover - No report. The JUC has not been meeting over the summer due to new
32 appointments and scheduling difficulty during the summer months. They will meet on
33 Tuesday, September 8, 1998.
35 City Council Monthly Report - Bobby Rawls is scheduled for the next Council
36 meeting.
38 Nature Center Committee - White, Anderson - No report.
40 Consent
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1 Miltenberger made a motion, Jones seconded, to approve the consent items as
2 presented. The motion passed unanimously 7-0.
4 Agenda Item No. 3, Approval of Minutes for July 13, 1998
6 Agenda Item No 5A, Approval of Town Square park site plan for bandshell pavilion -
7 This item was moved to the consent agenda during the work session. Developer Brian
8 Stebbins presented the site plan and bandshell pavilion design.
10 Agenda Item No. 51), Approval of interior materials palette for Tennis Pro Shop - Park
11 Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry presented the interior materials
12 palette to the Board during the work session.
14 Agenda Item No 5F, Formation of a working group to study concept of a Southlake
15 Teen Center - During the work session, Johnson gave a copy of numerous pages of
16 information from the Internet on various teen centers around the United States.
17 Hugman said staff would conduct further research on local teen centers in the area, and
18 come back to the board with estimates on the cost of facilities, programs, etc.
19 Miltenberger made a motion, with a second by Jones, to establish a work group for a
20 concept study. The item passed unanimously 7-0.
22 Regular Agenda
24 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum - No member of the audience spoke. Park Board
25 member Jim Glover expressed his disapproval of the concept of Southlake participating
26 in the Grapevine library. He felt that the money being budgeted by the City should be
27 spent elsewhere. Mr. Hawk stated that he would provide the background and address
28 Mr. Glover's concerns during the agenda item on the FY 98-99 budget.
30 Agenda Item No. 5C, Approval of location for Adventure Alley pavilions - A letter
31 from Larry Abernathy was included in the packet for Park Board. He asked the Board
32 to approve his plans and requested a site location, so he can begin ordering the pavilion
33 kits from the vendor. Following the order, delivery will take five to six weeks. He has
34 received $1,000 a week thus far, which he deems successful and in reach of his goal.
35 The pavilions will be hexagon shaped, one will be 20 feet high and placed in the corner
36 of the fenced area, the other 45 feet high and located at the oak trees. Henry stated the
37 only problem right now is irrigation, but he is looking into that. Berman inquired about
38 the fencing status, which Henry said would be addressed with the pavilion
39 improvements. Berman expressed how nice it would be to include shade in the fenced
40 area. Abernathy agreed, and said that parents would be able to stay under the pavilion
41 and watch their children at the same time. Long range plans would be to incorporate
42 the playground with the baseball facilities. He would like to see a 30-foot pavilion near
43 the field. This would add a buffer, yet further encircle the children with attentive
44 parents. Names of the contributors would be added to the handrails of the pavilion,
45 done personally by Abernathy, himself. The remainder of the money would go to the
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1 covered picnic tables. Glover made the motion, with a second from Anderson, to
2 approve the location. This item passed unanimously 7-0.
4 Agenda Item No. 5B Approval of names for Adventure Alley pavilions - The second
5 point of Abernathy's letter was to come to a consensus on the process of naming the
6 pavilions. He said that the 20-foot pavilion should honor the contributor who paid for
7 the pavilion. The American Airlines pilots in Southlake have paid $5,000 toward the
8 kit, and he feels they deserve recognition, such as naming the pavilion after them.
9 Johnson was concerned with the connotation of the plaque, in that it would appear
10 commercialized. She said American Airlines didn't fund the pavilion; the pilots in
11 Southlake funded the pavilion. A difference needs to be made.
13 Miltenberger inquired as to whether other pilot organizations were included. Anderson
14 asked where the Board went from here in the naming process. Glover asked if the
15 pavilions could be named A, B, C, etc. Glover believed that the inside plaque should
16 state specifically the names of the pilots in Southlake who donated, but leave the outside
17 plaque to say "Pilots Pavilion." Johnson believed that the Board should not deviate
18 from the policy.
20 Glover made the motion, Miltenberger seconded, that the 20-foot pavilion be named
21 "Pilots Pavilion," since Abernathy didn't believe he could get everyone's names on the
22 inside of the plaque. The item passed unanimously 7-0. The Board recognized
23 Abernathy for his efforts with the pavilions. Henry said he would also bring the costs
24 of the steel roofs to the next meeting.
26 Chair Vicki Johnson moved item 6D to next on the agenda with the Board's
27 concurrence.
29 Agenda Item 61), FY 1998-99 Budget - Hawk stated that a work session for the budget
30 will be held August 19-20`'' with the Council, beginning in the morning and following
31 into the evening. He explained that they would be expanding the Parks and Recreation
32 Department to include a Community Services division and a Library division, and that
33 it would be helpful if any of the Board members could come to the work sessions to
34 answer questions.
36 The Southlake Library will charge $20 a person for annual operating fees, which will
37 include staff costs. $10,000 will purchase more books, and these books will come over
38 with Southlake from the Grapevine library. This will give us a head start on
39 circulation. An additional $200,000 will go towards Southlake's share of the operation
40 of the Grapevine library. If CISD doesn't move to the Town Hall, we will downsize
41 the building some, and include a library in the Town Square. The remainder will be
42 used towards a consultant working with Library Board. We should still be participating
43 with Grapevine for another year or two. Jones inquired what portion of the funding
44 would be under the new division, and what part will be '/z cent sales tax. Hawk
45 explained that currently, the City can't use the '/z cent sales tax to fund a library
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1 because it has to go before the citizens. He continued by stating that the Friends of the
2 Library will be re-established, but the TIF would pay for the library construction. The
3 funding for operation of the facility will come from the growth of the tax base out of
4 the general fund. However, it will have to compete with the general budget for the
5 next two years. Once Southlake reaches full capacity of build out, we could fund
6 operations from the 1/2 cent sales tax, if approved by the voters.
8 Agenda Item No 5E Prioritization of projects for Capital Improvements Plan -
9 Hugman explained that the CIP was a five-year budget plan. The projects not
10 completed in this fiscal year will be moved to the next year. Things have changed
11 since the list was first developed, and therefore needs to be re-prioritized. Miltenberger
12 stated that the listings were based on preference at the time, but doesn't make much
13 sense presently. Following explanations of the listings, Hugman recommended tabling
14 the item for the next meeting, so he could provide more detailed information. Also,
15 since the work session with the SPDC would not be until September, Park Board could
16 consider this reprioritization at its September meeting. Glover made the motion to table
17 the issue, with Miltenberger's second. The item passed unanimously 7-0.
19 Agenda Item No. 6A Fall Recreation Programs - Kathy Schaeffer highlighted the new
20 programs being offered in the fall through the Southlake Scene.
22 Agenda Item No. 6B Phased Implementation of the Trail System Master Plan -
23 Hugman stated that Parks staff met with Community Development Director Greg Last
24 and his staff to discuss the implementation of trails. After reviewing the Trails System
25 Master Plan, the group developed a phased implementation with three phases that
26 would prioritize the process. The first phase would require no construction and would
27 identify existing on-road trails. Through signage, striping of the roads, addressing trail
28 names, and other on-road trail entities, the first phase could be done relatively quickly
29 and inexpensively. Hugman said they could begin the first phase right away. As for the
30 second and third phases, staff would need to work with the Public Works and
31 Community Development staff to determine the ultimate road widths, and which ones
32 are scheduled for improvements. Hugman said he came to the Board with this issue to
33 seek guidance from the Board as to the direction staff was moving. He said he would
34 provide research on the signage and trail designation for the next meeting. The Board
35 expressed their desire to bring more information on Phase 1 implementation to the next
36 meeting. They expressed approval of the phasing concept.
38 Agenda Item No. 6C, Park Board Orientation - Included in the Board's packets was a
39 draft of a proposed orientation session for the Park Board. Hugman used the
40 Community Development's model for the Planning and Zoning Commission, and
41 thought a similar opportunity for the Park Board members would be worthwhile. He
42 was hoping to conduct the sessions at the beginning of the year. Glover liked the idea,
43 and suggested doing it upon the arrival of the new replacement member. The Board
44 expressed satisfaction with the proposed topics and had no other suggested topics to
45 add.
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2 Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:43 p.m.
7 Vicki Johnson, air
10 yJ.
11 .
12 Cara White, Secretary
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