1998-05-11 City of Southlake, Texas ~ a OFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING 3 4 May 11, 1998 5 6 MINUTES 7 8 Board Members Present: Vicki Johnson, Chair; Doug Fierce, Vice-Chair; Cara White, 9 Secretary; Bobby Rawls, Chris Miltenberger, Carol Lee Hamilton, Richard Anderson, Sherry 10 Berman 11 12 Board Members Absent: Robin Jones 13 14 City Staff Present: Kevin Hugman, Interim Director of Parks and Recreation; Ben Henry, Park 15 Planning and Construction Superintendent; Kathy Schaeffer, Recreation Supervisor; Teddi R. 16 Zonker, Administrative Secretary 17 18 19 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order - The meeting was called to order by Chair Johnson at 20 6:43pm. 21 22 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments - Johnson informed the Board that the Senior 23 Activity Center is sponsoring an open house this week. 24 25 Miltenberger inquired about the irrigation contract with regard to Bob Jones Park. Henry stated 26 that he is not comfortable with the pump design; however, he is looking into alternate plans for 27 the system such as temporary aluminum pipe in order to have grass on the fields this fall. 28 Berman inquired about possible delays in opening the soccer fields and Henry stated that he does 29 not foresee any delays. 30 31 Johnson inquired about the staff discussing Meadowmere Park with Grapevine Parks and 32 Recreation Department. Hugman stated that he will check on this. 33 34 Hamilton stated that she wanted to remind staff of the park dedication work session. Berman 35 stated that Chris Carpenter, Senior Planner should be present. 36 37 Hamilton's term ends this month. Johnson presented Hamilton with a certificate of appreciation 38 for her time and dedication on the Parks and Recreation Board since 1991. 39 40 Agenda Item No. 3, Public Forum - Linda McNeely, Open Arms Home-Richland Hills, 210 41 Glenrose Court, Southlake - McNeely presented the Board with the idea of approving a 42 symposium on domestic violence as a recreation program. 43 44 McNeely stated that women remain at the Open Arms Home from 3 months to 2 years. McNeely 45 stated that the one day symposium would be on a weekday, 8:30-noon regarding domestic 46 violence for $20. Hamilton inquired about the target audience and McNeely stated that it would 47 not necessarily be for victims, but to those in the community who may assist. 48 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, May]], 1998 Page 1 1: I parkrec l boards l m in utes 119981051198. doc City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 Hugman stated that he would like to speak with Community Services Officer Carrie Fullington 2 of the Southlake Department of Public Safety, who is involved in advocacy programs such as 3 this. Fierce asked McNeely to speak with CISD with regard to the possibility of presenting such a 4 symposium to CISD staff. Berman mentioned Patsy Dupre and the Southlake Women's 5 Division. McNeely stated that she is a member of the Division. Johnson inquired about a time 6 table and McNeely stated that she would begin as soon as possible. 7 8 Hamilton-Royal and Annie Smith Park 9 Hamilton stated that there should be "warning-keep out" signs due to potential hazards at Royal 10 and Annie Smith Park. Hamilton encouraged staff to secure the park and structures. 11 12 Miltenberger-Durham Elementary/Intermediate Athletic Fields 13 Miltenberger stated that the Durham Elementary/Intermediate athletic fields are not acceptable 14 (rocks, hard dirt). Hugman stated that the fields are the schools responsibility. Miltenberger 15 asked if staff and the Board may meet with the school Board during the design phase of athletic 16 fields. Hugman stated that staff meets with the school Board with regard to joint-use availability 17 and potential design considerations that could accommodate joint use. Hamilton stated that 18 Miltenberger may approach the school Board as a resident. 19 20 Colby Swagerty, 610 Park Place, Southlake, presented the Board with the option of adding a 21 consider item to the next agenda with regard to a "covered" hockey rink. Swagerty requested a 22 cover which will repel rain so as to avoid further rained out games. 23 24 Hamilton asked Swagerty about an estimated cost and Swagerty stated that staff should consult 25 an engineer with a complete bid package which includes the "covered" hockey rink. Anderson 26 asked if this would be an open air cover and Swagerty agreed. 27 28 Rawls-Bicentennial Park Ballfield Safety Concern 29 Rawls stated that two children were hurt near Bicentennial Park, Pinto Field #4 due to two metal 30 poles protruding from the ground on the fields. Henry stated that these poles are from the 31 previous scoreboard. Hugman stated that staff will address this issue this week. 32 33 Public Forum closed 7:10 pm 34 35 A. Consent: 36 37 Consent Agenda Item No. 1, Approval of Minutes for April 13, 1998 Regular Park Board 38 Meeting - Johnson stated that on page 6, line 37-Munch should be completely identified as the 39 President of the Southlake Girl's Softball Association; line 39-the association should be 40 completely identified. Fierce stated that page 6, line 46 should read "much of which was 41 discussed did not pertain to the Board." Hamilton stated that page 5, line 2 should read 42 "commercial developers should continue to approach the Board." 43 44 Motion was made to approve the minutes for April 13, 1998 as corrected. 45 46 Motion: Hamilton 47 Second: White 48 Ayes: Rawls, Miltenberger, White, Johnson, Fierce, Hamilton, Anderson, Berman Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, May]], 1998 Page 2 1: Iparkrecl boards) minutesl19981051198.doc City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 Nays: None 2 Approved: 8-0 3 4 A. Consider 5 6 Consider Agenda Item No. 1, Designating side of roadway to locate trails for the Trail 7 System Master Plan - A few weeks before the meeting, the Board was forwarded a map of the 8 Trail System Master Plan. On this map, staff highlighted the preferred side of roadway to locate 9 trails. Henry stated that the preference was determined based on various elements on the selected 10 side of the roadway such as Town Center, Carroll High School, etc. 11 12 Berman inquired about a trail on each side of FM 1709. She stated that the Board needs to 13 review the specifics with regard to the width of the trail. Miltenberger asked if there should be a 14 trail on FM 1709 and Berman stated that it is necessary due to pedestrian traffic to nearby 15 schools. Berman stated that she believes there is an on-road trail on each side and she would like 16 to review the possibility of a wider trail on one side of the street for bicycles. White stated that 17 the thoroughfare plan detailed a bike path with a green belt between the trail and the street. 18 19 The Board stated that the trail between Shady Oaks and North White Chapel should be on the 20 South side. 21 22 Hugman stated that installing a trail at the north side of FM 1709 near the FM 1709 and Davis 23 market place would be more useful as there is less traffic on the north side because of the amount 24 of retail development on the south. He stated that the north side would also be more feasible. 25 Miltenberger inquired about the cost and Henry stated that the cost would be about $20 per linear 26 foot for a six foot trail. Miltenberger inquired about a community fund raiser to raise funds to 27 install some type of temporary trail before a trail is paved since it will be some time before 28 money is allocated for trails. 29 30 Miltenberger asked if the new school on North White Chapel will be including sidewalks and 31 Hugman stated that he will review this issue. Hamilton stated that she would like this issue 32 mentioned at a JUC meeting. Hugman stated that the right of way acquisition will be the major 33 issue. 34 35 Berman inquired about the process for designating the side of roadway to locate trails. Hugman 36 stated that the Board should provide a recommendation which will go to City Council for 37 approval. This will be a guidance tool for P&Z when working with right of way and developers. 38 39 Miltenberger asked if the Board can require a developer to include sidewalks. Hugman stated 40 that sidewalks that are part of the trail system may be credited through the park dedication 41 process. 42 43 With regard to FM 1709, the Board stated the following preference for trail locations: 44 Kimball to Carroll (north side), Carroll to Peytonville (south side), Peytonville to Pearson 45 (north side). 46 47 Miltenberger inquired about trails near Bob Jones Park, Hugman stated that a plan for park trails 48 should be set before development begins. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, May 11, 1998 Page 3 1: Iparkrecl boardslminutes119981051198. doe City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 2 Hamilton stated that the amended concept should be shared with JUC as they are familiar with 3 future school facilities. 4 5 Motion was made to adopt the map with trail indications as a working document for the 6 locations of trails with the following changes recommended by the Board: The trail should 7 remain south of FM 1709 between Shady Oaks and North White Chapel. The trail should 8 remain east on Shady Oaks between West Highland and Dove. The Park Board 9 recommended that they have further input on the trails once development issues come 10 forward and the Board recommended that this plan be shared with the SUC. 11 12 Motion: Hamilton 13 Second: Anderson 14 Ayes: Rawls, Miltenberger, White, Johnson, Fierce, Hamilton, Anderson, Berman 15 Nays: None 16 Approved: 8-0 17 18 Miltenberger inquired about adding trails. Hugman stated that trails can not be added to the Trail 19 System Master Plan without public meetings and said that the Trail System Master Plan is 20 coming up for review as per the City Charter. The Board inquired about a Trail Ordinance. 21 Hugman stated that such an ordinance would not be required since the Sidewalk Ordinance 22 already required trail width section be built in those areas designated by the Trail System Master 23 Plan. Hugman stated that a trail may be dedicated by a developer through the park dedication 24 process. Hugman stated that with trail location indications on the Trail System Master Plan, such 25 a request for a right of way or easement trail may be required. Hugman stated that an easement 26 allows the City to use the land, but the land is still owned by the homeowner. The City owns the 27 land in the right of way. 28 29 8: 25pm - Board took a five minute break. 30 31 Rawls and Berman left the meeting. 32 33 B. Discuss 34 35 Discuss Agenda Item No. 1, Royal and Annie Smith Park Master Development Plan - 36 Johnson read an email with regard to Royal and Annie Smith from Robin Jones stating that she is 37 in favor of the park design as last viewed and recommended by the Park Board, to include limited 38 lighting. (Attached). Johnson stated that the Southlake Tennis Association submitted a letter with 39 regard to their support of four (4) lighted tennis courts at the Royal and Annie Smith Park. 40 (Attached). 41 42 Miltenberger inquired if any Board members are opposed to lighting. Anderson stated that he 43 would like to compromise by moving the tennis courts closer to the school lights. Henry stated 44 that he reviewed various options with the tennis court locations and realized some options would 45 have an extensive impact on the park. He stated that the current location of the tennis courts had 46 the least impact on existing trees and because of the lower terrain and trees to the northeast, 47 tennis court lights would be diminished to the north. Hugman stated that staff would meet again 48 with the KISD staff to discuss the revised design. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, May 11, 1998 Page 4 1: lparkreel boardsl minutes119981051198. doc City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 2 Johnson stated that the courts should be lighted and the neighborhoods should be consulted with 3 regard to hours of light operation. Hamilton stated that lighted courts will be the least noticeable 4 addition to the park. Henry stated that the canopy of the trees will filter out court lighting to the 5 NE and SW. Hugman stated that this plan would be taken to SPIN if there is a significant 6 change, but if not, the SPIN representative would at least receive a copy of the park plan. White 7 inquired about the courts and Henry stated that the courts will remain "multi-use." Anderson 8 inquired about parking and Henry stated that the original design was 110 parking spaces and the 9 current design will only allow a maximum 75. 10 11 Discuss Agenda Item No. 2, FY 1998-99 Budget - Hugman stated he intends to meet with staff 12 over the next few weeks with regard to budget needs for FY 1998-99 Budget. Hugman stated 13 that he has provided the Board with a list of the unfunded needs for the FY 1997-98 Budget and 14 noted which items were funded by SPDC. Fierce stated that staff needs to update the Board on 15 any changes as to when the FY 1998-99 Budget is presented to the Council during the August 11- 16 13 work session. Hugman agreed. He suggested that the Board have a budget work session prior 17 to its next meeting. Hugman suggested Monday, June 1, 1998 for a budget work session and the 18 Board agreed. Fierce asked that an update on the SPDC funded projects be provided. 19 20 C. Liaison Reports 21 22 Youth Parks and Recreation Board - Johnson - Schaeffer stated that she hopes for three new 23 members on the Youth Parks and Recreation Board and stated that the Youth Park Board is 24 looking forward to working on March for Parks. 25 26 Budget - Fierce - Previously discussed. 27 28 Recreation/Special Events - Johnson, Jones - Schaeffer provided an update on the Kite 29 Festival in the Sky, May 2-3 at Bicentennial Park. Anderson stated that this event is always on 30 election day. Schaeffer stated that the event may be moved to the last weekend in April. 31 32 Community Relations - Berman, Anderson - No report. 33 34 Youth Sports Associations - Miltenberger, Rawls - Johnson stated that the Southlake Girl's 35 Softball Association will look at next year with regarding to fund raising. 36 37 Community Groups - Hamilton, White - No report. 38 39 SPIN - Fierce, White - Fierce stated that the standing committee met with Chief Campbell with 40 regard to Code Enforcement. Fierce stated that the joint City Council meeting will be this 41 Thursday. 42 43 SPDC - Jones - No report. 44 45 JUC - Hamilton - Hamilton stated Darcey Imm provided an update on Town Center at their last 46 meeting. Hamilton stated that the committee discussed current and possible future projects and 47 stated that a natatorium was not a top priority. Hamilton stated that JUC is familiar with a teen 48 center and has been discussing the stadium. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, May 11, 1998 Page 5 l: Iparkrecl boards)minutesl19981051198. doc City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES NOT APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 2 City Council Monthly Report - Fierce - Jones to provide the May report to City Council. 3 4 Nature Center Committee - White, Anderson - The next meeting will be at the end of May. 5 6 Other items 7 Johnson stated that the "covered" hockey court should be considered as a future agenda item. 8 Henry stated that he is reviewing ways to minimize the penetration of sun and will consider a 9 cover to avoid rain. The Board requested that costs estimates be provided to the Board. 10 Miltenberger and the Board suggested that staff ask Swagerty to submit costs and types of 11 materials. Hugman said they would include this with the budget items to be prioritized by the 12 Park Board along with estimate costs. 13 14 D. Adjourn 15 16 Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chair Johnson at 9:23pm. 17 18 19 20 21 22 Vicki Johnson, C r 23 24 25 26 27 Cara White, Secretary Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, May 11, 1998 Page 6 1: I parkrec l boards l m in utes 119981051198. doc