1998-04-13 • City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING 3 4 April 13, 1998 5 6 MINUTES 7 8 Board Members Present: Bobby Rawls, Robin Jones, Chris Miltenberger, Cara White, Vicki 9 Johnson, Doug Fierce, Carol Lee Hamilton, Sherry Berman 10 11 Board Members Absent: Richard Anderson 12 13 City Staff Present: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation; Ben Henry, Park Planning and 14 Construction Superintendent; Teddi R. Zonker, Administrative Secretary 15 16 17 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order - The meeting was called to order by Chair Vicki Johnson at 18 6:43 p.m. 19 20 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments - Lenoir stated that there is a revised agenda 21 which shows the Park Dedication for Stonebridge Park. 22 23 Lenoir stated that the master plan for Smith park will be on the May agenda. Jones stated that 24 she will not be present at the May meeting as she will be out of town. 25 26 Agenda Item No. 3. Public Forum - Dick Johnston, 139 Jellico Circle, Southlake, stated that as 27 the Board may know, he did receive approval from the City to begin his first tree farm which 28 currently consists of 293 trees (Live Oak, Sawtooth Oak, Chinquapin Oak, Red Oak and 29 Redbud). Johnston stated that volunteer labor has consisted of 53 individuals and 400 man 30 hours. 31 32 Johnston stated that they are $311 in donations over in matching the funds which SPDC 33 provided. Johnston stated that this amount will be directed to the second farm. Johnston stated 34 that they have spent $1,941 plus an additional $300 for a drip irrigation system. 35 36 Johnston asked that the Board consider supporting his wish to begin four additional tree farms. 37 Johnston stated that each tree farm will consist of 1 acre and 400-500 trees. He stated that the 38 trees should be ordered now for a February delivery; grow bags need to be purchased and funds 39 must be raised. Johnston stated that he is asking for assurance soon so he may be begin planning 40 for the 1999 tree farm. Johnston stated that he would like to use park land for future tree farms. 41 42 Hamilton asked if Johnston could utilize two half acre areas which are possibly walking distance 43 from each other and Johnston stated that would be fine. Hamilton asked about how Johnston is 44 determining which trees to plant and Johnston stated that he is working with park staff (Keith 45 Martin and Ben Henry). 46 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, April 13, 1998 Page 1 of 7 1: I parkrec I boards I minutes 119981041398. doc City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 V. Johnson asked that Johnston state the dimensions and Johnston stated that the trees are 10' 2 apart and the rows are 5' apart. The complete farm is 135' wide and 300' long. Johnston 3 verified that it will take five years for the trees to be available from the tree farm. 4 5 Berman inquired about post maintenance and Johnston stated that he will need someone to act as 6 a "shepherd" of the tree farm. Berman asked if the students could receive volunteer credit and 7 Johnston stated that they do and he is utilizing the high school students. 8 9 Other items for Public Forum 10 11 Vicki Johnson asked if the City has any future plans for the pine tree area to obtain it as 12 dedicated park land. Lenoir stated that this will be addressed as we revise the Bicentennial Park 13 Master Plan is revised after phase II is complete. 14 15 Public Forum was closed at 7.•05 p.m. 16 17 Consent Agenda Item No. 1. Approval of Minutes for February 28, 1998 Park Board Retreat 18 Work Session 19 20 Consent Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of Minutes for March 9. 1998 Regular Park Board 21 Meeting 22 23 Motion was made to approve the minutes for February 28, 1998 Park Board Retreat Work 24 Session and March 9, 1998 Regular Park Board Meeting. 25 26 Motion: Jones 27 Second: Fierce 28 Ayes: Rawls, Jones, Miltenberger, White, Johnson, Fierce, Hamilton, Berman 29 Nays: None 30 Approved: 8-0 31 32 Consider Agenda Item No. 1. Park Dedication for Coventry Parc Development - John 33 MacFarlane, Developer, 5438 West University Boulevard, University Park-Dallas - MacFarlane 34 stated that he is asking that the Board accept his payment of fees for 27 platted lots, $1,000 per 35 lot and stated that he has talked with Miltenberger in regard to grading, refurbishing the sprinkler 36 system and seeding an area within Coventry Manor parks. 37 38 Berman stated that there is a lake and a trail at the entrance of the development on Shady Oaks 39 side and it would have been nice to have the trail completed. MacFarlane stated that this is NOT 40 part of his development. 41 42 Jones confirmed that MacFarlane hopes to participate in Coventry Manor park improvements. 43 MacFarlane stated that he does hope to join the Home Owner's Association and does hope to 44 work with the HOA to make improvements in Coventry Manor. Miltenberger stated that he 45 appreciated McFarlane's assistance if Coventry Manor HOA would approve MacFarlane's 46 improvements to Coventry Manor; however, he is opposed to Coventry Parc not including park 47 dedication within its 27 acre lots. 48 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, April 13, 1998 Page 2 of f 7 1: I parkrec I boards)minutes11998W41398. doe City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 Lenoir stated that his improvements for Coventry Manor are for a private park and have no 2 connections with the City. He may complete these on his own with the homeowners approval. 3 MacFarlane stated that he does not see any opposition on the homeowners behalf of his 4 development. MacFarlane agreed to work with the residents of Coventry Manor for park 5 improvements. 6 7 Motion was made to accept Coventry Parc park dedication fees of $27,000. 8 9 Motion: Berman 10 Second: Rawls 11 Ayes: Rawls, Jones, Fierce, Berman 12 Nays: Miltenberger, White, Hamilton 13 Abstain: Johnson 14 Approved: 4-3-1 15 16 Discussion: 17 18 Jones verified that the development has not been platted. Johnson inquired if the Board has the 19 authority to decline a dedication of fees since they do prefer a dedication land. Berman stated 20 that nearly 60+ children will be entering this development and there should be something 21 available for these children in terms of park land. 22 23 MacFarlane stated that this development would be more beneficial with the park improvements 24 at Coventry Manor. Miltenberger stated that he felt 32 acres is enough land to include park land. 25 Johnson inquired if she could have declined this payment of fees if the acreage was over 50 acres 26 and the Board agreed. Lenoir stated that the Board makes a recommendation that City Council 27 and P&Z will review and consider. 28 29 Fierce stated that MacFarlane will be meeting with P&Z and Council and this approval is not 30 final. 31 32 Consider Agenda Item No. 2. Park Dedication for Stonebridge Park - Tom Wouters, Realty 33 Capital, 920 South Main Street, Suite 170, Grapevine, stated that he has 12.653 commercial 34 acres and he is requesting that he may pay the fees of $800 per acre. Fierce inquired about the 35 plat and Wouters stated that the plat has been filed. 36 37 Motion was made to accept Stonebridge Park park dedication fees of $10,122.40. 38 39 Motion: Jones 40 Second: Hamilton 41 Ayes: Rawls, Jones, Miltenberger, White, Johnson, Fierce, Hamilton, Berman 42 Nays: None 43 Approved: 8-0 44 45 Jones left the meeting at 7:42 p.m. 46 47 Return to Administrative Comments 48 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, April 13, 1998 Page 3 of 7 1: I parkrecl boards)minutes119981041398. doc City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 Lenoir stated that she does want to discuss the park dedication requirements with the Board. 2 3 Lenoir referred the Board to the Southlake Park Land Standards and stated that Southlake needs 4 840 acres of park land at build-out to equal the park standards. Lenoir stated that the numbers 5 with the asterisk within the document are park land that is needed. 6 7 Lenoir stated that in four neighborhood park zones, there is a possible public park which the city 8 needs. Lenoir stated that the city will exceed the neighborhood park needs once a few five-acre 9 parks are obtained. Lenoir stated that there is a need for additional community park land (which 10 is 30 acres or more). Lenoir stated that city parks are at the maximum, specialty parks (athletic 11 complexes) may be short and there are about 120 acres of trails. 12 13 Berman asked if the Board may meet with the current developers which may continue to work 14 with the city so they understand how the Board is reviewing these dedications. Miltenberger 15 stated that it is a good idea, but developers located in Dallas such as MacFarlane would be 16 missed. 17 18 Lenoir stated that the City does have a Tree and Sidewalk Ordinance which the developers must 19 comply with. Lenoir stated that the Board may review the zoning requests which they receive 20 from staff to become aware of what is coming to the city. Lenoir stated that staff is also 21 continually reviewing plans for upcoming park land. Lenoir stated that open space is not only 22 obtained through the park dedication ordinance. 23 24 Fierce stated that Wouters of Stonebridge must have known about coming to the Board since the 25 area has been platted. Lenoir stated that park dedication is not an issue until the developer 26 agreement is ready for City Council approval, which may occur up to a year after the plat is 27 approved. 28 29 Lenoir stated that park staff does attend Development Review Committee (DRC) meetings and 30 staff does encourage park/nature amenities in upcoming developments. Henry confirmed that 31 suggestions are provided and considered. 32 33 Johnson stated that "park" also refers to open space, not necessarily athletic fields. 34 35 Johnson inquired that if a Board member is familiar with an upcoming development, that 36 member may meet with the developer and Lenoir confirmed. 37 38 Fierce stated that the Board should revisit the park dedication requirements if the Board wishes 39 to enforce any changes in regard to limited acreage approaching the Board. Lenoir stated that 40 the Board should designate where they do want parks and then work with developers in regard to 41 obtaining park land. 42 43 Berman inquired about the Board meeting with developers and Johnson stated that she does not 44 feel that this would accomplish the Board's goal of obtaining more park land. Johnson stated 45 that the local developers DO know what the Board wants in regard to park land. 46 47 Hamilton stated that she wants a map which designates the areas in which the Board and staff 48 want park land. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, April 13, 1998 Page 4 of 7 1:I parkrecl boards)minutes119981041398. doc City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 2 Hamilton stated that commercial developers should continue to approach the Board. Berman 3 asked if the Board may contact the developer to discuss park land dedication and the Board and 4 staff agreed. 5 6 Rawls inquired if the Board may review the acreage numbers and Berman and Johnson stated 7 that they may after election in June which will be one year since the revised park dedication 8 ordinance. Hamilton stated that now since the Board has used this form and has learned about 9 additional needs, the form should be reconsidered and discussed with possibly a council person. 10 Hamilton stated that small developments must be closely considered. 11 12 Johnson stated that the Board does want the developers to continue to come forward even though 13 some may be at the last minute. 14 15 Hamilton inquired about a work session before or near the elections in order to not waste more 16 time on this issue at a regular Board meeting. Lenoir stated that she will speak with Greg Last 17 and Chris Carpenter in regard to additional options. Johnson asked that Zonker submit a few 18 dates to the Board which include Wednesday and Thursday. 19 20 Discussion Agenda Item No. 1, Long-range Capital Improvement Program - Lenoir stated that 21 the Teen Center is being discussed by the Youth Park Board. Lenoir stated that SPDC would 22 like the Board to prioritize their requests and stated that an additional $5 million will be available 23 in September/October 1998. The Board asked questions to clarify the items to be discussed. 24 25 The Board agreed to the following priorities: 26 27 *Group I - 28 Bicentennial Park, Bob Jones Park, Continental Trail, Lonesome Dove Park Additions, 29 Youth/Teen Center. 30 31 *Group II - 32 Land Acquisition SE and SW, Koalaty Park, Noble Oaks Park, Smith Park, Loop Trail from 33 Bicentennial Park, Nature Center. 34 35 *Group III - 36 Community Center/Recreation Center, Joint-use Gym, Indoor swimming pool. 37 38 (*Practice Fields to be included in each group as a `floater" priority each year). 39 40 Hamilton stated that the joint-use gym should be a "filler" when funds are available and the 41 Board does not have another priority. Fierce stated that he does not want to commit funds to the 42 school district now when the school does not know what they will be doing at the sites 43 purchased. 44 45 Discussion Agenda Item No. 2, Designating side of roadway to locate trails for the Trail System 46 Master Plan - Lenoir presented the Board with the Trail Master Plan map and asked if the Board 47 has a priority on which side of the street that trails should occupy. 48 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, April 13, 1998 Page S of 7 1:I parkrecl boards I minutes119981041398. doc City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 Fierce stated that he would like to see a staff recommendation/proposal within the next week. 2 Hamilton stated that some areas should have shade on the walking paths. Berman inquired about 3 the tree farm trees being used on the trails and Lenoir agreed. Lenoir stated that water lines and 4 utilities must be considered as well. 5 6 Lenoir stated that this item will be a consider item at the next meeting and staff will provide their 7 recommendation to the Board as soon as possible. 8 9 Liaison Reports 10 11 Youth Parks and Recreation Board - Johnson - Johnson stated that she is satisfied that the one 12 Youth Park Board member decided to withdraw from the Board as he has not been in attendance 13 for some time. 14 15 Budget - Fierce - Fierce stated that budget priorities must be completed soon and discussed at 16 the May meeting. 17 18 Recreation/Special Events - Johnson, Jones - Johnson stated that Southlake Saturday Nite and 19 Tennis are the only drop courses and is looking forward to the Summer 1998 brochure. Zonker 20 stated that it may be mailed postal patron within five days. 21 22 Community Relations - Berman, Anderson - Berman stated that she and Hamilton met with the 23 Grapevine Parks and Recreation Director, Doug Evans. Hamilton stated that the meeting was 24 very educational as Meadowmere is one of Grapevine's top two priorities and they hope to have 25 a concept plan very soon. 26 27 Hamilton stated that she and Berman said that Southlake will continue to grow and submitted the 28 idea of Southlake utilizing Meadowmere. Hamilton stated that Grapevine is thinking of baseball 29 fields, soccer fields and trails and they are interested in linking equestrian trails with Southlake's 30 trails. Hamilton stated that she stressed that park land is scarce and that she stated that she 31 would like the two cities to work together. Hamilton stated that Evans said that they are looking 32 into overnight camping on the site as well and that Evans mentioned that Grapevine is looking 33 into joint-use. Johnson asked that Lenoir contact Evans and Lenoir stated that she will speak 34 with Mr. Hawk with regard to this issue. 35 36 Youth Sports Associations - Miltenberger. Rawls - Miltenberger stated that he and Rawls have 37 been assisting the sports associations. Berman stated that Jim Munch, President of the Southlake 38 Girl's Softball Association (SGSA) is NOT interested in recycling. Johnson stated that the 39 science instructor at the High School may be interested in recycling. Berman stated that she will 40 contact the instructor. Rawls stated that the SGSA should be informed about using grocery store 41 (Kroger and Albertsons) methods of raising funds through grocery purchases. 42 43 Community Groups - Hamilton, White - no report. 44 45 SPIN - Fierce. White - Fierce stated that there was a SPIN meeting on Lonesome Dove Park and 46 much of which was discussed does not pertain to the Parks and Recreation Department and the 47 Board. Fierce stated that there should be two meetings; one with Lonesome Dove and one with Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, April 13, 1998 Page 6 of 7 l: Iparkrec I boards )minutes119981041398.doe City of Southlake, Texas OFFICIAL MINUTES APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEMBERS 1 Emerald Estates. Johnson stated that she does not receive any communication from her SPIN 2 representative. 3 4 SPDC - Jones - Berman inquired about tree sharing for neighborhoods. Lenoir stated that some 5 homeowner groups did purchase trees this year and that a neighborhood tree sharing program 6 may be a budget item for next year. 7 8 JUC - Hamilton - Hamilton stated that she did not attend the last meeting. Henry stated that no 9 one from Keller was present and Smith Park and Koalaty Park were discussed. Hamilton stated 10 that there is another meeting this month. 11 12 City Council Monthly Report - Fierce to report to Council this month. 13 14 Nature Center Committee - White, Anderson - White stated that there will be a meeting 15 scheduled in May. 16 17 Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:57p.m. 18 19 20 21 22 Vicki Johnson, hair 23 24 25 26 27 Cara White, Secretary Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, April 13, 1998 Page 7 of 7 1:Iparkreclboar&minutes11998W41398.doc