SPIN/Joint Park Board Meeting
Thursday, September 25, 1997
White's Chapel Room - Bicentennial Park
SPIN Representatives present: David Baltimore, Chair; Al Morin, Vice Chair (#10),
Cara White, (#1), Martin Schelling (#2), Milan and Mary Georgia for Joe Mast (0),
Janet Murphy (#4), Jan Francis (#5), Doug Fierce for Tom Ward (#6), Darrell Faglie
(#7). Pattie Minder (#8), Laura Miklosko (#9), Roger Hutton (#11), Barry Friedman
(#13), Wayne Haney (#15), Linda Wilder (#16)
Staff Present: Nona Whitehead, Community Services
Representatives absent: Doug McKelvey (#14), Katie Holzgraefe.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by David Baltimore. Milan and Mary
Georgia were introduced as representing Joe Mast.
Agenda Item No. 2. City Manager's Report
Mr. Hawk was unable to attend the meeting and there was not a report presented.
Agenda Item No 3 Approval of the 8/25/97 Standing Committee Minutes.
Wayne Haney made a motion to approve the minutes. It was seconded and approved
Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments
David Baltimore called the calendar to the attention of the committee noting the date of
the Executive Committee, the next Standing Committee meeting, and upcoming
neighborhood meetings. Mr. Baltimore noted that SPIN was asked to sponsor two
information meetings related to the upcoming election on a Crime Control/Prevention
District. Patti Minder agreed to host the meeting on October 14, and Cara White will
host the October 27 meeting. Mr. Baltimore thanked the Wilders and Katie Holzgraefe
for making the September SPIN Reports and reminded Cara White and Martin
Schelling that they were scheduled for October. The October Standing Committee
meeting will be a review of goals and self-evaluation. Nona will send a survey to help
prepare for the self-evaluation and future goal setting. Mr. Baltimore also announced
the birth of a son to Doug Mckelvey and a daughter to Shana Yelverton.
Agenda Item No. 5, Summit Update
Al Morin gave an update on the Summit. He asked for volunteers and reminded the
committee that the objective is to get SPIN in front of the public. Mr. Morin noted that
the Summit is on the front of this month's Southlake in Review, and publicity is getting
out about SPIN. The secondary objective is not necessarily a large attendance but to
identify a project that the gathered leaders will support through their various groups. It
is believed that Dr. Richard Cole, Dean of the College of Public and Urban Affairs,
and the Dean of the Graduate School of Social Work from UTA will be the moderator.
AI Morin will work with the moderator to implement the program and will work with
David Baltimore to make follow-up calls to confirm which projects are going to be
advocated. There are 20 panelists, but not all are presenters. David Baltimore and
Mayor Stacy will not present projects. Cara White is heading up the reception. Tom
Ward is working on the facility and technical assistance, and Barry Friedman is helping
with publicity and marketing.
agenda Item No. 6. flap Boundary
David Baltimore reminded the committee that SPIN is charged, by ordinance, to yearly
review the map and recommend changes to City Council for approval. It is hoped that
the recommended change to using master thoroughfares for boundaries will eliminate
the need to make many future adjustments.
The proposed new SPIN map with several boundary changes was presented. Janet
Murphy reiterated to the group that it was her suggestion that SPIN #4 does not warrant
having a separate Representative. She said that in her entire term, she has only had two
phone calls. Linda Wilder shared that she and John have added new responsibilities
and need to resign their positions as SPIN Representatives. She expressed the feeling
that the move to combine SPIN #15 with SPIN#16 would work well for that area and
that they had would be available to help Wayne Haney with issues that affected their
neighborhood. David Baltimore called for a motion to approve the changes. Janet
Murphy made the motion to approve, and Cara White seconded the motion. The
motion was approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 7. Micro PAVER Project
David introduced Chuck Ewings to explain the Micro PAVER project. Mr. Ewings
explained that this project would help at Budget time. SPIN could be involved in visual
evaluation of the actual pavement. He asked SPIN to help procure volunteers to do the
visual inspection. The data would be fed into a computer to help prioritize where
maintenance is needed. Mr. Ewings said that Micro PAVER is an efficient and
objective program for evaluating which streets need maintenance. Every City Street
would be included in the survey. David Baltimore asked, "How active does SPIN want
to be in this project?" Mr. Morin said that his neighborhood was responsive to helping
with this project. Nona Whitehead said that she understood that . the idea is not-for
SPIN Reps to do the actual inspection, but to find volunteers through their liaisons and
block captains who would be interested in taking the training for the program. The
training will involve learning how to identify types of pavement stress. Patti Minder
suggested that the timing for the class would be better after the holidays. Mr. Ewings
suggested that a wide window time frame would help his schedule, and that he might
offer a class in November and again in January. Doug Fierce mentioned that several
streets are undergoing resurfacing due to sewer construction and asked for a map on the
mandatory streets that needed repair. Mr. Morin stated that he would need a definite
date to advertise for the classes in both November and January, with a list of definite
streets that need assessment. SPIN's job is to get people out to a training session. The
pavement indexing will be done yearly or biyearly. Mr. Ewings will let Nona know
about the dates for the training meetings.
Agenda Item No. 8. Crime Control District
David Baltimore gave an explanation of the purpose of a Crime Control District to
build the public safety facilities needed to adequately protect the citizens. He explained
that the date of the election will be November 4, 1997
-agenda Item No. 9. Neighborhood Reports
SPIN #1: Cara White said that SPIN #1 was quiet. The parkland is being graded.
Work seems to be finished under the creek. There seems to be an issue with a traffic
light. The timer has been changed.
SPIN #2: Martin Schelling said there was not a report for SPIN #2.
SPIN #3: Mary and Milan Georgia were present to give a report for Joe Mast. They
said that in SPIV #3 their road had been widened. David Baltimore asked how many
neighbors are actually hooked up to sewer. The answer was not known.
SPIN #4: Janet Murphy reported that that she would offer her services as a Liaison to
SPIN #5, but had no final report.
SPIN #5: Jan Francis said that she talked with her neighbors about hooking onto the
sewer. Her neighbors felt that they were promised that they would not have to hook
up. She felt that they were upset about any future changes that might affect their cost
for the neighborhood sewer program.
SPIN #6: Doug Fierce was present for Tom Ward. An October meeting is scheduled
for SPIN #6. Doug said that sewers are coming, but easements are still being obtained.
SPIN #7: Darrell Faglie said that a joint meeting for SPIN #7 & #8 will be held on
Monday at the City Council Chamber. Representatives will be present from the school
district to discuss the proposed stadium. Darrell said his neighborhood is pushing for
the stadium to be located in the industrial area on South Kimball.
SPIN #8: Patti .14inder reiterated that Curtis Hawk, Rick Stacy, Bob Whitehead, and
representatives from the school district would be at her neighborhood meeting. Brian
Stebbins from Town Center will also be there. The water tower and the stadium are the
main issues. The location on South Kimball seems promising as a stadium location.
SPIN #9: Laura Miklosko said that SPINs #10, #9, & #14 held a meeting about the
Courtyard at Timarron, a Richard Myers proposal for 6 office buildings at the southeast
corner of White Chapel and Continental. She said the plan looks good, and was
generally well received. It should be zoned for C1. The meeting was well attended.
Laura reported that the drainage problems in Dominion are ongoing. The ponds are
tilling with silt and the fountains are plugging.
SPIN #10: Al Morin said that SPIN # 10 had two meetings about sewer and timetables.
A Neiahborhood council meeting regarding sewer construction was also held. The
Foxbourah residential development is progressing, and a two-story office building was
denied by City Council because of the driveway and the height of the structure.
SPIN #11: Roger Hutton no report
SPIN #12: David Baltimore said a joint meeting with SPIN # 13 was planned for the
Southridae Center development proposal.
SPIN #13: Barry Friedman also mentioned the joint SPIN #12 & #13 meeting on Sept.
30 regarding proposed development on the corner of 1709 & Peytonvillee. Barry said
that he has received about 160 responses to his survey. The stadium issue has added a
lot of responses to the survey. Traffic and other development issues generate the most
SPIN #14: No report due to the birth of baby McKelvey
SPIN #15: Wayne Haney reported that he and Linda Wilder were at the water tank
dedication at the intersection of Pearson and FM 1709. He reported that Linda Wilder
gave a speech about her SPIN neighborhood and their abiity to work with the City to
resolve the water tank issues. There is a joint 15 & 16 meeting set for October 15, to
discuss a proposed Retirement Campus across from West Jellico. It is not known, at
this time, how the proposal will be received.
SPIN #16: Linda Wilder said that it has been fun to be a SPIN Representative. She is
happy to see her neighborhood find alternatives that allowed the water tank. She and
John will serve as liaisons for Wayne Haney in the new SPIN #15.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
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Joe ivIast, SPIN Secretary Attest:
Joint SPIN/Parks & Recreation Board Sleeting
Thursday, September 25, 1997
White's Chapel Room - Bicentennial Park
SPIN Representatives present: David Baltimore, Chair; Al Morin, Vice Chair (#10),
Cara White, (#1), Martin Schelling (#2), Milan and Mary Georgia for Joe Mast (#3),
Janet Murphy (1'74), Jan Francis (#5), Doug Fierce for Tom Ward (#6), Darrell Faglie
(#7), Patti Minder (0), Laura Miklosko (#9), Roger Hutton (#11), Barry Friedman
(#13), Wayne Haney (#15), Linda Wilder (#16)
Staff Present: Kim Lenior, Director of Parks and Recreation; Nona Whitehead,
Community Services Coordinator
SPIN Representatives absent: Katie Holzgraefe, Youth Representative
Park Board Members Present: Vicki Johnson, Ronnie Kendall, Richard Anderson,
Chris Miltenberger, Carol Lee Hamilton, Sherry Berman, Doug Fierce
Park Board Slembers Absent: Robin Jones, Larry Goldstein
Guests Present: Hugh & Maryann Holley
Vicki Johnson called the meeting to order at 8:05. Ms Johnson opened the meeting by
stating that the style of the meeting would be informational. It was intended to allow
conversation so members of both committees could become acquainted, since the Park
Board members are each designated as liaisons to various SPIN neighborhoods.
Agenda Item No. 2, the Need for Future Neighborhood Parks
Kim Lenoir introduced the Parks, Recreation and Open Space 1waster Plan for the next
5 years. Director Lenoir showed that the plan includes data from the 1996 survey,
showing a need for open space, neighborhood parks, trails and access to Lake
Grapevine. Neighborhood parks have come to the forefront of the priority list and land
acquisition is critical. Ten (10) zones have been identified that need parks. There are
currently four (4) neighborhood parks. The Park Board is in the process of Master
Planning the new neighborhood parks. A major thrust is to acquire more land for the
needed neighborhood parks. Vicki Johnson indicated that the Park Board is searching
for 5 acre parcels for those types of parks, but smaller parcels are also useful.
Al Morin asked what the criteria are for finding parkland. Doug Fierce said that there
are a variety of parks needed, including just open space that is transitional to the trail
system. Vicki Johnson said that some passive park space is also needed. The park area
in Town Center is park dedication land. Sherry Berman said that the Park Board is
trying to work closer with the developers as land is developed. She indicated that the
Park Board would like SPIN to contact their park liaison to work closer with them
when development meetings are held.
Jan Frances mentioned that she has observed that SPIN 5 and SPIN 6 do not have any
neighborhood parks. Doug Fierce said that the Joint Use committee has technically
made school land useable as park facilities to a certain degree.
Mrs. Mary Georgia asked if there was a plan to link the parks with a trail
Kim Lenoir said that 6-ft wide concrete trails were planned to follow the master
thoroughfare with trails that link the parks and schools. Hike and bike trails are to be
concrete; nature and equestrian trails will be a different surface. Doug Fierce explained
that the funding is multi-sourced as the different entities participate with their share of
various projects.
There appeared to be confusion regarding the trail system along Byron Nelson, as to
where the maintenance responsibility lies. There was discussion concerning whether
the sidewalk trail is public, or is it to be maintained by the homeowners association.
David Baltimore expressed frustration over money spent on planning verses the actual
construction. Vicki Johnson said the pieces of land for the trails are hard to come by,
but that pieces are being acquired. It was explained that easements and right of ways
are often difficult to obtain.
Agenda Item No. 3. Update on Park Construction Projects
Kim Lenoir showed the Master Plan for Bicentennial Park and gave an update on
related projects. 1999 should open the next phase of development, which will include
eight of twelve new concrete tennis courts and a tennis center.
Director Lenoir said that Bob Jones is having about 50 acres graded for soccer fields
and parking lots. Grass will be added in the spring along with irrigation. A recently
acquired half million dollar grant will bring more outdoor recreation facilities with
other phases of development to follow over the next 20 years.
Agenda Item No. 4. Park Dedication Ordinance
Kim Lenoir explained that the ordinance has just been updated. The park dedication
fees have been doubled. Southlake is the only city in Texas with commercial park
dedication fees. It is not a big amount compared to the monies generated by the 1/2-
cent sales tax. In response to the concern over the slow rate of land purchase for trails,
Director Lenoir shared that there is not an organized voice for the trail users. The
organized groups lobby for the funds and get results due to their numbers. The SPDC
really oversees the use of the funds that are allocated to the Park projects. The
possibility of a citizens' group forming a non-profit organization to solicit funds was
discussed: also the possibility of phased development was discussed. If the sidewalk
ordinance passes, the developers will have to add sidewalks.
Doug Fierce explained once again how many entities are involved in each of these
issues, from developers, the City, and even the Corps of Engineers, when you are
discussing land acquisition and development.
Wayne Haney asked about the Park Board's commitment to the Nature Center. Ronnie
Kendall said that a committee is visiting Nature Centers and that they are not ready to
bring forward the project to the SPIN Summit. It was discussed that a phase of a
project could be presented, without the total package.
Vicki Johnson adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m.
Joe last, SPIN Secretary Vicki Johnson, Chao
Park and Recreation Board
Approved 10/13/97
At est: