City of Southlake, Texas
5 September 8, 1997
9 Board Members Present: Larry Goldstein, Robin Jones, Doug Fierce, Ronnie Kendall, Vicki
10 Johnson, Carol Lee Hamilton, Sherry Berman, Richard Anderson.
12 Gary Beyer resigned effective September 1, 1997
14 City Staff Present: Kim Lenoir, Director of Parks and Recreation; Teddi R. Zonker, Administrative
15 Secretary; Kathy Schaeffer, Recreation Supervisor and Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction
16 Superintendent.
18 The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by Vice-Chair Ronnie Kendall.
M Agenda Item No 2, Consider: Approval of Minutes of August 4 1997 Regular Board Meeting -
1 Berman stated that the in the list of Ayes, Beyer should be replaced by Berman as Beyer was absent.
23 Motion was made to approve the minutes as corrected for August 4, 1997.
24 Motion: Jones
25 Second: Berman
26 Ayes: Goldstein, Jones, Fierce, Kendall, Hamilton, Berman, Anderson
27 Nays: None
28 Approved: 7-0
30 Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments - The Board reviewed the enclosed administrative
31 items and passed the two copies of the newsclips for the month among themselves. Lenoir informed
32 the Board about the enclosed registration form for the TRAPS Regional Conference. Lenoir also
33 provided the current Board roster and asked that the Board contact Zonker with any changes to their
34 information (address, phone, etc.).
36 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum - Vice Chair Kendall opened the public forum at 6:43 p.m. There
37 were no comments. Public forum was closed.
39 The Youth Parks and Recreation Board enter the chambers.
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City of Southlake, Texas
1 Agenda Item No. 5, Consider: Bicentennial Park, Phase II Concept Plan - Jim Cooper and Tary
2 Arterburn of MESA Design Group presented the concept plan to both the Park Board and Youth
3 Park Board.
5 Cooper stated that they have recently been meeting with the City staff and the user groups and they
6 have received some useful ideas. Cooper stated that the concept plan contains changes from the
7 original master plan which included a new location for the tennis courts. This new plan places the
8 courts in a more private area which will separate the courts and pro-shop from the other teen
9 facilities.
11 Cooper displayed a landscaped median road (loop) connecting around from the new parking lot to
12 the existing parking lot. Near the median road there is an additional half circle parking area which
13 would be primarily for the tennis users. Cooper showed the pro-shop and restrooms as placed in
14 front of the courts with the courts centered around.
16 The roller hockey court will be just to the west of the half circle parking lot near the additional
17 parking. The court will also include an elevation area for spectators. A restroom, primarily for
18 general park users, will be adjacent to the roller hockey court. The basket-ball courts will be just
19 below the restrooms and surrounded by some open space. Cooper showed two sand volleyball
?0 courts place near the additional parking lot and one near the hockey court. Cooper stated that they
21 have moved the practice soccer fields closer to the FM 1709 entrance. The plan also details the use
22 of open space around the parking lot.
24 Hamilton inquired about whether the loop connecting to the North White Chapel entrance and
25 Lenoir stated that it did not connect. Hamilton inquired about an emergency exit and Cooper
26 pointed out additional entrance possibilities.
28 Goldstein inquired about the cost of the tennis center pro-shop and Cooper stated that the cost is due
29 to the fact that facilities are commonly costly. Arterburn stated that there needs to be a more specific
30 design in place and that this plan is based on an estimate on the high side. In regard to additional
31 entrances, Arterburn stated that the master plan has one off of North White Chapel and one off
32 Shady Oaks Road.
34 There is a cross walk from the half circle parking to the roller hockey court and Christopher Paul
35 Schaum of the Youth Park Board inquired about the traffic being slowed due to the cross over to the
36 teen areas. Based on the sketch plan the loop did not connect back to the FM 1709 entrance and
37 Lenoir stated that the full connecting loop would be a valuable investment at this time. In regard to
38 Schaum's comment, Arterburn stated that the possibility of additional crossings would be also be a
39 valuable investment to avoid slowing traffic. Henry stated that the point of this cross over is to
40 funnel everyone into one place (hockey court) so the possibility of widening the cross over would
41 not be beneficial. Matt Bickford, Youth Parks Board presented the idea of moving the court down
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City of Southlake, Texas
1 from the loop and widening the cross walk. Arterburn stated that the half circle parking lot between
2 the hockey and tennis courts would be used since the two groups usually will not often conflict.
4 The Board stated that they really did like the concept plan of the Bicentennial Park Phase II and
5 began discussion of budget. Cooper stated that the last budget for this plan was $1.35 million which
6 did not include all the facilities. He stated that the current plan is near $2 million and does includes
7 all courts, infrastructure, grading and parking. Cooper stated that this cost does not include the pro-
8 shop. Jones expressed her concerns of the courts being built without a pro-shop and encouraged the
9 completion of a pro-shop with courts. Kendall stated that she agreed and Jones stated that the pro-
10 shop and the eight courts should be completed all together. Kendall stated that the pro-shop and
1 l eight courts should be completed together in a phase, the four additional courts could be completed
12 in a separate phase with the center court. Lenoir stated that the pro-shop and court facilities will pay
13 for their operation cost. Henry and Arterburn stated that the building of the center court as a final
14 phase will destroy the walks around the area connecting the outside courts. Arterburn recommended
15 the possibility of building all courts except two on the top left and bottom left.
17 Hamilton left the meeting at 6:55 p.m.
19 Fierce inquired about the increase in the court costs and Kendall stated that the initial court cost was
'.0 a bare minimal court and that the present courts are much nicer for the community users. Arterburn
A stated that they will plan ahead using the eight courts and pro-shop and MESA will work out
22 construction phasing options with the staff.
24 The Board inquired about the center court and Lenoir stated that this court could be used as a lesson
25 area and league play area which will be a nice location just behind the pro-shop. Kendall stated that
26 this area may have to be completed in phasing and SPDC may decide how they want to fund the
27 items. Berman confirmed that the Board should make a recommendation of priorities in this phase
28 process.
30 Kendall stated that this project should be slowed and possibly phased if that is what it takes to
31 complete the project correctly and professionally. Fierce stated that the packages should be
32 presented with the resolution that if SPDC does only part of the courts, the pro-shop should be
33 included.
35 Goldstein reviewed the costs involved outside of the tennis courts (hockey, basketball and
36 volleyball) and stated that some items could be brought into another phase which may allow the
37 courts and pro-shop construction in the initial phase.
39 Berman and Kendall stated that the tennis courts and hockey court should be completed together in
40 the first phase since these user groups have been promised. Also, the Board stated that hockey
41 courts should be reviewed within the first phase due to the possible loss of the CIS hockey court.
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City of Southlake, Texas
1 A motion was made to submit "bid package one" to include a) site developments, b) site
2 improvements, b11) hockey enhancements and the tennis pro-shop and take out b5) b8) basketball
3 courts, b9) sand volleyball courts and b10) trail system. All items removed should be added to a
4 "bid package two".
5 Motion: Goldstein
6 Second: Anderson
7 Ayes: Goldstein, Jones, Fierce, Kendall, Berman, Anderson
8 Nays: None
9 Approved: 6-0
12 Arterburn inquired about the loop connecting from and to the FM 1709 entrance and Fierce stated
13 that there are unresolved issues regarding emergency access. Jones stated that the completion of the
14 loop from and to FM 1709 be included into the bid package two. Jones pointed out that an
15 emergency access has been submitted with this concept plan as shown above the tennis courts from
16 the loop to North White Chapel Road.
18 Motion was made to accept the concept plan with the additions of creating an expanded entrance and
19 sidewalk (drop off area) for the hockey court as suggested by the Youth Park Board. Bid package
20 two should include future loop road from the new parking lot to existing parking lot and the
21 emergency access road.
22 Motion: Fierce
23 Second: Jones
24 Ayes: Goldstein, Jones, Fierce, Kendall, Berman, Anderson
25 Nays: None
26 Approved: 6-0
28 Agenda Item No. 6, Consider: Sidewalk Ordinance - Kendall informed the Board about her meeting
29 with P&Z in regard to their concerns and stated that the ordinance was tabled.
31 Jones suggested adding to 2.01, B) "as deemed necessary by P&Z/City Council" after pedestrian
32 traffic. Kendall suggested that 2.01, C) could be moved to sidewalk specifications and that
33 subdivision be defined. Kendall stated that P&Z suggested including "major" subdivision within the
34 ordinance.
36 Upon Board discussion the following suggestions were made: 2.02, A) includes "newly platted
37 major subdivision" in place of "residentially zoned districts"; 2.02, B) reads "The developer of a
38 major subdivision." and 2.02, C) reads "Each home owner/home builder within a major subdivision
39 shall construct all sidewalks at the time of construction."
41 Johnson arrived at 8:04 p.m.
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City of Southlake, Texas
1 Park Board allowed Youth Parks Board to report during this agenda item.
2 Ashley Eden, Youth Parks Board enters with update on their regular meeting.
4 Eden stated that the Bylaws were approved; the Board decided on a nine (9) person board and if any
5 Board member has three (3) consecutive absences or missed 1/3 of the meetings that member will be
6 removed from the Board; the Board decided to add liaison committees to report and the Sports Guy
7 (Recreation mascot) was approved with the suggestion of adding something regarding baseball such
8 as a baseball uniform and that members would submit articles to the local school papers regarding
9 opportunities that the Youth Parks Board can offer the students.
11 The Board returned to the agenda item, discussing the sidewalk ordinance.
13 Kendall stated that also 2.02, C) be deleted from the ordinance since all facts are included
14 throughout the ordinance. Kendall stated that she will hear additional issues when she returns to
15 P&Z and stated that there is also a need for more discussion of health and safety issues of the
16 children. Also, there is a concern of why residents should pay for maintenance and repairs of the
17 sidewalks, Fierce stated that resident payment is customary. Kendall confirmed stating that through
18 discussion with other cities, it is standard.
M Berman stated that this ordinance should help sell a city and there should be sidewalks within
:1 residential areas where children are present as they are a great concern. Kendall stated that P&Z
22 does not seem to have a problem with sidewalks within major residential areas.
24 Motion was made to approve the ordinance with the following changes: 2.02, A) includes "newly
25 platted major subdivision" in place of "residentially zoned districts"; 2.02, B) reads "The developer
26 of a major subdivision." and 2.02, C) reads "Each home owner/home builder within a major
27 subdivision shall construct all sidewalks at the time of construction."
29 Motion: Jones
30 Second: Goldstein
31 Ayes: Goldstein, Jones, Fierce, Johnson, Kendall, Berman, Anderson
32 Nays: None
33 Approved: 7-0
35 Agenda Item No. 7, Consider: Standards of Care - Lenoir stated that the City Attorney has reviewed
36 this and made changes in regard to broadening the programs and information on the criminal
37 background checks.
39 Jones stated that this procedure now contains elements directly from the state in regard to discipline
40 and she inquired about criminal background checks. Lenoir stated that criminal background checks
41 will be worked through the Human Resource Director and the Volunteer Resource Center of Dallas
42 and they are sent to Austin and will be redone each year.
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2 Upon Board review, motion was made to recommend the policy as presented.
3 Motion: Johnson
4 Second: Jones
5 Ayes: Goldstein, Jones, Fierce, Johnson, Kendall, Berman, Anderson
6 Nays: None
7 Approved: 7-0
9 Agenda Item No. 8, Liaison Reports - Youth Parks and Recreation Board - Johnson - Schaeffer
10 stated that the member limit is now nine (9) instead of seven (7) and some members will serve a one
11 (1) year term and some two (2) years. Schaeffer also stated that the Board is excited that they had a
12 chance to speak to MESA about their ideas on the concept plan of Bicentennial Phase II.
14 Budget - Fierce - No report as it is a discussion item later in the agenda.
16 Recreation/Special Events - Johnson, Jones - Johnson inquired about the Southlake 40th
17 Anniversary. The public is invited. You need to RSVP at ext. 819.
19 Community Relations - Berman, Kendall, Anderson - Johnson inquired about the 38 acres on Bob
20 Jones and Lenoir stated that it has been appraised and will be presented to SPDC. Anderson stated
21 that he would like to work on the COE lease agreement with staff.
23 Youth Sports Associations - Johnson stated that Beyer has resigned and inquired about the
24 responsibility of this liaison. Schaeffer stated that the liaison in this position works to clarify issues
25 of the associations and assist with contract communication between the association and the City.
26 Johnson stated that she will step in again and Berman stated the idea of possibly having a liaison for
27 a group of sports. The Board decided to place Johnson and Jones on this liaison.
29 Community Groups - Hamilton and Goldstein - Goldstein provided an update on the Historical
30 Society actions.
32 SPIN - Fierce - Fierce stated that there was a joint SPIN meeting with City Council in regard to the
33 lack of participation in city sewer program.
35 Hamilton returns at 8:46 p.m.
37 SPDC - Kendall - Kendall stated that SPDC did approve to pay the Park unfunded needs and that
38 they agreed to pay $250,000 for a 4" asphalt parking lot with concrete header curbs for Bob Jones
39 Park. Two additional inches on the parking lot may be added at a later date. Jones inquired about
40 TIF. Lenoir stated that they are reviewing the second reading of the ordinance and redefining their
41 boundaries. The Board stated that they heard SPDC funds were to go toward the stadium. The
42 Board suggested that a letter be submitted from the Board that SPDC fund NOT be used to buy land
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City of Southlake, Texas
1 for the stadium. Hamilton formerly stated that at this junction, SPDC funds should NOT be used to
2 fund a football stadium.
4 JUC - Hamilton - The Board inquired about Curtis E. Hawk submitting a letter to Carroll Middle
5 School in regard to the activity room. Johnson asked if we do need the room during the school year
6 and Schaeffer stated that we do not, but it will be needed during the summer.
8 Hamilton stated that she did attend a JUC meeting and the committee likes the idea of new lights at
9 the fields and improving the after school program transportation. Hamilton stated that CISD is
10 planning to use the Food Lion off Dove for a technology training center for faculty. Hamilton
11 inquired about them designing the center so the technology area could be used for additional
12 community computer courses.
14 City Council Monthly Report - Fierce - Jones asked Fierce to refer to the stadium issue regarding
15 SPDC possibly funding the site and to state to the council that the Board is not comfortable with this
16 due to the current park needs.
18 Nature Center Committee - Kendall - Kendall stated that the committee is coming together great
19 with park board members and other participants. Kendall stated that they are going to many field
20 trips and gathering information (Dallas and Arlington Nature Centers). Kendall feels that the
21 committee may be able to work with the Historical Society and that Ms. Tucker has agreed to work
22 with the committee gathering historical data in regard to Bob Jones in reference to the Jellico Wagon
23 Trail on her property. When referring to Bob Jones, the committee does like the Heritage Park
24 concept.
26 The Board inquired about a archeological survey and the Corps contract. Lenoir stated that these
27 should be completed after the grant contract is signed. Anderson asked to work with staff on the
28 lease agreement with the COE.
30 Anderson stated that the sewer trench construction is destroying the south end of the park and Lenoir
31 stated that they are not on the nature center area. Lenoir stated that Henry is meeting with the
32 construction crew in regard to this issue.
34 Agenda Item No. 9, Discuss: Neighborhood Park Plans - Royal and Annie Smith Park - Berman
35 inquired about the intended use of the Smith house which the Board will tour on Saturday,
36 September 13, 8:00 a.m. and Lenoir stated that some calls have come in from the community
37 requesting the use be for meetings and the Youth Board has stated interest in a teen center. The
38 Board stated that the house may not be large enough for a teen center use and inquired about the
39 Friday and Saturday night recreation programs.
41 Jones left at 9:37 p.m.
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City of Southlake, Texas
1 Koalaty Park - Kendall stated that she would like to see Koalaty used as t-ball game fields and
2 restrooms should be added. Johnson stated that signage should be included. Berman stated that the
3 youngest t-ball level should be placed in this park. Kendall inquired about having all t-ball sites
4 together and Schaeffer stated that they are currently using Koalaty and Durham. Schaeffer stated
5 that there is one practice per week and one weekend game. Goldstein stated that the pee wee foot-
6 ball team needs a practice/game area. Lenoir stated that there are areas for several fields at the
7 Carroll Elementary School which would be included in the Master Plan.
9 Noble Oaks - Kendall asked that this discussion be tabled.
11 St. Martins-in-the-Field - Berman stated that Jeff Underwood has moved the fence and Lenoir stated
12 that they will be mowing soon.
14 [Kendall inquired about the house toured by the Nature Center and Henry stated that plans are that
15 the house will be removed. Kendall inquired about preserving the house and Lenoir stated that the
16 house was not well constructed and was in poor condition and less usable than the Fechtel House].
18 Agenda Item No. 10. Discuss: Budget FY 1997-98 - Fierce referred to the budget item list within the
19 Board packet and stated the items which have funding by SPDC. Fierce referred to unfunded items
20 which will be requested in mid-year. Fierce stated that he was pleased with SPDC taking the
21 Board's recommendations.
23 Agenda Item No. 11, Discuss: Joint Meeting with SPIN - September 25, 1997 - Johnson reminded
24 the Board about this calendar date. Fierce and Johnson will work with SPIN Chair David Baltimore
25 to prepare agenda.
27 Agenda Item No. 12, Discuss: Park Dedication Evaluation Form for Private Park Credit - Berman
28 inquired about contacting Chris Carpenter and she and the committee will complete this for the next
29 meeting.
31 Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:18 p.m.
36 Vicki Johnson, 10hairU
41 Dou ie e, Sec ary
Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting, September 8, 1997 Page 8 of 8