City of Southlake, Texas
February 22, 1997
Board Members Present: Larry Goldstein, Vicki Johnson, Bethann Scratchard, Carol Lee Hamilton,
Ronnie Kendall, Gary Beyer, Sherry Berman and Doug Fierce.
Board Members Absent: none
City Staff Present: Director Kim Lenoir
The meeting was called to order at 8:15 a.m. by Chair Vicki Johnson. Board members outlined the
order of topics to discuss during the retreat. Following is the order items were discussed.
Agenda Item No.3. Discussion: Park Dedication Ordinance - The Board reviewed the draft of the
ordinance as prepared by the Community Development staff from the joint meeting of the Park
Board and City Council on January 28. Sherry Berman reviewed the changes with the Board. The
Board wanted to know how commercial P.U.D.'s were to be regulated. Staff will find out and report
at the next meeting. The Board assigned individual members to SPIN neighborhoods to be contacts
for SPIN reps and P&Z. The Board wanted to see about adding a "concept plan" requirement to
determine park plans in the zoning phase. The Board felt neighborhood zone fee schedules were not
necessary and wanted one standard fee. And the Board wanted to be specific as to modification
allowances. These comments will be referred to the Community Development staff to revise the
draft and send the ordinance to the City Attorney for comments. The Board will "consider" the
ordinance at their next regular meeting, if available.
Agenda Item No 7, Discussion: Park Revenue Bonds - Tuesday, February 18, SPDC sold $5.3
million in revenue bonds. The Board reviewed the draft SPDC budget to date. Approximately
$800,000 is still not allocated to projects. The Board discussed other projects in the priority list the
SPDC may like to consider. The Board asked staff to add to the next agenda consider items for
Phase II construction of Bicentennial Park and planning of Neighborhood Parks.
Agenda Item No 5, Discussion: Liaison Positions - The Board discussed revising the positions and
assigning members. Each member was assigned to newly created positions: specific SPIN
neighborhoods, Youth Park Board, Community Relations, and Community Groups. Liaison
positions deleted or incorporated into other groups were Developer Issues, KSB, Publicity, Future
Park Development and Bob Jones Park. Attached to the minutes are the revised position descriptions
and assignments. The Board members will also rotate to attend the second City Coucnil Meeting
to give a report to the City Council. Doug Fierce volunteered for March, Ronnie Kendall
volunteered for April and Carol Lee Hamilton volunteered for May.
City of Southlake, Texas
Agenda Item No. 6 Discussion: Donation Poliev - Current policy will be reviewed by Carol Lee
Hamilton and will come back to the Board at a later date for discussion.
The Board took a break for lunch.
Aizenda Item No 4 Discussion: Open Meetings Law - At 1:30 pm City Attorney Paul Previte joined
the meeting to discuss and answer any questions about the Open Meetings Act. Mr. Previte
distributed some information and case law about the Open Meeting Act. He answered many
questions of the Board. The Board asked him to report back if the Board could hold public meetings
outside of the Southlake City Limits.
Agenda Item No. 2 Discussion: Goals and Objectives -The Board reviewed the mission statement,
goals and objectives put together by the Board two years ago. The Board discussed goals for 1997-
98. Revision will be considered by the Board at the March meeting.
Agenda Item No.8 Discussion: Future Facilities and Pro rams - The Board discussed getting
community groups involved in planning the long range projects for a teen center, senior center,
nature center, and neighborhood parks.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
Vicki ohns , C it
Gary e er, cretary
Parks and Recreation Board Retreat Minutes - February 22, 1997 Page 2 of 2
Established by Ordinance No. 309 - May 7, 1985
Chair, Vicki Johnson 5/99 Home 488-6195 Recreation/Special Events
1208 Timber Court Youth Park Board
Southlake, Texas 76092 SPIN 14, 15, 16
Vice-Chair, Ronnie Kendall 5/99 Home 424-3339 Community Relations
PO Box 92998 SPDC
Southlake, Texas 76092 SPIN 1, 2, 3, 9
Secretary, Gary Beyer 5/97 Home 329-1751 Youth Sports Association
1611 Pheasant Lane Recreation/Special Events
Southlake, TX 76092 SPIN 11, 12, 13
Bethann Scratchard 5/97 Home 481-3558 Budget, JUC
1410 Whispering Dell Ct. SPIN 4 5 6
Southlake, Texas 76092
Carol Lee Hamilton 5/98 Home 488-3996 Community Groups
1210 Cross Timber Drive SPDC
Southlake, Texas 76092 SPIN 11,12,13
Larry Goldstein 5/99 Home 329-9085 Community Groups
216 Westwood Drive SPIN 7, 8
Southlake, TX 76092
Sherry Berman 5/98 Home 329-2970 Community Relations
818 Parkdale Drive SPIN 1,2,3,10
Southlake, TX 76092
Doug Fierce 5/99 Home 481-6246 Budget
2419 Greenbough SPIN 4 5 6
Southlake, TX 76092 SPIN Standing Committee
Staff Contact, Director of Parks and Recreation:
Kim Lenoir Work 481-5581 ext 757
Fax 421-2175
Parks and Recreation Board
Liaison Position Job Descriptions
SPIN - to work with the SPIN, P&Z, Community Development and Park staff in addressing park
dedications with developers, review and monitor developer park construction projects (public and private),
attend P&Z and SPIN meetings to address any issues related to park development. To assist the staff and
Board in identifying future land acquisition properties to meet the needs of the master plans for City parks
and trails. To assist the staff and Board in the development of the parks master plans and related ordinance
provisions. To review and consider requests, grants, plans for parks and trails development and construction.
Budget - to work with staff in reviewing the annual budget, justifications, prioritizing, budget
presentation, review the mid-year requests, review quarterly operations budget and assist in any other budget
matters that may arise.
Recreation/Special Events - to assist the staff and Board in the program development, recruitment of
instructors, and evaluations of classes, clinics, seminars, workshops, special series, and community wide
special events. Assist in setting up and monitoring focus groups for brain storming new program ideas.
Community Relations - to be the Park Board's point of contact to receive and give information from the
public concerning the work of the Board. To assist the staff and Board in setting up neighborhood meetings
to get feedback on master planning the parks, work closely on the master plan and construction plans, and
keep updated on the status of land acquisitions.
Community Groups - to keep the staff and the Board aware of community projects, bring ideas to the staff
and Board on projects the groups can work together on, communicate Park Board ideas and comments to
community groups. To work with groups from organizations that want to develop park facilities ( ie. Friends
of the Playground).
Youth Sports Associations - to assist the staff and Board in preparing, monitoring and reviewing the annual
facility usage agreements, assist in analyses of the needs of the associations, reviewing opportunities to meet
those needs, and communicate citizens concerns brought to the Board to the Associations.
Youth Parks and Recreation Board - to keep the staff and the Board aware of projects of the YPARB,
bring ideas to the staff and YPARB on projects the two groups can work together on, communicate Park
Board ideas and comments to YPARB.
Joint Utilization Committee - to keep the staff and the Board aware of projects of the JUC, bring ideas to
the staff and JUC on projects the two groups can work together on, communicate Park Board ideas and
comments to JUC.
Southlake Park Development Corporation - to keep the staff and the Board aware of projects of
SPDC, bring ideas to the staff and SPDC on projects the two groups can work together on, communicate
Park Board ideas and comments to SPDC.
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