City of Southlake, Texas
February 3, 1997
Board Members Present: Larry Goldstein, Vicki Johnson, Bethann Scratchard, Carol Lee Hamilton,
Ronnie Kendall, Gary Beyer and Doug Fierce.
Board Members Absent: Sherry Berman
City Staff Present: Director Kim Lenoir
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by Chair Vicki Johnson.
Aizenda Item No. 2 Consider: Approval of Minutes for January 20, 1997 Regular Board Meeting
Carol Lee Hamilton corrected wording to Si Rickman's comments. Doug Fierce corrected the
motion to item 7 to specify times to stop play and times to turn off the lights.
Motion was made to approve the minutes for January 20, 1997 as corrected.
Motion: Hamilton
Second: Beyer
Ayes: Kendall, Hamilton, Scratchard, Beyer, Johnson, Fierce, Goldstein
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Aizenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments (followed Item 10)
Larry Goldstein attended the City of Euless breakfast to dedicate their new golf course. He said the
community pride was tremendous.
Bethann Scatchard asked that the next agenda include an item to elect a Chair, due to the January
election being handled by written ballot. She believes the Board should follow a more "open"
process when taking action.
The Board also wanted to add to the next agenda a discussion items for liaison positions and to
prepare a City Council meeting rotation schedule.
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting on February 3, 1997 Page 1 of 4
City of Southlake, Texas
Agenda Item No 4 Public Forum
Debbie Orzech, 924 Emerald Blvd - Wanted to let the Board know that the Southlake Girls Softball
Association has been offered a donation of a batting cage. SGSA would like to place the batting
cage in Bicentennial Park behind Field #1. This item will come before the Board to consider
acceptance of the batting cage at the next meeting.
Agenda Item No 5 Consider: Annual Facility Usage Agreements with Southlake Baseball
Association and Southlake Girl's Softball Association
Several residents requested to speak on this item.
Si Rickman, 455 Love Henry Court - Presented a letter to the Board (attached). He stated that the
neighborhood was against changing the times agreed to by the Park Board on January 20, 1997.
Kim Campbell, 495 Love Henry Court - Complained to the Park Board that the neighborhood could
not make the Thursday, January 23rd meeting attended by the associations, Vicki Johnson, Gary
Beyer and Kathy Schaeffer. She explained that the Love Henry Court Homeowners include 10
home each on two acre lots. She also complained about only being able to get voice mail at the
Parks and Recreation Department. Kim Lenoir explained to her that park and recreation staff is at
the office but if the staff is on the phone, the incoming call rolls over to voice mail and the staff is
on the phone with calls most of the day.
Vicki Johnson explained to the Board the chain of events that occurred since the last meeting. On
Tuesday morning the associations rejected the decision of the Parks and Recreation Board from the
January 20 meeting; therefore, the agreements were removed from the City Council agenda to allow
the Park Board to work out the differences with the associations and the neighborhood. Vicki
Johnson, Gary Beyer, Kathy Schaeffer, baseball, and softball attended a meeting Thursday, January
23 to discuss the changes proposed by the Park Board. The Love Henry Court neighbors were
invited to send a representative but no one was able to attend. Gary Beyer explained that the leagues
had an 18% increase in registration over last year; therefore, practice times needed to be extended
from 9:OOpm to 10:00pm. He also recommended that the associations be "on notice" that the trash
needs to be picked up after each evening; therefore, the associations would not be required to put up
a $100 deposit this year. Carol Lee Hamilton wanted to have on a later agenda a discussion about
litter at the park and consider other educational ways to address the issue. Doug Fierce requested
that the Board meet with the associations as a follow-up in June to discuss how the trash was handled
during the season. The Board also wants to discuss the Facility Usage Agreements for the next year
in October.
Motion was made to reword the following items:
XIII. LIMIT ON HOURS OF PLAY "Association agrees to stop play (includes games and
practices) by 10:00pm on Sunday through Thursday and 11:00 pm on Friday and Saturday,
and that lights will be turned out respectively at 10:30pm on Sunday through Thursday, and
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting on February 3, 1997 Page 2 of 4
City of Southlake, Texas
11:30 pm on Friday and Saturday." XVII. SCHEDULING fails to use the premises for
its designated and scheduled activities, this agreement is terminated." Exhibit A, Number
15(SBA) & 17(SGSA) delete the last sentence requiring a $100 trash deposits and change
the times on the Spring 1997 play schedules to end at 10:00pm Sunday to Thursday and
11:00pm on Friday and Saturday.
Vicki Johnson asked the neighborhood representatives present and SGSA if they were in agreement
with the motion. All agreed to the motion. SBA was not in attendance.
Motion: Fierce
Second: Beyer
Ayes: Kendall, Hamilton, Scratchard, Beyer, Johnson, Fierce, Goldstein
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 6. Consider: Donation of Log Cabin - Aloha Payne Southlake Historical Society
Aloha Payne requested that this item be withdrawn from the agenda because the SHS was
considering an expanded vision for the history of Southlake such as a Heritage Park or "living farm."
The Board took no action.
Agenda Item No. 7. Consider: Pavilion at Adventure Alley - Brad Tribble Leadership Southlake
Brad Tribble presented the plans for two pavilions to be constructed at Adventure Alley Playground
by the Leadership Southlake Class of 1996-97. The class plans to construct the pavilions in July
1997. The estimated cost of the project is $50,000. The class is requesting 50% funding from the
City. The prefabricated pavilions proposed would need to be bid by the City. Staff will work with
Leadership Southlake on specific bid specifications.
Motion was made to recommend to City Council approval the Leadership Southlake Adventure
Alley Pavilions construction project and to recommend to SPDC funding not exceed $25,000 from
the half cent sales tax due to the high priority of the project and the desire of Leadership Southlake
to raise the remaining funds needed for completion.
Motion: Hamilton
Second: Scratchard
Ayes: Kendall, Hamilton, Scratchard, Beyer, Johnson, Fierce, Goldstein
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 8 Liaison Reports
Budget - no report
Publicity - no report. "Name the Park" entries are coming in from the City newsletter.
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting on February 3, 1997 Page 3 of 4
City of Southlake, Texas
Recreation - Carol Lee Hamilton reminded staff that they would like to review the summer schedule
as soon as possible.
Future Park Development - Larry Goldstein reported that the City is making a counter offer on the
tract near Florence Elementary.
Bob Jones Park - no report
Youth Sports Association - Gary Beyer reported that the agreements are now done.
SPDC - Carol Lee Hamilton and Ronnie Kendall reported that SPDC is moving forward on a
revenue bond issue for $5,000,000 to be available in early March.
JUC - Bethann Scratchard reported that JUC is looking at Rockenbaugh Elementary gym as being
designed for indoor soccer.
KSB - Carol Lee Hamilton reported that KSB is supporting a nature center at Bob Jones Park.
Development Issues- Kim Lenoir reported to the Board the discussions of the joint meeting between
with City Council and the CISD School Board on January 16 where they discussed the option to
consider forming a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District in the downtown area.
Agenda Item No. 9. Discuss: Park Board Goals Retreat 1997-98 - February 22
This date was still good for all the members. The Board wanted to discuss goals, budget, liaison
positions, Park Development Ordinance, sidewalks, donation policy, SPDC bond budget, and the
open meetings act. Tentatively the retreat is scheduled for the Trophy Club Country Club from 8:00
am to 3:00 pm.
Agenda Item No. 10. Discuss: Renovations at The Lodge and Community Center
Kim Lenoir outlined some renovations for The Lodge and Community Center that the staff was now
getting estimates on. Lighting needs to be improved in the Lodge as well as the kitchen and a
counter pass through. At the Community Center the front office is being redesigned for more
openness and to allow for two personnel to work the front desk. The Jellico meeting room will have
to be closed to allow for additional personnel (administrative secretary, landscape administrator and
recreation assistant) coming online in April.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:57 p.m.
Vicki Johnso ` , Ch r
Gary Bey r, cr ry
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting on February 3, 1997 Page 4 of 4
Love Henry Homeowners
Southlake, Texas
329-8840, 481-3241, 481-6242
February 3, 1997
Southlake Parks Board Members
Southlake City Hall Chambers
Southlake, Texas
Chairman and Parks Board Members:
On Jan 20, 1997 we appeared before this board to address the
Facilities Use Agreement. At that meeting there was discussion of the
requests the Love Henry Homeowners had made and what brought that
about. After lengthy discussion A motion was made by Ronnie Kendall
that addressed the end of play and the lights out times. We
understood that game play would end at 10:00 pm Sun-Thurs with lights
out at 10:30 pm and that game play would end at 11:00pm on Fri-Sat
with lights out at 11:30. As to practice it was supposed to end at
9:00pm Sun-Thurs and 10:00 pm Fri-Sat with lights out 30 minutes
later. The motion was seconded and you as a board voted unamiously to
implement these times and present them to the leagues. This
presentation was to take place Jan 21 in the AM and was to be voted on
at City Council Jan 22. These agreements were more generous than the
original ones referred to by the City Council in 1994 originally.
The Leagues rejected the agreement and it was removed from.City
-Council on Jan 22, a meeting was planned by Vickie Johnson to include
a representative from our neighborhood and the presidents of the
leagues and two parks board representatives. The meeting was set for
Thurs Jan 24, The homeowners contacted Kim Lenoir and Vickie. Johnson
saying that they would have no representation and asked that the
meeting be rescheduled at a time convenient. We were refused. At
this meeting of parks board members -and league presidents the
agreement was-discussed. Kim Campbell called Vickie Johnson on Friday
Jan 25 to inquire as to the feeling and Vickie told Kim Campbell that
the only objection they had was the 9:00 agreement on practice and
could all the Sun - Thurs agreements remain the same at 10:30 lights
out. This is not the agreement that is represented tonight before
We do not agree to the agreement as it is presented and
.furthermore now that we know the dates of practice and the length of
practice in days do not agree to extend the time to 10:30 at all.
If this agreement is correct, why are their girls practicing and
playing ball on Bicentennial tonight? This agreement says that
practice begins on Feb 23rd.
1. That there be a moratorium on the addition of
any new leagues or additional teams allowed to use .
Bicentennial Park until the time the city initiates the
purchase and establishment of a true buffer from the lights
noise and traffic from the existing park.
2. That there be no scheduled games allowed to end
after 10:00PM on weekdays and 11:00pm on weekends.
3. That the homeowners on Love Henry Court have
access to a phone number of a city employee who can turn the
lights off when the park is not in use, currently they can
easily be turned on for as little as 10 minutes and the remain
on until the timer goes off.
4. That there be no scheduled games to begin before
9:OOAM on Saturdays and no games to begin before 1:00PM on
6. The lights require further adjustment until they
do not illuminate the property adjacent to the park. This was
requested of Kim Lenoir and the parks board in meetings in
August and October of 1996 and we are not aware of any actions
7. The lighting timers require more correction.
The fields should not be lit when not in use or beyond
restricted times. Current restrictions are not acceptable,
under no circumstances should the lights exceed 10 pm weekdays
and 11 pm weekends as this was the original agreement in 1994.
8. There should be homeowner notification and input
before temporary extension of hours of use of lights and
fields beyond the current restrictions which were originally
10 pm week nights and 11 pm weekends.
9. All practice should take place on the original
ball fields, not. on the fields directly South of our homes and
should not require lights to practice.
The development of a buffer 15-20 feet in height with a
dense planting of evergreen trees of 5 caliper inch is our
number one priority and we will not back down on this issue or
accept delays or inferior substitutions. The lights still need
more adjustment and the times they are on is unacceptable.
The use of an outdoor Public Address System is also not
acceptable at any time.
We wish to present a unified front on the approach to the
present condition at Bicentennial Park and the future expansion of the
same park. We are a development that has been established over 20
years, and one of the few low density developments in the city.
W! are willing to engage in communication at any time to solve
the situation at hand and we request that we be notified individually
of all meetings of the City Council, Parks Board, Southlake Parks
Development Corporation, Joint Utilization Committee, Planning &
Zoning Commission, and Zoning Board of Adjustment, in which any
decisions involving Bicentennial Park are on the agenda.
Sincerely yours,
Si and Nell Rickman John and Kim Campbell
Harold and Angela Annis Francis and Lisa Nathan
John and Mo Remetta Izak and Gay Gregory
John and Kay Myers Mike and Phyllis Benton
Micheal and Pat Nichols Mark and Susan Prestjohn