City of Southlake, Texas
August 12, 1996
Board Members Present: Carol Lee Hamilton, Gary Beyer, Robin Jones, Bethann Scratchard, Ronnie
Kendall, Larry Goldstein, Sherry Berman, and Vicki Johnson. Rod Johnson entered the meeting at
9:15 p.m.
City Staff Present: Director Kim McAdams Lenoir, Recreation Supervisor Kathy Schaeffer and
Administrative Assistant Coy Gray.
The meeting was called to order at 6:38 p.m. by Vice-Chair Vickie Johnson
Agenda Item No 2 Consider: Approval of Minutes for 7/8/96 Regular Board & 7/15/96 Special
Board Meetings
Minutes on July 8, 1996 under agenda item No. 2, page 2-A change from "Susan Presten" to "Susan
Prestj ohn"
Motion was made to approve the minutes on July 15, 1996 and as corrected for July 8, 1996.
Motion: Scratchard
Second: Beyer
Ayes: Hamilton, Beyer, Kendall, Goldstein, V. Johnson, Berman, Jones, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved: 8-0
Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments.
Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum.
Patty Smyth, 2919 Panhandle, Grapevine, TX 76051
She spoke in support of equestrian trials. She believes hike and bike trails do not belong in the same
proximity with equestrian trails. She believes it would be very dangerous for horse-riders, horses,
pedestrians, and bike riders.
Linda Ship, 3 Durango Drive, Trophy Club
She stated that she boards horses in Southlake and believes that pedestrians and bike riders will
utilize the equestrian trail and not stay on a hike and bike trail.
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Minutes August 12, 1996
Page 2
Linda Cummings, Flower Mound
She stated that she was a representative of the Cross Timber Equestrian Association. Her concern
was that a ten foot walking trail would drive horse riders out of the Walnut Grove trails.
Valerie Carr, S. Kimball
She stated that a blacktop trail next to the equestrian trail would be very dangerous. Stated 100 feet
between equestrian and hike and bike trail would be acceptable.
Pam Wirtila, Peytonville
She stated that nothing should be paved anywhere in the park. She also stated that horses are
spooked by things they don't see, therefore, having a hike and bike trail in the same area as an
equestrian trail is not a good idea.
Susan Scott, 9 Sam Bass Ridge
Stated she had been to Rockledge Park. Most trails on Lake Grapevine are for hiking and biking,
not equestrian trails.
Pete Landesberg, 305 Bob Jones Road
He stated that he and the community want the park to stay natural without any development.
Agenda Item No 5 Discussion: Future Bicentennial Park Bob Jones Park & Parks. Recreation
and Open Space Master Plan Meetings
John Richardson, 4537 Homestead, Roanoke
He stated that concrete trails are not needed at Bob Jones Park and the park should be kept as green
space. He did not understand why the Park Board was not using the neighborhoods alternate plan
for Bob Jones Park.
Kim Campbell, 495 Love Henry Court
She stated that she approved of the plan for Bicentennial Park and would like to know about the
phasing, size and height of the buffer at the north end of the park.
The Board decided to have a work session on Bob Jones Park and the Parks, Recreation and Open
Space Master Plan on Thursday, August 22, 6:30 p.m.
The Board also directed staff to work with SPIN to coordinate city wide SPIN meetings for
Bicentennial Park & Bob Jones Park Master Plans.
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Minutes August 12, 1996
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Agenda Item No 6 Consider: Trail System Master Plan Amendments - Byron Nelson Parkway
Motion was made to recommend an amendment to the Trail System Master Plan that would add a
six foot wide off-road hike and bike trail to Byron Nelson Parkway due to the addition of the
Rockenbaugh Elementary School location.
Motion: Scratchard
Second: Jones
Ayes: Hamilton, Beyer, Kendall, Goldstein, V. Johnson, Berman, Jones, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved 8-0
Agenda Item No 7 Consider: Trail Requirements for Property on FM 1709 and FM 1938
Motion was made to consider a credit of up to 50% on park development fees on FM 1709 and FM
1938 when developers install a 6 foot wide sidewalk to tie into the adjacent property, to meet the
design of the Trail System Master Plan.
Motion: Hamilton
Second: Scratchard
Ayes: Hamilton, Beyer, Kendall, Goldstein, V. Johnson, Berman, Jones, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved 8-0
Agenda Item No. 8. Consider: Equestrian Trail Sig_nage
The Board recommended some wording changes to the signage and would like to see samples of
signs to be considered.
Motion was made to table the item until the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Motion: Scratchard
Second: Berman
Ayes: Hamilton, Beyer, Kendall, Goldstein, V. Johnson, Berman, Jones, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved 8-0
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Minutes August 12, 1996
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Agenda Item No 9 Consider: Revisions to the Park Building Reservation Policy
Several wording changes were recommended and various fee options were discussed.
Motion was made to table the item until the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Motion: Scratchard
Second: Hamilton
Ayes: Hamilton, Beyer, Kendall, Goldstein, V. Johnson, Berman, Jones, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved 8-0
Agenda Item No 10 Consider: Donation from Southlake Baseball Association for Turf Grass on
Field 9
Motion was made to approve the $5,000 donation from the Southlake Baseball Association for turf
grass on Field 9.
Motion: Scratchard
Second: Hamilton
Ayes: Hamilton, Beyer, Kendall, Goldstein, V. Johnson, Berman, Jones, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved 8-0
Agenda Item No 11 Consider: Report of Parks & Recreation Board Tour
A few wording changes were recommended.
Motion was made to table this item until the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Motion: Scratchard
Second: Hamilton
Ayes: Hamilton, Beyer, Kendall, Goldstein, V. Johnson, Berman, Jones, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved 8-0
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Minutes August 12, 1996
Page 5
Agenda Item No. 12, Discussion: FY 1996-97 Budget Requests
The Board reviewed the unfunded needs for 1995-96 and 1996-97. Recreation Supervisor Kathy
Schaeffer explained to the Board the importance of having full-time recreation personnel to manage
the after-school program. Robin Jones volunteered to provide technical advice to staff about state
regulations for after-school programs. The Board discussed the need for a building monitor for
evening meetings. The Board will join the City Council budget work session Monday, August 19.
The Board also the discussed the importance of acquisition of land for future parks. The Board will
discuss land acquisition recommendations at the work session on August 22.
Agenda Item No.13 Discussion: Facility Usage Agreements
The Board decided to discuss this item along with the new liaison positions in item sixteen.
Agenda Item No. 14, Discussion: Multi-use Sports Complex
Bethann Scratchard asked board members and staff, individually what the number one priority each
person had for a multi-purpose sports complex. Facilities included a football stadium, tennis center,
gyms, indoor swimming pool, and weight room. Bethann will submit the facilities listed to the Joint
Use Committee (JUC). The JUC will use these recommendations to determine what facilities will
be necessary at the complex.
Agenda Item No.15. Discussion: Joint Meeting with City Council
The Board set a tentative date of October 22, 1996 for a joint meeting with City Council. The Board
expressed that they would like to discuss the role of the Park Board, faith and trust among the Park
Board, P&Z, and City Council, land acquisition, commercial and private park residential fees, master
planning of future parks, and the dedication fee ordinance.
Agenda Item No 16, Liaison Reports and Assign New Liaison Positions
The following board members volunteered to be liaisons to the corresponding position.
Future Facility Development - Robin, Larry
Budget - Bethann, Rod
Publicity - Robin, Sherry
Recreation - Carol Lee, Vicki
SPDC - Rod
JUC - Bethann
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Minutes August 12, 1996
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KSB - Carol Lee
Youth Sports Association - Gary
Bob Jones Park - Ronnie, Sherry
Development - Robin, Carol Lee
Liaison Reports:
Budget - Bethann - was discussed earlier
Publicity - Robin - no report
Recreation - Carol Lee - reminded the Board to review the summer program
SPDC - Rod - meeting August 19 to discuss the budget.
JUC - Bethann - Discussed indoor soccer. Rod Johnson will send a letter on behalf
of the Park Board to Bob Ledbetter, CISD Athletic Director requesting the reasons
indoor soccer was canceled and what could be done to allow the program to continue.
KSB - no report
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
l Rod son, Chairman
ATTEST: '-et''-i, 1-'ez'
Carol Lee Hamilton, Secretary
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