July 15, 1996
Board Members Present: Carol Lee Hamilton, Gary Beyer, Robin Jones, Bethann Scratchard, Ronnie
Kendall, Larry Goldstein, Sherry Berman, Rod Johnson and Vicki Johnson.
City Staff Present: Director Kim McAdams Lenoir and Administrative Assistant Coy Gray.
The meeting was called to order at 7:22 p.m. by Chairman Rod Johnson
Aizenda Item No. 2. Consider: Footbridge Donation by Eagle Scout - James Robertson
James Robertson presented his proposal for building a footbridge at the KSB Waterscape at
Bicentennial Park.
Motion was made to approve the footbridge donation.
Motion: V. Johnson
Second: Hamilton
Ayes: Hamilton, Beyer, Kendall, Goldstein, V. Johnson, Berman, R. Johnson, Jones,
Nays: none
Approved: 9-0
Agenda Item No. 3. Discussion: Revisions of the Bicentennial Park and Bob Jones Park Master
Bicentennial Park: The Board discussed moving the recreation center and outdoor swimming pool
together to the center of the future park land acquisition property. Additional parking was added to
the maintenance facility. A site triangle or buffer yard was requested for the entrance off of
Southlake Boulevard. The Board asked MESA to redraw ASAP so the City could publish the plans
in the next City newsletter.
In discussions of phasing the Board suggested first- land acquisition, second - tennis facilities, third-
hike and bike trail and teen recreation area, fourth- ballfield renovations and open space
improvements, fifth-existing facility enhancement, sixth-four ballfields, seventh-phase two of tennis
facility, and eight- recreation center and pool.
Bob Jones Park: MESA presented their analysis of the neighborhood's "alternate plan" as presented
at the July 8, Park Board Meeting. MESA did not feel the City needs a 17 acre lake and wildflower
field as proposed by the neighborhood. If the neighborhood did not want soccer fields on the 17 acre
part of the park then the city should sell the land not make it a lake. The lake was designed to solve
a drainage problem and moving the lake to the neighborhood plan was not beneficial to the City
plan. MESA recommended moving the soccer fields further to the south and replacing the
equestrian area with the ballfields. The Board did not like the idea of losing any facilities
programmed for the park. The neighborhood alternate plan had left the ballfields off in their design.
The Board suggested a standard of 300 foot buffer between the park, parking lots and residential
areas. The Board also suggested adding small satellite parking facilities (20 spaces) along the COE
property at N. White Chapel and Bob Jones.
In discussions of phasing the Board suggested first-soccer complex, second-hike and bike trail, third-
ballfields and lake development, fourth-nature / day camp facilities, fifth-ballfield expansion, sixth-
equestrian facilities, seventh- peninsula development, eight-nature center, ninth-amphitheater.
Agenda Item No 4 Discussion: Annual Park Board Retreat - July 19-20
Staff presented an itinerary for the retreat. The Board will tour Austin park facilities on Friday, July
19 and tour Georgetown and Waco park facilities on Saturday, July 20. Robin Jones will try to make
the retreat and Gary Beyer will join us in Waco on Saturday.
Agenda Item No. 5, Discussion: Liaison Positions
Will discuss at the August 12 Park Board Meeting.
Agenda Item No 6 Discussion: Multi-use Sports Complex
Decided to discuss the complex at the Park Board meeting on August 12.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:51 pm.
od o son, Chairman
Carol Lee Hamilton, Secretary cApkboard\minute7.15\km1