June 6, 1996
Board Members Present: Carol Lee Hamilton, Janet Murphy, Robin Jones, Bethann Scratchard,
Marge Zielke, Rod Johnson and Vicki Johnson. Robin Jones left the meeting at 9:00 pm.
Members Absent: Robert Bledsoe
City Staff Present: Director Kim McAdams
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by Secretary Carol Lee Hamilton.
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of May 13. 1996 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Under agenda item No. 6 add to the last sentence: "connecting White Chapel to Shady Oaks at
Durham Elementary."
Motion was made to approve the minutes as corrected for May 13, 1996.
Motion: Scratchard
Second: Murphy
Ayes: Hamilton, Jones, Murphy, Scratchard, Zielke
Nays: none
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments.
• Carol Lee Hamilton asked the status of recycle containers and moving litter receptacles
closer to the bleachers at Bicentennial Park. Staff responded that we were still looking at
several options for recycling containers and that litter receptacles were moved to improve the
use closer to the bleachers.
Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum.
No public presentations.
Agenda Item No. 5. Discussion of the Revised Master Plan Designs for Bicentennial Park and Bob
MESA Design group outlined the plans for Bicentennial Park and Bob Jones Park incorporating the
comments received at the Town Meeting, May 15th.
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June 6, 1996
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The Public Hearing was opened by Chairman Rod Johnson.
Bicentennial Park Comments: (below are excerpts from the citizens comments)
Kim Campbell 495 Love Henry Court
Ms. Campbell stated that her highest priority is to purchase the buffer area as soon as
possible. She read the following letter:
"I'm sure, like all in Southlake, you moved to the rural atmosphere with high
property values, good schools, no apartments and a relaxing environment. In 1994
we got a notice that Bicentennial was expanding and we went to the Zoning Board
and the City Council only to find we made those meetings too late. We missed the
planning part of it and the plan and the development had been paid for and they were
going to go with that plan. It is my sincere hope we have not again made the same
mistake. On May 13th I attended a town meeting on the preliminary plans for
Bicentennial Park and Bob Jones Park. I had hoped to give input, on behalf of our
street, only to find out our SPIN rep had not given us the surveys. At the May
meeting it was suggested that less than 10% of the surveys had been returned city-
wide. And, I wonder if maybe the communication is breaking down. The comments,
the communication from the City to the homeowners is not clear or maybe its only
distributed to certain people. The comments from property owners affected by Bob
Jones were similar and a SPIN representative was there that night and said she had
not gotten the surveys either. I do not know if the present park has bothered you, but
it has really affected our lifestyle. No longer is a seat on the deck by the pool an
attractive place to be. On nights there are ball games scheduled and sometimes they
have concerts and rock bands.... We know have to run our air conditioners all the
time because it is too noisy and too bright to leave the windows open. In addition,
we will have to install additional window coverings to block the light inside the
house. We moved to Southlake in 1979 at a time when it was really country. We
raised our children here, contributed to the community in various civic
responsibilities, and invested in our home as our primary place of residence. Our
street and the homes on it were all here before the expansion of Bicentennial Park.
There are ten homes on Love Henry Court and they are collectively worth
$2, 038,900 according to TAD, as of today. We are on one of the very few streets
with low density zoning left in the City at this time. One of our neighbors, John
Meyers, participated in the Focus Group in January `96 where the priorities were
addressed for future park development. The recommendation of those two different
focus groups top priorities are not exactly represented in this plan. But, some of the
meeting's low priorities are, such as the in-line hockey and the swimming pool. The
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June 6, 1996
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addition of more bal f elds was not listed as atop priority in either group. While the
parks are a priority, and are in need, 1 do not agree that the citizens of Southlake
need to provide the parks at the great expense at this present time. It will necessitate
a bond proposal and approval of numerous grants at a time when we are all so
worried about expansion of cities around us. I would like to see Southlake become
the city of choice in the surrounding area, and I'm sure it will. But, I would also like
to see the city of Southlake become known for its fair and considerate treatment of
its citizens, both new and old alike. I do not know of a city adjacent to Southlake that
has built such high-density parks adjacent to existing homes without proper setbacks
and buffers between the two. Perhaps with proper buffers, berms, trees of a
significant size, care and maintenance, surely a compromise agreeable to all can be
reached. For this to be achieved, I ask you to return to your meetings and maybe to
the City Council and to reevaluate and try to increase communication and hopefully
ask for a referendum on the parks before we go to this great expense. "
John Campbell, 495 Love Henry Court
Speaking in behalf of his neighbor at 535 Love Henry Court who is out of town, Mr.
Campbell stated that he and his neighbor are having problems with the lights and the noise
at the park. He said he and his neighbor's high priorities for the park are buffer zones, open
spaces, lake, pond, nature areas. He said their low priorities are additional ballfields, softball
and t-ball fields, amphitheater and special events spaces and frisbee golf. Mr. Campbell read
the following comment from his neighbor:
"We are very concerned about trespassers on our property as a short cut to the
ballfields. Teenagers and children ride their bikes across our lawn. Our fences have
been damaged in many places due to vandalism. If more ballfields are added, there
will be more vandalism and damage. Rain water from Love Henry Court currently
flows to the back of our property and into the open field beyond. Development of the
additional field will alter the natural flow of the rain. Water could force excess
water and damage our property. We request for communication as to the action that
will be taken by the City Council to address this solution as we are unable to
attend. "
Si Rickman, 45 Love Henry Court
When Mr. Rickman moved to Southlake in 1975, he said he use to hear the birds and the
animals in the woods behind his home - now it is overcrowded. "The expected population
for Southlake will be 40,000 which is going to make it too crowded. With this kind of
growth, the need for park lands is expected and understood." Mr. Rickman recommends the
purchase of buffer land to be utilized for noise reduction. Mr. Rickman said he is having
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June 6, 1996
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a sound specialist come to his house to take noise recordings which will be brought to the
next meeting. Mr. Rickman stated he has invested a great deal in his property and has fears
the value is going down. In regards to the growth and problems that come with it he stated,
"Too much of a good thing can become a bad thing." He said he feels that the city is either
on the borderline or may have already crossed over into the area of what some people think
is a "good thing." Mr. Rickman requested that the Board please consider the homeowners
first, they were here first. Mr. Rickman stated he has been here 21 years and has never had
any major repairs done to his street. Mr. Rickman said he thinks that the extra dollars that
the City might want to spend would be well spent helping some of the older citizens in the
way of repairing the street. Mr. Rickman wanted to go on record that should the property
between his home and the present ballfield be purchased by the city, and should the city
attempt to put another ballfield or any such facility on that property, he will do whatever he
has to do for as long as he has to do it, to prevent that from happening, no matter what it
Bob Watson, 1405 Hampton Court
Mr. Watson represents a dozen parents who want to support the in-line hockey rink at
Bicentennial Park. "In-line hockey is an up and coming sport and the facility at Carroll
Intermediate School is inadequate. In-line Hockey is needed now and is a high priority."
Harold Annis, 490 Love Henry Court
Mr. Annis talked about the need to have a berm and trees to reduce the noise. He said the
growth at the park has seriously compromised his lifestyle with the constant noise and lights
associated with the park. Mr. Annis urges the Board to fix the problem cut the noise and
the lights down. Mr. Annis said he has been here since 1989 and does not feel he has
received any services from the City although he pays taxes. Mr. Annis said, "The City just
keeps keeping more and more compromises on our property and it's time to quit and do
something for the citizens that have made contributions to this city."
Lisa Alexander, 209 Timberlake
Ms. Alexander spoke in support of acquiring the buffer area for the residences whose
properties are adjacent to the park before any more money is spent on expansion of the park
on the north end. She said she was very sympathetic to the homeowners around the park and
hopes the City will be as sympathetic as well. Ms. Alexander asked about the existing
restrooms at the park and the construction of the tennis court facility. She asked if restrooms
were proposed. Eight tennis courts are proposed in phase one with restrooms.
Laura Suarez, 2808 Rockport
Ms. Suarez is president of Southlake Tennis Association. She wanted to officially thank the
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June 6, 1996
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Park Board for taking care of their needs. She stated eight courts are needed with a restroom
and that would be fantastic any less would be a problem. Ms. Suarez said it should be a
mini-tennis center, with possibly a pro managing the facility, which would generate funds
to operate the facility and would not cost the City anything. She said the Park Board has
done an excellent job.
Susan Prestjohn, Love Henry Court
The citizen said she and husband purchased land in Southlake, but did not built on it. She
stated she was disappointed in the development occurring. They purchased the land for the
rural aspects. The citizen stated that their neighbors have no privacy their lifestyles have
been destroyed and she is very sympathetic. She said she feels that now is the time to take
a stand and say enough is enough.
John Levitt, President of Grapevine/Southlake Soccer Association
Mr. Levitt said he was representing the views and needs of the 2,000+ soccer players who
currently play soccer. There are 3 fields at Bicentennial Park and five fields being prepared
for the fall season to address the soccer needs in Southlake. Practice fields are planned at the
southeast corner of the park on the Plan. Mr. Levitt stressed that the immediate need is for
some more practice fields and that the organization is appreciative of the three fields at the
park and the five additional ones being prepared. U6,U8,U10 will be using the practice fields
at Bicentennial this Fall.
Angela Annis, 490 Love Henry Court
Ms. Annis asked the what the difference is between "long term" and "short term"
involvement. She asked about the timing on constructing a swimming pool at the park. One
Board member commented that the swimming pool may be as far off as 10-15 years. Ms.
Annis also said her concern is the noise level and the need for a buffer is her major priority.
Bob Jones Park Comments:
Boyd Dollar, 525 Brooks Court
Some of Mr. Dollar's comments and concerns were: "Allowing any traffic on Bob Jones
with 20 parking spaces. All of Northeast Tarrant County will use it and Southlake money
should not be used here. No lights on the 17 acres for the homeowners. Mr. Dollar said he
spent two years looking for property and will build on it in."
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June 6, 1996
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Todd Clark, 520 Brooks Court
Mr. Clark stated he will be building on his property soon. The majority of homeowners do
oppose the access on Bob Jones Road. Mr. Clark stated, "We are building our dream home
and it will be ruined by allowing access. Take the roads through the COE property."
Lenora Schultz, 4721 White Chapel Blvd.
The Schultz's built their home in 1987. Ms. Schultz said they felt protected because it was
the COE property and were told that it would never be developed. "Wildlife is wonderful
and we want to continue. People love the area because it is so natural. This area is a gold
mind. Why do we want to attract undesirables Southlake residents will not use these
parks. We are now happy about being annexed because we have been getting better police
protection. We have been robbed twice. Do not open it up to a parking lot, it has flooded
twice since we have been there. There is not a good beach there." Mr. Schultz said, "I don't
like getting woke up by trouble makers and automatic weapons ...Get a police report... the
area is wonderful now, let's keep it wonderful."
Ron Coakley, 3333 S. Park Road, Ridgecrest area,
Mr. Coakley asked about the area that floods.
Paxton Vaught, 3400 Southlake Park Road
Mr. Vaught made comments about the trails. He said, "Take off the horse trails south of the
creek, they are not designated trails." Check to see if the trails are designated horse trails.
Mike Adams, 4491 Soda Ridge Road
"Do not put any parking lot on Bob Jones. Do not light any soccer fields. The kids do not
need to be exposed to traffic at night."
Jim Sibilsky, 4344 Homestead Drive
"My son and I ride our bikes and this is our neighborhood. We moved out here for our
allergies. We need a crewfew in the park. The noise and lights concern me. The
amphitheatre and noise concern me. I am totally against this plan. I like the nature center
idea and we need to take a more natural site."
Tony Barrett, 515 Brooks Court
Mr. Barrett expressed concerns about the funds to develop the park and maintain it. One
comment was, "What is to say that budget problems may occur and the City will not have
the money to take care of it."
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June 6, 1996
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Angel George, Bob Jones Road (wrote letter)
"The existing road will not allow for people to drive down the road. This area will not
remain nice. The horse trailers do not bother us. You are going to destroy the ecology. If
you improve it, you will only encourage the teenagers to hang out. You have to control the
Larry Goldstein, 216 Westwood
"I moved here and never expected the overcrowding. We are going to grow and if you don't
like it then you need to leave said Ross Perot and he was right. The game plan is to meet the
needs of all the citizens of Southlake. I want to go to the lake. Make sure the people hear
what you have to say but follow the rules. It is going to happen and we need to plan for it.
I don't like Home Depot, Wal-mart, but we need to live with it."
Noreen Richardson, 4537 Homestead Drive
"Built nine years ago in Southlake. I am concerned about the people coming to this area and
not staying on the trails, therefore, the wildlife and nature area will be lost. Please limit the
access so the nature system is not lost. Don't make this park like all the other parks in the
area around the lake."
John Levitt, engineer and developer
"ROW on Bob Jones is to be down-sized to a 60' two-lane road. I would propose that a road
hug the north end of the property to the lake, not Bob Jones Road. Soccer hat, 14 fields, 4
fields need to be lighted. Soccer field tournaments are held one week and the tournaments
our over by 9:30 pm. Southlake needs more fields two need to be lighted immediately.
We would use the fields two nights a week and be out of there no later than 10 pm. Soccer
play is all day on Saturday with some games on Sunday with the adults."
Bill Sawchuk, 4553 Homestead Drive
"I was here last month at the Public Hearing. The impact of the flooding is very important.
The floods destroyed the facilities in Grapevine. I am concerned that we are treating this
project like all other lake projects. This should be the only park that has no motor access,
just available by trails and bikes. I would like to see the road constructed to the south
because there would be less tree destruction. The parking problem is the horse trailers and
the new location. Handicap parking should be at a distance and an all- weather trail to get
around the lake. I like the concrete hike and bike trail."
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June 6, 1996
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John Richardson, 4537 Homestead
"Remove parking lots at the end of White Chapel... two kids have played soccer in Trophy
Club they put the soccer fields next to the houses. I go to Grapevine to enjoy the lake.
I quit going because it wasn't any fun. We need to keep this natural, nothing like this is
available. I would like to see the amphitheater, but I do not think we can keep it up,
therefore, the amphitheater should be removed because it is an intrusion into the site.
Remove the tables at the end of Bob Jones Road and do not improve the road. There needs
to be an arboretum."
Doug Pierce, Greenbrow
"I request that you look at the safety of the width of the trails for biking and hiking. They
need to be wider than the trails at White Rock Lake. Lake Grapevine does not have the
boating pressure that other lakes have. The amphitheater would address the need for greater
focus on the arts in Southlake."
Cara White, 4475 Homestead Drive
"The amphitheater should be at the municipal complex."
Kim Campbell
"Are there plans for the an arboretum?"
The Public Hearing was closed at 10:00 p.m.
The Board recessed for 15 minutes.
The meeting was called back to order at 10:15 p.m. by Chairman Rod Johnson.
Agenda Item No. 6. Consider Marquee Sign Use Policy
Motion was made to table item due to the late hour of the night.
Motion: Bethann Scratchard
Second: Marge Zielke
Ayes: R. Johnson, Scratchard, Zielke
Nays: Hamilton, V. Johnson, Murphy
Failed: 3-3
Carol Lee Hamilton requested that the second sentence under "Procedure" be moved to "Statement
of Purpose." Janet Murphy asked that the last paragraph be reworded to read: "The Parks and
Recreation Board may consider variances to this policy for programs or events of a community wide
significance." And Carol Lee Hamilton requested that the final line read: Effective 6/6/96.
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June 6, 1996
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Motion was made to approve the policy as discussed.
Motion: Janet Murphy
Second: Carol Lee Hamilton
Ayes: R. Johnson, Hamilton, V. Johnson, Murphy, Scratchard, Zielke
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Rod Johnson returned to Agenda Item No. 5 Discussion of the Revised Master Plan Designs for
Bicentennial Park and Bob Jones Park
To give MESA Design feedback from the Public Hearing the Board recommended that on the Bob
Jones Park plans, that the parking lot at the end of Bob Jones be removed, that the parking lot at the
end of White Chapel be moved to the east and be reduced to 50 cars, that the soccer fields move
farther south and show a buffer area between the park and the residents. On Bicentennial Park show
the buffer area land acquisition.
Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion of Park Master Plan Update Progress
The Board asked that the staff set up a work session to discuss in detail.
Agenda Item No 8 Parks and Recreation Department New Budget Requests for FY 1996-97
Janet Murphy presented her requests which included: funds to help build shade structures at
Adventure Alley, picnic tables for the pavilions to be built by Adventure Alley, more decorative
trash cans with clowns and lions, etc., signs for "Future Site of..." and for Lonesome Dove Park and
Country Walk Park; for soccer fields at Bob Jones Park - dirt, grading, etc., goals, mowers; gravel
and clearing for pedestrian trail at Bob Jones Park. The Board asked staff to check into the lighting
plans for Adventure Alley. The Board directed staff to put on the July agenda.
Agenda Item No. 9. Parks and Recreation Board Applications
The Board reviewed the applications. Scott Martin explained that the deadline has been extended.
The Board recommended Goldstein, Fierce, Richarme, White and Edmondson.
Agnda Item No. 10. Liaison Reports.
Recreation - they have not had a meeting and requested that staff set one up ASAP
JUC - Discussed future municipal complex.
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June 6, 1996
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There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:06 pm.
R son, Chairman
Carol Lee Hamilton, Secretary c:\pkboard\minute6.6\km