May 13, 1996
Board Members Present: Carol Lee Hamilton, Janet Murphy, Bethann Scratchard, Marge Zielke,
Rod Johnson and Vicki Johnson. Rod Johnson left the meeting at 7:45 pm.
Members Absent: Robert Bledsoe, Robin Jones
City Staff Present: Director Kim McAdams, Administrative Assistant Coy Gray
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chairman Rod Johnson.
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of April 8. 1996 Regular Meeting Minutes.
Correct typo on page 2 from "where" to "were."
Motion was made to approve the minutes as corrected for April 8, 1996.
Motion: V. Johnson
Second: Murphy
Ayes: Hamilton, R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Murphy, Scratchard, Zielke
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments.
• Janet Murphy asked the Board to contact Robert Bledsoe to inquire about his status as a Park
Board member. Rod Johnson stated he would contact Bledsoe.
• Janet Murphy asked about the status of electricity and water to waterscape. Staff was
waiting for the master plan for Bicentennial Park to see if changes were going to be needed.
• Rod Johnson asked about the status of pay phones at Pavilion at Bicentennial Park. He
suggested utilizing another phone company other then GTE. Staff will contact GTE and
other phone companies.
• Janet Murphy suggested that staff review the SMYLE newcomer packet for possible ideas
for park newcomer packet. Staff will review the SMYLE packet.
• Board needs budget amount for Kirkwood Bike Route. Rod Johnson suggested that the next
SPDC agenda consider the item. Staff will get budget amounts.
• Carol Lee Hamilton asked about the status of the Senior luncheon. Staff will discuss with
Metroport Meals On Wheels about the need to have more luncheons.
• Board commented on the need for recycle dumpsters and garbage containers needed closer
to bleachers. Staff will call Laidlaw again about getting a recycle dumpster and staff will
look into moving containers closer to bleachers.
• Vicki Johnson is concerned about the holes near Field Eight that keep washing out. Staff
will refill holes and need to sod area to keep it from washing out.
Aaenda Item No. 4. Public Forum.
No public presentations.
Agenda Item No. 5. Discussion of the Preliminary Plans for Bicentennial Park and City Park Master
MESA Design presented their ideas for the master plans of Bicentennial Park and Bob Jones as
directed by the Board. MESA showed the Board several possible scenarios for development. The
Board gave direction to MESA on what they felt the master plans should include for the May 15
town meeting. The Board discussed the need for lights at soccer and baseball fields, tennis court
locations, number of parking spaces needed for horse trailers, loop road, safety of equestrian trails
and pond sizes. (Rod Johnson left the meeting)
Agenda Item No. 6, Consider Amendments to the Trail System Master Plan for Equestrian and Hike
& Bike Trails.
Marge Zielke and Robin Jones identified two equestrian trails that need to be added to the Trail
System Master Plan. One at Huse Homeplace and the second one at Fox Hollow to the Ride with
Pride facility. Another recommended change is a hike and bike trail at the old Casper property
owned by CISD connecting White Chapel to Shady Oaks at Durham Elementary.
Motion was made to add the Fox Hollow trial to the Trail System Master Plan and that park
dedication fees could be given for construction of the fence.
Motion: Bethann Scratchard
Second: Janet Murphy
Ayes: Hamilton, V. Johnson, Murphy, Scratchard, Zielke
Nays: none
Approved: 5-0
Motion was made to add Huse Homeplace and the Casper trial to the Trail System Master Plan.
Motion: Bethann Scratchard
Second: Marge Zielke
Ayes: Hamilton, V. Johnson, Murphy, Scratchard, Zielke
Nays: none
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item No. 7. Consider Donation from Southlake Girls Softball Association for Ballfield
Motion was made to approve the donation of $1850 from the SGSA for soil conditioner upon
verification of the donation policy.
Motion: Bethann Scratchard
Second: Janet Murphy
Ayes: Hamilton, V. Johnson, Murphy, Scratchard, Zielke
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item No. 8; Consider Marquee Sign Use Policy
Motion was made to table item due to suggested revisions of the policy.
Motion: Bethann Scratchard
Second: no second motion died
Janet Murphy and Carol Lee Hamilton wanted the policy to be all inclusive of all future marquee
signs and that a precedence not be set to allow use of marquee signs by other groups who donate the
signs. When the Southlake Women's Club donated the sign the only requirement was that the sign
would state that it was donated by the SWC.
Motion was made to table item to revise the policy as discussed.
Motion: Carol Lee Hamilton
Second: Bethann Scratchard
Ayes: Hamilton, V. Johnson, Murphy, Scratchard, Zielke
Nays: none
Approved: 5-0
Agenda Item No 9 Discussion of Park Master Plan Update Progress Telephone Survey Revised
Time Line
The Board moved back last three dates due to vacancies on the P&Z. Draft to SPDC & SPIN will
be moved from June to July. P&Z Review and Public Hearings will be moved from July to August.
The presentation to the City Council will be moved from August to September.
Agenda Item No. 10, Discussion of the Annual Board Planning Retreat
Delayed retreat to July.
Agenda Item No. 10. Liaison Reports.
SPDC - Reviewed fiscal policy and mid-year budget in April.
JUC - Discussed future municipal complex.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:54 pm.
o son, Chairman
Carol Lee Hamilton, Secretary cApkboard\minute5.136\km