March 11, 1996
Board Members Present: Rod Johnson, Vicki Johnson, Carol Lee Hamilton, Robin Jones, Janet
Murphy, Margie Zielke and Bethann Scratchard (arrived at 8:00pm).
Members Absent: Robert Bledsoe
City Staff Present: Director Kim McAdams
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Rod Johnson.
Agenda Item No 2 Approval of February 12, 1996 Regular Meeting Minutes.
The Board members requested the following changes: Under item 4, bullet 3, delete "was" from the
first line; under item 7, second motion, end the motion with "Pepsi-Cola."; and under item 11, add
"The Board asked that the Public Safety Department be contacted to patrol the park more often."
Motion was made to approve the minutes as corrected for February 12, 1996.
Motion: V. Johnson
Second: Zielke
Ayes: R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Hamilton, Jones, Murphy, Zielke
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments.
• Vicki Johnson thanked Janet Murphy, Carol Lee Hamilton and Kim McAdams for work on
the Board's reference books. McAdams will prepare a list of missing items to see if anyone
may have them. Then everyone can feel comfortable in recycling their old Board papers.
• Administrative calendar and news clips were reviewed. Janet Murphy asked about the news
article of Saturday, March 2, about the discontent with the City from the Southlake Tennis
Association. Robin Jones explained that the article misrepresented the STA and Laura
Suarez had called the City Council to apologize.
• Carol Lee Hamilton reported that Amy Martin was ill and would not be able to pursue the
"March for Parks" this year. The Board would like to see the program on the planning
retreat agenda for 1996-97.
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum.
Laura Suarez, President of the Southlake Tennis Association, distributed to the Board the past budget
report from the Arlington Tennis Center (ATC) showing a $5323 profit for the first year of
operation. She noted that the ATC had only 200 members when they opened and now have 600 to
700 members. She said Southlake is not meeting the needs of the tennis players, and existing land
needs to be designated now. She would recommend the 15 acres at West Beach. She suggested that
the City pass a bond issue and not pursue a private investor because she did not feel it would serve
the public needs but become a private club. She asked that a tennis center not be grouped with any
other facility for fear it would be delayed or not done due to the demands of another facility. The
Southlake Tennis Center would attract people from neighboring communities and needs to be
located on a major thoroughfare.
Agenda Item No. 5. Presentation from BaylorportsCare
Ty Henry, Sports Marketing Specialist for Baylor SportsCare, explained to the Board how his
company is a sports marketing service to the Baylor Hospital in Grapevine. In the February meeting
the Park Board had denied BaylorSports Care's request to obtain "profile sheets" on the indoor
soccer program participants and coaches. He explained how the "profile sheets" were used as a data
base to track whether Baylor SportsCare was effective in bringing customers to the hospital. The
"profile sheets" were not used to solicit or add to mailing lists. For a sponsorship donation, Baylor
SportsCare would give literature to the participants of the program about physician referrals, offer
athletic trainer coverage for special events and may approach the parents of the participants to fill
out optional profile sheets.
The Board did not believe they should make such a personal decision for program participants as to
whether the City would release participant information to a sponsor such as Baylor SportsCare. If
Baylor SportsCare continues to sponsor additional programs for the City of Southlake, the City will
not provide "profile sheets" of the participants but the sponsor could approach the parents of the
participants and let them individually decide if they want to fill out a "profile sheet" for Baylor
Agenda Item No. 6. Consider Park Name for the Newest Ci , Park
Janet Murphy explained that the naming committee selected five names (Walnut Grove,
Crosstimbers, Liberty, Freedom and Wheeler-Murphy) out of 22 names submitted for the Board to
consider. Other names suggested were Post Oak, Shady Oaks, Shady Grove, White's Chapel,
Lakeside, Lakeview and Jenks Jones. None of the names seemed to make the "fit" the Board was
seeking. The Board will continue to solicit more names.
Motion was made to table the item.
Motion: Scratchard
Second: Hamilton
Ayes: R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Hamilton, Jones, Murphy, Zielke, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 7. Consider Donation of Improvements to Ballfields from SBA
The Southlake Baseball Association wanted various improvements made to the new fields at
Bicentennial Park and agreed to pay $7500. The improvements included 1) installation of turf on
Field #8 to make it playable for the Pony League; 2) one half the cost of irrigation on Fields #4 &
#5 ($900); 3) score tables at Fields #4 to #9; 4) add dirt on Fields #6 to #9 and 5) install permanent
pitching mounds on Fields #6 to #9.
Motion was made to accept the donation as presented.
Motion: Hamilton
Second: Scratchard
Ayes: R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Hamilton, Jones, Murphy, Zielke, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 8. Discussion of Trail System Master Plan: Addition of Equestrian Trails
Robin Jones reported that the developer of the Crumbaker Property has agreed to allow the existing
equestrian trail to remain in a 7.5 foot easement along the southern boundary of his property and will
fence it with a split rail horse fence like found in Harbor Oaks. The developer would expect park
dedication fee credits in return for this easement dedication and fencing expense. This development
borders the northern portion of the Ravenaux Subdivision. The Ravenaux HOA is going to
approach the bordering homeowners to rededicate the existing utility and drainage easement as a
utility/drainage/equestrian easement. Kim McAdams explained that this is a "back door approach"
and that if citizens were serious about saving the country open horseback riding trails then they
should be identified and a process of public hearings with the Park Board, P&Z and City Council
would be needed to amend the existing Trail System Master Plan. Bethann Scratchard warned that
the homeowners that would be affected by these new trails needed to come forward in support at
Park Board and P&Z if this is to get approved. Margie Zielke and Robin Jones agreed to work with
staff to identify the other existing trails in danger of being lost as land develops. The Board would
like to consider these additions at their next meeting.
Agenda Item No. 9. Discussion of Park Master Plan Update- Draft Report
The Board asked that more visioning, mission and process be described in the report to convey the
reasoning for the decisions for the plan. The minimum park land acreage standards based on
population, need to be increased to account for the opportunities with the Corps of Engineers land.
The Board wanted to set a standard for natural open space requirements on City owned park land.
A second draft will be distributed to the Board for review before it is distributed to the public.
Agenda Item No. 10. Discussion of Development of Municipal Complex
The Board was asked to sign cards to participate in planning for the 15 acre site of the municipal
complex which could have some park facilities.
Agenda Item No. 11, Discussion of the Annual Board Planning Retreat
The Board discussed taking a "quantum leap" in planning efforts. Several expressed an interest in
a Friday, Saturday tour of parks and facilities in the hill country or Houston area. Staff will target
a program for May 17 & 18. Suggestions are welcomed on facilities to visit.
Agenda Item No. 12. Liaison Reports.
Budget - Mid-year budget amendment requests developed by staff were distributed.
Publicity - Progress report was included.
Recreation - Janet Murphy reported that the progress report was included and she would like to visit
with Kathy at her convenience before distribution of future reports to the Board.
SPDC - Janet Murphy reported that the STA presented their project to the Board and a fiscal policy
was discussed.
JUC- Bethann Scratchard reported that JUC will meet Wednesday at Durham to explore a
downloading program for community education. The joint election agreement has been approved
with the May City and School election to be held at Johnson Elementary.
KSB - Carol Lee Hamilton reported that KSB needs more Board members and April 13 is the Great
Texas Trash-Off.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
Rod Jo on, Chairman
Carol Lee Hamilton, Secretary
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