January 8, 1996
Board Members Present: Rod Johnson, Vicki Johnson, Carol Lee Hamilton, Robin Jones, Janet
Murphy, Bethann Scratchard, and Margie Zielke.
Members Absent: Robert Bledsoe and Becci Rollins
City Staff Present: Director Kim McAdams
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Rod Johnson.
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of December 11. 1995 regular meeting minutes.
Bethann Scatchard added to the minutes that she had reported the cable cast policy was discussed
at the JUC meeting and Janet Murphy noted a typographical error.
Motion was made to approve the minutes as corrected for December 11, 1995.
Motion: Murphy
Second: Scratchard
Ayes: R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Hamilton, Jones, Murphy, Zielke, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments.
• Administrative calendar and news clips were reviewed.
• Rod Johnson reported that soil samples were being taken on the Maguire Thomas project,
noting that construction will begin shortly and the dedicated trails will be available to the
public in the near future. McAdams reported that plans were under review with the
engineers and after review the Developer's Agreement will be forwarded to City Council.
Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum.
Laura Suarez, President of the Southlake Tennis Association, wanted to reiterate the future needs
of the STA. STA is 500 members strong and comprised with residents of Southlake or CISD. This
is twice the size of the Arlington Tennis Association. In March, STA will open membership to area
city residents, mainly so STA can use the area tennis facilities. STA has 2500 participants in their
programs annually. Public facilities now available in Southlake include eight courts at CHS, two
at CMS, and two at Bicentennial Park. STA also uses private tennis courts in the subdivisions: four
at Timarron, four at South Ridge Lakes, two at Timberlake and two at Stone Lakes. Solana has four
courts. STA is using the Arlington Tennis Center as an example of what Southlake needs: a
minimum of 12 courts, pro-shop, restrooms, & meeting room. Only outdoor courts would be needed
in the first phase. The Arlington facility, Phase I was $2 million with land and construction. Suarez
is researching grants and other associations that have built centers. Private donations are feasible
for Southlake if the land could be dedicated. CHS attracted 250 students to their tennis program,
they have a very strong youth program.
Dennis McGrath, recommended that the Board do a citizen survey to update the needs of the city.
He recommended that the Board work closely with the P&Z on the Thoroughfare Plan Update to find
abandoned ROW for trails, for example Dove at Shady Oaks.
Robin Jones requested copies of the SPIN reps team focus survey from 1994 be distributed to the
board. McAdams will locate it and distribute it to the Board members.
Doreen Bruton, Ride with Pride, recommended that a trail south of 114 be preserved. She said that
she has a special use permit for the next 35 years and plans to stay in business, but needed trails to
ride on.
Carol Lee Hamilton asked Ms Bruton to write a letter documenting her numbers of participants and
Rod Johnson asked that the next agenda have a discussion topic for preserving these trails.
Agenda Item No. 5. Discussion of Park Master Plan Update Progress
McAdams reviewed the timetable with the Board and reported that the envelopes were being stuffed
today for the focus group mailings. Margie Zielke distributed the focus group questions to the Board
for review. She ask that the members call her with any suggestions. Her corrected work number will
be distributed to the members.
Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion of Special Interest Projects for the Parks Recreation and Open
Space Master Plan Update
Chairman Rod Johnson opened the Public Hearing.
Randy Clowdus, City Liaison to the Southlake Baseball Association and former President,
requested three facility needs for the future. 1) More Practice Fields. Currently SBA has 67 teams,
with three public practice fields available to them this year. 2) Need Two Large Practice/Game
Fields for the 13 year olds and up. Currently this age group play games in Grapevine and practices
at CMS which may be lost to CHS Girls Softball next year. 3) Land dedicated so SBA could build
an equipment storage/umpire room at the new fourplex at Bicentennial Park (SBA would fund the
construction of the facility).
Currently, SBA has use of the four new fields at Bicentennial Park, two Pinto fields built last year
by SBA & the City, limited use of two older fields at Bicentennial and the one CIS field.
Jim Thomas, Commissioner of SBA, agreed with Randy Clowdus' presentation.
Donna Stengle, citizen, recommended that the associations recycle uniforms so that more of the
registration fees could be dedicated to paying for the extra facilities needed. Board member Vicki
Johnson said when she was involved with the sport associations, they did try that but the uniforms
fade and were worn out. People in Southlake do not want a second hand uniform. Randy Clowdus
agreed but said to save money on uniforms, SBA is buying a lower cost pant that last only one
John Levitt, President of Grapevine/Southlake Soccer Association, left a paper with their needs just
before the meeting. McAdams read the statistics as follows: Southlake players for 1995-96, 700;
projected in 2001, 1500 players. Immediate game field needs are: Under 6 - 2; U8 - 2; U10 - 1; U12
- 1; for a total of six fields. By the year 2001 projected game field needs are: U6 - 6; U8 - 4; U10 -
4; U12 - 2; for a total of 16 fields.
Being no other presentations, Chairman Rod Johnson closed the public hearing.
Robin Jones requested that the board receive copies of the associations and contacts. Staff will mail
to the Board.
Agenda Item No. 7 Consider Policy for Naming Park Facilities.
The Ad-Hoc Naming Committee of Janet Murphy, Bethann Scratchard, Carol Lee Hamilton and Kim
McAdams, met January 3rd for two hours to prepare the policy before the Board for consideration.
Janet Murphy noted that a section of a sentence was missing from the committee's recommendation
on the policy statement. McAdams had notes from the committee meeting and stated that the second
sentence on the second paragraph should have read: "The Board may, however, give preference to
names which honor individuals or groups who have made significant contributions to Southlake
parks." The Board had discussion about the word "contributions" and considered alternative
language. The Board members all agreed that "contributions" meant more than strictly monetary and
that effort and time contributions were also to be considered. Murphy also recommended that the
last sentence of the third paragraph state: "A timetable will be established and publicized before
naming any park or facility."
Motion was made to recommend the Policy for Naming Park Facilities to City Council as corrected.
Motion: Jones
Second: Scratchard
Ayes: R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Hamilton, Jones, Murphy, Zielke, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 8. Consider Ordinance for Athletic Field Usage Regulations
Over the past several meetings the Board has been reviewing options for an ordinance to regulate
and enforce closure or restrictions to the baseball/softball and soccer fields. The City Attorney has
prepared an ordinance for the Board to consider. After reading the cover letter from the City
Attorney, Carol Lee Hamilton, recommended not doing this ordinance since the letter states that
trespass laws would be more enforceable and readily available for the City to use now. Staff will
need to request wording for the trespass sign from the City Attorney.
Motion was made to not recommend an Ordinance for Athletic Field Usage Regulations and use the
trespass laws now in existence.
Motion: Jones
Second: Murphy
Ayes: R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Hamilton, Jones, Murphy, Zielke, Scratchard
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 9 Discussion of the Texas Open Meetings Act
Carol Lee Hamilton asked if the sub-committee meeting agendas were being posted? McAdams said
that the City Secretary has been posting the Master Plan Update Committee Meetings and the Ad-
Hoc Naming Committee Meeting was posted.
Agenda Item No. 10. Consider Election of 1996 Officers
Chairman Rod Johnson opened the floor for nominations. Upon nomination, Rod Johnson was
elected Chairman by acclamation. Upon nomination, Vicki Johnson was elected Vice-Chairperson
by acclamation. Upon nomination, Carol Lee Hamilton was elected Secretary by acclamation.
Agenda Item No. 11. Liaison Reports.
Budget - Bethann Scratchard reported that FY 1994-95 was $611 over the $273,000 budget. For the
first two months of the current budget year (FY 1995-96) 15% of the budget has been expended. The
budget year is 16.7% completed.
Publicity - Janet Murphy reported that Aaron Luna, 8 years old, finished second in the National
Punt, Pass and Kick Competition.
Recreation - Janet Murphy reported that 22 people attended the January Masterworks Series and 56
adults have pre-registered for the new Jazzercise Class. 67% of the registered participants from
Jazzercise found out about the program from the new reader board sign on FM 1709 in front of the
new entrance to the park.
SPDC - No meeting in December.
JUC- Bethann Scratchard reported that the cable policy was forwarded to City Council and School
Board for approval. This May will be the first joint shared location for the city/school elections at
Johnson Elementary.
KSB - Carol Lee Hamilton reported that KSB was meeting tonight.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:57 p.m.
IR d Jo son, Chairman
Carol Lee Hamilton, Secretary
c Apkboard\minute 1.896\km