4 March 13, 2000
8 Board Members Present Richard Anderson, Vice-Chair; Cara White, Secretary; Mary
9 Georgia; Chris Miltenberger; Bill Kemp; Lisa Stokdyk
11 Board Members Absent: Sherry Berman, Chair; James Glover
14 Staff Members Present: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services; John Eaglen,
15 Administrative Assistant; Ben Henry, Park Planning/Construction Superintendent, Judy
16 Russeau, Administrative Secretary.
19 Regular Session:
21 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chair Dick
22 Anderson at 7:00 PM
24 Reports:
26 Agenda Item No. 2.A. Administrative Comments. Mr. Hugman reported to the Board that
27 Community Services has hired a new Administrative Secretary, Meredith Parrish. Ms.
28 Parrish began work today, March 13, 2000. Judy Russeau will be leaving March 22, 2000.
30 Mr. Miltenberger asked if the SPIN group has identified an area for the proposed equestrian
31 arena. Ms. White said that there had been a SPIN meeting and a draft layout was
32 presented. Mr. Hugman said that staff met with SPIN #1 following the last Park Board
33 meeting and prior to the SPDC meeting and presented the concept plan to them. The
34 potential use of the Tucker property and the possible location of an arena were discussed.
35 Mr. Hugman said that the SPIN group was generally pleased with the concept plan and area
36 being developed. The current plan is to situate the arena on the south side of the property as
37 far away from the homes as possible.
39 Ms. Stokdyk asked if there had been any discussion as to other potential uses for the Tucker
40 property. Mr. Hugman said that staff presented to the SPIN group the ability to put in an
41 arena, some round pens and a parking area. Other uses were not discussed. Ms. Stokdyk
42 asked if perhaps there might be some possibilities of 4-H groups/projects using the property.
43 Ms. White said that stargazing was discussed. Mr. Anderson said there were some informal
44 conversations regarding the use of the property, but nothing has been proposed. Ms.
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1 Stokdyk asked if there were plans from previous discussions regarding boarding and riding
2 lessons. Ms. White said that the intention is for the property to be used and not be left
3 vacant. Ms. White said that Ms. Tucker's horse manager lives on the property and keeps
4 horses boarded on the property.
6 Ms. Georgia asked if there is a possibility of providing the Park Board with copies of the
7 SPIN meeting minutes. Ms. White said that she took specific notes relating to Park Board.
8 Ms. Georgia said that she would also like to see SPIN minutes that are given to City
9 Council. Mr. Anderson said that the largest objection he picked up from the meeting was
10 traffic issues on Bob Jones Road. Ms. White said the potential increase in traffic is a
11 concern along with the infrastructure of the road. Ms. Georgia said that perhaps the Board
12 should ask when improvement to Bob Jones road would be completed and that according to
13 the thoroughfare plan there should be some strategy for upgrading the road. Mr. Hugman
14 said that there are no immediate plans for upgrading the road. However, when the time
15 comes to develop the property, road improvement plans will be discussed. Mr. Hugman
16 said that traffic on Bob Jones should not increase much more significantly than what is
17 currently being experienced with the trailers and trucks traveling the road.
19 Mr. Anderson said that the SPIN group was very pleased that the Park Board members,
20 City Council and the Community Services Department attended the meeting.
22 Ms. White said that there were no negative comments regarding the ballfields and traffic.
23 Ms. White said that she felt that the SPIN group was very grateful for the time and effort
24 the staff put into the planning.
26 Ms. Stokdyk asked if it would be possible, as a courtesy, to send copies of pertinent
27 information from the minutes to Julie and Kim with a note from Parks and Recreation
28 Board. Ms. Georgia said that, as part of the SPIN packets, they receive copies of the Parks
29 and Recreation Board minutes. Ms. White said the minutes are given to the SPIN
30 representatives.
32 Consent:
34 Agenda Item No.3.A. Approval of the minutes for the February 14, 2000 meeting.
36 Motion: Cara White
37 Second: Mary Georgia
38 For: Richard Anderson, Cara White, Mary Georgia, Bill Kemp, Lisa Stokdyk
39 Abstain: Chris Miltenberger
40 Against: 0
41 Approved 5-1-0
43 Agenda Item No. 5.A. Recommendations for a variance to City of Southlake Ordinance No.
44 693-B, regulating outdoor lighting, for Bicentennial Park game fields 44, #5, and #10.
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1 Agenda Item No. 5A was moved to the consent agenda
3 Additional information on consent items.
5 In the Parks Long-Range Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) approved by SPDC on
6 December 6, 1999, $200,000 was allocated to lighting for the Bicentennial Park game fields
7 #4, #5, and #10. These fields are located north of the Southlake Tennis Center, south of
8 Softball Field #1, and immediately west of the Pine tree grove.
10 On September 7, 1999 the City Council approved Ordinance No. 693-B, regulating outdoor
11 lighting, establishing illumination standards, and establishing luminance limits. Exceptions
12 for parks and athletic facilities were specifically removed from the ordinance during
13 consideration by the City Council.
15 During the design stage of the lighting project it was determined that the specifications were
16 in conflict with the Ordinance No. 693-B in several areas. The specifications cannot
17 comply with the Ordinance in the areas of lighting design (metal halide instead of required
18 sodium lights) and illumination (exceeds maximum 20 foot candles).
20 In a work session, the Board discussed this item and agreed to recommend a variance to the
21 lighting ordinance be granted for the ballfields.
23 Ms. Stokdyk made a motion to move agenda item S.A., to the consent agenda and approve
24 recommendation for a variance to Ordinance No. 693-B..
26 Motion: Lisa Stokdyk
27 Second: Chris Miltenberger
28 For: Richard Anderson, Cara White, Mary Georgia, Bill Kemp, Lisa Stokdyk,
29 Chris Miltenberger
30 Against: 0
31 Approved 6-0
33 Regular:
35 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum.
36 Vice-Chair Richard Anderson asked if there were any requests to speak during the Public
37 Forum. No public was present and there were no requests. Public Forum was closed at
38 7:18 PM.
40 Consider:
42 Agenda Item No. S.B., Annual report of desired parkland characteristics.
44 Mr. Hugman said that this topic was discussed at the Park Board retreat in January and a
45 request was made for further discussion at a regular meeting. The current Appendix 11 of the
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1 Subdivision Ordinance was included with the packet along with pertinent pages from the
2 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan for review and revision as needed. Appendix
3 11 is fairly general in wording and purpose. Staff is in the process of updating the Parks and
4 Recreation Open Space Master Plan. Appendix 11 could be revised based on the current
5 Master Plan.
7 Ms. Stokdyk asked if the last update was in 1997. Mr. Hugman stated that the last Master
8 Plan update was done in 1996. Ms. Stokdyk asked what items were to be reviewed; acreage,
9 benches. Mr. Hugman said that all items would be reviewed along with separating the City
10 into three (3) zones as opposed to the current ten (10) zones. Mr. Hugman said there are only
11 a few larger cities with as many as ten (10) zones. Ms. Stokdyk asked if size was being
12 determined by population or land mass. Mr. Hugman said the areas would e defined by
13 geography.
15 Mr. Anderson stated that it appears that the request presented this evening could take some
16 time to complete and asked how often this needs to be done. Mr. Hugman said that the
17 revisions to Appendix 11 could be done annually. Mr. Hugman said the Master Plan is being
18 discussed only because revisions to Appendix 11 could affect the Master Plan assumptions
19 and recommendations.
21 Mr. Kemp said that looking at Appendix 11, Clause A - " Land dedication or otherwise set
22 aside for open space and park and recreational areas shall be of such size, dimensions,
23 topography and general character as is reasonably required for the type of use necessary to
24 meet the demand and need of future residents, e.g., open space, linear space, trails, active
25 recreation for team or individual sports, playground, etc." does not really say anything. Ms.
26 Stokdyk asked whether "or otherwise set aside" applies to when a developer is donating land
27 that is not accepted by the City and is given credit by the City. Ms. Georgia said that in her
28 interpretation of clause "A," if she were a developer she would challenge the Park Board
29 ruling limiting the percent allocation of fees given for dedicated private land because it clearly
30 states that open green areas are being requested. Mr. Hugman said that the ordinance limits
31 the amount of credit that can be given for private development to a maximum of 50% of the
32 total required.
34 Ms. White suggested that a committee be established to research the revision of Appendix 11.
35 Mr. Kemp said that his thought is that the consultants could use some feedback from the Parks
36 and Recreation Board.
38 Mr. Hugman said that the Board would have an opportunity to meet with the consultants on
39 the Master Plan.
41 Ms. White made a motion to table Agenda Item 5.13. with the intention of establishing a
42 committee for further research to be presented at future Parks and Recreation Board meeting.
44 Motion: Cara White
45 Second: Chris Miltenberger
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1 For: Richard Anderson, Cara White, Mary Georgia, Bill Kemp, Lisa Stokdyk,
2 Chris Miltenberger
3 Against: 0
4 Approved 6-0
6 Discussion:
8 Agenda Item No. 6.A., Naming of new City Park Facilities
10 Mr. Hugman said that this item was put on the agenda because there are currently two new
11 park properties, The Sheltonwood purchase and the park in Chesapeake Place and staff felt it
12 would be appropriate to begin discussions on naming these facilities. The policy on naming
13 of parks was included in the Park Board packet.
15 Mr. Kemp suggested that the SPIN group, where a particular park is located, be approached
16 for their suggestions on a name. Mr. Kemp said that unless there were some objections, he
17 would agree to the name "Sheltonwood Park." Ms. White said there had been other requests
18 for naming park property with a family name.
20 Ms. Stokdyk asked for clarification on the spelling of "Koalaty Park."
22 Mr. Anderson asked if the SPIN group should also be approached for the Chesapeake Place.
23 Ms. White asked what the policy is concerning naming parks that are situated in the middle of
24 a subdivision. Mr. Hugman said the only reference is Lonesome Dove Park and it is named
25 after the subdivision. The Versailles subdivision was also noted, but Mr. Hugman said that
26 park land was outside of the subdivision, although it was dedicated by the developer.
28 Mr. Anderson agreed with the suggestion to approach the SPIN group for Sheltonwood Park
29 and that conducting a contest to get the public involved in the naming of the other small parks
30 would be a very good idea. This could be done on the Southlake Internet site. Ms. Stokdyk
31 stated she feels the naming of parks should be open to the public at all times through the SPIN
32 groups, Internet, etc.
34 Mr. Miltenberger asked how the Sheltonwood Park falls into the naming criteria. Mr.
35 Hugman stated it does not particularly fit into the criteria other than it is a family name and
36 ties into the woods.
38 Royal and Annie Smith Park was discussed. Royal and Annie Smith was named after the
39 seller's deceased parents. Mr. Anderson stated there is a valid point in asking the history of
40 the family name in Southlake.
42 Mr. Hugman stated that he would talk to the SPIN groups.
44 Agenda Item No. 6.B., Parks and Recreation Division Fiscal Year 1999-2000 mid-year budget
45 review.
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1 Mr. Hugman said that as requested last year while reviewing the new budget requests, a report
2 is being brought before the board to give an update on the status of the general funding
3 operating and maintenance costs to date.
5 Mr. Anderson asked if there were any areas of concern on the budget. Mr. Hugman said that
6 at this time all items are under budget or on target, when looking at a straight percentage of
7 the year after five (5) months.
9 Mr. Miltenberger asked if a larger mower had been purchased and how Bob Jones is being
10 mowed currently. Mr. Hugman said that a larger mower has not been purchased yet. In FY
11 2000 funding was allocated to purchase a 45-60 hp replacement tractor ($20,000), a 17'
12 mowing attachment ($15,000), and a replacement infield rake ($8,500). This equipment is
13 currently on order, as a change in late November to the Houston-Galveston Area Cooperative
14 (HGAC) purchasing agreement delayed our order. Mr. Miltenberger asked how long it would
15 take to actually purchase the equipment. Mr. Hugman said that it would depend on whether it
16 could be purchased through HGAC or if it would have to go through the bid process. Going
17 through the bid process and finding a supplier would take longer.
19 Mr. Miltenberger said that he had talked to John Leavitt about aerating the soccer field and the
20 need for a slicer. Mr. Miltenberger said that the Grapevine/Southlake Soccer Association
21 could contribute up to $3,000 - $4,000 to purchase an aerator/slicer. Mr. Hugman said that he
22 would research the cost of a slicer and that the City would appreciate the offer by GSSA.
24 Ms. Georgia asked about the Planning and Design of Parks Maintenance Facility Budget of
25 $40,000. Ms. Georgia said that she recalls that last year there was money budgeted for
26 maintenance facilities that was not spent and asked if it would be spent this year. Mr.
27 Hugman said $40,000 was originally budgeted to look at a design, but because the Metro Pool
28 property was purchased and one of the buildings would be very suitable for a Maintenance
29 Facility Center, the budget amount was reallocated from professional services to an
30 operational line item. There has not been approval to do any major renovations and staff
31 would like to discuss this with City Council because the building is close to residential areas.
32 Mr. Hugman said the remaining $37,000 would be used to renovate the building, however,
33 more funds would be needed to complete the project dependent on whether the facility is
34 viewed as short-term or long-term.
36 Ms. Georgia asked if the money not spent in the budget would be reallocated, as she does not
37 see another expense coming up. Mr. Hugman said some of the money would be used for park
38 platting and engineering professional services. Mr. Hugman said that line items/budget items
39 could not be cross-categorized without the City Manager's approval. In addition, money
40 could not be spent on a large item if it was not originally budgeted.
42 Ms. Stokdyk asked where the department stands on part-time seasonal maintenance staff. Mr.
43 Hugman said there are four (4) staff persons budgeted for seasonal maintenance April -
44 September. Last year, however, only one (1) person was hired due to lack of applicants. This
45 year, a seasonal worker had been employed since the beginning of the fiscal year, however he
46 has since resigned. Ms. Stokdyk asked how flexible the schedule is for seasonal maintenance.
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1 Mr. Hugman said that they are flexible on the use of seasonal workers, with regard to the
2 months, but they work within the total budgeted amount for seasonal employees.
4 Mr. Anderson said that he had noticed that the fountain at Town Square is taped off again and
5 he asked who is responsible for the cost of repair. Mr. Hugman said that the fountain
6 maintenance is the Community Services Department responsibility, however there was no
7 authorization for repair at this time. He believes Town Square Inc. maintenance was working
8 on it, but they were checking into it. He noted that Town Square and the City staff share some
9 of the maintenance, although it is the City's responsibility.
11 Ms. Stokdyk said that she had some concern that the ponds at Coventry may have been
12 chemically treated, as they were dark green. Ms. Stokdyk asked if there are any policies on
13 treating open bodies of water particularly private vs public. Mr. Hugman said the City does
14 not do any chemical treating. Mr. Kemp commented that this is federally regulated and it is
15 very strict.
17 Ms. Georgia expressed her appreciation to Mr. Hugman for preparing the six (6) month
18 budget review.
20 Agenda Item No. 6.C., Senior Tree Farms briefing.
22 Mr. Hugman said that, periodically, staff would like to give the Board a presentation on
23 projects that may not be as familiar to them and since tonight's agenda was light this was a
24 good opportunity.
26 Mr. Eaglen gave the presentation to the Board. Mr. Eaglen said that JUC was given this
27 presentation March 9, 2000.
29 On October 1, 1999 the City began implementation of the third phase of the Senior Tree Farm
30 project, located at 275 Shady Oaks. This project received grant funding in the amount of
31 $4,300 through the Texas Forest Service, awarded in August 1999. The third phase has
32 recently been established, with four hundred (400) seedlings planted on February 12, 2000.
34 Initial planning for future phases is scheduled to begin later in the spring, and implementation
35 of the third phase has presented several opportunities and challenges for the project in future
36 phases.
38 Mr. Georgia asked what the time line is for moving trees from the tree farms. Mr.
39 Miltenberger said five (5) years is the normal time line for transplanting trees. Mr. Eaglen
40 said that some trees are further advanced at this time and a few have already been harvested
41 from Tree Farm #1.
43 Ms. Georgia asked what the survival rate is on the transplanted trees. Mr. Henry said his
44 estimate is 99.9% survival rate. Ms. White said that the trees put in Bob Jones Park on the hill
45 have done very well.
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1 Ms. Stokdyk asked if the area around the water tower that is fenced could be used for
2 additional tree farms. Mr. Hugman said there is a security issue involved. Ms. White asked if
3 there is a possibility of putting trees on the Tucker property, as there is some open space
4 available.
6 Mr. Kemp said that the two most common trees in Southlake is the Post Oak and the Black
7 Jack Oak and neither of them are on the list for the tree farms. Mr. Henry said that the Post
8 Oak and Black Jack Oak cannot be transplanted, but the presence of these trees is being
9 duplicated with the Bur Oak.
11 Agenda Item No. 6. D. Liaison Reports:
13 Youth Parks and Recreation Board - Berman - No Report
15 Recreation/Special Events - Stokdyk - Ms. White reported that a celebration of the First
16 Anniversary of Town Square will be Saturday March 25, 2000 with a parade.
18 Teen Center - Berman, White - No report other than what had been put in the packet
19 memo.
21 Youth Sports Association - Miltenberger - Mr. Miltenberger said that he has been working
22 with Mr. Hugman on getting notice to the soccer coaches regarding the use of the Bob Jones
23 fields when they are wet. These fields are being used a great deal for practice and when the
24 fields are eventually turned into game fields this could create a problem. The Soccer
25 Association asked if two (2) big goals (full size) could be put in the open area. Mr. Henry
26 said that the goals would be moved to the east side to give the west side a chance to re-
27 grow, that is why only half of the area is being used. Mr. Hugman said they are trying to
28 limit the use of these fields. Mr. Hugman said the north gate had been closed. Since these
29 were game field only, however, people were parking on the streets. The north gates were
30 re-opened to alleviate this. Mr. Hugman said signs would be posted regarding the use of the
31 fields.
33 Community Groups/Portal Committee - Stokdyk/White - Ms. Stokdyk said there will be a
34 special event at the Park for Arbor Day, April 1, 2000 with six (6) different booths. The
35 mayor will be present to give an Arbor Day Proclamation.
37 SPIN -Georgia/White - SPIN had a retreat last month. There will be a regular standing
38 committee meeting Thursday, March 16, 2000. The candidates forum is scheduled April 3,
39 2000, and the next SPIN meeting will discuss this forum. Ms. White asked for suggestions
40 on the candidate forum.
42 SPDC - Berman/White - No report.
44 JUC - Glover - Mr. Anderson reported that there was a joint Park Board/JUC meeting
45 March 9, 2000. Mr. Anderson, Mr. Glover, Ms. Stokdyk and Ms. Berman attended. Mr.
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1 Anderson said that he was very pleased with the openness of the discussion and spirit of
2 cooperation. There was a good understanding on what is going to be done at the park land
3 on Continental. There was talk about filling in the pond on the park land and using it as a
4 nature area. Mr. Hugman said there was some limitation to placement of the school and
5 design of the property due to the drainage channel and parking, therefore it is not conducive
6 with the park area as desired. Mr. Miltenberger asked if open areas were being left for
7 practice. Mr. Hugman said that there were open spaces on the school site but,
8 unfortunately, the school open area is on the opposite side of the park area.
10 Mr. Anderson said there was also some discussion on recreational activities for students that
11 do not make the high school athletic teams.
13 City Council Monthly Report - Berman (February 15) - Ms. White said that the equestrian
14 parking lot needs to move forward and start the bid process. Ms. White asked if there had
15 been a response from Andy Goldbloom from Texas Parks and Wildlife. Mr. Henry said he
16 had not gotten anything.
18 Equestrians - Anderson/White - Ms. White said that Denton Equestrian Loop Trail
19 Association (DELTA) will be meeting this month. They are waiting to get an answer from
20 Cross Timbers Riding Association regarding funding for the bridge on the northern end of
21 the lake.
23 Traffic Management Bond - Georgia/White - The Steering Committee and staff continue to
24 meet with HNTB, the consultants, on the project. It is anticipated that the first trail package
25 will go out for bid by early summer. The first portion will be for the trail along the north
26 side of FM 1709, from Southridge Lakes Parkway to Bicentennial Park. There has been
27 discussion with HNTB to make a presentation to the Park Board in the near future on the
28 plans for trail amenities.
30 Mr. Kemp asked if retaining walls would be used. Ms. White said there are a couple of
31 areas that will need retaining walls. Mr. Hugman said that use of retaining walls drive up
32 the cost of construction, so we will attempt to minimize the use whenever possible by
33 meandering the trail and with grading. There has been discussion on the type of walls to be
34 used. Mr. Henry said split-face will be used. Construction and labor, material costs, and
35 long-term issues are still be discussed. There has been discussion on terracing in areas that
36 are steep.
38 Agenda Item No. 7, Adjournment.
40 The meeting was adjourned by Vice-Chair Richard Anderson at 8:20 PM.
42 Motion: Ms. Stokdyk
43 Second: Mr. Kemp
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2 Equestrians - Anderson/White - Ms. White said that Denton Equestrian Loop Trail
3 Association (DELTA) will be meeting this month. They are waiting to get an answer from
4 Cross Timbers Riding Association regarding funding for the bridge on the northern end of
5 the lake.
7 Traffic Management Bond - Georgia/White - The Steering Committee and staff continue to
8 meet with HNTB, the consultants, on the project. It is anticipated that the first trail package
9 will go out for bid by early summer. The first portion will be for the trail along the north
10 side of FM 1709, from Southridge Lakes Parkway to Bicentennial Park. There has been
11 discussion with HNTB to make a presentation to the Park Board in the near future on the
12 plans for trail amenities.
14 Mr. Kemp asked if retaining walls would be used. Ms. White said there are a couple of
15 areas that will need retaining walls. Mr. Hugman said that retaining walls are the type of
16 things that drive up the cost. There has been discussion on the type of walls to be used.
17 Mr. Henry said split-face will be used. Construction and labor, material costs, and long-
18 term issues are still be discussed. There has been discussion on terracing in areas that are
19 steep.
21 Agenda Item No. 7, Adjournment.
23 The meeting was adjourned by Vice-Chair Richard Anderson at 8:20 PM.
25 Motion: Ms. Stokdyk
26 Second: Mr. Kemp
27 For: Richard Anderson, Cara White, Mary Georgia, Bill Kemp, Lisa Stokdyk,
28 Chris Miltenberger
29 Against: 0
30 Approved 6-0
32 &ML,
33 Sherry B n
34 Cl a'
37 Cara White
38 Secretary
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