4 July 12, 1999
8 Board Members Present: Sherry Berman, Chair; Richard Anderson, Vice-Chair; Cara White,
9 Secretary; Mary Georgia; James Glover; Chris Miltenberger; Robin Jones; Lisa Stokdyk.
11 Board Members Absent: Bill Kemp.
13 Staff Members Present: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services; Steve Polasek,
14 Deputy Director of Community Services; Ben Henry, Park Planning and Construction
15 Superintendent; John Eaglen, Administrative Assistant.
18 Regular Session:
20 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Sherry Berman, Chair
21 at 6:58 p.m.
23 Reports:
25 Agenda Item No. 2.A., Administrative Comments. Mayor Rick Stacy presented a
26 proclamation to former Board Chair Vickie Johnson in appreciation of her hard work and
27 dedication to the Board. Ms. Johnson thanked the Board for the recognition.
29 Mr. Miltenberger asked about the grass seeding and fertilization at Bob Jones Park. Mr.
30 Henry stated that both are progressing according to plan.
32 Ms. Jones inquired about the landscaping at the Bicentennial Park Phase II construction area.
33 Mr. Hugman stated that the cleanup at the site will proceed as the project progresses and the
34 landscaping phase of the project is currently in the final planning stages. Ms. Jones asked if
35 the City has jurisdiction on cleanup of the site, and Mr. Hugman stated that cleanup of the
36 site is the City's responsibility and will proceed in the very near future.
38 Ms. White suggested that the e-mails stating positions on items that are sent to staff when
39 members are absent should not be read into the minutes. Mr. Miltenberger disagreed, stating
40 that these requests are rare and are short in duration. Mr. Glover agreed, stating that it is
41 beneficial for members to take a position on items when they are absent. Ms. White
42 mentioned that the City Council does not utilize this practice.
44 Ms. Berman stated that due to discussions in work session, a request was made to move the
45 following items from the regular agenda to the consent agenda; Item 5-B, park dedication for
46 Crown Ridge Addition (tabled); Item 5-D, fencing for SPRINT area at the Bicentennial Park
47 water tower; and Item 5-E, reallocation of budgeted funds for Fox Hollow Equestrian
48 Fencing.
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2 Consent Agenda:
4 Motion was made to approve the Consent agenda with the addition of the following items;
5 Item 5-B, park dedication for Crown Ridge Addition (tabled); Item 5-1), fencing for SPRINT
6 area at the Bicentennial Park water tower; and Item 5-E, reallocation of budgeted funds for
7 Fox Hollow Equestrian Fencing.
9 Motion: Stokdyk
10 Second: Anderson
11 For: Berman, Anderson, White, Georgia, Miltenberger, Stokdyk, Glover, Jones
12 Against: None
13 Approved: 8-0
15 Mr. Hugman reminded the Board that a motion is needed to approve the minutes from the
16 June 7, 1999 and the special June 12, 1999 meetings. Ms. Jones stated that in the June 7,
17 1999 minutes, page eight of eleven, the motion failed. Ms. White said that she forwarded
18 grammatical errors in the minutes by e-mail to Administrative Secretary Ms. Teddi Zonker.
20 Motion was made to approve the minutes of the June 7, 1999 meeting and the special June
21 12, 1999 meeting as amended.
23 Motion: Glover
24 Second: Georgia
25 Ayes: Berman, Anderson, White, Georgia, Miltenberger, Stokdyk, Glover, Jones
26 Against: None
27 Approved: 8-0
29 Regular Agenda:
31 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum. Ms. Berman stated that this time is reserved for
32 commentary on items not on the agenda. Ms. White stated that Mayor Rick Stacy wished to
33 speak on the YMCA operating a Community Center in Southlake. Public Forum was closed
34 at 7:08pm.
36 Consider:
38 Agenda Item No. S.F. was moved up within the agenda.
40 Agenda Item No. S.F., Amend Fee Schedule to set fees for the Southlake Tennis Center. Mr.
41 Hugman stated that this item is being brought forth due to the desire to open the Southlake
42 Tennis Center in late August, and as such the fee schedule needs to be amended. Mr.
43 Hugman reminded the Board that when the Board reviewed the fee schedule last August, a
44 decision was made to bring this item forward at a time when the Tennis Center was close to
45 opening. Mr. Hugman said that City staff researched similar facilities in local cities; North
46 Richland Hills (Richland Tennis Center), Plano (High Point), and Arlington. Mr. Hugman
47 stated that negotiations with Mr. William Bryan have provided input to the proposed fees,
48 and that this proposal is consistent with facilities in similar cities. Mr. Hugman outlined the
49 proposed fee schedule changes.
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2 Mr. Miltenberger asked who receives the money for the patron cards. Mr. Hugman replied
3 that the Tennis Center Manager will receive a percentage of the money, and the City will
4 receive a percentage. Mr. Hugman stated that the money the City receives is considered
5 usage fees.
7 Ms. Lynn Jumper, 418 Southridge Lakes Parkway. Ms. Jumper stated that she is the
8 President of the Northeast Tarrant Tennis (NETT) Association. She wanted to first thank the
9 City and the Board for their efforts to date regarding the development of the Southlake
10 Tennis Center. Ms. Jumper stated that the initial intent of the Tennis Center was to be a first
11 class, staffed facility. Ms. Jumper said that the amenities of the facility are consistent with
12 the demographics of the City, but that the facility must be run from a business perspective
13 and generate sufficient revenues to support the operations. Ms. Jumper stated that the Tennis
14 Center Manager is a necessary step for the facility to be self-supporting, and that Mr. William
15 Bryan is a qualified candidate that meets the City's needs. Ms. Jumper asserted that the
16 project must move forward, and encouraged the Board to establish the fees, hire the director,
17 and get the facility on-line as soon as possible. Ms. Jumper asked the Board to move ahead
18 with the proposed three (3) year contract for the Tennis Center Manager.
20 Ms. Berman stated that the contract has been approved and the fee schedule is the topic under
21 consideration at this time. Ms. Jumper said that in regards to NETT, the purpose of the
22 organization is to promote the sport of tennis and not league play alone, and the organization
23 wants to promote court access to the community. Ms. Jumper asked the Board for assistance
24 in getting the facility on-line for the fall league.
26 Ms. Jones asked Mr. Hugman if Mr. William Bryan is still interested in the Tennis Center
27 Manager position. Mr. Hugman replied that Mr. Bryan is still interested, and City staff is
28 working with him. Ms. Jones stated that she would like to add a junior membership fee of
29 fifty dollars ($50) for residents and a seventy-five dollar ($75) fee for non-residents. Ms.
30 Berman agreed.
32 Mr. Glover stated that the non-resident annual membership fee is not proportional to the
33 premium assessed on the hourly fee, and that this could limit access for residents. Ms.
34 Berman suggested that the court usage fees should be five dollars ($5). Ms. Jones disagreed
35 with this, and suggested that Mr. Bryan's proposal is able to maximize access to the courts.
37 Ms. Jumper explained that fifty percent (50%) of NETT membership consists of Southlake
38 residents, and thirty-five percent (35%) of the non-resident membership resides in Grapevine,
39 Colleyville, and Keller. Ms. Berman reminded the Board that Southlake residents pay a lot
40 of taxes and should have higher access to the courts. Mr. Glover said that he doesn't have a
41 problem with the proposed fee, his only concern is that the premium assessed to non-
42 residents is consistent throughout the entire fee structure, and it currently is not consistent.
43 Ms. Jones suggested that if fees are altered the resident fee should be lowered versus raising
44 the non-resident fee. Ms. Stokdyk asked about the fee structure for league fees, if the league
45 fees cover the court usage fee. Ms. Jones replied that whether or not users are in leagues,
46 they are required to pay the court usage fee. Mr. Miltenberger asked if the court usage fee
47 structure is a flat fee per court or is it assessed on a per user basis. Mr. Hugman replied that
48 the fees are assessed on a per person basis and is consistent with what other cities do.
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1 Ms. Georgia stated that the best deal is the non-resident two hundred and fifty dollar ($250)
2 membership, and suggested that this may be the highest requested fee. Ms. Georgia stated
3 she would like to see a greater disparity in the individual usage fee, and asked about the
4 junior fee. Ms. Jones answered that the purpose of the junior fee is to give children a break
5 who would like to play tennis, and suggested that resident children should be assessed a fifty
6 dollar ($50) annual usage fee, with a seventy-five dollar ($75) fee assessed to non-resident
7 juniors. Ms. Georgia asked what is considered a junior, and Ms. Jones responded that juniors
8 should be classified as anyone enrolled in a high school or below. Ms. Berman asked about
9 the average court usage for children, and Ms. Jones responded that there would be plenty of
10 court access for other users. Mr. Anderson suggested starting at a one hundred dollar ($100)
11 junior fee for residents. Ms. Stokdyk agreed with Mr. Anderson on the one hundred dollar
12 ($100) fee.
14 Ms. White suggested the age group for the junior membership should be applicable to 18
15 years old and younger.
17 Ms. Jean Bachinskas, 415 Brighton Court. Ms. Bachinskas stated that junior league play
18 usually occurs at non-peak times, such as in the late afternoon.
20 Mr. Glover stated that peak and non-peak hours might be an alternative structure for the
21 junior fee, as a fifty-dollar ($50) fee may be assessed during non-peak hours. Ms. Jones
22 suggested a resident fee of seventy-five dollars ($75) for residents, and a non-resident fee of
23 one hundred dollars ($100) versus a fee structure based on peak and non-peak hours. Ms.
24 Georgia asked Mr. Hugman if the fees are subject to annual review. Mr. Hugman answered
25 that they would be annually reviewed. Mr. Miltenberger expressed concern about the non-
26 resident junior fees limiting court access, for residents.
28 Mr. Glover proposed the following fees and asked for input: court usage fees of two dollars
29 and fifty cents ($2.50) for residents and three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) for non-residents;
30 two hundred and seventy-five dollars ($275) for resident family annual memberships and
31 three hundred and seventy-five ($375) for non-resident families; two hundred dollars ($200)
32 for individual annual memberships for residents and two hundred and seventy-five for non-
33 resident individuals; and junior fees for residents of seventy-five dollars ($75) with non-
34 resident memberships of one hundred dollars ($100).
36 Mr. Miltenberger asked about the fee reviews impacting negotiations with Mr. Bryan. Mr.
37 Hugman suggested that, as the Board is not reducing any fees, he does not anticipate
38 impacting the business environment for the Tennis Center Manager. Mr. Miltenberger asked
39 for the estimated number of family memberships, and Mr. Hugman said staff estimates that
40 the number is two hundred (200) family memberships. Mr. Hugman said the fees are subject
41 to annual review and could be changed as conditions warrant. Ms. Jones stated that the
42 Tennis Center Manager will have monthly meetings with the Director of Community
43 Services, and if the fees have a negative impact the manager will have an opportunity to
44 address them early. Mr. Hugman suggested that as a new facility, it is necessary to show the
45 public a value for the money invested in the facility, and suggested that the proposed fees are
46 consistent with the surrounding cities. Ms. Jumper inquired about family membership fees in
47 other cities, and Mr. Hugman provided that information.
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1 Motion was made to adopt the following fees: court usage fees of two dollars and fifty cents
2 ($2.50) for residents and three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50) for non-residents per one and
3 one-half hours of court usage, resident family annual memberships of two hundred and
4 seventy-five dollars ($275) and non-resident family memberships of three hundred and
5 seventy-five dollars ($375), resident individual memberships of two hundred dollars ($200)
6 and non-resident individual memberships at two hundred and seventy-five dollars ($275), and
7 resident junior fees of seventy-five dollars ($75) with a non-resident junior fee of one
8 hundred dollars ($100), and that the junior fee is applicable to people eighteen years of age
9 (18) and younger.
11 Motion: Glover
12 Second: Anderson
13 For: Berman, Anderson, White, Georgia, Miltenberger, Stokdyk, Glover, Jones
14 Against: None
15 Approved: 8-0
17 Agenda Item No. 5. G., moved up within the agenda.
19 Agenda Item No. S.G., Adopt Scheduling Policy for Southlake Tennis Center. Mr. Hugman
20 presented the rationale for the policies and reviewed the proposal for the Board, and offered
21 to answer questions. Ms. Stokdyk asked about the number of courts to be reserved, and if the
22 current two (2) courts at Bicentennial Park is covered by this policy proposal. Mr. Hugman
23 responded that the two (2) courts currently in use are not covered by this proposal, and will
24 continue to be reserved under current protocol through the Community Center. Ms. Stokdyk
25 asked about the current policy, and Mr. Hugman responded that the reservation fee is five
26 dollars ($5), but when the Tennis Center opens and the fee schedule is reviewed, staff may
27 propose to eliminate the fee. Ms. Berman asked about Royal and Annie Smith Park, and Mr.
28 Hugman replied that the policy for the current courts at Bicentennial Park would be the guide
29 for these courts.
31 Mr. Miltenberger asked about the usage policy for the Carroll ISD courts, and Ms. Jumper
32 responded that the eight (8) courts at Carroll High School are general use courts during
33 certain hours. Ms. Jumper stated that the four (4) courts at Carroll Junior High are not
34 available for general use at this time. Ms. Jones added that there is some contractor problems
35 with the courts at CJH. Ms. Stokdyk asked if the CISD courts are limited to general use due
36 to NETT usage. Ms. Jumper responded that NETT does not use the courts as much, once a
37 day for two hours, variable upon the season. Mr. Miltenberger responded that with the
38 opening of the Tennis Center, the courts at the high school would be available for general
39 use. Ms. Jones stated that this would be true for the neighborhood courts also. Ms. Jumper
40 stated that this is the hope of NETT when the Tennis Center opens.
42 Mr. Glover reviewed the hours of the center at different seasonal intervals. Mr. Miltenberger
43 stated that 8:00 p.m. is too early to close the Center. Mr. Hugman responded that the
44 proposed times are the minimal hours of operation, and the hours could be longer dependent
45 upon the desire of the Tennis Center Manager. Mr. Hugman stated that the only restriction
46 upon hours of operation is that the Center must be closed by 10:00 p.m. at night, and the
47 lights must be off by 10:30 p.m. each evening. Ms. Berman stated that as the facility is
48 opened and the City gains experience, the policy will be strengthened. Ms. Jones suggested
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1 that the Tennis Center Manager will have experience in operations and be able to provide
2 input once operations begin.
4 Mr. Glover stated for the record that the Tennis Center Manager would establish food and
5 beverage prices, and that the City is not responsible in this area. Mr. Miltenberger inquired
6 about the reference to the maximum number of tournaments. Mr. Hugman replied that this
7 guideline is in the contract to ensure court access. Mr. Miltenberger stated that some
8 tournaments may not impact court access, and suggested that placing a limit upon
9 tournaments is not necessary. Ms. Jumper added that the definition of "tournament" might
10 need to be clarified to avoid confusion in this area. Ms. Berman stated that this is a contract
11 issue, and under the jurisdiction of the City Council. Mr. Miltenberger disagreed. Ms.
12 Stokdyk stated that she agrees with Mr. Miltenberger, but suggested that the cap on the
13 number of tournaments can be reviewed once the facility comes online. Mr. Glover
14 suggested that the Tennis Center Manager could approach the City and the Board if there is a
15 problem or an opportunity present.
17 Ms. Stokdyk asked about the review period on a monthly basis. Mr. Hugman stated that any
18 policy review issues will come before the Board, but reviews of the management and
19 operations will be reviewed monthly by staff with the Tennis Center Manager. Ms. Stokdyk
20 stated that the policies should not reflect elitism or the perception that the courts will be
21 limited to the general residency. Ms. Bachinskas replied that she is a league player and a
22 Southlake resident, and she does not understand the distinction between the two. Ms.
23 Berman suggested that the perception is a reaction to the unknown, and Ms. White agreed.
24 Mr. Miltenberger asked about the number of residents on teams. Ms. Jumper responded that
25 most teams consist of a majority of residents, and the procedures will not impact league play.
27 Motion was made to accept the policy as proposed.
29 Motion: Glover
30 Second: Anderson
31 For: Berman, Anderson, White, Georgia, Miltenberger, Stokdyk, Glover, Jones
32 Against: None
33 Approved: 8-0
35 Agenda Item No. S.A., Park dedication for Remington Retirement Community. Ms. Berman
36 introduced Mr. David Hannah of Lifestyles, Inc., representing the Remington Retirement
37 Community. Mr. Hannah outlined that the community is labeled as a non-residential
38 development, subject to the applicable fee of eight hundred dollars ($800) per gross acre.
39 Mr. Hannah outlined the park dedication proposal.
41 Mr. Hannah stated that there will be a one and one half-acre (1.5) Private Park, twenty-three
42 hundred linear feet (2,3001f) of private trails, some made of soft material and concrete. Mr.
43 Hannah outlined other facilities such as horseshoe pits and courtyard areas, as well as a
44 courtyard area for visiting children. Mr. Hannah mentioned the development costs for the
45 community, and offered to answer any questions.
47 Mr. Glover asked Mr. Hugman if the community is required to put in sidewalks along FM
48 1709. Mr. Hugman stated that the trail requirement is applicable to the other side of FM
49 1709. Mr. Glover inquired about the buffer yard, and Mr. Hugman stated that the plans show
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1 the right-of-way along FM 1709 as well as the bufferyard. Mr. Miltenberger asked if this is
2 only the first phase, and would the developer request additional credit for these items in
3 future phases. Mr. Hannah stated that he did not know the content of future park dedication
4 proposals.
6 Ms. Jones asked for clarification on the park dedication requirements. Mr. Hugman
7 confirmed that as a non-residential development, the fee assessment is based upon gross
8 acreage versus dwelling units. Mr. Glover asked about the fencing material, and Mr. Hannah
9 provided the information. Ms. Georgia inquired about the Trail System Master Plan (TSMP)
10 requirements for the area. Mr. Henry responded that the plan requires off-road trails in the
11 area, and Mr. Hugman elaborated that the trails called for are on-road and off-road trails. Ms.
12 Georgia asked if the off-road trail is still included on the north side of FM 1709. Mr.
13 Hugman confirmed that this is still included in the TSMP. Ms. Georgia stated she would like
14 to see a pull off area for residents to utilize the facilities. Ms. White stated that the proposal
15 calls for the dedication to be a private park. Ms. White stated that the proposal enhances the
16 property instead of providing public benefit. Mr. Glover stated that the Board needs to ask
17 whether or not it counts that the proposal provides recreation space for residents, and thus the
18 residents will not impact public park areas. Ms. White stated that the goal of the proposal is
19 to rent the facilities. Ms. Jones stated that there is public benefit in the proposal, and the
20 development does not impact the public park system.
22 Ms. Stokdyk stated that she likes the facility proposal, and that the proposal not only meets
23 but also exceeds the park dedication requirements. Mr. Miltenberger stated that is the reason
24 for his question about Phase II. Mr. Hannah stated that Phase II is a separate issue, and
25 indicated that the economic impact of the requirements are escalating the facility rates for the
26 area seniors. Mr. Glover stated that the development has exceeded the requirements and the
27 impact of the facility. Mr. Anderson inquired about the location of the four-foot (4') trails.
28 Mr. Hannah answered that the trails are inside the gates of the facility, and are private trails.
30 Ms. Georgia asked about the location of the buffer yard, and asked if the location is outside
31 of the gates. Mr. Glover replied that it is outside of the gates, and Mr. Hannah confirmed
32 this. Mr. Hugman stated that the building line is set by the development regulations. Ms.
33 White asked about the second pavilion, and Mr. Hannah answered that it will be located in a
34 courtyard area, but a definite location has not been determined. Ms. Berman asked if there is
35 any further discussion. Ms. Stokdyk clarified the proposal, and Mr. Hannah answered that
36 the proposal is derived from the formulas provided by the City. Ms. Stokdyk clarified the
37 context of the motion with Mr. Hannah, and he answered that he understands this.
39 Motion was made to accept the park dedication proposal as meeting the park dedication
40 requirements in lieu of paying park dedication fees, with no future consideration for these
41 items in future phases.
43 Motion: Miltenberger
44 Second: Glover
45 For: Berman, Anderson, White, Georgia, Miltenberger, Stokdyk, Glover, Jones
46 Against: None
47 Approved: 8-0
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1 Agenda Item No. 5.C., Park dedication for Gateway Plaza. Ms Berman introduced Mr. Terry
2 Wilkinson. Mr. Wilkinson corrected the acreage of the development at 37.59 acres. Mr.
3 Wilkinson outlined the proposal for the Board. Mr. Glover asked verification that the
4 cemetery is in the development. Mr. Wilkinson confirmed this. Mr. Glover asked what
5 would happen to the cemetery. Mr. Hugman confirmed that the cemetery is not proposed as
6 being dedicated to the City. Mr. Wilkinson stated that there are two (2) families buried on-
7 site, and the developer is in the process of platting the cemetery. Mr. Glover asked if there
8 would be public access to the facility. Mr. Wilkinson stated there would be public access.
9 Ms. Stokdyk stated that there is more than two (2) bodies in the cemetery, and asked if the
10 developer could proceed with development of the cemetery, as it is a State Landmark. Mr.
11 Wilkinson stated that there are no plans to develop the cemetery, only to clean it up and to
12 promote access. Mr. Glover stated that the accessibility to the cemetery under this plan
13 increases accessibility from the status quo.
15 Mr. Wilkinson stated that the plan increases the buffer yards to promote the natural setting
16 and minimize the visual impact of the center. Mr. Glover stated that the plan presented to the
17 Board is different than what is outlined by Mr. Wilkinson. Mr. Wilkinson stated the reason
18 for the discrepancy is the purchase of additional land to the north off of State Highway 114.
19 Ms. Stokdyk stated that the natural area in the northwest corner of the development is shown
20 as parking. Mr. Wilkinson stated that these areas are scheduled for development eventually,
21 and he cannot specify the exact plans for this area. Ms. Berman asked about the tenants. Mr.
22 Wilkinson stated that Kohl's Department store is the anchor, and includes an OfficeMax, a
23 Red-Hot-and Blue, and other small stores. Ms. Stokdyk clarified that the proposal calls for
24 credit for the 8' trails around the development. Mr. Wilkinson confirmed this. Ms. Stokdyk
25 stated that due to the Trail System Master Plan, the six-foot (6) trail width is required. Mr.
26 Wilkinson stated that unless the TSMP calls for the trail nothing is required. Mr. Hugman
27 stated that the TSMP requires the six-foot (6) trail on the north side of FM 1709, which
28 would be on his property. Mr. Wilkinson stated that the eight-foot (8') trail is different than
29 that of the original plan for the development. Mr. Miltenberger asked if he is required to
30 construct the six-foot (6) trail, and Mr. Wilkinson confirmed this.
32 Ms. Stokdyk asked if the requirement for the trail is six-foot (6) in width. Mr. Hugman
33 confirmed that the requirement is a six-foot (6) trail, but that the eight-foot trail (8') is
34 desirable because it is consistent with the trails projected for the Traffic Management Bond
35 Program. Mr. Hugman stated that the Board can determine what width the developer will get
36 credit for. Ms. Jones asked if there is dedicated land outside of this proposal. Mr. Hugman
37 replied that there are other things the development can get credit for if approved, including
38 landscaping around the cemetery.
40 Mr. Wilkinson expressed the feeling that he is being required to pay more because the
41 location of the planned sidewalk/trail happens to be on the side of the street he is developing.
42 Ms. Georgia outlined alternative credit items, including landscaping for the cemetery and the
43 creek area along FM 1709. Ms. Georgia asked if there could be amenities such as park
44 benches, and a rest stop. Mr. Wilkinson stated that as the final landscape plan has not been
45 finalized, thus, he is not able to provide information on the value of landscaping. Mr. Glover
46 asked if the development is up against a deadline. Mr. Wilkinson stated that he is not able to
47 move forward in the platting stage until the park dedication requirement is satisfied. Ms.
48 Jones stated that the cemetery and other areas could be included, but the Board does not have
49 enough information as to the value of the landscape improvements.
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2 Mr. Anderson asked about the feasibility of additional bicycle trail along F.M. 1709. Mr.
3 Wilkinson stated he is not able to commit towards this facility at this time, as there is a
4 partnership in this development and other issues. Ms. White suggested that the cemetery
5 improvements could qualify for credit if there is information on the value of the
6 improvements. Mr. Wilkinson provided the dimensions on the cemetery. Ms. Stokdyk asked
7 about the value of the improvements. Ms. Jones stated that the developer has purchased the
8 land and is improving a historical site. Mr. Wilkinson stated that there is three (3) areas
9 being set aside for open space.
11 Parks Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry and Mr. Wilkinson left to
12 determine areas in the development that could possibly receive credit at 9:21 p.m. The
13 Board proceeded to continue with liaison reports during this period.
15 Upon return to the meeting, Mr. Wilkinson outlined the adjusted proposal. His request
16 included: Four (4) open space set-asides for credit of $26,446; the Cemetery credit in the
17 amount of $12,197; two feet (2') additional section of trail is subject to credit for $16,993.
18 Mr. Wilkinson mentioned that with these areas the development is almost doubling the park
19 dedication requirement, not counting the fencing and past donations such as the basketball
20 court and the Nature Center Building. Mr. Wilkinson mentioned that he donated ten
21 thousand dollars ($10,000) to the City's planned entry portal.
23 Ms. Stokdyk inquired about the drainage for the natural creek areas. Mr. Wilkinson stated
24 that the retaining walls planned to maintain the natural areas are in the amount of seven
25 hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($750,000), and was required by the City Council. Ms.
26 Stokdyk asked about the impact of any construction on the creek areas. Mr. Wilkinson stated
27 that the additional cost has been included, but did not know if the area would be conducive to
28 walking. Mr. Wilkinson stated the City Council has indicated a desire to keep the area
29 natural. Ms. Stokdyk clarified that the retaining walls will not impact the creek area. Mr.
30 Wilkinson stated the area would not be impacted by the construction.
32 Mr. Anderson clarified the value of the park dedication and the requirements. Mr. Hugman
33 stated that the credit request has exceeded the requirements and clarified the proposal. Mr.
34 Anderson asked about the impact of the trail on the Traffic Management Bond Program. Mr.
35 Hugman stated the proposed trail offsets the cost for building the trail with the bond money,
36 and allows the City to allocate funding for this portion to other areas of the trail in the Traffic
37 Management Bond issuance.
39 Ms. Stokdyk asked Mr. Wilkinson to clarify the park dedication proposal. Mr. Wilkinson
40 provided a clarification of the proposal. Ms. Stokdyk asked of the value of the cemetery.
41 Ms. Georgia stated that the site will be improved, and that the Developer will maintain the
42 cemetery. Mr. Miltenberger added that he like the Developer's desire to add bicycle trail
43 amenities at a future date.
45 Mr. Wilkinson stated that he would like the Board to consider the impact of the trail, and
46 stated that credit for only the two-foot (2') section is unfair, because if the TSMP called for
47 trail on the other side of the road he would receive full credit. Mr. Glover stated that the trail
48 makes the development more valuable when built, and that the value should be included in
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i the Developer's negotiation with the landowner. Mr. Hugman stated that the consultant
2 working with the City on the Trail System Master Plan update would address this issue.
8 Motion was made to accept the proposed improvements and credit for the required fees of
9 thirty thousand and seventy-five dollars ($30,075) for Gateway Plaza.
11 Motion: Anderson
12 Second: White
13 For: Berman, Anderson, White, Georgia, Miltenberger, Stokdyk, Glover, Jones
14 Against: None
15 Approved: 8-0
17 Discussion:
19 Agenda Item No. 6.A., Liaison Reports.
21 Youth Parks and Recreation Board - Ms. Berman volunteered to be the liaison for this report.
23 Recreation/Special Events - Jones - Ms. Jones stated that the Southlake Scene for the fall is
24 forthcoming soon. Mr. Glover stated that he and Recreation Supervisor Steve Moore would
25 discuss in-line hockey demand for older individuals with the City of Grapevine to assess the
26 feasibility of a partnership between the cities to satisfy this demographic.
28 Ms. White suggested streamlining the report section by including Community Relations and
29 the Nature Center Committee in the Community Groups Report. The Board agreed to
30 include these reports under the Community Groups Report, and add report sections on
31 Equestrian activities and the Tennis Center. Ms. Robin Jones will provide reports on the
32 Tennis Center throughout the opening of the facility, and Mr. Richard Anderson and Ms.
33 Cara White will provide reports on the Equestrian activities.
35 Teen Center Update - Jones - Ms. Jones stated that the proposal for the site and selection of
36 the architect would come before the Board in August. Mr. Anderson asked about the
37 proposed location, and Mr. Polasek replied that it would be near the entrance to Bicentennial
38 Park off of FM 1709.
40 Youth Sports Associations - Miltenberger - Mr. Miltenberger inquired about the progress on
41 the SPDC matching grant programs. Mr. Hugman stated that progress is being made. Ms.
42 Berman mentioned that the helmet and bat racks for the Southlake Baseball Association are
43 installed at Bicentennial Park.
45 Community Groups - Stokdyk, White - Ms. Stokdyk reported on the Texas Trash Off on
46 Saturday, and Community Services Coordinator Courtney Queen is tabulating the results.
47 Ms. Stokdyk reported that Nathan Harold's Eagle Scout project at Bicentennial Park is
48 halfway to completion. Ms. Stokdyk asked about the pumps at the Waterscape at
49 Bicentennial Park. Mr. Polasek replied that staff is attempting to locate a private contractor
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1 to provide pump maintenance for the Waterscape feature and fountains at Town Square. Ms.
2 White stated that Ms. Julie Landesberg reported that State Representative Vicki Truitt is
3 interested in helping with the grant for the Southlake Equestrian Association. Ms. Jones
4 stated she also spoke with Representative Truitt. Ms. Stokdyk stated that the Greater
5 Southlake Women's Club has had a successful Summer Santa program. Ms. Berman
6 announced that Cara White is the president for Denton Equestrian Loop Trail Association
7 (DELTA). Ms. Berman further announced that she is serving as vice-president of DELTA is,
8 and Administrative Assistant John Eaglen is serving as secretary.
10 SPIN - White - Ms. Georgia announced that at the SPIN booth at the July 4 event, there were
11 four hundred (400) visitors. Ms. Georgia complemented Mr. Hugman on the location of the
12 booth at the event and his presentation to SPIN at their last meeting on the progress of the
13 Traffic Management Bond Program. Ms. Georgia stated that SPIN offered to put an
14 advertisement in the Grapevine Star, and that SPIN will be advertising meetings in the
15 Southlake Journal. Ms. Georgia stated that there is a lot of interest in SPIN, and the need to
16 get information out is essential.
18 SPDC - Berman, White - Ms. Berman stated that land acquisition is still the focus, and
19 inquired about Mayor Rick Stacy's offer to bring in the YMCA. Mr. Glover stated that
20 Southlake has a good recreation program, and his experience suggests that the YMCA
21 supplement areas that have poor recreation programming. Ms. White mentioned that Flower
22 Mound has a good recreation program and YMCA input. Mr. Hugman suggested that he
23 believes that the intent of these discussions is to explore the possibility of a management
24 agreement and a partnership with the YMCA. Mr. Glover stated that it is worth hearing the
25 information. Ms. Jones stated that it is necessary to acquire Ralph Evans's property to finish
26 out Bicentennial Park. Ms. White mentioned that in the past it had been mentioned that
27 YMCA programming could negatively impact the City's revenues from recreational
28 programming. The Board agreed to extend an invitation to the YMCA with an explanation of
29 the location of the Community Center in the five year Parks CIP and let the YMCA
30 determine an appropriate time to speak to the Board.
32 JUC - Glover - Mr. Glover reported that City Council member Patsy DuPre has been
33 appointed to the Committee. Mr. Miltenberger mentioned the conditions of Durham
34 Elementary needs to be evaluated, and asked about the possibility of getting the Tennis
35 Courts and Track facilities on the Joint Use Committee Facilities Listing. Mr. Glover
36 mentioned that the Durham Elementary fields have been mentioned twice at the JUC
37 meetings, and changes in the CISD School Board may be slowing progress.
39 City Council Monthly Report - Jones - Ms. Berman asked about the Proclamation for
40 National Parks and Recreational Month. Mr. Hugman announced NorthEast RecFest at
41 North Hills Mall this weekend. Ms. Stokdyk inquired about the contribution of staff and
42 resources at the Fourth of July Celebration at Town Square. Mr. Hugman announced that
43 this year the involvement was minimal, but that in future years greater involvement will
44 likely occur as the July 26th and July 4th events are combined.
46 Agenda Item No. 7, Adjournment. The meeting adjourned by Chair Berman at 9:44 p.m.
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4 Llilw /w
5 Sherry Berm
6 NCair
10 Cara White
11 Secretary
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