4 June 7, 1999
8 Board Members Present: Sherry Berman, Vice Chair; Cara White, Secretary; Richard
9 Anderson; Mary Georgia; James Glover; Bill Kemp; Chris Miltenberger; Lisa Stokdyk.
11 Board Members Absent: Robin Jones.
13 Staff Members Present: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services; Ben Henry, Park
14 Planning and Construction Superintendent; Teddi R. Zonker, Administrative Secretary; John
15 Eaglen, Administrative Assistant.
18 Regular Session:
20 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Sherry Berman, Vice
21 Chair at 7:01pm.
23 Reports:
25 Agenda Item No. 2.A., Administrative Comments. Ms. Berman introduced to the new City
26 Manager, Mr. Billy Campbell to the Board. She congratulated the new members, Mr. Bill
27 Kemp and Ms. Mary Georgia and congratulated the re-appointed members Ms. Stokdyk and
28 Ms. White.
30 Ms. Berman asked Ms. Zonker to look into obtaining consignment tickets for the community
31 concerning Fossil Rim.
33 Consent Agenda:
35 Agenda Item No. 3.A., Approval of the minutes of the joint SPDC and Parks and Recreation
36 Board meeting for April 26, 1999.
38 Agenda Item No. 3.B., Approval of the minutes for the May 10, 1999 meeting.
40 Agenda Item No. 3.C., Selection of architect for in-line hockey court.
42 Agenda Item No. 3.D., Park dedication for Harrell Place.
44 Agenda Item No. 3.E., Resolution No. 99-45, supporting grant application to Texas Forest
45 Service for Senior Tree Farm #3.
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1 Motion was made to approve the consent agenda.
3 Motion: Stokdyk
4 Section: White
5 Ayes: Miltenberger, Kemp, Georgia, White, Berman, Anderson, Stokdyk, Glover
6 Nayes: None
7 Approved: 8-0
9 Ms. Berman announced that the prior Chair, Vicki Johnson was present in the audience. She,
10 on behalf of the Board, thanked Ms. Johnson for all of her work as a Park Board Member
11 since 1992.
13 Regular Agenda:
15 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum. No public signed up for public forum. Public Forum was
16 closed at 7:08pm.
18 Consider:
20 Agenda Item No. 5.A., Election of Officers.
22 Ms. White nominated Ms. Berman as Chair.
24 Motion: White
25 Second: Anderson
26 Ayes: Miltenberger, Kemp, Georgia, White, Berman, Anderson, Stokdyk, Glover
27 Nayes: None
28 Approved: 8-0
30 Ms. Berman nominated Mr. Anderson as Vice Chair.
32 Motion: Berman
33 Second: Miltenberger
34 Ayes: Miltenberger, Kemp, Georgia, White, Berman, Anderson, Stokdyk, Glover
35 Nayes: None
36 Approved: 8-0
38 Agenda Item No. 5.B., Request by Women's Division of the Southlake Chamber of
39 Commerce to hold circus at Bicentennial Park in March, 2000. Ms. Linda Overlander with
40 the Women's Division of the Southlake Chamber of Commerce, 915 Dove Creek Trail,
41 Southlake. Ms. Overlander presented the Board with a contact list which she used to obtain
42 references with regard to Kelly Miller Circus. Ms. Overlander received no report from the
43 Humane Society of North Texas; SPCA of Texas; Humane Society of the United States;
44 Better Business Bureau serving, Tarrant, Johnson, Hood, Wise, Park, Erath and Palo Pinto
45 Counties and Better Business Bureau Oklahoma. She indicated that a "No report" means
46 they had no complaints on file.
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1 Ms. White asked what the function of the animals would be. Ms. Overlander stated that the
2 elephants would assist in putting up the tents and would perform.
4 Ms. Berman asked who would pay for the water. Mr. Hugman said that a temporary water
5 meter may be installed and the organization will be billed. Ms. Overlander said that the
6 water does not need to be fresh and she understands that wells or waterlines that need to be
7 flushed may be used to supply water.
9 Ms. Berman asked who would pay for the trash receptacles. Ms. Overlander said that the
10 trash and receptacles will be the Chambers responsibility.
12 Mr. Kemp asked if any proceeds would be retained by the Chamber. Ms. Overlander said
13 that all of the proceeds would be dispensed to their desired charities, not to the Women's
14 Division of the Chamber.
16 Motion was made to approve the request by the Women's Division of the Southlake Chamber
17 of Commerce to hold circus at Bicentennial Park in March, 2000.
19 Motion: Glover
20 Second: Miltenberger
21 Ayes: Miltenberger, Kemp, Georgia, White, Berman, Anderson, Stokdyk, Glover
22 Nayes: Berman
23 Approved: 7-1
25 Ms. Berman said that using animals is something that she can not support.
27 Agenda Item No. 5.D., moved up within the agenda.
29 Agenda Item No. 5.D., Park dedication for Kirkwood Hollow Phase III. Ms. Berman said
30 that this item was discussed during the work session to be approved on the consent agenda;
31 however, due to the attendance of new park board members, Ms. Berman asked for a
32 background with regard to the Kirkwood Hollow Development.
34 Mr. Hugman said that Phase 11 came to the Board last month and at that time the developer
35 dedicated additional right-of-way for a linear park and trails and requested the excess
36 dedication be applied toward Phase III.
38 O.C. Vest, Huitt-Zollars. Mr. Vest showed the Board the development plan for Kirkwood
39 Hollow, Phase III. Mr. Vest stated that the Board previously approved the park dedication for
40 Phase II which was over four acres along White Chapel Road. He said that he is asking for
41 approval of the park land dedication for Phase III which is also the 30-foot trail strip along
42 White Chapel Road and the 20-foot trail strip along East Dove Street. Mr. Vest provided an
43 update of the dedication for Phase II to the new park board members.
45 Mr. Anderson said that there is a meandering sidewalk along Kirkwood Boulevard. Mr. Vest
46 said that Phase I includes 68 lots which are under construction. He said that there is a 50-foot
47 greenbelt which is not part of the land dedication. Mr. Vest said that this greenbelt is
48 maintained by the HOA. He said that the greenbelt has public access due to a sidewalk
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1 easement over the trail. Mr. Anderson inquired about the future development area on the
2 west side of Kirkwood. Mr. Vest said that this area is part of a future non-residential PUD
3 development.
5 Mr. Miltenberger asked about the status of the land that the school district may purchase.
6 Mr. Vest said that he passed out a letter to the Board at the last meeting concerning the
7 confirmation of this purchase. He said that there are plans for a future elementary school at
8 this site. Mr. Miltenberger said that if a school is not constructed at the site, there will be a
9 more desperate need for open space for the children living in the area. Mr. Miltenberger said
10 that most of the land being dedicated is not usable open space. He said that he can not rely
11 on the school to provide open space for the children.
13 Ms. Georgia asked if there is the possibility of a tie-in to the trail property north of the future
14 school as this would allow an outlet for the neighbors to reach Bob Jones Park. Mr. Vest said
15 that he is providing a 50-foot greenbelt and a trail along Kirkwood Boulevard which connects
16 all of the subdivisions and will connect to the Dove Road and White Chapel trails. He said
17 that this is not a direct connection, but it does make the connection.
19 Mr. Anderson asked if the Sabre property is on the other side of the creek. Mr. Vest said it
20 was. Ms. Stokdyk inquired about the wall. Mr. Vest said that the wall would run along the
21 back of the property line, along the power easement which coincides with the park land
22 dedication. Ms. Stokdyk said that since the creek is developed from run off, the creek may
23 exist as a walk way to connect to the trails. Ms. White said that this was somewhat the intent.
25 Mr. Vest said that concerning the practice field needs, the parks and recreation open space
26 master plan details the fields that are needed in particular areas within the city. He said that
27 the fields at Bob Jones should satisfy the needs for this area. Mr. Miltenberger said that those
28 fields are game fields and the community does need practice fields. He said that hopefully,
29 the school will provide the open space. Mr. Vest said that this particular site is five acres
30 larger than a standard elementary school site.
32 Ms. Stokdyk asked if the developers will clear their portion of the creek bed. Mr. Vest said
33 that it will remain natural. Ms. Stokdyk said that she would like to keep the area as natural as
34 possible.
36 Motion was made to approve the park dedication for Kirkwood Hollow Phase III.
38 Motion: Glover
39 Second: Georgia
40 Ayes: Kemp, Georgia, Anderson, Stokdyk, Glover
41 Nayes: Miltenberger, White, Berman
42 Approved: 5-3.
44 Agenda Item No. 6A., moved up within the agenda.
46 Discussion:
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1 Agenda Item No. 6.A., Southlake Equestrian Association grant proposal for improvements at
2 Bob Jones Park. Ms. Julie Landesberg, 305 East Bob Jones Road, Southlake. Ms.
3 Landesberg reminded the Board and public of the interest in the community with regard to
4 equestrian activity. She said that the Equestrian Association has been formed in order to
5 continue this interest in the community.
7 Ms. Kim O'Brien, 4380 Saddle Ridge Road, Southlake. Ms. O'Brien briefly discussed the
8 amenities of an equestrian area: parking area, hitching posts, watering pumps (rather than
9 troughs due to safety and hygienic issues), round pen (exercise warm up/cool down area;
10 training), trees to assist with erosion and shading. Ms. O'Brien said that picnic areas would
11 also be useful for non-equestrian users.
13 Mr. Anderson said that the area is near the soccer fields and he would like to know if there
14 will be a buffer. Ms. O'Brien said that Mr. Henry included a buffer in the plans. She said
15 that this buffer would assist with safety issues and a noise buffer.
17 Ms. Stokdyk asked about the acreage available. Mr. Henry said that there will be about eight
18 acres within this area (northern trailhead).
20 Mr. Glover asked if the existing trailheads will remain. Ms. Landesberg confirmed that the
21 existing trailheads will remain. Ms. Landesberg invited all of the Board members to join
22 them with the groups' available horses to tour this area.
24 Ms. Stokdyk asked what the peak time of usage is. Ms. O'Brien said that there is a variety of
25 usage. Ms. Landesberg said that most people ride in the morning hours during the week and
26 weekends.
28 Mr. Miltenberger asked how large the organization is. Ms. Landesberg said that there are
29 currently about 50 members in this new group.
31 Ms. O'Brien said that they are present to inform the Board of their equestrian group and their
32 budget requests. She said that there are some material costs included in their request. She
33 said that the group should hear about their grant application by August 1999. Ms. White said
34 that the group applied for $9,900. She said that fencing around the pond is a concern. Ms.
35 O'Brien said that fencing would assist with differentiating the equestrian area from the other
36 areas.
38 Ms. Berman confinned that the equestrian group is not requesting any funds at this time due
39 to their recent grant request. She confirmed that the group is present to remind the Board to
40 keep the group and equestrian needs in mind during the budget planning process with regard
41 to the Tucker Property area. Ms. O'Brien agreed. Ms. Stokdyk asked where the grant funds
42 would be placed. Ms. O'Brien said that funds will be parceled out among the northern and
43 southern trailheads.
45 Ms. Nancy Musgrave, 902 Stratford Drive, Southlake. Ms. Musgrave discussed what the
46 group hopes to see done with the Marilyn Tucker property. She said that there are some
47 existing trails throughout the property at this time. Ms. Musgrave said the group wants the
48 trees to remain. She said that the multi-purpose arena will be the center of the equestrian
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1 area. Ms. Musgrave said that the area where the arena has been proposed is flat land, the
2 bleachers (50 on each side) will be faced away from the neighbors and facing north and
3 south. Ms. Musgrave said that with regard to an announcing system, there will not be
4 anything loud. She said that the proposal includes a restroom area, picnic benches, three-acre
5 recycled shingle parking lot, a multi-use arena and boarding facility. Ms. Musgrave said that
6 the boarding facility will consist of 16 borders. Mr. Glover asked how the facility would be
7 managed. She said that the facilities would be a concession where someone would manage
8 the facility. Mr. Glover and Mr. Miltenberger expressed their concern for the fact that the
9 boarding facility is not being available to everyone in the area community. Ms. Musgrave
10 said that 30 boarders would be maximum capacity.
12 Mr. Hugman said that the equestrian proposal is something that the City is interested in
13 reviewing for the future park development. He said that the detail issues can be worked out
14 in the future as development moves forward. Ms. O'Brien stated that the group is interested
15 in having a tree farm and a compost mulch area on site as well.
17 Mr. Miltenberger asked how many members of the audience were part of the equestrian
18 group. There were approximately 15 members in attendance.
20 Consider Agenda Item No. 5. C., moved down within the agenda.
22 Agenda Item No. 5.C., Park dedication for Sabre. Mr. Hugman provided a background of
23 this park dedication. He stated that this is a non-residential development and the subdivision
24 ordinance requires park dedication of one acre per 50 gross acres for non-residential. He said
25 that in lieu of park land dedication, fees are set at $800 per gross acre. Mr. Hugman said that
26 the Sabre Development is 155.2 acres; therefore the land dedication requirement would be
27 3.1 acres, or fees would amount to $124, 160. He said that Sabre is proposing to dedicate 3.6
28 acres of park land. Mr. Hugman said that most of the land to be dedicated is along the creek
29 area, and the developer is asking for full credit and a waiver of the Park Board's 20% credit
30 for floodplain. Mr. Hugman displayed a transparency with regard to the tie-in of Sabre and
31 Kirkwood Hollow, Phase II and Phase III.
33 Mr. Tom Allen, Maguire Partners, 9 Village Circle, Solana. Mr. Allen provided a
34 background with regard to all of Sabre's operations relocating to the Southlake community.
35 He said that the security requirement for the property is very high. He said that Sabre is
36 proposing to give land along the creek and retaining an area between the trail and the future
37 Kirkwood Drive extension for security requirements. Mr. Allen said that the flood plain land
38 is very usable land for the Park Board and the City. He stated that this offer was made as a
39 result of the Park Board's request the previous month from Kirkwood Hollow Phase II for the
40 land along the creek for trail development. Mr. Allen said that Sabre had initially intended to
41 request fees, but Mr. Jeff Stewart of Sabre had convinced the senior management to make the
42 land dedication instead.
44 He said that Sabre has agreed to make efforts to purchase all construction materials in the
45 City of Southlake. Mr. Allen said that SPDC will receive the full %2 cent sales tax resulting in
46 approximately $200,000 in Phase I and over the course of construction, about $1 million.
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1 Ms. Georgia asked about the type of security fencing that would be installed. Mr. Allen said
2 that the fencing will possibly be a dark color, vinyl coated, chain link fence within the trees
3 that no one will really notice. He said that an architectural fence will be installed along the
4 roadways. Mr. Jeff Stewart said that the fencing will be about six-feet tall.
6 Ms. Berman said that she heard that there would be trails and parkland within the
7 development. She asked if this area is for Sabre employees and if there is a possibility of
8 joint-use with the City. Mr. Stewart said that the area is for Sabre employees and there
9 would be no joint-use due to liability and security issues.
11 Ms. Georgia said that she understands that the Trails System Master Plan will be reworked.
12 She said that previously there had been a proposal on this plan to put an off-road trail near
13 Kirkwood Boulevard to join with the one on White Chapel. Ms. Georgia asked with regard
14 to the development, is there enough room to extend the off-road trail along the strip. Mr.
15 Henry said that the developer said that when they design the bridge over the creek, they will
16 provide the additional width necessary to accommodate the trail and provide easements to get
17 across to the dedicated area. Ms. Georgia asked if there is enough land to create a trail
18 according to the city's standards, which would tie back into White Chapel and provide the
19 Kirkwood Development a route to Bob Jones Park. Mr. Henry and Ms. Berman said there
20 was enough land to do so.
22 Ms. Georgia inquired about other amenities and facilities possible for this area. Mr. Hugman
23 said that there may be with the amount of land offered. He said that the city has done some
24 research with regard to a transportation district, which could include trails, bike riding
25 stations, picnic tables and pavilions. Ms. Georgia said that there is a concern for the need of
26 open space for the children of the community as well as trails usable for small children,
27 which include resting areas.
29 Ms. Berman asked if Sabre would consider during the development of their inner trails
30 adding a trail through the system for the city. The representatives stated that their feeling is
31 that Sabre would not due to security. Mr. Glover said that if this trail is not built now or in
32 the immediate future, there will be residents on one side and a security fence on the other side
33 so it will be very difficult for the City to do construction for a trail. He said that there will be
34 construction issues due to the difficulty of entering the area. Ms. Georgia asked that the
35 developers consider supporting the engineering, planning or the purchase of the construction
36 materials for the trail in order to assist the city in providing the residents an opportunity to
37 enter White Chapel. Mr. Stewart said that he would take this request back to Sabre.
39 Mr. Allen said that he was involved in Kirkwood Hollow. He said that the dedication of the
40 50-foot greenbelt was a strong suggestion by the Park Board. Mr. Allen said that they have
41 designed the residential area around that dedication. Mr. Glover said that the Board did not
42 say that they do not want this land, the Board wants usable land.
44 Ms. Stokdyk said that she does not recall the current Sabre facility being fenced. Mr. Stewart
45 said that there may not be fences at CenterPoint because they are not allowed, but there is
46 security for the Sabre offices Ms. Stokdyk asked if there is a security issue at this time. Mr.
47 Stuart said that security is an issue and this is an opportunity to get the security up to a
48 standard that is needed.
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2 Mr. Anderson asked if there will be access to the trails by the Sabre employees. Mr. Stewart
3 said that there would be a concern of an open gate.
5 Ms. White asked if Mr. Allen has spoken to the neighbors who live off of T.W. King. She
6 stated that Mr. Paul Spain has been talking about introducing a development to this area as
7 well. Ms. White said that Sabre will affect SPIN #1. Mr. Allen said that he has not talked
8 with the SPIN #1 residents.
10 Ms. Georgia asked if there is any possibility to divert the sales tax revenue or some portion in
11 order to prioritize the trail being built. She asked if Sabre would consider doing engineering
12 or potentially purchasing materials for the trail when Sabre constructs their trail system. Mr.
13 Hugman said that designating funds would be an SPDC and City Council decision. He said
14 that as far as purchasing materials, this may get into some legal questions and since it would
15 be a publicly bid project he felt that the City could not have a private company purchase
16 materials. Ms. Georgia asked about the engineering. Mr. Hugman said that engineering
17 services are not publicly bid, so this could be possible. Ms. Berman suggested that if this
18 project does move forward, it does go to SPDC for their consideration.
20 Ms. Berman recapped. She stated that Sabre does want to dedicate 3.61 acres and they are
21 asking for full credit ($216, 600), if the full credit is not provided they must use the multiplier
22 which will give credit of $43,320.
24 Ms. Georgia asked that staff review the ordinances to see if the engineering services may be
25 received as a tax deductible donation to the city; as a gift. Mr. Hugman said that such
26 services are not bid out and there may the opportunity for them to participate with the city.
27 Ms. Georgia said that the connection of the trail from the south side to the ultimate
28 destination should be completed.
30 Motion was made to approve the park dedication of 3.61 acres for Sabre as public park land
31 with the recommendation that Sabre, at the time that they construct the bridge at Kirkwood
32 Boulevard, construct it at sufficient width to accommodate a trail that would connect each
33 side of the bridge to the public and private land; and to include Sabre's willingness to
34 participate in the engineering costs for the trail. Mr. Hugman confirmed with the Sabre
35 representatives that they were agreeable to this request and they stated they were.
37 Motion: Georgia
38 Second: Kemp
39 Ayes: Kemp, Georgia
40 Nayes: Miltenberger, White, Berman, Anderson, Stokdyk, Glover
41 Approved: 2-6
43 Mr. Miltenberger asked if the City could obtain the trail through eminent domain if Sabre did
44 not dedicate the area. Mr. Hugman said that the City would have to purchase the land and
45 said that the City Council has been very reluctant to conduct condemnation proceedings for
46 land acquisition. Mr. Anderson that it will be a long time before the trail is built. Mr.
47 Miltenberger inquired about the type of fencing in Kirkwood Hollow Phase II. Mr. Vest said
48 that there are deed restrictions on types of fencing usable in this area.
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2 Mr. Hugman said that funding the trail project along N. White Chapel was included in the
3 bond package, but could not be used for this portion. Mr. Miltenberger said that the City
4 would be receiving flood plain and providing credit for a trail that may not be built any time
5 soon. Ms. Berman said that the Board must continue to push for trails throughout the
6 community. Mr. Anderson said that the construction of a trail throughout this area should be
7 completed by the developers. He said that the City does have more beneficial items to fund,
8 which will also meet the benefits of the community.
10 Motion was made to table this item.
12 Motion: Glover
13 Second: Stokdyk
15 Mr. Allen said that they are scheduled to go to Planning and Zoning on June 17, and that the
16 Sabre project is on a "fast-track" schedule. Mr. Glover withdrew the motion.
18 Motion was made to accept the land with the 20% credit per the worksheet.
20 Motion: Glover
21 Second: No second.
23 Motion failed for lack of second.
25 Motion was made to table this item.
27 Motion: Miltenberger
28 Second: Stokdyk
29 Ayes: Miltenberger, Kemp, Georgia, White, Berman, Anderson, Stokdyk, Glover
30 Nayes: None
31 Approved: 8-0
33 The Board stated that they would like to call a special meeting before June 17 to meet again
34 with the developers concerning Sabre. Mr. Hugman said he planned to ask the Board for a
35 budget meeting on June 14 and this item could be placed on the agenda then.
37 The Board took a break at 9:21pm. Mr. Miltenberger left the meeting.
39 Continuation of discussion items.
41 Agenda Item No. 6.B., Parks and Recreation Board Orientation. Mr. Hugman only that he
42 placed this item on the agenda to see if the Board would like an orientation or if the two new
43 members would like an orientation. Ms. Georgia stated that she would like an orientation as
44 she would like to know where the city is with regard to the five-year plan. Mr. Hugman said
45 that this orientation would be a joint meeting with the new SPDC members. Ms. Stokdyk
46 and Mr. Glover said that they would like to attend. Mr. Hugman said he would set up the
47 meeting with the new members and let everyone else know so they could attend if they
48 wanted.
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2 Agenda Item No. 6.C., Contracting of Tennis Manager. Mr. Hugman said that staff is
3 working on a contract for the new tennis manager based on the guidelines approved by the
4 Park Board. He said that goal is to have this person on board by the first of August 1999.
5 Mr. Hugman said that the selected individual would be able to bring his own staff. Mr.
6 Hugman said that the contract is still being finalized.
8 Agenda Item No. 6.D., Parks and Recreation Board, Fiscal Year 1999-2000. Mr. Hugman
9 said that staff would like to have a special meeting concerning the budget. He said that the
10 first draft is due to the City Manager on June 17. Ms. Berman asked that staff provide the
11 prioritization ranking of new requests. She said that this material could be faxed to the
12 members who will not be present at next Monday's meeting and she would provide the absent
13 members comments. Mr. Anderson said that he would like an opportunity to provide his
14 input. The Board agreed to a special meeting next Monday, June 14, and staff would e-mail
15 the information to members.
17 Agenda Item No. 6.E., Liaison Reports.
19 Youth Parks and Recreation Board - Ms. Berman asked that someone volunteer for this
20 liaison report.
22 Recreation/Special Events - Jones - No report.
24 Teen Center Update - Jones - Ms. Berman said that Ms. Johnson will remain as the co-Chair
25 for this liaison report.
27 Community Relations - Anderson, Berman - No report.
29 Youth Sports Associations - Miltenberger - No report.
31 Community Groups - Stokdyk, White - Ms. White said that there will be an equestrian group
32 meeting next Thursday. Ms. White extended her appreciation to Mr. Henry for drawing the
33 trailhead and to Mr. Eaglen for his administrative assistance. Ms. Stokdyk said that KSB will
34 be having another trash pick-up in July.
36 SPIN - White - Ms. White said Mr. Hugman will be present at the next meeting to discuss the
37 CIP-Capital Improvements Plan. Ms. Georgia said that there will be discussion about
38 neighborhood input with regard to the trail system master plan.
40 SPDC - Berman, White - Ms. White said that the corporation is looking for funds for land
41 acquisition.
43 JUC - Glover - Mr. Glover said that JUC will meet this Thursday. He said that the last
44 meeting concerned the tentative natatorium construction planning. He said that the location
45 will be on the east side of Carroll High School. He said that there was discussion of joint-use
46 with the football stadium. Mr. Glover said that the Park Board's interest is minimal. He said
47 that there was a teen center update provided by Mr. Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of
48 Community Services at the last JUC meeting.
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2 City Council Monthly Report - Jones - Ms. Berman said that she will present on June 15.
4 Nature Center Committee - Anderson, Stokdyk, White - No report.
6 Agenda Item No. 7, Adjournment. The meeting adjourned by Chair Berman at 10:25pm.
11 Sherry Berm
12 Chair
17 Cara White
18 Secretary
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