4 March 8, 1999
8 Board Members Present: Chair Vicki Johnson; Vice-Chair Sherry Berman; Cara
9 White, Secretary; Robin Jones; Bobby Rawls; Chris Miltenberger; Richard Anderson;
1o James Glover; Lisa Stokdyk.
12 Board Members Absent: None.
14 Staff Members Present: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services; Steve
15 Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; Ben Henry, Park Planning and
16 Construction Superintendent; Teddi R. Zonker, Administrative Secretary; John Eaglen,
17 Administrative Assistant.
22 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Chair Vicki
23 Johnson at 7pm.
25 2. REPORTS:
27 Agenda Item No. 2A, Administrative Comments. Ms. Johnson asked Mr. Hugman to
28 explain the park dedication for Trailhead. Mr. Hugman said that this item went to the
29 City Council last week as part of Trailhead's developer's agreement. Mr. Hugman said
30 that the City Council's questions was about more credit being provided to the developer
31 than the required fee. He said that the Council's concern was whether or not the city
32 would owe the developer money. Mr. Hugman said the developer could decide to use the
33 credit to offset some of his fees if he had done a development elsewhere within the city.
34 The Council's concern was if there were no future development, would the City owe the
35 developer the difference. Mr. Hugman said that staff and the Board will be more aware
36 of future park dedications where more credit may be provided than the required fees.
38 Ms. Berman said that she spoke to a few Council members who said that part of the area
39 is flood plain and the developer could not build on that area. Mr. Hugman said there is a
40 line item on the park dedication worksheet for flood plain. He said that the Park Board
41 does provide credit for floodplain areas. He said that the plat the Board saw did show the
42 100-year flood plain. Mr. Hugman said that the credit provided for flood plain is a lot
43 less, but he believes that the Park Board placed this item on the worksheet recognizing
44 that flood plain may be usable space most of the time. Ms. Berman agreed.
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1 Ms. Jones said that many times there are trees on a flood plain area, which adds to the
2 aesthetic goal of the Park Board. Ms. Berman verified that the developer could not build
3 on the flood plain and Mr. Hugman said that non-habitable structures, such as pavilions
4 and picnic tables may be built in the 100-year flood-plain. Mr. Hugman said that the
5 Park Board does not have to provide credit for such areas, he stressed that it is their
6 decision and they are not bound to following the credit worksheet, although it provides a
7 means to be consistent in their deliberations.
9 Mr. Glover read the attached response to the letter submitted by Vicki Johnson to the City
10 Council. This letter referred to Mr. Glover's absences from Park Board meetings.
12 Mr. Anderson informed staff that there have been paintball exercises at Bob Jones Park
13 on the Corp property. He said that these are adults practicing and it is not an organized
14 Parks Division program. Mr. Anderson said that the participants said that this was
15 authorized by the Army Corps of Engineers, which has not been verified. He said that
16 the equestrians called Southlake police who stated that the area is not in the jurisdiction.
17 He asked that staff contact DPS to see what their responsibility is. Mr. Anderson said
18 that the equestrian group will be meeting Mr. Charles Burger with the COE and will
19 report back to staff.
21 Ms. Berman said that she met with Mr. Henry, Mr. Anderson and Ms. White with regard
22 to the Trail System Master Plan Update. She said that Mr. Burger will be meeting with
23 the group as well as a representative from the cities of Trophy Club and Flower Mound
24 to review connecting equestrian trails to Bob Jones Park.
26 Mr. Miltenberger complimented staff on the Regional Basketball Tournament. Mr.
27 Hugman gave a report on the tournament from Recreation Supervisor Steve Moore. The
28 tournament was successful with seven boy's teams and six girl's teams (both 8 & under)
29 in the tournament, of which two of the teams have advanced to the state tournament,
30 March 19-21 in The Colony.
32 Mr. Miltenberger brought forward his concern about the maintenance issues concerning
33 the fields at Durham Elementary/Intermediate School.
35 Mr. Hugman introduced the new Deputy Director of Community Services. He also
36 informed the Board, as mentioned in his memo, about the promotion of Steve Moore to
37 Recreation Supervisor. He said that staff is advertising for a new Recreation Specialist to
38 fill his previous position. Mr. Hugman also noted the birth of Mr. Henry's son. The
39 Board congratulated Mr. Henry.
43 3. Consent:
45 Agenda Item No. 3A, Approval of the minutes of the February 8, 1999 meeting.
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1 Agenda Item No. 3B, Approval of location of additional 20' pavilion at Bicentennial
2 Park.
4 Ms. Johnson stated the following additions/changes to the minutes of the February 8,
5 1999 meeting:
7 Page S, line 16 and 20 - add "Keller" before school board, school district, school
8 superintendent.
10 Page 8, line 4 - change review to "reviewed. "
12 Mr. Rawls stated the following change:
14 Page 9, line 5, 6, 8 - Rawls voted Nay
16 Motion was made to approved the minutes of the February 8, 1999 meeting with the
17 additions and changes mentioned and the approval of location of additional 20' pavilion
18 at Bicentennial park.
20 Motion: Berman
21 Seocond: Jones
22 Ayes: Johnson, Berman, White, Jones, Rawls, Miltenberger, Anderson,
23 Glover, Stokdyk
24 Nayes: None
25 Approved: 9-0
29 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum. There was no one signed up for public forum. Public
30 forum was closed at 7:16pm.
32 5. Consider:
34 No items.
36 6. Discussion:
38 Agenda Item No. 4A, Naming of Tennis Complex. Mr. Hugman said that the completion
39 of the Tennis Courts and Proshop is approaching so he brought this item to the Board in
40 order to obtain the Board's ideas and recommendation about an official name for the
41 Tennis Center.
43 Ms. Johnson asked if there would be an additional complex in Southlake which would
44 constitute avoiding the name "Southlake Tennis Complex." Ms. Jones said that North
45 East Tarrant Tennis (NETT) suggested a name related to North East Tarrant County. Mr.
46 Anderson asked if there was a tennis pro which the center could be named after.
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2 Ms. Berman suggested that NETT come to the Board with their suggestion. Mr. Glover
3 said that he would prefer identification of Southlake in order to recognize the taxpayers.
4 Mr. Anderson suggested a contest which would include an incentive of free tennis
5 lessons. Mr. Hugman said that naming the center could set a precedent that the Board
6 might wish to avoid since the tennis center is part of the park, naming after an individual
7 could set a precedent for naming other portions of the park, such as the ballfields.
9 Ms. Johnson said that Mr. Glover had a good point with regard to taxpayers. She said
10 that it seems that a precedent has been set since tennis centers in other cities refer to the
11 center as the city's tennis center, such as Richland Hills Tennis Center, Hurst Tennis
12 Center, etc. Ms. Berman said that she agrees with Mr. Glover in the fact that "Southlake"
13 should be in the name. The Board stated that they agree. Ms. Johnson said that the
14 Center could be named the Southlake Tennis Center with a second line reference to
15 NETT such as "The Home of NETT." Mr. Miltenberger said that the Board could leave
16 it open to NETT, but suggest that "Southlake" be in the name. Ms. Johnson asked that
17 this item be placed on the agenda as a consider item upon speaking with NETT.
19 Agenda Item No. 6B, Park Board Goals and Objectives. Mr. Hugman said that staff
20 formulated this outline based on the goals and objectives discussed during the Park Board
21 Retreat. He said that staff developed an action plan which they can track throughout the
22 year. Mr. Hugman said that this item was placed on the agenda for the Board to review
23 and suggest additions/changes to the goals and objectives. He suggested that the Board
24 consider and formally adopt the approved goals and objectives for calendar year 1999.
26 Mr. Hugman, as mentioned in his memo, stated that staff added Goal 4: Achieve Park
27 and Recreation Agency Accreditation. Ms. Berman asked if it would be easier to receive
28 funding and grants with such an accreditation. Mr. Hugman said that such an
29 accreditation would help the department and the city to identify their weak areas and it
30 may possibly assist with funding.
32 Ms. Johnson asked if the Board has any additions or changes.
34 Mr. Glover suggested that the goals and objectives be placed on the consider agenda next
35 month. Ms. Johnson agreed.
37 Agenda Item No. 6C, Park dedication requirements and Planned Unit Development
38 (PUD) Requirements. Ms. Johnson said that as suggested at the Park Boar Retreat, Mr.
39 Hugman will present a summary of park dedication requirements and Planned Unit
40 Development (PUD).
42 Mr. Hugman provided the Board with a list of approved PUD's which shows the required
43 fee and the credit given. He said that many of these were completed when the fee was
44 $500 per dwelling unit. Mr. Hugman also provided an example of Open Space
45 Calculation and Park Dedication Assessment provided by Mr. Chris Carpenter, Senior
46 Planner.
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2 Mr. Hugman said that PUD is a zoning category which is different from a straight zoning
3 like SF20 which requires 20,000 square foot lots or larger. He said that there is a
4 residential and a non-residential PUD. He said that the idea of a PUD allows a mix of lot
5 sizes (such as Timmarron) and a mix among the open space such as allowing commercial
6 and non-commercial, etc. which allows flexibility for developers, City Council and the
7 Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Hugman said that there are some restrictions for
8 PUD's, such as a maximum density of 1.8 dwelling units per acre which is calculated on
9 gross non-residential acreage. He said that park space is considered a residential use. He
io said that for example, if there is a 100-acre PUD with a 10% open space requirement, 10-
11 acres of will be used for open space, which allows 90-acres to build on. Mr. Hugman
12 said that from the PUD perspective, the developer can put 180 dwelling units in the area
13 and meet the 1.8 dwelling units per acre. However, he said, that they will only build on
14 90-acres because 10-acres is open space which then gives a 2.0 dwelling unit per acre
15 density. Mr. Hugman said that if with the same PUD more open space is desired, for
16 example, the Board may request 20% open space then 20 acres will be used for open
17 space. The developer is still allowed 180 dwelling units to meet the 1.8 dwelling units
18 per acre maximum, but now the 180 dwelling units will be within 80-acres which results
19 in a more dense building area (2.25 houses per acre). Mr. Hugman noted that a PUD
20 allows the City to look into different things with the developer as it allows more
21 flexibility than the straight zoning categories.
23 Mr. Hugman said that for a PUD, the open space requirement is 10% of the total area
24 devoted to open space in order to avoid a very dense residential development. The
25 developer is required to achieve an open space feeling of the development in an overall
26 perspective. He said that this means that 10% must not be built upon.
28 Mr. Hugman said that separate from that is the park dedication requirement which is one-
29 acre for every 40 dwelling units. He said that there is nothing that prevents a developer
30 from using that 10% open space requirement as park land also.
32 Mr. Miltenberger asked if it is counted twice, does the Board have to approve it. Mr.
33 Hugman said that the Board does not have to approve it. Mr. Hugman used Coventry
34 Manor as an example. He said that it was 101 lots with a requirement, from the PUD
35 perspective, of 10% of the gross acreage. He said that if the development was actually
36 approved with 14.3-acres of open space which resulted in 13.7% open space in the
37 development. He said that apart from the PUD, the park dedication requirements was 1-
38 acre for every 50 lots, so with 101 lots, the developer had the requirement of providing 2-
39 acres of park space. Mr. Hugman said that in this case, the developer was keeping this
40 land as a private park so the Park Board gave a credit of 30% for the 14.3-acres and the
41 developer paid the remaining requirement in fees. He said that the same open space that
42 the developer had to have for the PUD, they were also given credit for the park
43 dedication fees. He said that the developer could also have requested to dedicate this 2-
44 acres of open space as public park land. Mr. Hugman said that if the development was
45 100-acres under the current guidelines there would be a requirement of 1-acre for every
46 40-dwelling units. He said that if there were 80-dwelling units, there would be a
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1 requirement of 2-acres of park land, but 14-acres of open space per the PUD
2 requirements. Mr. Hugman said that if the developer had dedicated the open space as
3 public park land, he would far exceed the park dedication requirement.
5 He said that the Park Board may review the land and determine if they want the land as
6 public park land. Mr. Hugman said that the Park Board does not have to accept it as there
7 is nothing that requires the Board to accept the land. He said that if the Park Board looks
8 at the development and they decide that they don't like the land as it will not be useful as
9 a public park, the Board does not need to accept the land. He said that the Board may tell
10 the developer that they will not accept the land as the park dedication requirement. Mr.
11 Hugman said that the Board may refer to other acreage on the site and suggest the
12 developer donate that area as it may be more amenable for a public park. He said that the
13 developer would at that point, probably redesign the site to include the preferred land in
14 the 10% of open space. Mr. Glover asked if the 10% could be flood plain and Mr.
15 Hugman said that flood plain could count toward the 10% open space requirement.
17 Mr. Hugman also reminded the Board to reconsider accepting small portions of land such
18 as tracts smaller than 5-acres, due to maintenance problems and the possibility that the
19 land would not be usable. Mr. Hugman said there is flexibility for the Board to review
20 items on a case-by-case basis and they are not required to accept all dedications. He said
21 that the Board can not require more land, but they may reject any park land dedication.
22 Mr. Hugman said that in most cases the 10% required open space is going to be more
23 than the park dedication requirement.
25 Mr. Hugman said if the dedication does not look like something that the Board wants to
26 accept as a park, they do not have to accept the land. Ms. Berman asked Mr. Hugman if
27 he sees any problems or changes. He said that he does not see any problems nor does he
28 have changes to suggest. Mr. Hugman said that the current process has been quite
29 consistent and that the Board has set a level of expectation from developers with regard
30 to accepted park land.
32 Agenda Item No. 6D, Trail System Master Plan and Implementation. Mr. Henry said that
33 the Board and staff needs to identify what they will require from the consultant. Ms.
34 Berman referred to the NCTCOG booklet reviewed during her previous meeting with Mr.
35 Henry and asked if that was what Mr. Henry envisioned for the City of Southlake. Mr.
36 Henry said that such a booklet would be used as a guideline for the consultant. Ms.
37 Berman asked that a copy of the NCTCOG booklet be forwarded to Ms. White and Mr.
38 Anderson for their review.
40 Ms. White asked if the consultant would concentrate on the specifics. Mr. Henry said
41 that such items would be the responsibility of the consultant, but staff and the Board
42 would be involved.
44 Mr. Hugman said that staff will develop a scope of services and request a proposal and
45 cost information from the consultant which will be brought forward for the Park Board to
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1 review and recommend to the City Council. Ms. Johnson asked if this item could be on
2 next month's agenda.
4 Mr. Hugman said that the City Council approved calling a bond election for traffic
5 management capital improvements. He said that the May bond propositions will include
6 the following: traffic management improvements (intersections), bond funds for State
7 Highway 114 enhancements and trail construction.
9 Mr. Hugman said that the trail proposition includes an eight-foot trail along FM 1709
10 from the east city limits to the west city limits, and an eight-foot trail from Bicentennial
11 Park to SouthRidge Lakes on the north side of FM 1709. Mr. Hugman said that more
12 recently, Mr. Anderson suggested to the City Council to also include in the bond
13 package, a trail along North White Chapel from Bob Jones Park to FM 1709, to Byron
14 Nelson Parkway and connect the Continental Trail trail to Brumlow Road which will
15 connect to the Cottonbelt Trail.
17 Mr. Hugman said that trail cost estimates will be presented to the Board once they are
18 complete. Mr. Hugman said that there will be a staff presentation given to the Park
19 Board in April with regard to the Bond package promotion.
21 Agenda Item No. 6E, Liaison reports:
23 (a) Youth Parks and Recreation Board - Johnson - Ms. Johnson said that the two
24 new Youth Park Board members will be at their first meeting on Wednesday.
26 (b) Recreation/Special Events - Johnson, Jones - Ms. Johnson said that the Summer
27 issue of the Southlake Scene will be release to the printer by next week.
29 (c) Teen Center Update - Johnson, Jones - Ms. Jones said there will be an
30 Activities/Programs meeting on Tuesday, March 9, 1999. Ms. Johnson said that the
31 General meeting will be on Tuesday, March 23, 1999.
33 (d) Community Relations - Anderson, Berman - No report.
35 (e) Youth Sports Associations - Miltenberger, Rawls - Mr. Miltenberger said that
36 soccer goals have been set up at Noble Oaks. Mr. Hugman said that the City maintains
37 the park and they are working to designate some temporary parking.
39 (f) Community Groups - Stokdyk, White - Ms. Johnson said that the City and KSB
40 hosted Mr. Wasowski on March 1, 1999. Mr. Anderson asked if the Senior Activity
41 Center is large enough for Mr. Howard Garrett, Talk Show Host.
43 (g) SPIN - White - Ms. White said that the next meeting is Thursday.
45 (h) SPDC - Jones - No report.
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1 (i) JUC - Glover - Mr. Hugman said that Ms. Carlucci proposed building a
2 gymnasium which would allow student assembly. Mr. Hugman said that the school
3 district's intent is to build another full size gymnasium in the future. He said that staff
4 informed the committee that the 5-Year Parks CIP Plan does not include funding for a
5 joint use gymnasium until FY 2002-03.
7 Ms. White asked Mr. Glover to mention that the school district must maintain Durham
8 Elementary/Intermediate School fields.
10 (j) City Council Monthly Report - White - Ms. White or Ms. Stokdyk will inform
11 Mr. Hugman who will attend.
13 (k) Nature Center Committee - Anderson, Stokdyk, White - Mr. Anderson said that
14 this Sunday he and a neighbor opened one of the trails for equestrian use. He asked that
15 the trash which is on the COE lease property be removed as soon as possible. Mr.
16 Hugman asked if the equestrians would volunteer to clean up this area during the Texas
17 Trash Off in April. Ms. White and Mr. Anderson said that heavy equipment would be
18 needed to remove the trash.
20 Agenda Item No. 7, Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned by Chair Vicki Johnson
21 at 8:38pm
23 '
25 Vicki Johnson
26 Chair
30 Cara White
31 Secretary
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