4 January 11, 1999
8 Park Board Members Present: Sherry Berman, Cara White, Robin Jones, Bobby Rawls,
9 Chris Miltenberger, James Glover, Richard Anderson
11 Park Board Members Absent: Chair, Vicki Johnson, Lisa Stokdyk
13 Staff Members Present -Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services; Ben Henry, Park
14 Planning and Construction Superintendent; Steve Moore, Recreation Specialist; Teddi R.
15 Zonker, Administrative Secretary; John Eaglen, Administrative Assistant
20 Agenda Item No. 1, Call to order - The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Ms.
21 Sherry Berman at 6:57pm.
25 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments - Mr. Hugman said that the Park Board
26 Retreat has typically been in February/March. He provided copies of last year's retreat
27 agenda and asked the Board for ideas on a date. Ms. Berman said that she did not want to
28 return to same meeting location as last year. Mr. Hugman recommended that the retreat be
29 within the city for accessibility to the public since this is a public meeting. Mr. Miltenberger
30 said that he would prefer a weekday meeting and the Board agreed on a Tuesday or
31 Wednesday meeting from 2pm-7pm.
33 Mr. Miltenberger said that he received a citizen comment which was very complimentary to
34 Ms. Zonker. This citizen said that Ms. Zonker was very nice and helpful to them when they
35 were at the park office.
37 Mr. Anderson said that he received the January 8, 1999 City Manager's Report. He said that
38 the Park Board is not listed in the Development Case Process Flowchart and if this is going
39 out to the developers, it should be corrected to show the Park Board as part of the process.
43 Agenda Item No. 3, Consent -
45 Approval of the minutes of the December 14, 1998 meeting -
47 The Board moved Agenda Item No. 5.A. to the consent agenda.
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1 Agenda Item No. 5.A., Approval of Eagle Scout project proposal to construct information
2 board for Waterscape at Bicentennial Park - This is a written proposal for an Eagle Scout
3 project idea to construct an information board at the Waterscape at Bicentennial Park. The
4 proposed location of the information board is to be next to the walking trail where there is
5 currently an open space at the edge of the trees. The proposed project includes an
6 information board and a donor recognition sign for the Waterscape.
8 Motion was made to approve consent agenda.
10 Motion: White
11 Second: Glover
12 Ayes: Jones, Rawls, Miltenberger, White, Berman, Glover, Anderson
13 Nayes: None
14 Approved: 7-0
18 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum - No one signed up to speak at Public Forum. The Public
19 Forum was closed at 7:05pm.
21 Consider:
23 Agenda Item No. 5. B., Recommendation of request from Southlake Baseball Association for
24 matching grant funding - Mr. Edward Agnew and Mr. Jerry Hagley of the Southlake
25 Baseball Association (SBA) were present. Mr. Agnew said that he presented a priority list of
26 improvements and maintenance to Ms. Kathy Schaeffer, former Recreation Supervisor which
27 is included in the Board's packet.
29 Mr. Glover asked about the two permanent signs listed within the improvements list.
30 (Permanent sign near concession stand and permanent SBA sign at entrance of Bicentennial
31 Park). Mr. Agnew said that the concession sign would include notices and general
32 information to benefit the public. He stated that this would be a sealed, top quality sign
33 affixed to a permanent structure, not the building. Mr. Glover said that he is concerned about
34 many groups being permitted to install signs at the entrance to Bicentennial Park. Ms.
35 Berman asked where the signs would be located. Mr. Agnew said that the concession sign
36 would be at the concession stand and the sign near the entrance would be at the south
37 entrance from Southlake Boulevard/FM 1709 and similar to the existing entry sign. Mr.
38 Miltenberger suggested installing a sign at the entrance which would be designated for the
39 athletic associations. Mr. Hugman said that any additional signage at the park entrance would
40 be subject to the provisions of the Sign Ordinance. He also stated that the City Council is
41 generally not in favor of readerboard signs, and he felt it would be difficult to obtain this.
43 Ms. White asked if SBA and Southlake Girl's Softball Association (SGSA) share the
44 concession stand. Mr. Agnew said that SBA uses Fields #6-9 and the concession stand in the
45 center and SGSA uses Fields #1-3. He said that there is not much integration of the common
46 facilities. Mr. Glover said that if the Board approves a sign for SBA, then the Board should
47 approve a sign of similar size to SGSA. Ms. Berman recommended that a policy be
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I formulated with regard to standardized signage. Mr. Hugman recommended that sign types
2 be standardized and said that signage could possibly be allocated in future Parks' budget.
4 Mr. Rawls said that there is a concession sign at the concession area near the Community
5 Center. He said that this sign is a benefit to the SGSA, but there are no signs for the SBA
6 fields.
8 Mr. Hugman suggested that staff work with SBA to determine a suitable sign for the
9 concession area. Staff would then return to Park Board for approval of the sign type, which
10 would then become the standard for additional signs that may be installed, such as at the
11 Tennis Center. He said that staff will also consider a type of sign that is vandal-proof.
13 Ms. Berman referred to the request for the construction of four (4) batting cages. She said
14 that she understands SGSA may request two (2) additional batting cages in the future. She
15 asked where the two cages would be located in addition to the four (4) cages for SBA. Mr.
16 Henry said that due to future park improvements, it would be difficult to determine a
17 permanent location at this time for cages for SGSA. Mr. Glover asked if the SGSA could use
18 SBA's cages. Mr. Agnew said that if SBA receives four (4) batting cages, SBA will be using
19 them all of the time, but they are not opposed to someone else using the cages. He said that
20 once the season ends, they would like to remove and store the nets so the nets do not weather.
21 Ms. Jones said that she spoke with the new president of SGSA and batting cages are first on
22 their priority list. Mr. Miltenberger inquired about the cost of the nets and stated that he
23 would like to see the nets up all year. Mr. Agnew said that they priced the nets at about $500
24 each. He said that the nets will last about 2-3 years. Mr. Miltenberger said that if they do
25 last 2-3 years, he recommends that the nets remain up all year. Mr. Miltenberger asked who
26 would schedule the use of these batting cages. Mr. Agnew said that the SBA would schedule
27 them and if no one is scheduled, the batting cages would be available to the public.
29 Ms. Berman asked if SBA maintains the batting cages. Mr. Agnew said that the City would
30 construct the concrete base and the pipes and poles for the nets and SBA would maintain the
31 nets and schedule the use. Mr. Agnew said that Bicentennial Park is a public park so they
32 would not want to restrict public use of the batting cages, but he feels that SBA should
33 receive preference.
35 Mr. Henry said that batting cage details exist within the Bicentennial Park, Phase I plans. He
36 said that the cages are full chain link enclosures which would allow for installation of netting.
37 The nets could then be stored and the chain link would allow year round use though it would
38 be rough on the ball. Mr. Miltenberger said that he would rather see the city purchase the
39 nets and have them remain up all year since he feels that using chain link only would not be
40 safe.
42 Mr. Miltenberger asked if the batting cages will be lighted. Mr. Agnew said that lights could
43 be oriented but he is concerned about shadows. Mr. Miltenberger asked that the cages be
44 constructed to allow lights to be added in the future. Mr. Henry said that the cages would be
45 constructed so they may easily be altered to accommodate future requests such as electric
46 batting machines and lights.
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1 Motion was made to recommend the request for matching grant funds up to $30,000 for the
2 items listed, with the exception of the permanent sign at the entrance to Bicentennial Park
3 subject to negotiation and agreement between the associations (SBA and SGSA) to maximize
4 the use of the facility [batting cages].
6 Motion: Glover
7 Second: Rawls
8 Ayes: Jones, Rawls, Miltenberger, White, Berman, Glover, Anderson
9 Nayes: None
10 Approved: 7-0
12 Agenda Item No. 5. C., Approval of location for proposed batting cages in Bicentennial Park
13 - Ms. Berman asked if this item should be tabled until the SGSA is contacted and able to
14 discuss this item with the Board and staff. Mr. Miltenberger said that he is in favor of
15 hearing SGSA's opinion, but he does not want to delay this item.
17 Mr. Hugman said that there are options such as an alternate site which is convenient to SBA
18 and SGSA but there is not a very good location accessible to both. Another option would be
19 to utilize this site for SBA, and during the interim, SGSA could use the batting cages and
20 then at some point, locate a site for SGSA closer to their fields. Ms. Berman asked if SBA
21 would allow SGSA to use the batting cages. Mr. Agnew said that he did not have a problem
22 with it, but he would like to take this issue to his Board. Mr. Hugman said that staff
23 recognizes that this site is not convenient to SGSA, but with the master planning process,
24 there should be a convenient location for permanent SGSA batting cages in the future.
26 Ms. Jones said that she would like to see some shared usage among SBA and SGSA with
27 regard to the batting cages. She asked that SBA include convenient times for SGSA use.
28 Ms. Berman asked about the hours of use that the SBA would use the batting cages. Mr.
29 Agnew said that they would use these cages a lot. Mr. Hugman said that there is not a
30 location for six (6) batting cages which is convenient to all the fields. He said that two (2)
31 additional temporary cages could be installed for SGSA near their fields until such time as
32 that part of Bicentennial Park is developed to its ultimate. Mr. Agnew said that temporary
33 cages do not include a foundation.
35 Motion was made to approve the location of the proposed four (4) batting cages at
36 Bicentennial Park for SBA.
38 Motion: Rawls
39 Second: Jones
40 Ayes: Jones, Rawls, Miltenberger, White, Berman, Glover, Anderson
41 Nayes: None
42 Approved: 7-0
44 Discussion:
46 Agenda Item No. 6. A., Policy for concessions at City sponsored athletic events - Mr.
47 Hugman said that this item came to the Park Board last month during Public Forum. He said
48 that it comes to the board as a discussion item as directed since the Board may ask the staff to
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1 formulate a policy for concessions at City sponsored events. Mr. Hugman said that a memo
2 from Ms. Zonker is included in the packet which shows the results of a survey among area
3 cities regarding this item. He said that he does not have a response from the City Attorneys
4 yet. Mr. Hugman said that the City has only participated in concessions at tournaments when
5 City staff sold BCI (Basketball Congress International) Tournament t-shirts.
7 Mr. Vacek said that he would coordinate directly with the athletic associations in order to
8 take random action shots of their participants. He said that he is coming to the Park Board in
9 order to receive approval to take photographs of the recreation program participants such as
10 in basketball.
12 Mr. Hugman said that there is the possibility that other individuals may have an interest in
13 selling photos or other items on city property or property that the city utilizes for an event.
14 He said that this individual would be operating a commercial enterprise on public City
15 property.
17 Mr. Glover asked staff to come back to the Board with regard to the attorney's comments.
18 Mr. Miltenberger asked which sports Mr. Vacek would be interested in photographing. Mr.
19 Vacek said Basketball, Baseball and PeeWee Football. Mr. Miltenberger said that he is
20 willing to give this a trial run and a policy could be formulated if the need arises.
22 Mr. Hugman said that he will speak with the City Attorney. He said that there are various
23 things such as a criminal background checks that staff would want to do to protect the city.
24 Mr. Hugman said that all City volunteers are subject to a criminal background check. Ms.
25 Berman said that Mr. Vacek should sign a waiver. She suggested that this item be accepted
26 on a trial-run basis.
28 Mr. Hugman said that the City should be prepared for a parent stating that they are not
29 comfortable with someone taking photographs of their child. He said that this will be another
30 issue that he will discuss with the City Attorney. He said that he would notify the parents
31 that the City will have someone on site taking random action photographs of their child in the
32 City recreation programs. Mr. Vacek said that he is willing to take photographs on a trial-run
33 basis.
35 Mr. Hugman said that he will discuss this item with the City Attorney and barring no
36 opposition from the attorney, a contract (Personal Services Agreement) could be formulated
37 with Mr. Vacek for this service and parents will be notified that this service will be available.
38 He said that this contract will exist on a trail-run basis during the current basketball season.
40 Park dedication for proposed residential development west of Bob Jones Park - Mr. Paul
41 Spain, Terra Development, 2708 Brookshire Drive, Southlake - Ms. Berman introduced
42 Mr. Paul Spain. Mr. Spain showed the Board a conceptual land plan. Mr. Spain said that the
43 adopted Trail System Master Plan shows an equestrian trail along T. W. King Road. He said
44 that he is approaching the Board to ask if they prefer the dedication of parkland, some type of
45 park amenity like the trail, or the fees in lieu since his land is near Bob Jones Park.
47 Ms. Berman asked the size of the lots and Mr. Spain said that the size has not been
48 determined, but the sites will be about an acre. Mr. Hugman said that the entire site is 63.4
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1 acres so the park land dedication requirement would be about 1.5 acres. Mr. Spain said that
2 he would need 1/3 of an acre for the equestrian trail on the west side depending on the width
3 of the trail. He said that he understands that the cost of the trail could be credited as part of
4 his park fee, as will the acreage for the trail.
6 Mr. Hugman said that when he and Mr. Henry reviewed this development, they thought that
7 they may able to do something for the equestrian trail. He said that a trail is shown on the
8 Trail System Master Plan through the Corps Property. Mr. Hugman said that their thoughts
9 were that Mr. Spain could develop a portion of the trail, dedicate some of the land and
10 complete some of the improvements.
12 The Board discussed various options for the equestrian trail including a possible deletion of
13 part of the trail from the Trail System Master Plan. Mr. Henry clarified that the Board
14 thought that when this master plan comes up for review, possibly the equestrian trail on T.
15 W. King Road may be removed, with the inclusion of a equestrian trail coming down Bob
16 Jones Road. Ms. White and Ms. Jones said that traffic will be a major concern with the
17 proposed dwelling units and the possibility of Northwest ISD using this area near T. W. King
18 Road for a new school site.
20 Ms. White requested that Mr. Spain consider putting the equestrian trails on his portion of the
21 property running along T. W. King. With the intention of getting the gentleman that is soon
22 to be building a home at the corner of Bob Jones Road and White Chapel Road to also
23 designate enough trail area for riding path. She said that the Board's focus is to tie the loop
24 of the trail into the northern most equestrian area of Bob Jones Park. Ms. White said that this
25 will help to avoid traffic and children problems that will be a consideration with the current
26 loop ending at the southern equestrian facility. Ms. White said that there is no way an
27 equestrian trail could be utilized so close to this type of traffic and activity. Mr. Hugman
28 asked if this trail on T. W. King Road should be removed from the Trail System Master Plan
29 upon review of the plan this year. Ms. White said that it should be removed since there is a
30 safety concern.
32 Ms. Jones asked if Mr. Spain would consider putting the trail on the north side of his
33 property. Mr. Spain that he would consider this option. Mr. Glover said that the trail could
34 go across and down along the back of the property line, make it "L" shaped so the trail exists
35 from Bob Jones Park across T. W. King Road which will create an off-road trail.
37 Mr. Hugman said that preference would be to follow Bob Jones Road since it is easier for
38 maintenance access because the right-of-way is part of the thoroughfare plan. Also, placing a
39 trail behind houses could be an issue in that there is no determination of what will develop in
40 the future on the other side. He said that it would be a problem if the trail existed with homes
41 on both sides.
43 Mr. Hugman asked to clarify what the Board discussed so Mr. Spain had a clear sense of the
44 Board's desires. The Board said they did not want interior land dedicated as parkland since
45 the development is near Bob Jones Park. They would like to see something with an
46 equestrian trail at this site. Mr. Miltenberger said that if Mr. Spain did not complete the trail,
47 he would like to accept the fees since there is plenty of park land near this site.
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1 Liaison Reports:
3 Youth Parks and Recreation Board - Johnson - Ms. Berman asked Ms. Zonker how the
4 Youth Park Board was coming along. Ms. Zonker said that her first meeting with the board
5 will be Wednesday, January 13, 1999.
7 Recreation/Special Events - Johnson, Jones - Ms. Jones said that the Winter/Spring 1999
8 Southlake Scene has been mailed postal patron to all residents. The Board received a copy at
9 the meeting and commented on how good it looks.
11 Teen Center Update - Johnson, Jones - Ms. Jones stated that there was a preliminary meeting
12 which was used to establish three committees (Programs/Activities; Design of Building and
13 Corporate Sponsorships). Ms. Jones said that there is a Programs/Activities meeting on
14 January 18, 1999, 7pm at Durham Elementary/Intermediate School Cafeteria. Ms. White
15 asked if this meeting was scheduled as a general meeting. Ms. Zonker said that the agenda
16 from the December meeting reads that the next "general" meeting is January 18, 1999. Ms.
17 Jones said that she would prefer that this meeting be a Programs/Activities priority/timeline
18 meeting only.
20 Ms. Jones asked for an update on SYAC. Mr. Hugman said that SYAC is very enthusiastic
21 about the Teen Center. He said that he spoke to SYAC about how the concept of a Teen
22 Center came about and provided a progress report. Mr. Hugman said that SYAC had a lot of
23 questions and expressed an interest for a center. He said that he did encourage them to come
24 to the next Teen Center Coordination Committee Meeting. Ms. Jones asked that Mr. Marty
25 Dunbar from North White Chapel Methodist be added to the Teen Center Coordination
26 Committee mailing list.
28 Community Relations - Anderson, Berman - No report.
30 Youth Sports Associations - Miltenberger, Rawls - No report.
32 Community Groups - Stokdyk, White - Ms. White directed the Board to the community list
33 in their packet provided by staff.
35 SPIN - White - Ms. White said that there is a joint retreat on February 6, 1999. Mr. Hugman
36 said that the department directors will update SPIN on various aspects of their department.
37 He said that he will be speaking about the Trail System Master Plan. He will talk with SPIN
38 about their possible involvement in reviewing and updating the Plan.
40 SPDC - Jones - No meeting in December.
42 JUC - Glover- Mr. Glover said that JUC is still discussing the natatorium project. He said
43 that the next meeting is Thursday, January 14, 1999. Mr. Hugman said the agenda will
44 include a resolution of JUC recommending that the City and School District participate in a
45 joint-use natatorium. He said that the Park Board will review a level of participation and
46 make a recommendation to SPDC and City Council.
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1 City Council Monthly Report - Ms. Berman said that the Board should note that the Mayor
2 prefers that the Park Board Monthly Report be during the regular session at 7pm, not during
3 the work session at 5pm. She said she will be unable to report in March, but Ms. White will
4 report for her. Ms. White to report at the January 19, 1999 meeting.
6 Nature Center Committee - Anderson, Stokdyk, White,- Ms. Berman said that no bids were
7 received by staff on moving the trailer donated by Mr. Wilkinson. Mr. Hugman said that
8 staff is trying to find a company that they can negotiate with to do the move. He said that
9 since a bid was not received, the City is now free to negotiate a contract.
11 Mr. Anderson asked if there was an approval received by the Corps of Engineers with regard
12 to the location. Mr. Henry said that he has not received written approval at this time, but has
13 received verbal approval.
15 Miscellaneous Items:
17 After School Program - Ms. Berman directed the Board to the petition that they received at
18 the meeting. This petition is from the current participants of the After School Program
19 requesting that the City continue to run the program. Mr. Hugman said that
20 Champions/Medallion will run this program next year. He said that the City will continue
21 with this program through May 1999.
23 Bicentennial Park Pavilions - Mr. Miltenberger asked if staff will charge the public for
24 reserving the new pavilions. Mr. Hugman said that the pavilions are available as first-come,
25 first-serve, but if someone does want to reserve the area they will need to pay a fee. Mr.
26 Hugman said that the pavilions were listed on the Schedule of Fees that the Board approved a
27 few months ago. Mr. Miltenberger said that he would be in favor of changing this policy so
28 that there is no fee for the reservation of the new pavilions or picnic areas. Mr. Hugman said
29 that this item may be reviewed when the Schedule of Fees returns to the Park Board.
31 Agenda Item No. 7, Adjournment - Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at
32 8:59pm.
36 9.
37 Vicki Johnson U
38 Chair
43 Cara White
44 Secretary
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