2001-09-10 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING 3 4 September 10, 2001 5 6 MINUTES 7 8 Board Members Present: Chris Miltenberger, Chairman; Frank Cornish, Bobby Rawls, 9 Lisa Stokdyk and Tim O'Connor 10 11 Board Members Absent: Cara White, Vice-Chair; Mary Georgia, Secretary; 12 13 Staff Members Present: Kevin Hugman, Director of Community Services; Chris 14 Carpenter, Senior Park Planner; Ben Henry, Park Superintendent and Construction 15 Manager; and Linda Carpenter, Administrative Secretary. 16 17 Guest: Brad Kimura, Executive Director of the Fort Worth YMCA 18 19 Regular Session: 20 21 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order 22 23 The meeting was called to order by Chair Chris Miltenberger at 7:02 p.m. 24 25 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments 26 27 Prior to Administrative Comments, Chairman Miltenberger presented former Park Board 28 member and chairman Sherry Berman with a plaque of appreciation for her years of 29 service to the Park Board. Ms. Berman was applauded and recognized for serving as a 30 member from 1996 to 2001 and for her leadership and direction as Library Board 31 Chairman from June 1999 until May 2001. 32 33 During the course of the meeting, Chairman Miltenberger also presented individual 34 appreciation plaques to former Board members Jim Glover and Michael Nelson. Mr. 35 Glover served from May 1998 to May 2001 and Mr. Nelson from May 2000 to May, 36 2001. Mr. Glover and Mr. Nelson accepted their plaques and spoke briefly about their 37 involvement with the Board and with coaching Southlake youth. 38 39 Staff briefed the Park Board on the following topics: 40 41 Texas School of Baseball (TSB): Community Services Director Kevin Hugman 42 said improvements would not be started at the TSB until after the first of the year. 43 44 The City recognizes the importance of having the fields used as soon as possible 45 and will develop a Facilities Utilization Agreement with the Southlake Lacrosse 46 Association for use this fall of the lighted fields at Texas School of Baseball. The September 10, 2001 Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Page 1 of 10 I Agreement will be brought to Park Board for review and recommendation to City 2 Council. 3 4 Retaining Walls along portions of FM 1709: Construction continues of the wall 5 and sidewalk section along Southlake Boulevard, from SouthRidge Lakes to 6 Bicentennial Park. 7 8 SPDC 5-Year Capital Improvements Plan (CIP): The draft CIP was presented to 9 SPDC at its August 20 meeting. SPDC directed staff to make changes to the 10 budget to allow the lighting improvements at Carroll Intermediate football field to 11 be done in FY 2001-02 (to accommodate Southlake-Carroll Lacrosse 12 Association). SPDC suggested reducing the funding in the Nature Center line item 13 and the land acquisition line item. SPDC expressed support for the Nature Center, 14 but suggested staff review less expensive alternatives, such as use/renovation of 15 the existing Tucker house. SPDC and City Council will consider the FY 2001-02 16 Capital Projects budget and 5-Year Capital Improvements Plan at their respective 17 September 18, 2001 meetings. 18 19 Ms. Stokdyk commented on the proposed SPDC budget and expressed concerns 20 about the Nature Center Improvements line item saying the proposed budget does 21 not show funds budgeted for the Center. 22 23 Parks Division FY 2001-02 Budget: Line items 270.02 (Contract Instructors 24 Programs), and 270.03 (City Managed Athletics) of the Operating Account 25 Budget Request Worksheet were reviewed at the request of Ms. Stokdyk. Mr. 26 Hugman explained that line item 270.01 (Recreation Programs) had been split up 27 into two sub-codes, 270.03 and 270.04. Currently City Managed Athletics and 28 Consignment Tickets are under 270.01, but were split so revenue and 29 expenditures may be better tracked by type of program. Mr. Hugman said the 30 increased amount in line item 270.02 was because city operation of the tennis 31 center was included at a cost of $114,000. He said the Contract Instructors 32 expenditure line item is a direct offset of program fees. When a fee is collected for 33 a program, the instructor is paid 80% and the City retains 20%. Revenues are in a 34 different account code, in one Revenue Fund budget, which is not shown on the 35 Operating Worksheet being reviewed. 36 37 City Managed Athletics line item includes referees, trophies, uniforms, 38 scorekeepers, and any expenses associated with the athletic programs. The 39 uniform cost is included in the participant's registration cost. 40 41 There were no further Administrative Comments. 42 43 44 45 September 10, 2001 Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Page 2 of 10 1 CONSENT AGENDA 2 3 Agenda Item No. 3-A, Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting 4 minutes of August 13, 2001. 5 6 A motion was made to approve the minutes of the August 13, 2001 Parks and 7 Recreation Board meeting. 8 Motion: Stokdyk 9 Second: Rawls 10 Ayes: Cornish, Miltenberger, O'Connor, Rawls, and Stokdyk 11 Nays: None 12 Vote: 5-0 13 14 Motion carried. 15 16 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS 17 18 Agenda Item No. 3-A, Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting 19 minutes of August 13, 2001. Approved as presented. 20 21 REGULAR AGENDA 22 23 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum 24 25 Chairman Miltenberger asked if anyone present would like to speak during the Public 26 Forum. No one spoke at this time; the Public Forum was closed. 27 28 Agenda Item No. 5-A, Concept Plan for Royal & Annie Smith Park trail improvement. 29 30 Royal & Annie Smith Park is a thirteen-acre City park located in west Southlake along 31 Johnson Road. The park borders Florence Elementary School to the east and is currently 32 undeveloped. 33 34 Community Services Director Kevin Hugman presented this item stating that there was 35 current funding of $50,000 in SPDC CIP for improvements to this park. In order to 36 maximize the available funding and make the park usable, staff was proposing a trail and 37 picnic tables. During 2000 and 2001, staff and the consulting firm of Schrickel, Rollin 38 and Associates held numerous public meetings (SPIN) and meetings with the Park Board, 39 P&Z, and City Council regarding the development of the Parks, Recreation and Open 40 Space Master Plan which included the Royal & Annie Smith Park concept plan. Citizens' 41 input was favorable for trails and picnic tables as some of the first improvements to the 42 park. 43 44 Park Superintendent and Construction Manager Ben Henry answered questions about the 45 Concept Plan from the Board and explained that the proposed trail would be an eight-foot 46 wide concrete trail, approximately 1,800 feet in length. Picnic pad sites with soft trail September 10, 2001 Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Page 3 of 10 1 linkages would also be included. The cost of the proposed trail improvement is estimated 2 at $45,000 and includes earthwork and drainage. Project contingency in the amount of ten 3 percent will be included in the project. Mr. Henry said if the Plan is approved by the 4 Board, staff would seek sealed bids with a proposed construction start date of November 5 2001. 6 7 A motion was made to approve the proposed concept plan for Royal and Annie 8 Smith Park trail improvements. 9 Motion: Stokdyk 10 Second: Cornish 11 Ayes: Cornish, Miltenberger, O'Connor, Rawls and Stokdyk 12 Nays: None 13 Abstention: None 14 Vote: 5-0 15 16 Motion carried. 17 18 Agenda Item No. 5-13, Concept Plan for Bicentennial Park trail improvements 19 20 Mr. Hugman presented the Concept Plan for Bicentennial Park trail improvements for the 21 Board's review and approval. He commented that funding of $99,748 remains allocated 22 from the 1998-99 SPDC CIP budget for trail improvements at Bicentennial Park. The 23 project was on hold until the completion of the 2001 Parks, Recreation and Open Space 24 Master Plan. One of the improvements in the Master Plan was the addition and 25 replacement of the old trails (that are deteriorated in several areas and non-existent in 26 other areas) within the park. 27 28 The proposed trail would be approximately 2,500 feet in length and would vary in width 29 between eight foot and ten foot based on its tie in to existing trails. 30 31 Park Superintendent and Construction Manager Ben Henry addressed the Board and 32 spoke about the proposal to provide loop circulation system in Bicentennial Park. Mr. 33 Henry said that the trails shown on the diagram on North White Chapel Boulevard would 34 funded by the Traffic Management Bond Program, which is soon to be bid. 35 36 Mr. Henry responded to Ms. Stokdyk's question about the Evans property location and 37 pointed out that area is where the practice fields will be placed. Ms. Stokdyk said she 38 thought the trail plan showed a trail looping into that property. Mr. Henry said it would at 39 some point. Mr. Hugman said what is being proposed in the Capital Improvements Plan 40 is for more future improvements in Bicentennial Park, which would include the trail loop 41 Funding is not available right now; the funding for the proposed trail improvements being 42 considered at this time was set aside a few years ago before that piece of property was 43 purchased. 44 45 Mr. Hugman said the trail improvements being considered are to replace the existing 46 asphalt trail. September 10, 2001 Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Page 4 of 10 1 2 Chairman Miltenberger asked if this [proposed trail improvements] would be in lieu of 3 the existing trails? Mr. Hugman responded, "Where the asphalt was." When asked by 4 Mr. Miltenberger if the proposed trail does not match up to the asphalt trail, would the 5 asphalt trail be removed, Mr. Henry said "yes." 6 7 Park Planner Carpenter spoke about the Master Plan and how the plan corresponds to the 8 trails proposed in the Bicentennial Park Concept Plan. 9 10 Staff will seek sealed bids on the project with a proposed construction start date of 11 November 2001. 12 13 A motion was made to approve the proposed concept plan for Bicentennial Park 14 trail improvements. 15 Motion: Cornish 16 Second: Rawls 17 Ayes: Cornish, Miltenberger, O'Connor, Rawls and Stokdyk 18 Nays: None 19 Abstention: None 20 Vote: 5-0 21 22 Motion carried. 23 24 Agenda Item No. 5-C, Revised Park Dedication Guidelines and Worksheet (Appendix 11, 25 Subdivision Ordinance No. 483) 26 27 Senior Park Planner Chris Carpenter presented this item to the Park Board for their 28 consideration and recommendation to take to the City Council. Mr. Carpenter said this 29 document incorporates the changes that the Park Board recommended at their August 13 30 meeting. An exception was the trail mileage listed on the worksheet. Park Board member 31 Mary Georgia correctly noted at the August meeting that the mileage numbers did not 32 match those of the Trail Plan. This was explained by the fact that the trail standards are 33 only for the land within the existing and proposed park areas; the applicant is required to 34 provide all other trails noted in the new Trail Plan. Therefore, the trail inventories and 35 standards listed in the worksheet are a subset of all the trails and match park land 36 standards. Also, to accompany the revised worksheet, a set of guidelines has been 37 included to reflect the general findings of the 2001 Park Master Plan. The guidelines are 38 an opportunity for the Park Board to provide developers a "philosophy" to follow. 39 40 Mr. Carpenter said this proposal includes policies that have been generated over the past 41 few years to enable developers to know what is expected when they make a request to the 42 Park Board and allows for a measure of creativity in their proposals. 43 44 Park Board members had several questions of staff. 45 September 10, 2001 Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Page 5 of 10 I Ms. Stokdyk asked Mr. Carpenter where the "Facilities/Amenities" list came 2 from? The list was derived from the Park Master Plan. He said the list was 3 devised with the consultants based on the National Recreational Parks Association 4 (NRPA) standard. Mr. Carpenter said in Southlake, the NRPA standard was either 5 adopted or increased by double the amount. 6 7 Mr. Carpenter referred to the Park Dedication Worksheet (page 5C-4 in the packet) and 8 asked the Board to notice item number 33, Other. This is very important as it addresses 9 all features that are not part of the list - it allows for creativity on the part of the 10 developer, such as amenities such as skate parks, dog parks, etc. and an opportunity to 11 freestyle the development. 12 13 Ms. Stokdyk commented on the Worksheet saying it would be nice if a developer 14 would provide a recreation center. She also mentioned she did not see the Nature 15 Center on the list. Regarding "Current Inventory" on item number 13, fishing 16 pier/dock, she asked where the other fishing pier was besides the one at Bob Jones 17 Park? It is located at Bicentennial Park near the Tennis Center. 18 19 During the Board's last review of the Worksheet, members suggested including joint use 20 facilities in the chart. The Worksheet does not include joint use facilities in the 21 "Deficiency" column, but a footnote addresses them. 22 23 Since the Worksheet is not part of the ordinance Sh4 can be changed by the Park Board _ 24 and the Council at any time. 25 26 Ms. Stokdyk referred to exactions and acres per dwelling, and asked what 27 happened with the Haltom Creek development? Mr. Hugman responded that item 28 has not gone to City Council it was a second reading of the zoning case. Park 29 dedication is a provision in the developer agreement and will be handled by the 30 City Council when the developer agreement is presented. 31 32 Ms. Stokdyk asked if platting seen by the Park Board could change? Mr. 33 Carpenter responded, "If the developer has a final plat it will go to P&Z - final 34 plats do not go to City Council. Before the plat is filed, the planning department 35 and engineering departments will work together. If the Park Board's 36 recommendation was to have the lots shown as common area, they will have to 37 make an amendment to that plat and their black line Mylar's before they submit 38 for filing and have all the signatures. The open space will be shown as 39 Homeowner Association lots prior to that plat being filed." Mr. Carpenter 40 continued, "If the developer has the zoning approved right now, they will have to 41 have the plat approved at P&Z. Council work with engineering on a developer's 42 agreement and make sure both documents agree. If the council's intention is not 43 to have the common area lots and to only have the fees paid, the plat will reflect 44 that and vice versa. If they do have that, it will be shown as common area, they 45 will have to revise the developer's agreement to give whatever sorts of credit that 46 the Park Board recommends. At this point, it is not known." September 10, 2001 Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Page 6 of 10 1 2 Mr. Rawls asked if the developer of Haltom Creek had to give any property? That 3 is entirely up to the City Council. 4 5 Ms. Stokdyk mentioned that several years ago the value of acreage on the formula 6 was raised to $60,000 and asked what the true value of acreage was in Southlake 7 and why she had seen $75,000? Mr. Hugman said the value of acreage varies 8 across the city and varies by the size of the tract. The ordinance sets the current 9 value at $60,000 and the land dedication is one acre per forty dwelling units. 10 11 If the land valuation needs to be changed, a revision to the ordinance will need to 12 be generated by the Park Board. 13 14 A motion was made to approve the revised Park Dedication Guidelines and 15 Worksheet (Appendix 11, Subdivision Ordinance No. 483). 16 Motion: Stokdyk 17 Second: Cornish 18 Ayes: Cornish, Miltenberger, O'Connor, Rawls and Stokdyk 19 Nays: None 20 Abstention: None 21 Vote: 5-0 22 23 Motion carried. 24 25 Agenda Item No. 6-A, Discussion: YMCA Presentation 26 27 Executive Director of the Forth Worth YMCA Brad Kimura presented this item. Mr. 28 Kimura handed out a YMCA promo packet to each of the Park Board members and 29 played a short video about YMCA facility components and the various programs utilized 30 by each feature shown in the video. 31 32 The video displayed a prototypical design for a YMCA facility. Some of the components 33 were: a multi-use room, gameroom, pool, child care area, wellness center (exercise 34 room), locker rooms, aquatic therapy room, special needs/locker room, climbing wall and 35 a gymnasium. Suggested program uses for each room were mentioned. 36 37 After the video Mr. Kimura talked about the typical size of the YMCA (40,000 sq. ft.), 38 the diversity required in accommodating all age groups of citizens, meeting the needs of 39 the communities they serve, the enhancement role "Y" programs play - they strive not to 40 duplicate city managed programs, and the cost savings realized at the Benbrook facility 41 (met 36 month membership goal within 45 days of operation). 42 43 Mr. Kimura said the "Y" is interested in being involved with the City's recreation center 44 because of the "presence" it would give them in the community and they could reach 45 more people. He said there would be no monetary advantage. The program would operate 46 with separate accounting mechanisms. He talked about their leadership aspect - how the September 10, 2001 Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Page 7 of 10 1 "Y" works with local Park Boards, citizen groups and a Board of Management to develop 2 and address the specific needs of the community. Mr. Kimura said a "Y" affiliation 3 would give Southlake programs national recognition. 4 5 Mr. Kimura concluded his presentation by saying that the YMCA was interested in 6 managing and operating a City constructed recreation center and would love the 7 opportunity to work with Southlake. 8 9 Park Board members had a few questions and concerns. 10 11 Mr. O'Connor expressed that each city's needs are different and that he felt that 12 some of the needs shown in the video and selling points talked about during the 13 presentation such as day care facilities, aquatics programs, youth associations 14 involvement, were not applicable to Southlake citizen needs or that these needs 15 were already being filled through the existing athletic associations and 16 Natatorium. 17 18 Mr. Kimura responded that "Y's" offer the No. 1 fitness centers in the nation and 19 that "Y" provides youth sports camps and other programs that compliment 20 community athletic associations activities. He said they can "fill the gap" in 21 aquatics programming and that although Southlake may not be in great need for 22 daycare facilities, there is still a need. He mentioned that scholarships are offered 23 to enable everyone access to the "Y" and that there is a need for this assistance in 24 every community. 25 26 Ms. Stokdyk expressed concerns about accessibility to the community the "Y" 27 serves and if there was overlapping use of centers by surrounding communities. 28 Would a Southlake facility be flooded by citizens from Grapevine, Keller, etc? 29 Mr. Kimura said that issue would be addressed by the way the programming was 30 structured. 31 32 Mr. Miltenberger mentioned that the fee structure could be set to the advantage of 33 Southlake residents or that membership could be limited to only Southlake 34 residents, such as the Grapevine facility. 35 36 Park Board members thanked Mr. Kimura for his presentation. 37 38 Agenda Item No. 7, Liaison reports 39 40 Board members reviewed the following: 41 42 (a) Youth Parks and Recreation Board - This item is incorporated in with the 43 SYAC group and will be removed from future Park Board meeting 44 agendas. 45 September 10, 2001 Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Page 8 of 10 1 (b) Recreation/Special Events - White/Stokdyk - A date for HarvestFest will 2 be set and information provided at a later date. 3 4 (c) Youth Sports Associations - (Miltenberger/Cornish) No report this month. 5 6 (d) Community Groups - No report at this time. 7 8 (e) SPIN - (White) - No report at this time. 9 10 (f) SPDC - (O'Connor/Rawls) SPDC will meet September 18, prior to the 11 City Council meeting, to consider the FY 2001-02 Capital Projects budget 12 and 5-Year Capital Improvements Plan. 13 14 (g) JUC - (Rawls) - Next JUC meeting will be held in Thursday, September 15 13, 2001 at 6:00 p.m. in TH 3-D, Town Hall. 16 17 (h) City Council Monthly Report - Cara White is scheduled to provide the 18 Park Board Report at the September 18, 2001 City Council meeting. Mr. 19 O'Connor volunteered to fill in should Ms. White not be available. 20 21 (i) Equestrians - (White) - No report at this time. 22 23 (j) Traffic Management Bond - 24 25 Additional Information 26 27 Shade structures at Bicentennial Park - Poles are in place at ballfields 4, 5, 10 and drilled 28 and the bases in at ballfields 6, 7, 8, and 9. Completion is expected this week due to the 29 rain delays. 30 31 Burned Bob Jones Park Building and Playground - Mr. O'Connor expressed his feelings 32 that some cleanup and straightening up work could be done at the building and 33 playground areas at this time saying that there were nails sticking up out of some of the 34 boards and the debris is a hazard. Staff will meet with sub-contractors next week and 35 receive quotes. Mr. Miltenberger agreed and asked if at least the playground equipment 36 could be set upright. Mr. Hugman said cleanup efforts are on hold until after all the 37 insurance claim issues are resolved, however, staff will look into the things mentioned 38 and see if something can be done at this point. 39 40 Agenda Item No. 7, Adjournment 41 42 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. 43 Motion: Rawls 44 Second: Stokdyk 45 Ayes: Cornish, Miltenberger, O'Connor, Rawls and Stokdyk 46 Nays: None September 10, 2001 Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Page 9 of 10 I Abstention: None 2 Vote: 5-0 3 4 Motion carried. 5 6 7 8 9 " 10 AAY olzf,-- 11 Chris Miltenberg 12 Parks & Rec on Board C 13 14 15 Mary beorgizr' tc-~I 16 Secretary 17 18 19 NAParks & Recreation\BOARDS\PKBOARD\MINUTES\2001\091001.doc September 10, 2001 Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Page 10 of 10