4 February 11, 2002
8 Board Members Present: Chris Miltenberger, Chairman; Cara White, Vice-Chair; Mary
9 Georgia, Secretary; Frank Cornish, Tim O'Connor, and Bobby Rawls
11 Board Members Absent: Lisa Stokdyk
13 Staff Members Present: Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; Chris
14 Carpenter, Senior Park Planner; Lynn Barnes, Park Maintenance Supervisor; and
15 Administrative Secretary Linda Carpenter
17 Regular Session:
19 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
21 Chair Chris Miltenberger called the meeting to order at 6:58 p.m.
23 Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments
25 Deputy Director Steve Polasek provided Administrative Comments.
27 (a) Recreation Center Update - The scoring summary from Texas Parks and
28 Wildlife Department has been received. The list of projects funded by
29 TPWD is attached to the minutes. TPWD received requests for more than
30 $13 million and only awarded $3,325,000 in grants. The City plans to re-
31 apply this year (prior to July 31) and has identified some areas to improve
32 the City's scores. Mr. Polasek mentioned two categories that enhance the
33 scoring - monetary contributions from public and private sources. Mr.
34 Polasek answered questions from the Board about the percentage points
35 received by other cities.
37 (b) Introduction of Park Maintenance Supervisor - Mr. Polasek introduced Mr.
38 Lynn Barnes. Mr. Barnes has many years experience in irrigation and
39 landscape maintenance and was most recently an owner of his own
40 company. Mr. Barnes will be the main point of contact now for the City on
41 park maintenance and field issues. The Park Board suggested that a report
42 on park maintenance progress be presented to the Board quarterly. The
43 report could be presented at the same time that the quarterly recreation
44 programs update is given by Mr. Steve Moore.
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I (c) Tennis Center Contract Update - A contract is currently being negotiated
2 with Stephen and Mia Poorman. A status report will be given to the Board at
3 their March meeting.
5 (d) Appreciation Plaques to former Park Board members - Mr. Miltenberger
6 read the inscription on the plaque presented to Mr. Rawls and thanked him
7 for his previous service on the Park Board. A plaque will also be mailed to
8 former Park Board member, Robin Jones, who moved to North Carolina and
9 could not be present to receive her plaque.
11 (e) Bob Jones Park Update - The burned concession/restroom building
12 restoration project has been turned over to the bonding company. More
13 information on the project schedule will be presented at the next Park Board
14 meeting.
16 (f) Motorcycles on Tucker property - Mr. Miltenberger reported there were
17 motorcycles on the Tucker property last weekend and asked Mr. Polasek to
18 look into the matter with the caretaker on the property.
22 Agenda Item 3-A, Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting
23 minutes of December 10, 2001.
25 Agenda Item 3-B, Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting
26 minutes of January 14, 2002.
28 Agenda Item No. 3-C, Recommendation of park dedication requirements for proposed
29 Lots 1-8, Shy_ am-Hari Estates
31 Agenda Item No. 3-D, Matching funds request from the Grapevine-Southlake Soccer
32 Association for soccer goals for Bob Jones Park.
34 Agenda Item No. 3-E, Recommendation to approve lease agreement with Marilyn Tucker
35 for use of 61 acres of parkland and house at Bob Jones Park.
37 A motion was made to approve Consent Agenda items 3-A, 3-B, 3-C, 3-D and 3-E
38 with corrections to the December 10, 2001 Park Board minutes noted by Cara
39 White.
41 Motion: White
42 Second: Georgia
43 Ayes: Cornish, Georgia, Miltenberger, O'Connor, and Rawls, White
44 Nays: None
45 Vote: 6-0
February 11, 2002 Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Page 2 of 7
I Motion carried.
5 Agenda Item No. 3-A, Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting
6 minutes of December 10, 2001. Ms. White noted minor corrections to these minutes as
7 follows: Page 1, Call to Order was 7:00 p.m.; Ms. White arrived at 7:30 p.m.
9 Agenda Item No. 3-B, Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting
10 minutes of January 14, 2002. Ms. White noted the Call to Order time should be 7:00 p.m.
12 Agenda Item No. 3-C, Recommendation of park dedication requirements for proposed
13 Lots 1-8, Shyam-Hari Estates.
15 The proposed Shyam-Hari Estates residential addition is located northwest of the Dove
16 Road and Carroll Avenue intersection.
18 According to Section 7.03(A)(1) of the City of Southlake Subdivision Ordinance, the
19 parkland dedication requirements for this addition, at 8 lots (dwelling units), would be to
20 dedicate 0.20 acres of park land. Section 7.05(A)(1) of the Subdivision Ordinance, offers
21 a fee payment alternative which allows City Council, upon recommendation by the Park
22 Board, to accept a developer's payment of fees in lieu of park land dedication
23 requirements. The equivalent fees in park dedication for this addition would be $12,000
24 (at $1500 per d.u. (x) 8 d.u.). Section 7.07(B)(1) of the Subdivision Ordinance allows the
25 Park Board to make a recommendation to City Council to accept fee credit for any
26 alternative to land dedication, including physical improvements.
28 The applicant requested to pay the fees of $12,000 for this small addition and requested
29 no credit toward the required fees. The Park Board voted 6-0 on the Consent Agenda to
30 approve the fee payment of $12,000 in lieu of park land dedication.
32 Agenda Item No. 3-D, Matching funds request from the Grapevine-Southlake Soccer
33 Association for soccer goals for Bob Jones Park.
35 The Grapevine- Southlake Soccer Association submitted a request to the City for
36 consideration of matching funds for the purchase of two additional sets of soccer goals
37 for use at Bob Jones Park. The proposed soccer goals would serve the under five age
38 group and are estimated to cost $2,000. The estimated order and installation time for the
39 soccer goals is thirty days.
41 The Park Board voted 6-0 on the Consent Agenda to approve the request for matching
42 funds from the Grapevine-Southlake Soccer Association and to make a recommendation
43 to SPDC for City participation in the purchase of the two additional soccer goals for use
44 at Bob Jones Park for an amount not to exceed $1,000 with funding allocated through the
45 SPDC Matching Funds Program.
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I Agenda Item No. 3-E Recommendation to approve lease agreement with Marilyn Tucker
2 for use of 61 acres of parkland and house at Bob Jones Park.
4 When the City purchased 61 acres of land on Bob Jones Road from Marilyn Tucker in
5 1999, a condition of the sale was a lease agreement between Ms. Tucker and the City for
6 her continued use of the property for the purpose of boarding horses. The lease was for
7 one year, with two (2) options to renew for additional one-year terms. Those renewal
8 options were exercised and the current lease expires on March 30, 2002.
10 The lease agreement provides that the caretaker maintain the premises, including the
I I house, all vegetation and physical structures, and report suspicious activities in the area to
12 the City. This lease agreement benefits the City in many ways.
14 The Park Board voted 6-0 on the Consent Agenda to make a recommendation to the City
15 Council to approve the lease agreement with Ms. Tucker for use of 61 acres of park land
16 and house at Bob Jones Park.
20 Agenda Item No. 4, Public Forum
22 Chairman Miltenberger asked if anyone present would like to speak during Public Forum.
23 There was no one present to speak during Public Forum. Public Forum was closed.
25 Agenda Item No. 5-A, Recommendation of Neighborhood Parks Improvement Plan
26 funding priorities.
28 Deputy Director Steve Polasek presented the Neighborhood Parks Improvement Plan and
29 staff's recommendation for approval of the park entry signage and regulatory signage
30 ($35,000) and the irrigation improvements ($70,000).
32 Mr. Polasek provided background information on the request. He explained that the Parks
33 and Recreation Board and the Southlake Parks Development Corporation (SPDC) had
34 expressed a desire to begin development of neighborhood parks by setting aside funding
35 for identified improvements during each fiscal year.
37 This item is for the initial planned improvements as follows:
39 Park entry signage and regulatory signage ($35,000) - Noble Oaks Park,
40 Chesapeake Park, Royal and Annie Smith Park, Koalaty Park, and Lonesome
41 Dove Park
43 Irrigation Improvements ($70,000) The addition or completion of irrigation
44 systems at Noble Oaks Park ($20,000), Koalaty Park ($20,000), and Lonesome
45 Dove Park ($30,000).
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I Funding in the amount of $150,000 was approved September 18, 2001 in the FY 2001-02
2 SPDC budget for neighborhood park improvements. To date, $30,000 of the funds have
3 been allocated for the trails at Bicentennial Park and Smith Park, leaving a fund balance
4 of $120,000. The proposed neighborhood park improvements are estimated at $105,000.
6 Discussion:
8 Park Board members talked about irrigation techniques used at the parks and asked staff
9 to look into the possibility of using a well for irrigation purposes at Koalaty Park to
10 supplement the City-provided water. Mr. Polasek agreed to look at the options and to
11 report to the Park Board prior to award of bid.
13 A motion was made to approve the proposed neighborhood parks improvement
14 plan funding priorities for the park entry signage and regulatory signage and the
15 irrigation improvements and to make a recommendation of approval to the SPDC of
16 the proposed neighborhood park improvement plan.
18 Motion: Georgia
19 Second: White
20 Ayes: Cornish, Georgia, Miltenberger, O'Connor, and Rawls, White
21 Nays: None
22 Vote: 6-0
24 Motion carried.
26 Agenda Item No. 6, Discussion: Update of park trends and facilities
28 Senior Park Planner Chris Carpenter used a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate to the
29 Board the recent trends and future park facilities and amenities and how population and
30 demographics impact athletic and recreational programs. His presentation pointed out
31 that Southlake has 37% of population under 18 years of age, which, according to his
32 research with newly released Census 2000 figures, is the largest in the state of Texas for a
33 city its size. This demand for youth services drives many of the decisions made for parks
34 in Southlake. Therefore, lighted game and practice fields also account for the largest
35 shortfall in the parks master planning at the present time. Included in the shortfall is also
36 open space, even with the Corps property included, since the city has had a long-standing
37 goal of 50% open space and a 21-acres per 1000 population standard - double the
38 regional and national averages. Close attention to open space components in park
39 acquisition and development should be made with every project.
41 As far as new trends go, Mr. Carpenter stated that they revolved generally around three
42 broad categories of socio-recreational activity: recreation for ever-increasing health
43 considerations by a broader range of the population; recreation as part of environmental
44 awareness and education; and recreation centered around finding opportunities to include
45 the whole family. Specific examples of trends were given which fit into these three
46 categories. Among them were multi-faceted recreation centers, eco-tourism, dog parks,
February 11, 2002 Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Page 5 of 7
I spraygrounds as a family-friendly feature in small parks, extreme sports, and utilization
2 of the single most widely enjoyed types recreational activity: exercise walking, jogging,
3 and running on adequate trail systems. Several members asked to have copies of Mr.
4 Carpenter's presentation.
6 Agenda Item No. 7, Liaison reports
8 Board members reviewed the following:
10 (a) Recreation/Special Events - The Sweetheart Dance held February 2 at
11 Durham Elementary/Intermediate School was successful. There are
12 several pre-school, adult programs, therapeutic programs, and youth sports
13 scheduled for the month of February.
15 (b) Youth Sports Associations - (Miltenberger/Cornish) - Report in cover
16 memo.
18 (c) Community Groups - No report.
20 (d) SPIN - (White) - SPIN retreat will be held Thursday, February 12, 2002.
22 (e) SPDC - (O'Connor/Rawls) - Mr. O'Connor reported that SPDC had
23 approved funding for the softball complex.
25 (f) JUC - (Rawls) - Mr. Rawls said the next meeting will be held February
26 21, 2002. The main item on the agenda will be to select a new chair to
27 replace Patsy DuPre who resigned her position to move from Southlake.
29 (g) City Council Monthly Report - Chris Miltenberger agreed to present the
30 Park Board Report at the February 19 City Council meeting.
32 (h) Equestrians - (White) - Work is continuing to complete the trail in March.
34 Mr. Rawls suggested that markers of some type (perhaps stone) be placed
35 on the trails. Volunteers could assist with project. Ms. Georgia suggested
36 using sandstone with paint as the stone markers.
38 (i) Nature Center Committee (Stokdyk, White) - The first committee meeting
39 was held on January 29. The meeting went very well according to Ms.
40 White. Ms. White said the meeting focused on what a nature center should
41 be and its objective. Next meeting will be held February 19.
February 11, 2002 Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Page 6 of 7
1 Agenda Item No. 7, Adjournment
3 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 p.m.
4 Motion: Rawls
5 Second: Georgia
6 Ayes: Cornish, Georgia, O'Connor, Rawls, and White
7 Nays: None
8 Abstention: None
9 Vote: 6-0
10 ,Moiion cried.
11 C(
13 Cara White
14 Parks & Recreation Board Vice Chair
17 Mary ,Georgia 3 ~`DZ
18 Secretary
20 Attachments: Item 2A-TPWD funded projects list
February 11, 2002 Parks & Recreation Board Regular Meeting Page 7 of 7
(A = Acquisition, D = Development)
1 102 Temple Racquet Club Community Center A&D $615,000.00 $615,000.00
2 101 Navasota Recreation Center A&D 5420,050.00 $420,050.00
3 99 Wimberley Community Center A&D $750,000.00 $750,000.00
4 97 Lubbock Indoor Recreation Center D $750,000.00 $750,000.00
5 95 Menard County Community Gym/Fitness Center D $750,000.00 5750,000.00
6 91 Boerne Cibolo Education & Recreation Center D $340,000.00 $0.00
7 91 El Campo Recreation Center A&D $750,000.00 $0.00
8 88 Farmers Branch Recreation Center D $750,000.00 $0.00
9 84 Fern Bluff MUD Community Center A&D $722,850.00 $0.00
10 83 Combes Recreation Center D $750,000.00 $0.00
11 83 Midland Community Center D $750,000.00 $0.00
12 82 Keller Recreation Center D $750,000.00 $0.00
13 82 Midland County Multi-Purpose Facility A&D $750,000.00 $0.00
14 82 The Colony Community Conference Center D $750,000.00 $0.00
' 15 81 Southlake Recreation Center D $750,000.00 $0.00
16 80 Hidalgo County San Juan Recreation Center A&D $500,000.00 $0.00
17 76 Falfurrias Recreation Center D $496,000.00 $0.00
18 73 Brushy Creek MUD Community Park Recreation Center D $750,000.00 $0.00
19 72 Ingleside Humble Station Recreation Center D $168,846.00 $0.00
20 60 Uvalde Nature Education Center D $368,100.00 $0.00
21 56 Baytown Chandler Arboretum Teaching Center A&D $201,630.00 $0.00
22 14 El Paso Nations Tobin Multi-purpose Center D $750,000.00 $0.00
Watauga Indian Springs Community Center $39,950.00
TOTAL: $13,582,476.00 $3,325,000.00
Watauga Indian Springs Community Center received only partial funding of $95,000 from a $500,000 request in
January 2001. The $39,950 remaining from the FY 02 portion of the $3,325,000 yearly set-aside for indoor recreation
grants will be used to supplement that prior request.