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City of Southlake, Texas PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD: Monday, June 9,2003,7:00 P.M. LOCATION: Town Hall 3rd Floor, Training Room 3C/D 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas REGULAR SESSION: 1. Call to Order 2. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, deliberation regarding real property. 1. Section 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property a. Land acquisition 3. Reconvene: Action necessary on item discussed in executive session REPORTS: 4. Administrative Comments A. Park Board Report for July 1 City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed below are considered to be routine by the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board and will be enacted with one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a Board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered in its normal sequence. 5. Consent: A. Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting minutes of May 12, 2003. B. Recommendation to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with St. Martin's-in-the- Field Episcopal Church for practice ballfields. REGULAR AGENDA: 6. Public Forum Parks and Recreation Board Meeting June 9, 2003 Page 3 of 3 EXECUTIVE SESSION Parks and Recreation Board SECTION 551.072 DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY The Parks and Recreation Board may conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. A FINAL ACTION, DECISION, OR VOTE ON A MATTER DELIBERATED IN A CLOSED MEETING MAY ONLY BE MADE IN OPEN SESSION. Parks and Recreation Board Executive Session 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING 3 EXECUTIVE SESSION 4 5 May 12, 2003 6 7 Board Members Present: Bobby Rawls, Chairman; Frank Cornish, Vice-Chair; Mary 8 Georgia (arrived at 7:05 p.m.), Secretary; Eric Blomquist, Liz Durham, and Dorothy 9 Wood 10 11 Board Members Absent: Tim O'Connor 12 13 Staff Members Present: Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Services; Steve 14 Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; and Administrative Secretary Linda 15 Carpenter-Elgin 16 17 Discussion began at 6.•59 p.m. 18 19 1. Section 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property 20 a. Land Acquisition 21 22 Director Jackson explained the purpose of the executive session was for staff to receive 23 direction from the Board regarding the possible purchase of two pieces of property which 24 are contiguous to existing City property (Texas School of Baseball facility) that could be 25 available for sale in the near future. The Board was asked two to respond to two 26 questions: Was there an interest by the Board in pursuing further possibilities to purchase 27 the two properties? If so, what methodologies should staff use? 28 29 The two properties were identified as: Block 1, Lot 2, Greenlee Business Park Addition 30 (2060 E. Continental Boulevard) and Block 1, Lot 3, Greenlee Business Park Addition 31 (2050 Crooked Lane). The combined appraised value is approximately $1,000,000 for the 32 five acres. (Copies of handouts are attached to the minutes.) 33 34 Director Jackson talked about the growth of lacrosse participants and its impact on future 35 space requirements. He offered several alternatives to purchase the properties, should 36 that be the Board's direction. The purchase could be achieved through "first right of 37 refusal" contract, out right purchase, or an abatement offer of some type. Director 38 Jackson explained the procedures for the "first right of refusal" process. Costs for this 39 option are unknown, but anticipate $10,000-$20,000 to start. Economic Development 40 Department would be involved in any purchase contracts. There may also be a possibility 41 that the city has existing City properties that could be used as an exchange, however, that 42 would require more research. 43 44 Ms. Wood stated her concerns about funding for such a purchase when funding is limited 45 and there are other projects in need of funding. She also had concerns with taking 46 monies from projects to do a "first right of refusal" contract, when there are many May 12, 2003 Page I of 2 Parks and Recreation Board Executive Session 1 unknown issues. Ms. Wood asked if financial forecasting about bonds, etc. could be done 2 to aid in future discussions of the issue. 3 4 Chair Rawls favored pursuing a "first right of refusal" option due to the properties 5 contiguous location to the City's Public Works facility and current Texas School of 6 Baseball facility. 7 8 Ms. Durham was in favor of pursing the opportunity to purchase the land since it would 9 be a tangible asset and urged the Board not to miss this opportunity. She suggested pre- 10 negotiations, if possible, before pursing the "first right of refusal" method. 11 12 Mr. Blomquist had concern about spending 100% (or even half) of budget on the 13 purchase of these two properties when there are current needs in developing the existing 14 parks. 15 16 Mr. Cornish favored staff doing further research into the costs involved in pursing a "first 17 right of refusal" option of the properties. 18 19 The Park Board agreed that their position was they were interested in the properties and 20 directed staff to do further "due diligence" into the matter and bring back options and 21 information at a later date. 22 23 The Executive Session closed at 7:29 p.m. and members returned to the regular Park 24 Board meeting. 25 26 27 Linda Carpenter-Elgin 28 Administrative Secretary 29 Community Services Department 30 31 N:\Parks & Recreation\BOARDS\PKBOARD\MINUTES\2003\6-09-03 Executive Session.DOC May 12, 2003 Page 2 of 2 ' Southlake Map Page 1 2 e . . f i*f i~5t n r" 1• ^P vr'4 ~ ry*, z~r. ! y4 jVf J 1 RrA.'ll Ci7 C~K Contact Us RY of V-~Oouthlake, Texas Search t 2 12 s 10 Enter as much information as you City of Southlake Town Hall know: Address or Intersection: 1400 Main Street (817) 4$.1-5581 Southlake, Texas 760192 webmaster@chsou Label the Address with: Recenter Zoom 1n Zoom Out ' Query a Point View Results Parks Recreation 01 and Open Space G r Master Plan Legend Public Park r, Open Space D Undeveloped Public Park Private Park CISD Joint Use Property CISD Property Undeveloped CISD Property err d Keller ISD Joint Use Property 0 Keller ISD Property (Undeveloped) =US Arrny Corps of Engineers Property Lake Grapevine 4W print. ( email..,Small map Start Over / w Add to the t= as > 2001 Aerial Photos F Parcels= 3 F DFW Noise Corridor 75dt, 65db i http://maps.ci.southlake.tx.us/index. asp?Address=&Label=&ExtentLeft=2391263 &ExtentR... 6/9/2003 ' Southlake Map Page 2 Z r Thoroughfare Plan r Pathways Parks,Recreation, & Open Space Hydrants r Waterlines r! Sewerlines r ISD Boundary O Points of Interest Landuse Plan r Zoning Shade' Outline r Spin Boundary r 2ft Elevation Contours, Query Results Parcel Information Owner: Washburn, Arlon C Owner Address: 2060 E Continental Blvd Owner City: Southlake Tx Owner Zip: 76092 Account 5663288 : Land Value: $80,500.00 Improvement Value: $114,642.00 :Total Value: $195,142.00 : Total Land Acres: 2.3 Total Land Square Feet: 100188 :Total Building Square Feet: 2544 Year Built: 1980 :Mapsco: 026R Appraisal Year: 2002 Situs Address: 2060 E Continental Blvd more information 2000 Census Information ( 1 mile radius from point ) Total Population: 5,603 Total Housing Units: 1,980 Male: 3,019 Female: 2,584 more info general profile, social profile, economic profile, housing profile Select a new radius: .5 1 2 miles DISCLAIMER This, data has been r '0(:o i ;he City u 5, uthluke. Various offh-i0. and unofficial GntJrt-...~ a'S used , ....hi.. ,i _...,,.:.ry e fort. v,s ,.nade~ tt: - ensure the accof fs (1i.11 ro ver, n c :1u. ra c.c: is given or : ;ti8r::d as Lo the acc:urary of said da :a. Conm unity, Powered by dfwmaps.com N"Im ;e, o< !Vlaj-~s C%,Ftec ;rose ';ctober 25, 2001 - 269992 HPM. 3.2 http://maps.ci. southlake.tx.us/index. asp?Address=&Label=&ExtentLeft=2391263 &ExtentR... 6/9/2003 Real Estate Display Page 1 2 Home Tarrant Appraisal District Another Search Real Estate 06/07/2003 Account Number: 05663288 Georeference: 16301-1-2 Property Location: 2060 E Continental Blvd, Southlake Owner Information: Washburn, Arlon C 2060 E Continental Blvd Southlake Tx 76092 5 Prior Owner(s) Legal Description: Greenlee Business Park Addn Blk 1 Lot 2 Taxing 022 City of Southlake Jurisdictions: 220 Tarrant County 224 Tarrant County Hospital Dist 225 Tarrant County College Dist 919 Carroll ISD This information is intended for reference only and is subject to change. It may not accurately reflect the complete status of the account as actually carried in TAD's database. Proposed Values for Tax Year 2003 Land Impr 2003 Total** 2002 Total Market Value $ 300,564 $ 114,642 $ 415,206 Appraised Value* $ 300,564 $ 114,642 $ 415,206 $ 195,142 Approximate Size*** 2,544 Land Acres 2.3000 Land SgFt 100,188 *Appraised value may be less than market value due to state-mandated limitations on value increases **A zero value indicates that the property record has not yet been completed for the indicated tax year "'Rounded Exemptions: Property Data Deed Date: 09/29/1992 Class: 081 Deed Vol: 010799 State Code: F1 Commercial Deed Page: 0279 Garage Bays: 00 Year Built: 1980 Central Air: Pct Complete: 100 Central Heat: http://www.tad.org/Datasearch/re.cfin?Account=%28%2E%21 %24LJ%2DO5IP%2C%20%... 6/9/2003 Real Estate Display Page 2 2 TAD Map: 2114 456 Pool: N MAPSCO: 026R Agent: 00344 Link to Business Personal Property MAPQUEST Map http://www.tad.org/Datasearch/re.cfm?Account=%28%2E%21 %24LJ%2D05IP%2C%20%... 6/9/2003 Southlake Map Page 1 2 > r ' „1'~~':$ ~~'S'cL. F x r7 ` .,en ".4g.~~r t"i:.,t` drr'A`i . ~~i'~~ ♦a~~~~~r~~ ~b ~ ,r , r T•K 7Ynt i k,~'r; 5"~+*" ~i "i, x ` iii d"'a ~r~-~~~",a4 r A f 'Fi?i~c r'aw'.^r4 ~ ~r~ cc :1; 4 0 ~ +'~r~l" 3} Ix v r~ ay.s 7kS77 Li y q o r r,~ - _7 1, M - "z "+N }~'~ty4:. c`aK f ir1 r3 r~~ ,s,n~• ~ ti« Contact us t f ~ouwsk , Texas Search .91rGE1 1 110 j' . w+l 12 i S ~ r r YY~it J ` ~ t'' ~ ~ ~ ;I'f~;F33b a~' - " r~~r :z~~ wT J1Y..` M a - x t s 13 i0 Enter as much information as you City of Southiake Town Hall know: Address or Intersection: 1400 Main Street (817) 481=5581 Southlake Texas 76092 wefamastt?rci.sou Label the Address with: Recenter Zoom m I In ~ Zoom Out Query ~ a Point View Results ~ er xn Parks, Recreation, >w . and Open Space Master Plan Legend r Public Park r t . tY 0 }pen Space 0 Undeveloped Public Park z y `r: Private Park CISD Joint Use Property 0 CISD Property undeveloped CISD Property r - , Keller ISD Joint Use Property E Y r~ 0 Keller ISD Property (Undeveloped) 0 US Army Corps of Engineers Property = ~cw Lake G rapevine` .u rte, prinl. ~ email E Small Map I C 1 Start Over Add to the Map / f V \ r 2001 Aerial Photos r Parcels C7 V DFW Noise Corridor 75db 65db http://maps.cl.southlake.tx.us/index.asp?Address=&Label=&ExtentLeft=2391111 &ExtentR... 6/9/2003 Couthlake Map Page . 2 Thoroughfare Plan Pathways Parks,Recreation, & Open Space Hydrants r Waterlines r Sewerlines r' ISD Boundary D Points of Interest r Landuse Plan r Zoning Shade' Outline r Spin Boundary r 2ft Elevation Contours Query Results Parcel Information Owner: Beech, Johnny L Etux Edna : Owner Address: 2050 Crooked Lane Blvd Owner City: Southlake Tx Owner Zip: 76092 Account 5663296 : Land Value: $141,000.00 Improvement Value: $116,250.00 Total Value: 250.00 Total Land Acres: Z2- Total Land Square Feet: 66 Total Building Square Feet: 6860 Year Built: 1985 Mapsco: 026R Appraisal Year: 2002 Situs Address: 2050 Crooked Ln more information 2000 Census Information ( 1 mile radius from point ) ;Total Population: 6,124 Total Housing Units: 2,156 Male: 3,269 Female: 2,855 more info general profile, social profile, economic profile, housing Profile Select a new radius: .5 1 2 miles :.....................................................,a...............................................: DISCLAIMER This data has :.ifs to: die, City o,. ;;ou'hletke. Various official and unofficial LI 'hir, }ijiur .:r.i Puri was rn,i.l: tc n'?5;rrc: tht: of ' is _:.r: ra ,.crr., a a . u implied a h : accuracy o saild ;<az. Powe!-ed by dfwmaos.eom f-n-i..t 2X, 2001 .,P!v 6" http://maps.ci. southlake.tx.us/index.asp?Address=&Label=&ExtentLeft=2391111 &ExtentR... 6/9/2003 Real Estate Display Page 1 2 Home Tarrant Appraisal District Another Search Real Estate 06/07/2003 Account Number: 05663296 Georeference: 16301-1-3 Property Location: 2050 Crooked Ln, Southlake Owner Information: Beech, Johnny L Etux Edna 2050 Crooked Lane Blvd Southlake Tx 76092 1 Prior Owner(s) Legal Description: Greenlee Business Park Addn Blk 1 Lot 3 Taxing 022 City of Southlake Jurisdictions: 220 Tarrant County 224 Tarrant County Hospital Dist 225 Tarrant County College Dist 919 Carroll ISD This information is intended for reference only and is subject to change. It may not accurately reflect the complete status of the account as actually carried in TAD's database. Proposed Values for Tax Year 2003 Land Impr 2003 Total** 2002 Total Market Value $ 307,098 $ 62,274 $ 369,372 Appraised Value* $ 307,098 $ 62,274 $ 369,372 $ 257,250 Approximate Size*** 6,860 Land Acres 2.3500 Land SgFt 102,366 *Appraised value may be less than market value due to state-mandated limitations on value increases **A zero value indicates that the property record has not yet been completed for the indicated tax year ***Rounded Exemptions: Property Data Deed Date: 01/23/1985 Class: 101 Deed Vol: 008067 State Code: Fl Commercial Deed Page: 2141 Garage Bays: 00 Year Built: 1985 Central Air: Pct Complete: 100 Central Heat: http://www.tad.org/Datasearch/re.cfm?Account=%28%2E%21%24LJ%2D05I%40T%20%OA 6/9/2003 Real Estate Display Page 2 , . 2 TAD Map: 2114 456 Pool: N MAPSC4: 0268 Agent: 00670 Link to Business Personal Property MAPOUEST Map http://www.tad.org/DatasearchYre.cfm?Account=%28%2E%21%24LJ%2DO5I%40T%20%OA 6/9/2003 Men's Lacrosse Field Dimensions - LaxRules.com Page 1 , 1 11!L1, Na I Your On-line Guide to the Rules of Lacrosse The Lacrosse Field Measurements Limit 'line 01 35 ds. 20 yds. 1t0 yds. ~1Vingiarea Defensive area 4 in. 40 yds. M 9' radius 15 yds. -4- Attack CL area. ro (D 20 yds. 10 C i. Wing area s~ ~'+4 ' ( rn~ . Coaches Coaches area arei area Timers Teaaro~ area Team etas. Benches: 10 yds. ds. ds_ Benches4 K - 50 ydS. Full Page Printable Version in PDF Check Out Our Other Great Lacrosse Websites LaxAuction.com LaxBooks.com LaxDrills.com LaxJobs.com LaxLinks.com LaxHistory.com LaxRules.com Laxshopper.com LaxTalk.com LaxTips.com LaxRules.com: The Rules of the Sport of Lacrosse © 2001 LaxRules. All rights reserved. This site is administered by Andy Sharp http://www.laxrules.com/rules/mens/dimensions.htm 6/9/2003 tON-06-2003 FRI 03120 1`11 TAYLOR OLSON ADKINS FAX NO. 817 332 4740 P. 02/L- 6000 WESTBRN PLACE A ~ ULEPHONE: (917) 332-2580 SUITE 200 Ta for 160 ,41E TOLL FREE' (800) 318-3706 1.30 AT BRYANT•IRVIN ROAD L. it FA ENTON: (917) 331.6774 FORTWORTHIUA5761074654 Ar,~.,~ ~.^s DNTO:(-3937 7~ EMAIL: TOAS90TOASB.COM Attorneys * Counselors DENTON METRO: (g71) 4 g3437-3A3) 4 WBBSITE: WWW,TOASE.OON DEBRA A. DRAYOVITCH ddrawvitGh010aae con CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEYICLIENT PRIVILEGE June 6, 2003 Via Facsimile and Regular Mail Bobby Rawls, Chair and Members of the Park and Recreations Board City of Southlake 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Legality of Executive Session Posting Dear Chairman Rawls and Members of the Park:; and Recreation Board: I understand that the following agenda h&s been posted for the Board's June 9, 2003, regular meeting : A. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, deliberation regarding real property. 1. Section 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real rop rty a. Land acquisition The purpose of this letter is to provide an opinion whether the park board may legally discuss the above-referenced topic in executive session. Section 551.072,Texas Government Code, states that the Board may deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person. Therefore, the Parks and Recreation Board may lawfully conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property to the extent that it will have a detrimental effect on the City's negotiating position, as outlined above. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office. JUN-06-2003 FRI 03:29 PM TAYLOR OLSON ADKINS FAX NO, 817 332 4740 P. 03/L, June 6, 2003 Page 2 Sincerely, TAW vmp"ja' Debra A. Drayovitch DAD/mar cc: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manger Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community :3ervices W.\S0u1ak6\L8Rers\Park Board.DAD.001.wpd iJUN-06-2003 FRI 03,28 PM TAYLOR OLSON ADKINS FAX NO, 817 332 4740 P. 01/" TAYLOR, OLSON, ADICINS, SRALLA & ELAM L.L.P. ATTORNEYS AT LAW TELEPHONE (617) 332.2580 6000 WESTERN PLACE, SUITE 200 TOLL FREE (80D) 318-3400 1-30 AT BRYANT IRVIN ROAD FAX (817) 332-4740 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76107-4654 DEBRA A. DRAYOVITCH FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY The information in this facsimile message is confidential and is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. It mkiy contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law, If this message is delivered to you and you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are not authorized to read, review, distribute, or duplicate thu information contained in this facsimile. If you have received this facsimile in error, please notify our office by telephone (collect) immediately so that we can arrange for the return of the original documents. DATE: June 6, 2003 _ Person Place Fax No. Linda Carpenter City of Southlake 817) 481-1594 Shana Yelverton City of Southlake (817) 481-8390 Malcolm Jackson City of Southlake (817) 481-1594 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER PAGE. 3 ADDITIONAL MESSAGES: None. FROM: Debra A. Drayovitch OUR TELECOPY NUMBER: (817) 332-4740 PERSON TRANSMITTING: Michelle CLIENT NAME: Southlake:General CLIENT NUMBER: 1207.001 IF THERE IS A PROBLEM IN TRANSMISSION PLEASE CALL 817-332-2580. Official Minutes*** Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 7/14/03 1 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 2 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING 3 4 June 9, 2003 5 MINUTES 6 7 Board Members Present: Bobby Rawls, Chairman; Frank Cornish, Vice-Chair; Mary 8 Georgia, Secretary; Eric Blomquist, Liz Durham, Tim O'Connor (arrived 8:00 p.m.), and 9 Dorothy Wood 10 11 Board Members Absent: None 12 13 Staff Members Present: Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Services; Steve 14 Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; Chris Carpenter, Senior Park Planner; 15 Steve Moore, Recreation Superintendent; and Administrative Secretary Linda Carpenter- 16 Elgin. 17 18 REGULAR SESSION 19 20 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order 21 22 Chairman Rawls called the meeting to order at 6:59 p.m. 23 24 EXECUTIVE SESSION 25 26 Agenda Item No. 2. Executive Session: Chairman Rawls announced that the Parks and 27 Recreation Board would be going into Executive Session pursuant to the Texas 28 Government Code, Section 551.072, deliberation regarding real property. Executive 29 Session began at 6:59 p.m. and ended at 7:22 p.m. 30 31 Agenda Item No. 3. Reconvene: Chairman Rawls reconvened the regular meeting at 7:25 32 p.m. 33 34 No action was necessary as a result of the Executive Session. 35 36 REPORTS 37 38 Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments 39 40 Director Jackson reported the following administrative comment: 41 42 A. Park Board Report for July 1 City Council Meeting - Mary Georgia 43 volunteered to handle the presentation at the July 1 Council meeting. 44 45 46 June 9, 2003 Page 1 of 8 Official Minutes*** Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 7/14/03 1 CONSENT AGENDA 2 3 Agenda Item No. 5-A. Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting 4 minutes of May 12, 2003. 5 6 A motion was made to approve the May 12, 2003 meeting minutes as presented. 7 8 Motion: Wood 9 Second: Georgia 10 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Durham, Rawls, and Wood I1 Nays: None 12 Abstention: None 13 Vote: 5-0-1 14 15 Motion carried. 16 17 Agenda Item No. 5-B. Recommendation to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with St. 18 Martin's-in-the-Field Episcopal Church for practice ballfields. 19 20 A motion was made that the Park board approve the recommendation to enter into 21 the interlocal agreement with St. Martin's-in-the-Field Episcopal Church for 22 practice ballfields. 23 24 Motion: Georgia 25 Second: Cornish 26 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Durham, Georgia, Rawls, and Wood 27 Nays: None 28 Abstention: None 29 Vote: 6-0 30 31 Motion carried. 32 33 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON CONSENT ITEMS 34 35 Agenda Item No. 5-A. Approval of the May 12, 2003 meeting minutes. Minutes were 36 approved as presented in the Park Board packet with no changes identified. 37 38 Agenda Item No. 5-B. Recommendation to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with St. 39 Martin's-in-the-Field Episcopal Church for practice ballfields. 40 41 The City of Southlake and St. Martin's-in-the-Field Episcopal Church currently have two 42 interlocal agreements allowing the City to utilized approximately four acres of land for 43 practice soccer and baseball facilities. In return for the use of those fields, the City has 44 irrigated the property and provides regular maintenance. The Church has submitted 45 formal notification to the City of their intention to terminate the interlocal agreement for 46 the two acres located along South Pearson Lane in order to expand their facility and has June 9, 2003 Page 2 of 8 t 1 Official Minutes*** Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 7/14/03 1 offered to replace that two-acre site with an additional two-acre site located north of 2 Chesapeake Park and contiguous to the property provided in another interlocal agreement 3 in existence. 4 5 The City would be responsible for clearing the proposed site, providing appropriate 6 grading and drainage, irrigating the site, and providing regular maintenance. This 7 interlocal agreement would provide for much needed practice space for the growing 8 youth sports associations. 9 10 The site improvements must be completed within two years from the effective date of the 11 agreement. Site improvements (clearing, grading, and irrigation) are estimated to cost 12 approximately $15,000 with anticipated funding being available in the FY 2003-04 SPDC 13 Fund from Special Projects. 14 15 The Board of Directors for St. Martin's-in-the-Field Episcopal Church approved the 16 proposed interlocal agreement at their April 27, 2003 meeting. 17 18 Director Jackson answered a question from Mr. Blomquist about the cost of site 19 improvements. 20 21 The Park Board voted 6-0 during Consent to approve the interlocal agreement. 22 23 REGULAR AGENDA 24 25 Agenda Item No. 6. Public Forum 26 27 Chairman Rawls opened the Public Forum by reading the provisions for a public forum. 28 No one was present to address the Board. Public Forum was closed. 29 30 Agenda Item No. 7-A. Reciprocal Parking Agreement on City Park Property for 31 Proposed Office and Bank Building. 32 33 Director Jackson presented this consider item. The reciprocal parking agreement would 34 allow parking on Bicentennial Park property for a proposed bank building in exchange 35 for construction of 50 new parking spaces in the park, use of the other 37 parking spaces 36 after bank hours, construction of a sidewalk from the new parking spaces to the in-line 37 hockey rink, and construction of a new park entry sign. 38 39 This agreement would impact the area of Bicentennial Park, east of and adjacent to the 40 park entry drive on F.M. 1709. The property east of the park has been marketed for 41 commercial purposes and is currently zoned "C-2 Local Retail Commercial." The City 42 has received an application for a two-story bank building and office site plan. 43 44 Terms of the Reciprocal Parking Agreement were summarized as follows: 45 46 The developer of the bank and office building would receive: June 9, 2003 Page 3 of 8 Official Minutes*** Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 7/14/03 1 2 1. The right to use the 50 off-site parking spaces during normal business 3 hours. 4 5 The City would receive: 6 7 1. The construction of 50 concrete parking spaces adjacent to the existing in- 8 line hockey rink at no cost. 9 10 2. The construction of an accessible sidewalk from the parking spaces to the 11 in-line hockey rink at no cost. 12 13 3. The use of 37 additional bank and office parking spaces during non-office 14 hours (posted by sign at each parking bay) at no cost. 15 16 4. The construction of a four-sided monument entry feature of an 17 approximate 20' x 20' base and 19' in height, with two sides dedicated for 18 park promotional use, including a planter box, at no cost. The area 19 containing the feature would be dedicated to the City by plat and owner 20 acknowledgement. 21 22 5. A less-intensive use than zoning allows on private property adjacent to 23 park property in a high-traffic area. 24 25 6. The conversion of vacant commercial land to value-added taxable 26 property. 27 28 The monetary values for the proposal are: Approximately $40,000 for the 50 concrete 29 parking spaces on city property, $1,000 for the sidewalk from the parking to the in-line 30 rink and approximately $80,000 for the monument entry feature. 31 32 Staff supports the proposal and benefits to the City and believes the proposal contains no 33 detrimental impact. A copy of the Agreement, location maps and monument sign design 34 is attached to the minutes. 35 36 F.C. Levier, Sun Coast Architects, applicant, presented more information details about 37 the actual design of the proposed office/bank building, the proposed monument sign and 38 the parking lot. 39 40 Discussion: 41 42 Chairman Rawls favored the Agreement because it would provide much-needed parking 43 lot spaces and a sidewalk for the in-line hockey court and tennis center. 44 45 Senior Park Planner Carpenter explained the impact of the proposal on the location of the 46 junior in-line skating rink and volleyball courts areas as designated on the Master Plan. June 9, 2003 Page 4 of 8 Official Minutes*** Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 7/14/03 1 He said staff was comfortable that the 50 proposed spaces would not encroach on these 2 features. 3 4 Ms. Durham and Ms. Georgia had concerns about traffic congestion issues and hazards at 5 the Park's F.M. 1709 entrance. 6 7 Mr. LeVier responded to Mr. Cornish's question about the traffic flow through the bank 8 and the egress/ingress options. 9 10 Ms. Durham and Mr. Blomquist remarked on the placement of the proposed monument 11 sign. Ms. Durham said there had been previous discussions about replacing the existing 12 sign with some type of electronic reader board sign. Ms. Durham felt the proposed 13 monument sign, as shown on the exhibit document, does not provide information to 14 citizens traveling east and west on F.M. 1709 since the facings on the sign are shown on 15 the north and south sides of the sign. Mr. LeVier explained the sign design was only a 16 preliminary concept sketch. Once the City's needs are determined and input is received, 17 an appropriate design would be drafted, which would comply with the City's Sign 18 Ordinance. 19 20 A motion was made to approve the Reciprocal Parking Agreement on City park 21 property for proposed office and bank building, located on the corner of F.M. 1709 22 and Bicentennial Park entrance drive. 23 24 Motion: Georgia 25 Second: Durham 26 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Durham, Georgia, Rawls, and Wood 27 Nays: None 28 Abstention: None 29 Vote: 6-0 30 31 Motion carried. 32 33 Agenda Item No. 7-B. Request from Town Square to display a commercial banner on the 34 Rustin Park pavilion for the Farmer's Market. 35 36 Director Jackson presented the banner request from Town Square. The request is to hang 37 a banner on Rustin Park Pavilion advertising the Farmer's Market (a for-profit enterprise) 38 on weekends for approximately three months. City Council granted approval of a 39 variance to the sign ordinance at their June 3, 2003 meeting, subject to Parks board 40 review. Typically, this request could be approved by the director of community services, 41 however, because the request is based on a for-profit venture the Park Use Policy requires 42 a variance for activities not specifically approved. Variances to the requirements of the 43 Park Use Policy may be granted at the discretion of the city manager. 44 45 The proposed banner is twenty-four feet long and three feet wide. It would be displayed 46 every Friday and Saturday through September 27, excluding City special events, along June 9, 2003 Page 5 of 8 Official Minutes*** Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 7/14/03 1 the front railing of Rustin Pavilion facing F.M. 1709. Removal and placement of the 2 banner would be the responsibility of Town Square. 3 4 Jason Kosal, Cooper & Stebbins Town Square Development, applicant, offered to answer 5 questions from the Board. 6 7 Discussion: There was no discussion by the Park Board. 8 9 A motion was made to approve the request from Town Square to display a 10 commercial banner on the Rustin park pavilion for Farmer's Market for the said 11 dates. 12 13 Motion: Durham 14 Second: Wood 15 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Durham, Georgia, Rawls, and Wood 16 Nays: None 17 Abstention: None 18 Vote: 6-0 19 20 Motion carried. 21 22 Mr. O'Connor arrived at 8: 00 p.m. 23 24 Agenda Item No. 7-C. Recommendation to City Council for approval of the proposed 25 parks and recreation fee schedule revisions. 26 27 Director Jackson presented the proposed parks and recreation fee schedule revisions for 28 consideration. 29 30 The proposal coincides with the City Council's annual review and adoption of the City 31 Fee Schedule. The proposed revisions are in accordance with fees being assessed by other 32 communities within the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, account for patterns of facility 33 usage within Southlake, and will augment the administrative and maintenance costs 34 associated with providing services. Director Jackson reviewed the various proposed 35 revisions adjustment for meeting room reservations, equipment rental, reservations for 36 park pavilions, and reservations for fields and courts. 37 38 Discussion: 39 40 Mr. O'Connor had questions about enforcement of the facility reservations, placement of 41 the revenue funds in the General Fund and how the field reservation revisions would 42 affect the existing agreements with the various sports associations. 43 44 A motion was made to approve the proposed parks and recreation fee schedule 45 revisions presented at this June 4 Park Board meeting. 46 June 9, 2003 Page 6 of 8 Official Minutes*** Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 7/14/03 1 Motion: Georgia 2 Second: Cornish 3 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Durham, Georgia, O'Connor, Rawls, and Wood 4 Nays: None 5 Abstention: None 6 Vote: 7-0 7 8 Motion carried. 9 10 Agenda Item No. 8-A. Liberty Park at Sheltonwood - Park Improvement Day 11 12 Director Jackson presented a Powerpoint presentation of a proposal to hold a community 13 volunteer park improvement day at Liberty Park at Sheltonwood. The park is heavily 14 wooded but does have open areas containing a number of structures housing debris, areas 15 of overgrown brush and trees, and some trash piles. The Park Improvement Day is 16 proposed for an unspecified date in October to allow better seasonal working conditions, 17 time to plan the event and to recruit volunteers. Proposed tasks include clearing and 18 grubbing, tree pruning, mulching, and debris removal. 19 20 Ms. Durham suggested holding the Improvement Day in conjunction with the Arbor Day 21 event in October. Mr. Jackson said suggestion would be explored. The Improvement Day 22 may coincide with the Keep Southlake Beautiful quarterly cleanup day. 23 24 Mr. O'Connor suggested involving Carroll High School as an opportunity for students to 25 receive community service hours. 26 27 Chairman said he would like this event to be similar to the community-wide support and 28 involvement that was shown when the Adventure Alley playground was constructed. 29 30 Ms. Georgia said it would be good to seek donations from local merchants and 31 corporations for this event. 32 33 The Park Board directed staff to proceed with planning and implementing the Park 34 Improvement Day in October. 35 36 Agenda Item No. 9. Liaison Reports 37 38 Board members reviewed the following: 39 40 (a) Recreation/Special Events - Approximately 100 youth are participating 41 in the summer Camp Mania program; 27 in Teen Camp and 60 in Camp 42 Summer Oaks. The camps run for eight weeks and will accommodate 43 about 1,500 children during the summer. 44 45 The Park Board commended staff for the successful Grand Opening of 46 Bob Jones Park held May 31. June 9, 2003 Page 7 of 8 Official Minutes*** Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 7/14/03 1 2 (b) Youth Sports Associations - Youth basketball and volleyball are 3 underway and will continue through the end of July. The Southlake 4 Stingrays swim team and the track team will also compete this summer 5 in circuit meets. 6 7 (c) Community Groups - Sister Cities Youth Ambassador delegation is 8 making preparations for their July 23-30 trip to Toyoma, Japan. Several 9 orientation meetings are being planned. 10 11 (d) SPIN - No report this meeting. Some meetings are planned, but nothing 12 major at this time. 13 14 (e) SPDC - July 1 meeting was cancelled. 15 16 (f) JUC - Next meeting will be held July 10. Dawson and Eubanks schools 17 will be closed during the summer to conserve electricity. 18 19 (g) City Council Monthly Report - Ms. Georgia will present the Park Board 20 Report at the July 1 Council meeting if the meeting is held. 21 22 Agenda Item No. 8. Adj ournment 23 24 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m. 25 26 Motion: Georgia 27 Second: Durham 28 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Durham, Georgia, O'Connor, Rawls, and Wood 29 Nays: None 30 Abstention: None 31 Vote: 7-0 32 33 Motion rei'ed. 34 35 36 37 Bo by Ra 38 Parks & Recreatio Board Chair 39 40 41 ar orgi 42 Parks & Recreation Board Secretary 43 44 Attachments: Item 513, Interlocal agreement w/St. Martin's... Church w/powerpoint document maps 45 Item 7A, Reciprocal Parking Agreement with Mammoth Land and Cattle Co. June 9, 2003 Page 8 of 8 EXHIBIT E RECIPROCAL PARKING AGREEMENT The parties to this agreement are the City of Southlake, Texas, herein called "CITY", and the Mammoth Land and Cattle, Co., c/o Sun Coast Architects, herein called "DEVELOPER." FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual undertakings herein set out, the parties agree as follows: 1. PREMISES The CITY agrees to provide an area shown on Exhibit B - Site Layout, hereto attached, denoted as off-site parking spaces on Bicentennial Park property, for the construction of 50 reinforced concrete parking spaces and accompanying fire lanes, curbs, drive aisles and landscaped islands as shown in Exhibit B. These facilities are herein called "PREMISES" in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. II. OWNERSHIP AND USE OF PREMISES Upon completion of the construction of the elements as shown in Exhibit B, the CITY will make final inspections of the PREMISES and assume ownership upon satisfactory completion. The DEVELOPER will have full use of the PREMISES during normal, posted business hours of operations for the facilities shown in Exhibit B and further determined by Certificates of Occupancy ssued for the tenants. The CITY will have full use of the PREMISES outside normal, posted hours of operation of the facilities and for the continuous period from close of business on Friday to start of business on the following Monday. III. TERM This agreement will be effective the date signed by the mayor and will continue into perpetuity for as long as the original Site Plan approved for the development remains in effect. Upon any subsequent request for a change in zoning or a revision of the original approved Site Plan, the CITY shall have the option of renegotiating the ownership and use of the PREMISES. Substantial amendments to this agreement must be approved by City Council. IV. FEES AND ASSIGNMENT DEVELOPER shall not charge any fees for express use of the PREMISES without prior approval of the Parks and Recreation Board for any event. DEVELOPER shall not assign this agreement nor shall it rent out any property of the CITY without prior written consent of the CITY. V. UNLAWFUL ACTIVITIES DEVELOPER shall not engage in any activities on the premises which are in violation of any existing state, federal, local law or use the premises in such a manner as to constitute any iindrance for other park patrons engaged in lawful activities. 7A-8 VI. PERMISSION FOR INSTALLATION OR CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPER, in accordance with the City's Donation Policy shall submit for approval of any proposal to install or construct temporary or permanent structures, signs, equipment, or other related items on the PREMISES. VII. OTHER CONSIDERATION In addition to the consideration of the construction of the 50 reinforced concrete parking spaces and other items identified in Exhibit B on the CITY'S property at no cost to the CITY, the DEVELOPER further agrees to provide the following consideration: 1) the construction of an accessible sidewalk from the PREMISES to the existing in-line hockey rink at no cost to the CITY (as shown on Exhibit B); 2) the use of 37 additional bank and office parking spaces during non-office hours (posted by sign at each parking bay) at no cost to the CITY (as shown in Exhibit B); 3) the construction of a four-sided monument entry feature of an approximately 20' x 20' base and 19' in height, with two sides dedicated for park promotional use, including a planter box, at no cost. The area containing the feature would be dedicated to the city by plat and owner acknowledgment. VIII. INDEMNITY DEVELOPER SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, ITS AGENTS, OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR BODILY INJURY, ILLNESS, DEATH, ECONOMIC LOSS, PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ARISING OUT OF ANY NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION COMMITTED BY DEVELOPER OFFICIALS, PLAYERS, MEMBERS, OFFICERS, OR EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACTIVITIES CONDUCTED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. THIS INDEMNIFICATION SHALL SPECIFICALLY INCLUDE ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF, TORTUOUS ACTIVITY OF, OR VIOLATION OF STATUTE BY THE CITY, ITS AGENTS, OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES. NOTHING CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL BE CONSTRUED TO LIMIT OR WAIVE ANY GOVERNMENTAL OR SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY OF THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE OR ANY IMMUNITY APPLICABLE TO ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS OR EMPLOYEES, NOR SHALL IT BE CONSTRUED TO LIMIT OR WAIVE ANY INSURANCE COVERAGE OR THE CITY'S STATUS AS AN ADDITIONAL NAMED INSURED AS PROVIDED IN PARAGRAPH XII OF THIS AGREEMENT. 7A-9 IX. COMMUNICATION \II substantial issues and conflicts shall be discussed between the Director of Community Services and the President of the DEVELOPER or their designee. X. INSURANCE DEVELOPER at its own expense, shall obtain and keep in force during the term of this agreement public liability insurance as will protect DEVELOPER and CITY from all claims for damages to property and persons, and such insurance policy shall carry the City of Southlake as an additional insured, in an amount of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) with such policy designed to cover the cost of defense and liability for injuries suffered by competitors in the organized athletic activity. The insurance shall protect CITY from and against all liability for claims arising out of or in connection with DEVELOPER's use and occupation of the premises. All insurance shall be issued by a company or companies of sound and adequate financial responsibility and authorized to do business in Texas. AGREED: Andy Wambsganss, Mayor Mammoth Land and Cattle, Co. City of Southlake President Date Date 7A-10 1--l . . NNIT O - _ TF DW7 =1 - _ LP 7 7 lu _ " u Nn i3 VENDINT - P ;III _L.. r l~,i 1 'hill' r SUBJE;. , f.P b 1 TLP NI?d".12i!I No.tl No.10 r '-IZ7:-• DA. .U A •L 1 Lit P p I 'LP VOV LP !I LI 11 1 f_. _ w t~~JL12TS - ass Re!s tLne--.----_ \ I As T a % V 89'51'4 EO SP-,2 cLrv.^nc '2'=1•= \E N/', ~'45"W r 1 + zoLUO=NC ,I L..SU `gyp U1 T,%J T.AN P j r, VY.n -tm- :I'll _ oar. 7L N 23°0"OG' W 1 '23.07 Cb" BASK D c „,r p I 1l \+I L'JG=RL' `r J H`~• w / Y'I' I ZONW C2 M ~~P~:r_: Ct;+ = 2? 6' KsL l 4 4 ' ZONE D C:7 - ' _ LQ1fi Gr. ZONrD i LUG=RC UL- C2 27C..00' : ~ I~ } r I o .-cr 3j5 fl :iw,f L. = 108.09' I'I 1N~ WU LAM1L N!L' SU-PO tl IL •E S'n vI ARCr, N k~u' ;:A A, S'L.60d, ; .t C7 p~Mrcf!1':8 = Nll'39'GU'b` I 1,l~ ~n ~rmte~Kj ¢vfr svuln.'.A E GAkS - cu. i t! A 7. 37 I a 19°24'14' e!~ s:~, WCS. c o JrA1t z •3a scye_2.;I 10' L 38U 00' ZONED f.Si -r c - I LCB = S09.53'02.E LUD-P ^y__y J r_- L 5T- '55' _ - -K-- _ _ - A 0'55' w - 101., Ei 87.3 'q] W T 7. .wwK - - - - tx, / I ,i C. A I hcJ I 1 I`, .c°~ I ~.t sVic: II r ^ ~~yLplVuY4CtU ! . 2f- /NAwD•AD7ITIM Q ~REUTLIPILER '~c' ZONED 01 ADDITION LUO=tA: SR I yt Ir~,rrdrr se: ff eASt+rr A IIl1TIIII ar2 t :n-ons: ens Z E;) -2G~A vJL.6r P;.nC) ~wJ I II r -5: Q J I~.E`J?Ef~NIAL - ! G}Ar.M-AV ~r ly I SL /7C :Sf3 ~ -,C-l- d ~l9 P.. ?'ii/ EXHIBIT A - BASE MAP i 7A-4 ' i. SAND I VOLLEYBALL, COURT _ FUTURE OCK 1, PARKING i 30U7RL 1 L.... _ / S, PG. 1 - :S (C014M NITY SERVICE) USLIC/ !-PU13LIC n 20 T,~ NFIRE LANE ~-`CONC.PAVING - - - - - rte- - - - I~ D• a%o : ' I v 110 1 - 23'07'0 B" a N49' - 2 3 5$T~... _ 12.50. 1 ! r 24'-O" fn J n t... ENTRY EN Y m n- ENTRY' ! 8'-0" F}IGH i_ MASONRY TRAISH ~ - - • _ I I j ENCLOSURE I ~ ENTRYI ' : ~ ~ I tar a I ~I- ~ I o I !m 1 11 n_ I_ I rd o C) i i I I I Fps ` i 4-n 62, ENTRY ENTRY - ' ' E TRY O N W)l T I' f•y 1 c~ co ~ FIRE LANE W ' '1 I {TYP-J 50'-0"I B.L. s l i I 5 i U H I I ~ , I N _ 0 TYPE 0 _ r T% I - - 15'UE 01, w r N 88' S7' 44" W 60.97' r5= 01'55'34" r R = 565 6 1~. L = 190.114' 4' LCO = $87"23'16"W LC = 190.14 PARK ENTRY do I BLDG. MONUMENT AIR I- SIGN 274' (t) VAL' REL1 SOUTHLAE BLVD. EXHIBIT 13 SITE LAYOUT * BICENTENNIAL PARK r : r_. rl Till i ` ~ r , WF.Pfti HOUSE ~ - f TENANT ; SIGNACE - J m, . ~r F_- AREA --_'_i 71 IL . ~U:.. ° - rPLANTER e v - I ~ 'f 20•-D" EXHIBIT C - MONUMENT SIGN ELEVATION PLANTER AREA o f j I TENANT SICNAGE I~ . PARK SIGN AGE N F;j 8" 3•_p• ~2..p• 3._D. 8" ii 2• 2" z" 20'-0' SCALE:y _ 1/8" F JSTANDARD E•R•P. CORNICE/ 40LDINy DETML TREATMENT I ~1 POLYSTYRENE, BOARD w/ TY £LASTDIJERIC COA1)NC SLATE A-1/T~ VOLES NELRE.D E.R.P,Ir•r~ _ 1; 1I. I~!"I 1 I"'~I I'fv'~II I CI I k BALUSTRADES I I,!~. I.1 I •1 1S, I I i~ 11 111111 L ..i l I. 1l7 1 FR.P• CORNICE/ _ . DEIAL TREATMENT _ .1.. ~c r ' iii"! •i~~~~ _ fri'r:-.': ~:i L WED POLYSTYRENE ALL ACCENT ' rte-=T EUSTOMERIC WED _ t N CCFNE, OWA IT w/ ElASTOMERIC r 7. PRE R111 'ARE INSULATED . 7K VENEER CON P. PLC; I !EXHIBIT D - BUILDING FACADE (WEST) 1109fAf L yYIAM, AA 166RMD lN111rtA IA. 7A-7 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE AND ST. MARTIN IN THE FIELDS EPISCOPAL CHURCH This Agreement is entered into as of the day of , 2003, by and between the City of Southlake, Texas, a home-rule municipal corporation of the State of Texas, 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas, 76092, (the "City") and St. Martin in the Fields Episcopal Church, a non-profit organization of the State of Texas, 223 South Pearson Lane, Southlake, Texas 76248, (the "Church"). FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE AGREEMENTS SET OUT BELOW, the parties agree as follows: 1. LICENSE Church agrees to give the City a license to utilize the property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, located as a portion of Block 1, Lot 1 of the St Martin's Addition to the City of Southlake, Tarrant County, Texas, ( the "Premises") for a practice space for a period of ten (10) years from the effective date of this Agreement, for and in consideration of one dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration. II. CITY'S OBLIGATIONS City agrees to the following: A. City shall clear existing debris and perform necessary grading and drainage. B. City shall put up soccer goals on the premises consistent with City practice field standards. C. City shall maintain the premises through mowing and the removal of any waste or debris generated by the City's use. D. City shall irrigate the premises as an extension of the adjacent park and lease area. E. City agrees to complete said improvements within two (2) years from the effective date of this Agreement. F. City shall utilize the fields on Mondays through Fridays, after 4:00 p.m., Saturdays until 3:00 p.m. but it shall not schedule practices on Sundays. G. City shall name Church as an additional insured on its general liability insurance policy, which it agrees to maintain throughout the term of this Agreement. H. The Church may change the City's scheduled use with twenty four (24) hour notice for special emergency use such as a funeral, wedding, etc. III. TERMINATION A. Either City or Church may terminate this Agreement by giving the other party notice not less than six months prior to the termination, at the addresses set forth in the preamble to this Agreement. 5B-3 B. Church agrees to reimburse City the prorated cost of improvements to the premises should the Church terminate this agreement before the expiration date of this agreement. The maximum cost for said improvements held liable shall not exceed $15,000. IV. INDEMNIFICATION CHURCH AGREES TO INDEMNIFY CITY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY FOR ANY INJURY CAUSED BY CHURCH'S NEGLIGENCE. CHURCH ALSO AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY FOR ANY INJURY CAUSED BY ANYTHING CHURCH DOES TO THE PREMISES THAT CAUSES INJURY. V. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A. Church agrees to permit City to enter into Agreements with non-profit associations to utilize the Premises for use as a practice sports field and park area. B. Church agrees to permit City to utilize the south half of existing concrete parking lot for parking. The north half of parking lot is reserved for church use only and the Church shall designate reserved area by signage and/or striping. C. Church agrees to permit City access to the premises for necessary construction and maintenance. D. No portable toilets or concession stands, trucks or trailers are to be parked on site at any time. E. The parties agree that the fact that City has drafted this Agreement shall not mean that in the event of ambiguity, any provision shall be construed in favor of Church. EXECUTED this day of , 2003. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE: ST. MARTIN IN THE FIELDS EPISCOPAL CHURCH: Andy Wambsganss, Mayor Reverend Frank Reeves ATTEST: Lori Farwell D.J Mitchell, Senior Warden City Secretary Rita Frick, Junior Warden 5B-4 EXHIBIT "A" t: :b 't a a 3 ~ w h CFA > :1 Proposed 4 - Lease ` x: Area i t cMR r T-- iii Existing Existing Lease Lease Area #2 area #1 pf . n > wilt. 10a ~ ~ S G fie 5B-5 IL . i m "x7 ~ j `sue •a.r x . s, ttf rw k M or- W ~A W • y LL~ v o vi UNION O= 0 43 0 0 i IN% _ ~ ~ ~ Q i J O C~ Q W . t0 y y 7 r f ~ r J ~ . x. 1 G i ♦r a> f c = ~ .t i <Dm ,or v t i. _ "'"f• { o'er i E fir- Iii i ~i19 µ.r t a ~s mil' 14 MINIM O ~ loft 3 y=.+ t i ti~ v i = p G) . O toll, O ~ O ~ ~'~o = i o'er Qc Illm L6 STATE OF TEXAS § CITY OF SOUTHLAKE § CERTIFIED AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD I, Chairman Bobby Rawls, CITY OF SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, HEREBY CERTIFY AS FOLLOWS: 1. That notice of an executive session in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code was duly posted along with the Regular Agenda for the June 9, 2003, Parks and Recreation Board meeting on Friday, June 6, 2003, at 6:00 p.m. 2. That the City Council convened in executive session on Monday, June 9, 2003 , at p.m. with the following Parks and Recreation Board members and staff members present: Bobby Rawls, Chairman Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Serv. Frank Cornish, Vice Chairman Steve Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Mary Georgia, Secretary Services Eric Blomquist __Gl}~ia rrrt€r Liz Durham Linda Carpenter-Elgin, Administrative Secretary Other staff members: Dorothy Wood 3. That the matters discussed by the City Council were as follows: (1) CLCC -'N ~~ti (4) (2) (5) (3) (6) 4. No formal action was taken by the h during executive session. 5. That the executive session ended on a in. r^ Linda Carpefit - lgin Bobby W awls, Chairman Secretary Parks and Recreation Board N:\Parks & Recreatlal\ADMIN\FORMS\Certified agenda Park Board.doc 6000 WESTERN PLACE TELEPHONE: (817) 332-2580 SUITE 200 Taylor Olson Adkins Sralla Elam TOLL FREE: (800) 318-3400 1-30 AT BRYANT-IRVIN ROAD L.L.P. FACSIMILE: (817) 332-4740 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 761074654 DENTON: (940) 383-2674 SMAIL: TOASE@TOASE.COM Attorneys 40 Counselors DENTON METRO: (972) 434-3834 EBSITE: WWW.TOASE.COM DEBRA A. DRAYOVITCH ddravovitchQtoase. com CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGE June 6, 2003 Via Facsimile and Regular Mail Bobby Rawls, Chair and Members of the Park and Recreations Board City of Southlake 1400 Main Street Southlake, Texas 76092 Re: Legality of Executive Session Posting Dear Chairman Rawls and Members of the Parks and Recreation Board: I understand that the following agenda has been posted for the Board's June 9, 2003, regular meeting : A. Executive Session: Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Section 551.072, deliberation regarding real property. 1. Section 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property a. Land acquisition The purpose JI'"is letter iC to nrL. '1v;de an y~::..rr: F board may1 ~c .-ya'i ..,~..u.. u, ,~i y discuss the above-referenced topic in executive session. Section 551.072,Texas Government Code, states that the Board may deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person. Therefore, the Parks and Recreation Board may lawfully conduct a closed meeting to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property to the extent that it will have a detrimental effect on the City's negotiating position, as outlined above. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our office. June 6, 2003 Page 2 Sincerely, Debra A. Drayovitch DAD/mar cc: Shana Yelverton, Assistant City Manger Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Services W:\Soutlake\Letters\Park Board. DAD.001.wpd