***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 10/13/03
4 September 8, 2003
7 Board Members Present: Bobby Rawls, Chairman; Frank Cornish, Vice-Chair; Mary
8 Georgia, Secretary; Eric Blomquist, Elaine Cox, Liz Durham, Emily Galpin, Cara White
9 and Dorothy Wood
11 Board Members Absent: None
13 Staff Members Present: Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Services; Steve
14 Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; Chris Carpenter, Senior Park Planner;
15 and Steve Moore, Recreation Superintendent.
19 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
21 Chairman Rawls called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
25 Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments
27 Director Jackson reported the following administrative comments:
29 A. Introduction and Oath of Office of new Park Board members - The Oath
30 of Office was administered to Ms. White and Ms. Cox, Places 8 and 9,
31 respectively. Ordinance No. 854 was approved by City Council on
32 September 2, increasing the number of Park Board members from seven to
33 nine, adding Place 8 and Place 9.
35 B. Re-cap of Summer Recreation Programs - Recreation Superintendent
36 Steve Moore presented a PowerPoint summary of the summer season
37 recreation programs. Some of the highlights were: Boo Boo's Buddies
38 held September 6 in Bicentennial Park - an enormous success. This event
39 drew participants from all over the metroplex. Approximately 700 children
40 participated in the Summer Camp Mania which included weekly field trips
41 (zoo, ice skating, movies, entertainment parks), swimming at the CISD
42 natatorium, Dress Up Day, and "Camper of the Week" awards. Skyhawk's
43 Minihawk Camp, karate classes, art and science camps, Teen Scene and
44 the expanded "Summer Kidz Fun" therapeutic recreation program were
45 just a few of the other programs offered this summer that were well
September 8, 2003 Page I of 10
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 10/13/03
1 attended. The annual "Stars & Stripes" and MasterWorks concerts series
2 were very successful and drew many patrons to Town Square.
4 B. Japanese Public Park - During a recent Sister Cities Youth Ambassador's
5 visit to Toyoma, Japan, the delegates visited several neighborhood parks
6 and observed both public and private garden areas. As a result, an interest
7 was shown by various individuals to develop small garden areas
8 representing our Sister Cities - Toyoma, Japan and El Fuerto, Mexico.
9 Staff is working to develop some concepts for the Park Board to review at
10 a future meeting. Park Board members are encouraged to contact staff
11 with their input.
13 C. Liberty Park at Sheltonwood Cleanup Day - The clean up event has been
14 scheduled for Saturday, October 11, 2003, 9:00 - 12:00 p.m. Park
15 Maintenance Supervisor Mike Reasoner is coordinating the activities,
16 which include removing all the trash and debris and clearing under brush
17 from under the large trees. Volunteers are needed and Board members, as
18 well as all other Southlake citizens are invited to participate. Contact Mr.
19 Reasoner at 847.714.8568 with any questions. Notices will be sent to
20 residents on the north side of town via the SPIN representatives, and the
21 city's home webpage and cable channel feature the event as well. A
22 shuttle parking arrangement is being worked out and will be announced
23 before October 11. Chairman Rawls recommended using Carroll Middle
24 School as the remote parking location.
26 D. Meeting with Athletic Associations - Staff will meet with the four athletic
27 associations on Thursday, September 25 at 3:30 p.m. in the Community
28 Center at Bicentennial Park to discuss and identify current and future
29 issues. Park Board members are invited to attend and observe the meeting
30 if they are available.
34 Agenda Item No 3A Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation Board meeting
35 minutes of August 11, 2003.
37 A motion was made to approve the minutes of the August 11, 2003 meeting as
38 presented.
39 Motion: Georgia
40 Second: Durham
41 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls, White and
42 Wood
43 Nays: None
44 Abstention: None
45 Vote: 9-0
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 10/13/03
1 Motion carried.
5 Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the August 11, 2003 meeting minutes. Minutes were
6 approved as presented in the Park Board packet with no changes identified.
10 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum
12 Chairman Rawls opened the Public Forum by reading the provisions for a public forum.
13 There was no one present to speak at this meeting. Public Forum was closed.
15 Agenda Item No. 5-A. Recommendation of Revised Site Plan for Bicentennial Park
17 Director Jackson presented the Revised Site Plan for Bicentennial Park involving the
18 construction of the Liberty Garden, which is located south of the driveway area, near the
19 White Chapel Boulevard entrance to the park. He related background information for the
20 benefit of the new Park Board members. The Liberty Garden Committee made a report to
21 the Park Board and reviewed the general concept plan at their April 8, 2002 meeting.
22 Park Board approved a $50,000 matching funds request on October 14, 2002. SPDC
23 subsequently tabled a matching funds request and recommended approving funds for
24 design and cost refinement October 22, 2002. Council then approved $7,000 from the
25 Coke Fund budget for the design and refinements at the November 5, 2002 meeting and
26 were referred to the development of the Liberty Garden in Bicentennial Park in
27 recognition of the 9/11 event. The Park Board approved a recommendation to apply for
28 Park Dedication Funds for up to $40,000 to fund the project initially. SPDC approved
29 matching funds of $50,000 at their February 25, 2003 meeting. The City Council also
30 approved $50,000 in matching funds and $40,000 in Park Dedication Funds at the
31 February 25 meeting.
33 The item before Park Board is a concept plan and the funding approval. Staff has been
34 working with a consultant to finalize the construction documents. The final schematic
35 plan for the improvements to Bicentennial Park related to the Liberty Garden has been
36 completed and the required site plan revisions are being processed, which authorize
37 construction of the Liberty Garden pavilion structure. Director Jackson reviewed a copy
38 of the current site plan, a copy of the plan view of the Learning Pavilion and elevation
39 drawing, which are attached to the minutes. A revised site plan for the project must be
40 approved before the actual pavilion can be constructed.
42 Discussion:
44 The dedication ceremony and unveiling of the Liberty Garden area will occur on
45 Thursday, September 11 at 1:00 p.m. Construction of the project, including the pavilion,
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 10/13/03
1 is expected to be complete by mid to end of October. A "grand opening" celebration will
2 be held October 25, 2003.
4 Subsequent to the Park Board's review, this item will be presented at a SPIN meeting and
5 then at a Planning and Zoning meeting, followed by City Council meeting.
7 A motion was made to approve the recommendation of the Revised Site Plan for
8 Bicentennial Park.
10 Motion: Georgia
11 Second: Cox
12 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Cox, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls, White and
13 Wood
14 Nays: None
15 Abstention: Durham
16 Vote: 8-0-1
18 Motion carried.
20 Agenda Item No. 5-B. Renaming of Southlake Softball Complex (aka. Texas School of
21 Baseball
23 Director Jackson presented the item to consider renaming of Southlake Softball Complex,
24 which was previously referred to as the "TSB" or Texas School of Baseball. When the
25 City purchased the site, the projected use was the future home of the local softball
26 program and the facility was renamed "Southlake Softball Complex." Now that the
27 softball program is scheduled for location at Bob Jones Park, the name of the facility may
28 once again need to be changed. The facility is currently being used by the lacrosse and
29 baseball associations and a gymnastics program. There are areas of the facility that may
30 in the future be associated with some function other than a sports facility.
32 The Park Board directed staff at their May 12, 2003 meeting, to seek public input for the
33 naming of the facility. Information regarding the naming "contest" was placed in local
34 newspapers as well as on the City's website. Sixty-nine different names were submitted
35 by the public. Several entries were excluded because they did not meet the criteria for
36 naming City facilities as stated in the "Naming or Renaming Park Facilities Procedures"
37 or their histories could not be verified. A matrix copy of the submitted names is attached
38 to the minutes. Nineteen members of the Parks and Recreation staff independently
39 reviewed and ranked the proposed names. The top five names meeting the criteria of the
40 procedures for park naming or re-naming are: (from most recommended to least
41 recommended)
43 1. Columbia Park
44 2. Freedom Fields
45 3. Independence Park
46 4. Southlake Sports Complex
September 8, 2003 Page 4 of 10
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 10/13/03
1 5. Freedom Park
3 Director Jackson reviewed the guidelines established in the "Naming and Renaming of
4 Park Facilities Procedures." Staff recommended against naming the facility after a
5 particular sport or activity since future uses may change or include other activities.
7 Discussion:
9 Ms. Cox was against calling the location a "park" due to the concept associated with the
10 designation of "park" or naming it after a certain sport. She suggested naming the facility
11 "Southlake Sports Complex" because it would encompass all sports that may use the
12 facility. Mr. Cornish concurred with Ms. Cox's ideas.
14 Chairman Rawls asked if anyone in the audience would like to make a name
15 recommendation.
17 Barbara Weinberger, 2200 Yergan Court, Southlake, representative of the Southlake
18 Carroll Lacrosse Association. Ms. Weinberger said that "for the record" she was sent to
19 the meeting to request that the Park Board name the facility on Crooked Lane the
20 "Lacrosse Complex," which could be an aid to fundraising efforts. She said personally
21 however, she favored the name "Southlake Sports Complex" because the universal use of
22 the facility.
24 Chairman Rawls acknowledged lacrosse's interest in having ownership of the facility
25 however, other parks such as Bicentennial Park and Bob Jones Park are identified with
26 certain sports, ie - soccer at Bob Jones Park and baseball at Bicentennial Park - and will
27 not be renamed to reflect those predominate uses.
29 Ms. White said that as mentioned earlier in the meeting, proposed Sister Cities cultural
30 gardens could also be incorporated into that location or other city park areas.
32 Ms. Cox stressed that most cities, such as Hurst, Bedford, etc., all have a "sports
33 complex."
35 Ms. Durham asked if naming the facility "Southlake Sports Complex" could be an
36 infringement upon the business that already operates in Southlake under the name
37 "Southlake Sports." Director Jackson said he did not know if their name had been
38 registered, but said he was sure the Southlake Sports company would let the City know.
40 A motion was made to rename the facility the "Southlake Sports Complex."
42 Motion: Cox
43 Second: White
44 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls, White and
45 Wood
46 Nays: None
September 8, 2003 Page 5 of 10
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 10/13/03
1 Abstention: None
2 Vote: 9-0
4 Motion carried.
6 The Park Board's name recommendation will proceed to the next City Council meeting.
8 Agenda Item No. 5-C. New Park Board liaison assignments
10 Director Jackson reviewed the existing liaison report assignments and asked Park Board
11 members to identify which report(s) they would like to represent.
13 Discussion:
15 Chairman Rawls presented his recommendations and the Board agreed to the following
16 report assignments:
18 Recreation/Special Events - Liz Durham/Frank Cornish
19 Youth Sports Associations - Elaine Cox/Bobby Rawls
20 Community Groups - Eric Blomquist/Emily Galpin
21 SPIN - Cara White/Mary Georgia
22 SPDC - Dorothy Wood/Cara White
23 JUC - Emily Galpin
25 Presently any information regarding equestrian issues will be included under
26 "Community Groups" report, however, a separate item may be added later if the need
27 arises.
29 A motion was made to approve the appointments to the liaison report assignments
30 [as agreed during discussion].
32 Motion: White
33 Second: Georgia
34 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls, White and
35 Wood
36 Nays: None
37 Abstention: None
38 Vote: 9-0
40 Motion carried.
42 Agenda Item No. 5-D. Recommendation on 3-Year Strategic Plan with Southlake Carroll
43 Lacrosse Association for the Southlake Softball Complex.
September 8, 2003 Page 6 of 10
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 10/13/03
1 Director Jackson announced that lacrosse representatives asked to withdraw this item
2 from consideration for this agenda and that they would work through the 5-year Plan
3 process. Lacrosse may request an item on a future Park Board agenda.
5 Director Jackson briefed the Board on current developments. At the July Park Board
6 meeting, staff presented a proposed Capital Improvement Projects budget that included
7 $600,000 for revisions to the lacrosse facility in out-year FY2005-2006, subject to the
8 amount of funds received in sales tax and the ability to sell bonds as project at that time.
9 Park Board voted to transfer those funds to be directed towards neighborhood parks prior
10 to presentation of the CIP to the SPDC and the City Council. A meeting between lacrosse
11 representative Kelli Riley and staff was held August 6 where staff advised Ms. Riley that
12 the $600,000 in proposed funding was requested by the Park Board to be redirected and
13 that there were no CIP projects reflected for the next two years. It was during that
14 meeting that Ms. Riley requested to be listed on the August 11 Park Board meeting
15 agenda; however, due to the timeframe it was too late to properly prepare the packet
16 material for that meeting. The item was placed on the current meeting agenda.
18 Barbara Weinberger, 2200 Yergan Court, Southlake, representative of the Southlake
19 Carroll Lacrosse Association, explained that since SPDC had restored the $400,000 for
20 the 2005-06 year, the prepared lacrosse presentation was rendered obsolete. The planned
21 presentation was originally to seek support and endorsement and encourage the granting
22 of monies, which makes is now mute since SPDC has restored funding of $400,000.
23 Lacrosse will be developing one, three and five-year plans and will work with Director
24 Jackson's input as they move forward. She thanked staff for their input and assistance
25 and for the Park Board's support and encouragement.
27 There was no action required by the Park Board at this time.
29 Board members received clarification concerning the $400,000 matching funds projected
30 to be available for FY2005-06. There will be $400,000 earmarked for matching funds for
31 FY2005-06. That $400,000 will not be earmarked for any particular interest.
33 Director Jackson explained that matching funds means that an outside entity will pay to
34 the city their half of the matching funds monies and then the City will pay out the half
35 received by the entity along with the City's half.
37 Director Jackson was asked to explain where the City was going to get the $200,000. He
38 said these monies are contingent upon several elements: the sales tax comes in as
39 projected; if sufficient funding is available, bonds could be sold, based on the approval
40 and subsequent sale of $4 million approximately in bonds, which would then be paid
41 back through SPDC funds. If the bond sales does not go through as projected and if the
42 sales taxes revenues do not come in, that particular year would call for an adjustment to
43 the budget which could go up or down in any of the line items for FY2005-06 budget.
44 $200,000 in matching funds has been projected for matching funds for every year, based
45 upon regular sales tax. Additional funds above the $200,000 for matching funds is based
46 on the bond sales.
September 8, 2003 Page 7 of 10
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 10/13/03
2 Ms. Georgia commented that this information about the projected matching funds should
3 come as a huge encouragement to all the sports associations, as well as any youth
4 organizations, or any projects such as Liberty Garden, nature centers, equestrian uses -
5 any projects where endorsements can be obtained.
7 Director Jackson pointed out that the SPDC budget being discussed has been approved by
8 SPDC, but has not yet been presented to City Council. It will be presented in conjunction
9 with the other CEP budgets and at that time will be formally approved and adopted.
1 I Ms. Georgia asked the status of FY2002-03 matching funds budget. Director Jackson said
12 due to time frame required in the approval process to receive matching funds and the
13 closeness to the end of this fiscal year, the remaining funds in the matching funds line
14 item have been carried forward. Deputy Director said about half of the matching funds
15 have been expended.
17 Ms. Durham wondered if matching funds had to be expended specifically for park
18 construction and development. Could the purchase of a statute be an applicable use of
19 matching funds since a statute is a park enhancement? Senior Park Planner Chris
20 Carpenter responded that SPDC funds, regardless of line item, must be expended for park
21 development as a requirement of the SPDC charter. A copy of the SPDC matching funds
22 program guidelines will be included in the Park Board members next meeting packet.
24 Staff will present a comprehensive list of steps and procedures matrix at the October Park
25 Board meeting that will aid in determining what development processes are necessary for
26 different projects.
28 Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion: No items this agenda
30 Chairman Rawls commented on how important it is to inform the community about the
31 October 11 Liberty Park at Sheltonwood Park Clean Up Day - to involve as many
32 citizens as possible. He recommended the event be advertised in the city manager's
33 weekly memo, cable channel, website and media.
35 Agenda Item No. 7. Liaison Reports
37 Board members reviewed the following:
39 (a) Recreation/Special Events - Boo Boo's Buddies was a tremendous
40 success on September 6 at Bicentennial Park. There were people from all
41 over the metroplex. It was a perfect location and a great day!
43 Southlake Saturday Night is coming up on September 13, which is usually
44 attended by about 500 youths.
September 8, 2003 Page 8 of 10
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 10/13/03
1 Liberty Garden at Bicentennial Park will hold its dedication ceremony
2 Thursday, September 11 at 1:00 p.m. The grand opening will be held
3 October 25 - details to come. Everyone is invited!
5 (b) Youth Sports Associations - Nothing new to report.
7 (c) Community Groups - The Friends of the Nature Center group is
8 reorganizing and will meet September 28, 2:00 p.m. at Bob Jones Park day
9 camp area.
11 Keep Southlake Beautiful will hold the fall quarterly cleanup on October
12 11, 2003, 9-noon. Adopt-A-Street Partners will pick up litter on their
13 assigned streets. All Southlake citizens are invited to participate and may
14 obtain supplies and street assignments by contacting 817.481.1542.
16 Southlake Sister Cities is excited about the proposed international Sister
17 Cities gardens and will be working on that project.
19 (d) SPIN - A SPIN meeting was held August 18, 2003 to review SPIN
20 objectives with the City Council.
22 (e) SPDC - SPDC met August 27, 2003 for a joint orientation presentation
23 with the Parks Board.
25 (f) JUC - Next meeting scheduled for September 11, 2003.
27 (g) City Council Monthly Report - Mr. Blomquist will present the Park Board
28 Report at the October 7tn Council meeting. Ms. White offered to substitute
29 as a back-up if needed.
31 Other Items
33 Appreciate plaque for former board member Tim O'Connor will be ordered and
34 presented at future a future meeting.
36 Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment
38 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 p.m.
40 Motion: Cox
41 Second: White
42 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls, White and
43 Wood
44 Nays: None
45 Abstention: None
46 Vote: 9-0
September 8, 2003 Page 9 of 10
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 10/13/03
2 Motion carried.
4 -
6 Bobby Rawls
7 Parks & Recreation Board Chair
8 111/y f,
9 vj/h/ /
10 ary Georg' a
11 Parks & Recreation Board Secretary
13 Attachments: Item No. 5A - Revised Site Plan for Bicentennial Park for the Liberty Garden pavilion
14 Item No. 5B - Renaming TSB (Southlake Softball Complex) - matrix
September 8, 2003 Page 10 of 10
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Return to Pont Micholik br 6130103.
FINAL Yes! Ps sible Possible P sLess
sible I NO!
More All-American Park 68 1 2 3 4 5
Bluebonnet Fields 73 1 2 3 4 5
Carroll Community Sports Complex 80 1 2 3 4 5
Carroll Field Sports Complex 86 1 2 3 4 5
Carroll Green Fields 91 1 2 3 4 5
Carroll Greens Sports Complex 86 1 2 3 4 5
Champion's Complex 78 1 2 3 4 5
Columbia Center 77 1 2 3 4 5
Columbia Park 55 1 2 3 4 5
'In honor of the space shuttle. - -
Continental Avenue Fields 77 1 2 3 4 5
Crooked Lane Sports Complex 66 1 2 3 4 5
Dragon East Fields 81 1 2 3 4 5
Dragon Field 84 1 2 3 4 5
Dragon Lacrosse Complex 84 1 2 3 4 5
Dragon Lacrosseplex 84 1 2 3 4 5
Dragon LAX Complex 85 1 2 3 4 5
Dragon LAX Plex 84 1 2 3 4 5
Dragon Meadows 75 1 2 3 4 5
Dragon Meadows Sports Complex 74 1 2 3 4 5
Dragonfield Complex 79 1 2 3 4 5
Dragonfields 78 1 2 3 4 5
Dragon's Den 82 1 2 3 4 5
Dragons Lacrosse•Complex 86 1 2 3 4 5
Dragon's Park 85 1 2 3 4 5
Freedom Fields 57 1 2 3 4 5
Freedom Park 63 1 2 3 4 5
Hope Fields 74 1 2 3 4 5
Independence Park 57 1 2 3 4 5
John A. Freeman Park 71 1 2 3 4 5
Liberty Park 67 1 2 3 4 5
Lone Star Fields 70 1 2 3 4 5
Lone Star Park 79 1 2 3 4 5
Lonesome Dove Park 85 1 2 3 4 5
Lucky Fields 80 1 2 3 4 5
Lucky Strikes Fields 86 1 2 3 4 5
Marci Holden Memorial Sports Complex 73 1 2 3 4 5
'In memory of of Marci [Holden Who passed away ' - - - - " - -
5/1212003. She was a member of the school family at CIS -
forl-1/2 yrs.'
Patriotic Park 75 1 3 4 5
Player's Pride 76 1 2 3 4 5
Practice Park 83 1 2 3 4 5
Southlake Athletic Fields 67 1 2 3 4 5
Southlake Sports Complex 61 1 2 3 4 5
Southlake Sports Fields 69 1 2 3 4 5
Stars and Strikes Park 82 1 2 3 4 5
Stars and Stripes Park 81 1 2 3 4 5
Superstar Park 82 1 2 3 4 5
Thompson's Park 47 1 2 3 4 5
'Suggested name is for I nomas Jetlerson i nompson and - - - -
Sam Houston Thompson, father E son pioneers who fought _
in the Battle of San Jacinto and the Civil War, respectiyety - -
and settled in the area that would become known as t... - -
Southlake. - -
Throop Park 83 1 .3. 4 5
Ultimate Park 90 1 2 3 4 5
Ultimate Play Park 88 1 2 3 4 5
Ultimate Sports Fields 87 1 2 3 4 5
Winners World 87 1 2 3 4 5
Yelton Park 63 1 4 5
'SUggesteo name is for me many contributions of the
Yetton family who have promoted baseball and softball, as
well as the building of baseball fields and leagues, for
many years in Southlake.
n_ - j