***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 1/12/04
4 November 10, 2003
7 Board Members Present: Bobby Rawls, Chairman; Frank Cornish, Vice-Chair; Mary
8 Georgia, Secretary; Eric Blomquist, Elaine Cox, Liz Durham, Emily Galpin, Cara White
9 and Dorothy Wood
11 Board Members Absent: None
13 Staff Members Present: Malcolm Jackson, Director of Community Services; Steve
14 Polasek, Deputy Director of Community Services; and Steve Moore, Recreation
15 Superintendent.
19 Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
21 Chair Rawls called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
25 Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments
27 Director Jackson reported the following administrative comment:
29 A. Resignation of Joint Utilization Committee (JUC) Member - The City
30 Secretary's Office is now accepting applications to fill the unexpired term
31 vacant by the resignation of JUC member Jeff Wang.
35 Agenda Item No. 3A. Approval of the Special Joint Southlake Parks Development
36 Corporation and Parks and Recreation Board meeting minutes of August 27, 2003.
38 A motion was made to approve the minutes of the August 27, 2003 meeting as
39 presented.
40 Motion: Cox
41 Second: Georgia
42 Ayes: Cox, Durham, Georgia, White and Wood
43 Nays: None
44 Abstention: Rawls, Blomquist
45 Vote: 5-0-2
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 1/12/04
2 Motion carried.
4 Agenda Item No. 3B. Approval of the Southlake Parks and Recreation board meeting
5 minutes of October 13, 2003.
7 A motion was made to approve the minutes of the October 13, 2003 meeting as
8 presented.
9 Motion: Georgia
10 Second: Cox
11 Ayes: Cox, Durham, Georgia, White and Wood
12 Nays: None
13 Abstention: Rawls, Blomquist
14 Vote: 5-0-2
16 Motion carried.
20 Agenda Item No. 3-A. Approval of the August 27, 2003 Special Joint Southlake Parks
21 Development Corporation and Parks and Recreation Board meeting minutes. Minutes
22 were approved as presented in the Park Board packet with no changes identified.
24 Agenda Item No. 3-B. Approval of the October 13, 2003 Parks and Recreation Board
25 meeting minutes. Minutes were approved as presented in the Park Board packet with a
26 notation that Frank Cornish was the sitting chair for that meeting and would sign the
27 minutes.
31 Agenda Item No. 4. Public Forum
33 Chairman Rawls opened the Public Forum by reading the provisions for a public forum.
34 No one addressed the Board during Public Forum. Public Forum was closed.
36 Agenda Item No. 5-A. Purchase of Evans property adjacent to Bicentennial Park.
38 Director Jackson presented information regarding a recent offer to purchase the Evans'
39 property adjacent to Bicentennial Park and asked the Board for their recommendation.
41 Relevant information for this item was presented and members were provided a
42 "Bicentennial Park Land Acquisition History" and an aerial map of the proposed property
43 in their packets, which is also attached to the minutes.
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 1/12/04
1 The initial tracts for Bicentennial Park were purchased adjacent to North White Chapel,
2 with an overall plan of acquiring all the parcels between North White Chapel and Shady
3 Oaks (with the exception of the FM 1709 commercial property) for the park.
5 The purchase offer is for the existing Evans home and surrounding property, which
6 comprises approximately 6.503 acres and represents the only remaining private property
7 between Shady Oaks and North White Chapel. When the City made its most recent
8 purchase of park property from the Evans family in 2000, leaving the 6.503-acre home
9 site, the contract included a provision for a 30-day right of first refusal to the buyer (the
10 City) for the remaining tracts (6.503 acres) and improvements at such time the seller
11 (Evans) chose to sell them. This provision is set to expire on 06/01/05. Along with the
12 6.503 acres of land, the property also contains a 3,458 sq. ft. house built in 1985, a large
13 workshop, and some storage buildings. The total asking price is $800,000.
15 Director Jackson explained possible funding sources through SPDC. Funds exist in the
16 SPDC Operating Fund Balance to cover the one-time expenditure; however, the property
17 purchase itself may not come directly from that fund. The Finance Director has offered
18 an alternative that would include restructuring of existing SPDC debt to pay off current
19 higher interest debt and then reissuing debt at a lower rate to cover the one-time cash
20 outlay. This option would pay off the Southlake Sports Complex (formerly Texas School
21 of Baseball) debt. With the reissuing of debt at a lower interest rate, it may be possible to
22 recognize as much as $500,000 in interest saved. The option would require detailed
23 financial analysis prior to its inclusion as a funding source.
25 The possible purchase of the Evan's 6.503 acres was discussed by the City Council
26 during executive session where staff was directed to prepare an item for the City Council
27 action.
29 Discussion:
31 Park Board members discussed several issues related to the purchase - was additional
32 park land needed - how did the land fit in with the Park Master Plan - was the
33 expenditure feasible when there may be greater existing park needs and there is park land
34 that is still underdeveloped - was there an urgency to purchase the property - and
35 whether SPDC funds gained by refinancing debt could be put to better use. The Board
36 generally was divided on the issues.
38 Park Board members Cox, Blomquist, White and Wood were opposed to the
39 recommendation for several reasons, one being they did not think it was the best use of
40 funds to purchase more property when other park improvements are still not funded and
41 there are other needs in the City, such as completing existing parks and trails. Chairman
42 Rawls also originally opposed the recommendation in that he did not think the City
43 needed to purchase additional park land.
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 1/12/04
1 Park Board members Durham, Cornish, Georgia, were in favor of the recommendation
2 and supported the purchase because of the Evans' property location adjacent to
3 Bicentennial Park and the opportunity for expansion of the Park and to use the property,
4 homes and outbuildings for recreational programming and storage facilities for
5 equipment. They supported the funding through SPDC, although they had some questions
6 about the financing. Ms. Galpin favored the recommendation also since the City is
7 always in need of more space for playing fields and the expansion of Bicentennial Park
8 would logically be the best location, however, Ms. Galpin said she would like to have
9 more time to explore more options and to get more information.
11 A motion was made to respond "no" since a counter offer cannot be extended on
12 Mr. Evan's offer. [motion to not buy property]
14 Motion: White
15 Second: Wood
16 Ayes: Blomquist, Cox, White, and Wood
17 Nays: Cornish, Galpin, Rawls, Georgia, and Durham
18 Abstention: None
19 Vote: 4-5
20 Motion failed to carry.
22 The Board continued their discussion.
24 Another motion was made that the Park Board recommend this property for
25 purchase based on review and consideration by SPDC, City Council and finance
26 recommendations.
27 Motion: Georgia
28 Second: Durham
29 Ayes: Cornish, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls
30 Nays: Blomquist, Cox, White, Wood
31 Abstention: None
32 Vote: 5-4
33 Motion carried.
35 Agenda Item No. 5-B. Recommendation for award of bid to J.C. Commercial,
36 Incorporated for Bob Jones Park improvements.
38 Director Jackson presented the recommendation for award of bid for improvements at
39 Bob Jones Park to J.C. Commercial, Inc. in the amount of $1,540,000, plus 2.3%
40 contingency for a total project amount of $1,576,168.
42 Relevant issues were reviewed with the Board. Staff has been working with consultants
43 Dunkin, Sims, Stoffels on the design of the next phase of improvements for Bob Jones
44 Park. The major components of the project include the lighting of six (6) softball fields,
45 ball field fencing and clay infields, parking lot expansion, flatwork, pipe rail fencing,
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 1/12/04
1 concession building, and irrigation. The engineering estimate on the base items of the
2 project was approximately $1,500,000. Alternate items not included as part of the base
3 bid were concrete parking lots instead of asphalt, shade canopies over the bleachers and
4 center plaza area, playground equipment, batting cages, tree installation, additional pipe
5 rail fencing, overlay of two existing soccer parking lots, additional light fixtures in warm
6 up area, and electric security gates for the soccer area entrances. Alternate items are
7 typically included as part of the bid documents to provide an opportunity for additional
8 improvements should funding allow.
10 A bid opening was held on October 27, 2003 in accordance with State bidding
11 procedures. Six bids were received ranging from a high of $2,191,226 to a low bid of
12 $1,540,000, submitted by J.C. Commercial, Inc.
14 J.C. Commercials is known for having constructed numerous parks and park related
15 facilities and have a reputation for providing professional, quality workmanship. They
16 have completed work for other cities such as McKinney, Plano, Bedford, and North
17 Richland Hills.
19 Funding in the amount of $1,576,168 is available in the SPDC fund for this project. The
20 2004-08 SPDC CIP has been recommended for approval by SPDC but not yet considered
21 by City Council. The approved SPDC CEP has $1,728,855 available for construction of
22 this phase to include the softball field improvements, pipe rail fencing, irrigation, and
23 well. Current funding levels do no provide for the overlay of the north soccer field
24 parking lots. The FY 2003-04 CIP also includes $81,234 for reserve contingencies.
26 The Park Board approved recommendation of the Bob Jones Park revised site plan at
27 their August 11, 2003 meeting. SPDC approved the CIP budget at their August 27, 2003
28 meeting.
30 Staff's recommendation is to award the bid to J.C. Commercial, Inc. for construction of
31 Bob Jones Park improvements for the total project amount of $1,576,168, subject to the
32 adoption of the Capital Improvements Plan by the City Council on November 18, 2003.
34 A motion was made to accept the bid from J.C. Commercial, Inc. for these
35 improvements, with contingencies above listed.
36 Motion: Cox
37 Second: Durham
39 Discussion:
41 Ms. Cox and Ms. White requested a cost breakdown for the alternative improvements and
42 for the batting cages. Staff will re-bid the batting cages as a separate item and bids will be
43 brought back to the Park Board for approval.
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 1/12/04
1 Ms. White had a concern about organizations requesting matching funds and the message
2 that may be sending to organizations. Ms. Georgia encouraged every organization and
3 group in the community to come forward with matching funds requests.
5 Director Jackson clarified that none of the alternate items that were listed were included
6 in the base bid. All of those items are additional funding that would be required to
7 accomplish all of those. It is anticipated that Southlake Girls Softball Association will be
8 presenting a matching funds request for all the bleacher/shade covers for all six fields.
10 Matt Tuggey, president, Southlake Girls Softball Association, 1361 Cross Timber Drive,
11 Southlake, Texas, concurred with Ms. White that the precedent has been set that batting
12 cages be built with matching funds. The two existing cages at Bicentennial Park were
13 built with matching funds from Southlake Girls Softball Association, which will be
14 turned over to Southlake Baseball Association. He said the Association was asking for at
15 least some credit for those cages.
17 The Board continued with a vote on the motion on the table.
19 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls, White and
20 Wood
21 Nays: None
22 Abstention: None
23 Vote: 9-0
25 Motion carried.
27 Agenda Item No 5-C. Recommendation for award of bid to Anderson Water Well
28 Service for Bob Jones Park well and pump.
30 Director Jackson presented the recommendation for award of bid for well and pump at
31 Bob Jones Park to Anderson Water Well Services in the amount of $119,500, plus 3%
32 contingency for a total project amount of $123,085.
34 Relevant issues were presented to the Board. Staff has been working with Dunkin, Sims,
35 Stoffels on the design of the next phase of improvements for Bob Jones Park to include a
36 southern well and pump. The well will be located near the southern pond and used for
37 irrigation purposes as necessary. The engineering estimate on the project was
38 approximately $110,000. Due to its specialized nature the well was bid separate from the
39 other Bob Jones Park improvements in order to obtain the lowest possible cost.
41 The City received and opened three bids on October 30, 2003 in accordance with State
42 bidding procedures. Bids ranged from $139,020 to $119,500, with the low bid submitted
43 by Anderson Water Well Service.
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 1/12/04
1 Anderson Water Well Service has constructed numerous wells throughout the area and
2 has completed work for the City of Southlake including drilling at Lonesome Dove Park,
3 and Koalaty Park and has proven to be very responsive.
5 Funding is available in the SPDC fund for this project. SPDC approved 2003-04 CIP has
6 $1,728,855 available for construction of this phase to include the well, softball field
7 improvements, pipe rail fencing, and irrigation.
9 Discussion:
11 A motion was made to accept the bid for the Anderson water well.
13 Motion: Cox
14 Second: Galpin
15 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls, White and
16 Wood
17 Nays: None
18 Abstention: None
19 Vote: 9-0
21 Motion carried.
23 Agenda Item No. 5-D. Recommendation of park dedication requirements for the Stratford
24 Parc residential development.
26 Director Jackson presented this item for the Board's action. Stratford Parc residential
27 development has proposed 23 lots (dwelling units), which would require that 0.58 acres
28 of park land be dedicated. The equivalent in park dedication fees for the addition, at
29 $1,500 per d.u. (s) 23 d.u., is $34,500. The applicant requests to offset the payment of
30 park dedication fees by dedicating to the public an open space, pond and trail area within
31 the development totaling 1.1 acres.
33 Due to the limited benefit to the general public, staff recommends denial of the park
34 dedication request and payment of fees in lieu of dedication. Should the Park Board
35 recommend approval of the fee credit request, staff advises that the following stipulations
36 be included: (1) the developer remains committed to providing complete maintenance of
37 the dedicated area via the HOA (must be approved in the Developer's Agreement at
38 Council), and (2) that nothing contained in the Developer's Agreement would limit the
39 public use or alteration of the dedicated area.
41 Discussion:
43 John Fagan, developer, White Chapel Limited, Grapevine, presented an artist rendering
44 of the subdivision and addressed the Board about their request and the proposed
45 amenities. The developer proposes to install about $5,000 in trees around the pond, install
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 1/12/04
1 a sidewalk, benches and fountains. The HOA will be responsible for the maintenance of
2 the area around the pond.
4 Ms. Cox pointed out that there was not a lot of actual park land area, excluding the pond.
6 A motion was made to deny the request to dedicate the land to the City and go with
7 the fees per the recommendation from staff.
9 Motion: Blomquist
10 Second: Durham
11 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls, White and
12 Wood
13 Nays: None
14 Abstention: None
15 Vote: 9-0
17 Motion carried.
19 Agenda Item No. 5-E. Recommendation to approve Ordinance No. 844, designating the
20 seed limits within City parks.
22 Director Jackson presented the draft of Ordinance No. 844, to establish enforceable speed
23 limits within City parks.
25 Currently, no speed limits are designated in any of the City parks. Given the high number
26 of pedestrians and increased traffic flows it is proposed that an enforceable speed limit be
27 considered as a method of providing improved safety for park patrons. Staff has
28 consulted with the Public Works Department and conducted a survey of park speed limits
29 in other Texas cities. Seventeen (17) cities were surveyed and it was found that the
30 average speed limit for park roads was 16 mph.
32 It is staff's recommendation that a maximum speed limit of sixteen miles per hour be
33 established for all park roads within Southlake.
35 The cost to install speed limit posts and signs is approximately $200 each. It is estimated
36 that a total of twelve signs will be required. Funding is currently available in the
37 departmental operating budget.
39 Discussion:
41 Park Board members stated their concern for the safety of citizens in the parks and agreed
42 that speed limits were necessary.
44 Ms. Wood believed that 16 mph was still too high for the parking lots and driveways and
45 suggested 10 or 12 mph.
November 10, 2003 Page 8 of 11
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 1/12/04
2 Ms. Galpin recommended a lower speed limit be set for the actual parking lots.
4 Director Jackson explained the City is considering installing some traffic calming devises
5 that are designed to reduce the speed but not necessarily restrict traffic flow.
7 A motion was made based on survey information to have a maximum speed limit of
8 16 mph for park roads, entryways and exits and 5 mph in all park parking areas.
10 Motion: Georgia
11 Second: Blomquist
12 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls, and White
13 Nays: Wood (16 mph still too high)
14 Abstention: None
15 Vote: 8-1
17 Motion carried.
19 Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion - No items this agenda.
21 Other Items Mentioned:
23 Chairman Rawls recognized Ms. Durham for all her efforts in behalf of the October 25th
24 Liberty Garden dedication. He said that Mr. Durham and Wendi Carlucci have spent, by
25 staff's calculation, more than 1500 hours apiece on site at the Garden. He commended
26 Liz and Wendi and City staff on the dedication ceremonies. Chair Rawls encouraged
27 everyone to visit Liberty Garden, stating that the area had been turned into something
28 "absolutely beautiful." The Park Board responded with a standing ovation for Liz!
30 Liberty Park at Sheltonwood Day - The event on October 11 accomplished so much in
31 one day! Chair Rawls said that Sheltonwood Park is a real treasure and encouraged
32 everyone to visit it.
34 Agenda Item No. 7. Liaison Reports
36 Board members reviewed the following:
38 (a) Recreation/Special Events - Ms. Durham reported on the success of the
39 October 25th HarvestFest and the planting of a ceremonial tree for Arbor
40 Day. Upcoming events include Santa events and holiday lighting at Town
41 Square.
43 (b) Youth Sports Associations - Ms. Cox reported that baseball and soccer
44 have finished up their season. Not much going on until March. Lacrosse
45 and basketball are starting their seasons. Mr. Cornish reported that his
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***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 1/12/04
1 football team's season has come to an end, however, he mentioned that
2 there are a couple of 6ch graders that will be recruited straight to the NFL!
4 (c) Community Groups - Ms. Galpin passed out a newsletter from the Cross
5 Timbers Forestry Council with an article on the Southlake Nature Center.
7 Keep Southlake Beautiful will be concentrating on the Governor's
8 Achievement Award to develop a plan for the expenditure of the $85,000
9 grant KSB was awarded two years ago.
11 The Southlake Historical Society is working on an oral history project and
12 will begin video taping Dr. Bob Jones, a decedent of Bob Jones (park's
13 namesake). Also will be interviewing Bud Tanner.
15 Southlake Sister Cities now has a meeting room in Town Hall specifically
16 designated as the Sister Cities Meeting Room with gifts displayed from
17 each of the sister cities.
19 The "Japan in a Suitcase" program is underway at the middle schools and
20 will be a wonderful opportunity for those high school student "teachers"
21 and the elementary school children to become involved in the Sister Cities
22 Youth Ambassador program.
24 Friends of Southlake Nature Committee has been meeting and will meet
25 with City staff to work on some of their bullet points.
27 Southlake Youth Action Commission is working on a food drive, the
28 Town Square Holiday Celebration and doing a party with Therapeutic
29 Recreation youth.
31 Ms. Galpin proposed that all the community groups meet either three or
32 four times a year to discuss their various projects and how those could
33 overlap, share ideas and avenues to work together.
35 In association with SPIN, the Liberty Garden will host a "Spinning Garden
36 Tour" this spring with a garden featured from each SPIN neighborhood.
38 April is National Parks Week and Ms. Galpin suggests the City have a
39 "celebrate Southlake Parks" special event, such as a "spring fling"
40 connected with the Liberty Garden SPIN tour. She suggested having a
41 "passport" to each of the city's parks with some special event at each park.
43 (d) SPIN - Held a joint meeting with City Council on October 14, 2003 with a
44 presentation from the planning department.
November 10, 2003 Page 10 of 11
***Official Minutes***
Approved by the Parks and Recreation Board 1/12/04
1 (e) SPDC - Ms. White reported SPDC held a very short meeting; next
2 meeting November 18.
4 (f) JUC - Next meeting scheduled November 10.
6 (g) City Council Monthly Re ort - refer to list provided in packet. Dorothy
7 Wood will present the December Park Board Report at City Council.
9 Agenda Item No. 8. Adjournment
11 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
13 Motion: Blomquist
14 Second: Durham
15 Ayes: Blomquist, Cornish, Cox, Durham, Galpin, Georgia, Rawls, White and
16 Wood
17 Nays: None
18 Abstention: None
19 Vote: 9-0
21 Mo ' ca 'ed.
25 Bobby awls
26 Parks & Recreation Board Chair
27 '
28 fU t
29 Mary Georgia
30 Parks & Recreation Board Secretary
32 Attachments: Item 5A - Purchase of Evans property - History and aerial map
33 Item 5D - Stratford Parc Park Dedication - applicant letter, worksheet, and Concept Plan
November 10, 2003 Page 11 of 11
i Y
Bicentennial Park Land Acquisition History
1. 09/02/70 -10.0 Acres from Lawton Gregory adjacent to N. White Chapel for $17,000
2. 05/06/80 - 7.32 acres from C.J. Keim for $31,600
3. 07/12/91- 7.0 acres from the Catholic Diocese in exchange for 9.166 acres adjacent to the
Sword Addition
4. 01/31/94 -15.49 acres from Ralph Evans, together with three permanent drainage easements
of 1.428 acres, 0.258 acres, and 0.091 acres for $467,710
5. 05/17/94 - 8.752 acres from M. Truelove for $262,569
6. 03/19/98 - 3.829 acres from Wyndham Properties for $332,343 with $284,120 in value given
as gift to the city
7. 7/29/98 -1.584 acres exchanged by Crossroads Square (Tennis Center area) for 1.174 acres
of park
8. 05/31/00 -13.107 acres from Ralph Evans for $991,533; included grazing lease to seller, 30-
day right of first refusal to buyer (City) for remaining tracts to expire on 06/01/05.
Aerial View of Evans Property
Property for
Southlake Park and Recreation Dept.
Mr. Chris Carpenter
October 17, 2003
RE: Park fee credit, for Stratfort Parc, 380 S. White Chapel, Southlake
A 23 estate lot sub division
The subject property is located 2 blocks south of 1709 (across from White Chapel
Methodist Church), the Developer will create a large pond and park area for the use of
the public. The park area would be approximately 1.1 acres.
The park area will include a waking path, benches, a large fountain in the middle of the
pond, new trees, flowers, etc. The pond will have a fresh water well that will maintain the
water level.
The park area will be opened to the public for their use and enjoyment.
The area presently does not have any trees and the Developer has agreed to install new
trees around the pond.
The developer would like to make the following request of the Park Board.
1.Developer's Responsibilities
a. The Developer agrees to pay for the cost ($67,000.00) of
building the pond and park area, approximately one acre.
b. The Home Owner Association will maintain the park and
c. The request has been submitted to the Park Board for
approval on their November 10`h meeting.
% N- ---AN
2. Park Board's Responsibilities
The Park Board will credit the park fees of $1,500.00 per lot, 23
lots, equals $34,5000.00 for the cost of construction of the pond
and park area.
We look forward to beautifying the area along S. White Chapel Road.
J6hn 1egan;
White Chapel, JV
411 Harwood Road
Bedford, TX 76021
Park Dedication Worksheet
Project Information
A. Project Name: Stratford Parc
B. Project Park Service Area Type (see Plate 2, 2001 Park Master Plan):
(i) Existing X Proposed (ii) X Neighborhood Park (School) Community Park City Park
C. Project is_ Residential (go to line D) or _X_ Non-residential (go to line E)
D. Residential: Number of new dwelling units 23
E. Non-residential: Number of gross project acres _
F. Credit for land dedication, physical improvement, or amenities requested?
X Yes (fill out both line G (i) or (ii) and worksheet below) No (see line G (i) or (ii) only)
G. Dedication/Fee Calculation:
(i) Residential: 1 acre per 40 dwelling units = 0.58 acres OR
_ dwelling units x $1,500 per dwelling unit = $ 34,500 project fees due
(ii) Non-residential: 1 acre per 50 gross acres = acres OR
acres at $800 per gross acre = project fees due
Expense Credit Worksheet A B C D E F G H
Current Joint Current Proposed Proposed Private? TOTAL
Item Units Inventory Use' Deficiency Units value (50% max.) CREDIT
Land Dedication
1. Neighborhood Park Land Dedication acres 52.3 19.7
2. Community Park Land Dedication2 acres 0 144
3. Linear Parks acres 10.2 25.8
4. Open Space3 acres 396 132 1.1 $ 67,000.00
'Deficiency standards do not include Joint Use inventories as they are not dedicated to the city. Joint Use shown for informational purposes
'The acreage shown is needed assuming no "community park" facilities such as lighted sports complexes, concession/restrooms, etc., are constructed on existing park property
'Number can be inclusive of acreage amounts shown in items above
5. Aquatics center facility 0 1
6. Batting cage stall stall 6 3
7. Baseball diamond (practice )4 diamond 7 9 9
8. Baseball diamond (game)4 diamond 0 10
9. Baseball diamond (game - li htedf diamond 7 3
10. Basketball court outdoor court 3 3 4
11. Bench each 44 28
12. Recreation center facility__ 0 1
13. Fishing pier/dock pier/dock 2 2
14. Horseshoe it each 1 3
15. Inline hockey rink (lighted)5 rink 1 0.3
16. Lacrosse field field 0 4
17. Pavilion each 9 5
18. Picnic shelter each 10 2
19. Picnic table each 47 25
20. Playground each 4 5
21. Soccer field (practice)4 field 6 11 8
22. Soccer field (game)4 field 13, 11
23. Soccer field (game - lighted )4 field 0 13
24. Softball diamond (practice )4 diamond 5 3
25. Softball diamond ( ame)° diamond 0 4
26. Softball diamond (game - li hted)4 diamond 3 1
27. Tennis courts court 15 9
28. Trail (hiking, equestrian) mile 1 2.6
29. Trailhead each 2 1
30. Trail nature, soft or interpretive) mile 0.5 3.1
31. Trail (paved, multi-use mile 3.4 3.8
32. Sand volleyball court court 0 2
33. Other (specify): value
34. TOTAL CREDIT REQUESTED6 (Sum of right column above) $ 67,000.00
35. REQUIRED FEE (line G(i) or (ii)) (See "Project Information" section) $ 34,500.00
36. BALANCE (Excess only credited to other projects at Board and Council discretion) $
Standards are based on game and practice fields being mutually exclusive of each other. Fields which may be lighted and/or used as practice and game fields will lower overall numbers.
'Standard is 1:25,000 population. Ultimate population of 35,000 will create a burden. Need most likely met with youth facility in Bicentennial Park per Master Plan.
sTotal value of credit for private dedications Column "G" cannot exceed 50% of "Required Fee" Line 35
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