Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District
Board Meeting
July 17, 2002
Board Members Present: President Martin Schelling; Members: Lou Ann Heath, Pam McCain,
Bob Mundlin, Frank Pittman, and Craig Sturtevant.
Board Members Absent: Stuart Spencer
Staff Present: Public Safety Director Rick Black, Finance Director Sharen Elam, Chief of
Police Marlin Price, Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton and Executive Secretary Kim
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by President Martin
Schelling at 7:05 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2 and 3, Executive Session. No Executive Session was held.
Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments.
Director Black informed the Board that Ed Nash with ECN requested to reinstate his contract for
the purchase of the west DPS residual property, Lot 2R, Block 1, Corner Addition for the same
price previously offered at $425,000. He commented that the City Council approved the request
at its meeting on July 16, 2002. Director Black stated that ECN has an interested buyer and they
expect to move on the development process very quickly. The city attorneys have no issues with
reinstating the contract.
Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention District
meeting held June 5, 2002.
Motion was made to approve the minutes as presented.
Motion: Mundlin
Second: Pittman
Ayes: Heath, McCain, Mundlin, Pittman, Schelling, Sturtevant
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 6. There were no items for consideration.
Agenda Item No. 7A. Discussion - Crime Control FY2002-03 Operating Budget and multiyear
CIP. Director Black commented that the Budget reflects staff's efforts to meet the strategic goals
of the District while keeping in mind that the number 1 priority is to fund construction of
facilities and the number 2 priority is to fund equipment and technology necessary to maintain
efficient operation of those facilities. Chief Price presented each line item of the proposed
Highlights of the proposed Operating Budget included:
• Continuation of the SRO funding including two additional SROs
• Lease payment for the police 800MHZ-radio system
• Annual debt service payment
• New SRO vehicle and emergency equipment
• Tactical Rifle
• Audio visual equipment and furniture for West DPS
• Police Service portion of the Vehicle Replacement Program
• Volunteer Mounted Patrol program along the lake area
• Chemical Biological and Radiological protective equipment - I't responder basic
Highlights of the proposed Multiyear CIP Budget included:
• Completion of the North facility during FY 2004-05 with architectural/design work
starting in FY 2002-03
• Funding for radio communications strategic plan for FY 2002-03
• Proceeds from the potential sale of the excess land from the West and North sites
budgeted for FY 2002-03 at $400,000 and $950,000, respectively
A lengthy and wide-ranging discussion followed among the Board members regarding the
proposed District funding of the vehicle replacement program. The members discussed several
matters, including: 1) the propriety of the District funding what has been a general fund budget
item, 2) the needs of the City, 3) whether such funding is compatible with the District's stated
goals, 4) what would be the consequences if such funding became a permanent part of the
District budget, 5) what was told to the voters during the recent continuation election, 6) the
impact on City resident taxes and 7) what would happen if the District did not fund the vehicle
replacement program. Board members suggested that President Schelling visit with City Council
members regarding the discussion of the District Board members.
Agenda Item No. 7B. Discussion - Method of best value for architectural services and
construction of North DPS Facility. President Schelling informed the Board that he and staff met
with three outside construction firms to get their viewpoints on the different types of construction
contract options. Director Black stated that the Board will ultimately determine the funding that
will be approved for use in constructing the facilities, and will, in the near future, provide input
to the Council regarding the preferred construction contracting method.
Agenda Item No. 7C. Discussion - Sales Tax Report. Finance Director Sharen Elam stated that
sales tax collection were below estimates in June; however, overall collection remains above
budget for the year.
Agenda Item No 8 Adiournment. There being no further business to discuss the meeting
adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
President Martin Schelling
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