Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting
June 4, 2003
Board Members Present: President Martin Schelling; Members: Frank Pittman, Stuart
Spencer, Lou Ann Heath, Pam McCain, and Craig Sturtevant.
Board Members Absent: Vice President Bob Mundlin
Staff Present: Director of Public Safety Rick Black, Chief of Police Services Marlin Price,
Finance Director Sharen Elam and Administrative Secretary Bobbye Shire.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by President Martin
Schelling at 7:01 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2 and 3, Executive Session. No Executive Session was held.
Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments.
Director of Public Safety Rick Black and the Board congratulated President Schelling on the
birth of his daughter.
It was recognized that Vice President Bob Mundlin had notified the Board of his absence in
advance of tonight's meeting.
Chief Price advised Boardmembers of the 800 radio switch to the Bedford system and the fact
that Officers are extremely happy to report that they can now transmit in places they could not
before the switch. He said Officers asked that Chief Price convey their thanks to the Board for
their part in making this happen and to express appreciation for thinking about officer safety.
Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the Minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention
District Board Meeting held February 5, 2003.
Boardmember Craig Sturtevant requested that the minutes be amended as follows: Agenda Item
No. 6A., Page 2, Paragraph 1, 6th line down - "will forward to" will be changed to read "will be
forwarded to". Page 3, 2nd Paragraph from bottom, 1St line - "2°d" will be changed to "second".
Motion was made to approve the minutes as amended.
Motion: Heath
Second: McCain
Ayes: Schelling, Spencer, Sturtevant, Pittman
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
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Agenda Item No. 6A. Begin selection process for Architect and Construction Manager
Agent for North DPS Proiect.
President Schelling suggested giving staff marching orders to either (1) provide a long list of
architects to present to the Board and allow Boardmembers to participate in all aspects of making
the decision on which architect will be awarded the project, or (2) for staff and a sub-committee
consisting of President Schelling and Vice President Mundlin to assemble the long list and,
through the process of elimination, narrow the list down to a short list of qualified architects and
bring it before the Board with their recommendations.
The consensus of Boardmembers was to go with option number two.
Motion was made to form a sub-committee consisting of President Martin Schelling and Vice
President Bob Mundlin to work with staff to bring a short list of qualified architects to the next
Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting.
Motion: Pittman
Second: Spencer
Ayes: Schelling, Heath, McCain, Sturtevant
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 7A. North DPS Facility Operational Plan:
Director Rick Black advised Boardmembers that consideration for the selection process for
Architect and Construction Manager Agent for the North DPS project has been delayed because
of concerns related to the construction of the North Facility. He stated this topic would be
presented in detail at the City Council's June 19th work shop "Retreat". He said staff will review
the presentation tonight with Crime Control Boardmembers for their input and once the final
presentation is brought before the Council, direction should be provided on how they wish to
pursue the building of the North site. He said the Council must first approve the plan to move
forward. Director Black also commented that the presentation being given tonight to the Board
is different than the report provided in their packets.
Director Black revisited the history of the District's creation and accomplishments to date. He
said three things that need to be addressed before the Council are: 1) convince the Council of the
merits of opening the North facility in 2006; 2) discuss the operation costs associated with the
North facility; and 3) convince the Council of the merits of staying on target with the current
schedule and emphasize why it is important. Overall, the Council must be convinced that the
City can afford to build the North facility.
Chief Price spoke in detail on each of the following current DPS critical needs:
• New Holding Facility
• Emergency Communications Center
• Emergency Operations Center
• Criminal Investigation Offices
• Operational Facilities
• Administrative Offices
• Fire Standard of Coverage Location
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He presented visuals of current working conditions for each of the departmental locations and
explained each area's inadequacies.
Chief Price explained that the building at 667 N. Carroll Ave. (East DPS location) was built prior
to the Jail Standards Act and does not meet today's standards. He further explained that
Southlake's current facility is considered a holding facility and not a jail, and that the City is
getting closer to having to comply with jail standards because of its growth. He said the
maximum number of occupants in the holding facility is six and when that number is reached,
transport to Keller is required. Also, there is no separate female cell located away from existing
cells which house male prisoners.
Chief Price stated the present Communications area is small with no room for extra equipment.
Health issues are a concern and another room is needed to place equipment away from
Communications personnel. Additionally, the area needs to be hardened (protected from Mother
Nature) with back up power available.
The Criminal Investigations Division currently houses four detectives working out of an
approximate 15' x 18' office. There is a need for a more secure juvenile room and for a more
private place for citizens to come and talk with detectives.
The Emergency Operations Center is a small conference room that is activated to a command
center when the need arises. This room also needs to be a hardened secure room that can
withstand large or natural disasters. Just outside this room are locked cabinets which hold
telephones for the EOC and ammunitions and weapons. These cabinets are located in a hallway
space that is open to public. The need for a more secure armor room is vital.
Chief Price stated the Property room is small with bins stacked to the ceiling, the Sergeant's
room is small with no place to conduct a private meeting, and there currently is no designated
briefing room - with the Conference/EOC room now being used in that capacity as well.
Director Black said funding for construction of the North facility is provided by the Crime
Control and Prevention District and operational costs fall to the General Fund. Operational costs
include building maintenance and personnel costs. Estimated maximum maintenance costs are
$3 per square foot for the 62,000 sq. ft. building, which equals an estimated $186,000 cost per
year beginning the second quarter of 2005-06. Personnel costs will be zero at opening. He said
the need will present itself when personnel are required and, at that time, the Council will be
approached for approval of additional personnel funding. The current need is to finish staffing
the West DPS facility.
Director Black explained that existing Police Operations Staff (46), Criminal Investigations (6),
Communications staff (11), Administrative staff (8), and the Fire Marshal will move to the North
facility upon completion of the building. Building Services will remain at the East facility,
vacating the high maintenance cost areas that they now occupy, moving their offices to the
vacated police area. Fire Services will continue to operate out of the existing East DPS facility.
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The Recommendation is to:
• Proceed with the Current Construction Schedule.
• Add appropriate Fire and EMS staffing only when justified.
• Continue with combined DPS facility to take advantage of cost savings in
With Results being:
• Greatly improved Police Services facility and improved performance and
• Reduced liability in holding facility operations.
• Greatly improved Emergency Communications Center.
• Effective Emergency Operations Center.
• Improved Training of Personnel.
Boardmember Sturtevant suggested that a persuasive tool would be for each member of the
Council to tour the DPS East facility at 667 N. Carroll Ave. to view the piecemealed building
and see first hand its inadequacies and inefficiencies.
Boardmember Pittman said staff's presentation was compelling and clearly conveyed a
potentially unsafe fire/police working environment due to the cramped space. He said there is a
duty to ensure the safety of all groups and classes of people who are in these facilities, including
those who might be brought there due to alleged violations of the law. While it is understandable
that the City has budgetary constraints, he indicated that this is one of those projects that the City
can't afford not to do. He said the citizens of Southlake must be properly protected and the
sooner that the facility is built the sooner that will become a reality.
Boardmember Spencer congratulated staff on a superb job of making do with what they have had
to work with. He suggested that new visuals be taken for the Council presentation showing
personnel at work in their respective areas, giving Council a better indication of just how small
these areas actually are, thus accentuating the negative. Mr. Spencer also suggested that the
Chief of Fire Services address the Fire presentation and Chief Price address the Police
presentation to the Council. He suggested using the same rule of thumb to figure and compare
the $3 sq. ft. annual maintenance cost for the North site and put together present day annual
maintenance cost figures for the East DPS facility, as well as conveying information to the
Council on the significant increase in residential and commercial burglaries, vehicle, and
property crime in not only Southlake, but all of Northeast Tarrant and Dallas Counties in the
recent months.
Boardmember Heath said the City has done so much with so little and she expressed accolades
for all of the accomplishments of Police, Fire, and Support, as well as Building Services. She
too emphasized that we must find a way to convince the Council to move forward.
Boardmember McCain said the money is available because of the voters and the 15 year
continuation of the Crime Control and Prevention District. She said Council must be motivated
to go forward and we need to stress that personnel funding is not an issue. She said the
seriousness of safety problems need to be stated seriously and we should show what could occur
if the North facility is not built by 2006. She also stressed that the City can't continue to
function in a building that was built in the 1950's and we must meet all kinds of needs resulting
from the City's growth and typical overcrowding.
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Director Black stated the Council has not been presented the formal presentation, however, he
feels confident that once they have, they will approve and move forward. President Schelling
stated there have been no formal objections from the Council, only informal
comments/concerns/conversations. Director Black said the obstacle stems from last year's
economic issues which resulted in tax increases and the cutting of positions, and any reluctantcy
to proceed by the Council is purely related to economic concerns.
Boardmember Sturtevant said the City is essentially receiving a free building, yet there will be
moving costs incurred. He suggested breaking those costs out with upkeep figures as well, and
take into account the driving and shooting range cost issues that have not been addressed in the
All Boardmembers volunteered to lend any appropriate support needed to convince the Council
to move forward and they all look forward to helping present this.
Agenda Item No. 7B. Status of North DPS Residual Property:
President Schelling provided a copy of a map showing the North DPS residual property and the
development which has submitted plans to stub sewer to the excess property. He said this, in
turn, could be stubbed to the North property. He said the Market is firming up and the residual
property could be sold for $900,000, which would be returned to the Crime Control and
Prevention District account. He asked if the Board would like to start putting together a process
for the sale of the excess property, now that the sewer issue has been resolved.
Boardmembers expressed concerns and the need for exploring all North DPS options that have
not yet been clearly specified. Examples include whether the shooting and driving ranges will
spill over onto the residual property or be located underground, and the possibility of residential
homes backing up against the facility creating the need for buffers.
The Board agreed to hold off on the sale until all issues are looked at. Documents and graphics
will be assembled and the Board will wait for a visual conceptual plan from the architect before
proceeding with the sale.
Agenda Item No. 7C. Discussion of Sales Tax Report:
Finance Director Sharen Elam stated the Crime Control and Prevention District is $120,000
above budget and taxes will continue to be collected from Wal-Mart until their move to
Grapevine in January 2004.
The Board agreed to place the Sales Tax Report at the beginning of the agenda at the next CCPD
Boardmember Heath stated the Historical Society will be presenting a program on the topic of
"Public Safety, Then and Now" and she will provide Boardmembers with more information
when the date and time of the event are firmed up.
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Agenda Item No. 9. Adjournment.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.
President Martin Schelling
Bobbye Shire, Secretary
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