2003-07-23 Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting July 23, 2003 MINUTES Board Members Present: President Martin Schelling; Members: Frank Pittman, Stuart Spencer, Lou Ann Heath, and Craig Sturtevant. Board Members Absent: Vice President Bob Mundlin and Member Pam McCain Staff Present: Director of Public Safety Rick Black, Chief of Police Services Marlin Price, Finance Director Sharen Elam and Administrative Secretary Bobbye Shire. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by President Martin Schelling at 7:05 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2 and 3, Executive Session. No Executive Session was held. Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments. Director of Public Safety Rick Black informed the Board of a potential buyer for the lot at the DPS West facility that was originally to be used as a training site. The property is north of the Texaco and west of the station. Funds from the sale will be returned to the CCPD account. Council will be advised and direction to proceed with the sale will be discussed at the August 19, 2003 City Council Meeting. Director Black stated terms for several Boardmembers will expire in September. Applications will go out and appointments will be made at the August 19, 2003 City Council Meeting. Council expressed positive feedback at the June Retreat regarding moving forward with the current schedule for the build of the North DPS facility. Individual tours by Councilmembers of the existing DPS facility helped alleviate concerns. Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the Minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting held June 6, 2003. Motion was made to approve the minutes as amended. Motion: Sturtevant Second: Heath Ayes: Schelling, Spencer, Pittman Nays: none Approved: 5-0 The Board discussed the length and detail of the Crime Control and Prevention District meeting minutes and agreed that the minutes should not be transcribed at length and should only briefly summarize each agenda topic. SCCPD Meeting July 23, 2003 - Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item No. 6A. Discussion - Sales Tax Report. Finance Director Sharen Elam reported the CCPD is $185,000 above budget and 2.4% above last year's collections. Agenda Item No. 6B. Discussion - Budgetary exit strategy of the School Resource Officer (SRO). Director Black discussed the need for a proposed exit strategy for funding the SRO's. The planned exit strategy would consist of advising the School Board of the plan to transfer one SRO per year beginning in FY-04-05 to the General Fund with CISD/City to share the 60/40 cost as in the current agreement. President Schelling will discuss this issue informally with a CISD trustee and provide feedback to the Board at the next CCPD meeting. Agenda Item No. 6C. Discussion - Proposed Crime Control FY 2003-04 Operating Budget and Multiyear CIP Budget. Staff gave a presentation to the Board outlining District Strategic Goals. These goals consist of 1) the development and construction of modern, efficient facilities; 2) the use of modern technology and equipment; 3) the promotion of professional development; and 4) the funding of special police initiatives. Staff advised that personnel costs for four School Resource Officers will be $328,191, plus $8400 for training. Operations costs total $134,811 of which $127,000 is budgeted for the 800 Police Radio System, $2000 for the Mounted Patrol Volunteer Program and the DPS Explorer Program combined, and the balance for professional services for annual evaluation. Capital funds of $40,650 will be used for M-16 patrol rifles and ammunition, tasers and replacement equipment, pepperball pistols and ammunition, replacement of in-car police video camera's, and Segway Officer Transporters. The Capital Improvement Program includes architectural services for the North Facility; construction of the North Facility; East site land acquisition; construction of the East Facility; and radio infrastructure. The total CCPD FY 03-04 operating budget is $2,087,300. Director Black advised the Board that final action on this budget will be taken at the August CCPD meeting. Several members of the Board stated they would be unable to attend the regularly scheduled meeting of August 6, 2003. A poll of members of the Board will be taken to see if August 13 will be an acceptable date for all to be in attendance. There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. President Martin Schelling ATTEST: Bobbye Shire, Secretary SCCPD Meeting July 23, 2003 - Page 2 of 2