2003-08-13Southlake Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting August 13, 2003 MINUTES Board Members Present: President Martin Schelling; Vice-President Bob Mundlin; Members: Frank Pittman, Stuart Spencer, Lou Ann Heath, and Craig Sturtevant. Board Members Absent: Member Pam McCain. Staff Present: Director of Public Safety Rick Black, Finance Director Sharen Elam, and Administrative Secretary Bobbye Shire. Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order by President Martin Schelling at 7:07 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2 and 3, Executive Session. No Executive Session was held. Agenda Item No. 4. Administrative Comments. Congratulations were extended by the Board to Director Rick Black on the birth of his son born on July 30, 2003. Agenda Item No. 5A. Approval of the Minutes of the Crime Control and Prevention District Board Meeting held July 23, 2003. Motion was made to approve the minutes as presented. Motion: Pittman Second: Heath Ayes: Schelling, Spencer, Mundlin, Sturtevant Nays: none Approved: 6-0 Agenda Item No. 6A. Consider - Adoption of the Crime Control FY2003-04 Operating Budget and Multiyear CIP. Public Hearing. There were no public comments regarding this item. Finance Director Sharen Elam stated she would answer any questions relating to the budget information provided to the Board in their packets. Clarification was made on the funds allocated for the purchase of weapons. The Board discussed the need and perception of funding Segway Officer Transporters. Arguments against the purchase included sending the wrong message in difficult economic times and the fact that no other agency in the United Stated, other than New York City, has purchased these transporters. The timing of being on the cutting edge as one of the first agencies to utilize the transporters may create negative criticism from citizens who feel their tax dollars would be better spent elsewhere. Arguments for the purchase of the Segway Officer Transporters include the perceptual issue of bringing attention to law enforcement presence and high profile community policing. The Segways would be another tool to heighten awareness and change behaviors at mass gathering events. Director Black said a press release will be issued to get information out to citizens before the delivery. SCCPD Meeting August 13, 2003 - Page 1 of 2 Motion was made to approve the Crime Control FY2003-04 Operating Budget and Multiyear CIP as presented: Motion: Spencer Second: Mundlin Ayes: Schelling, Heath Nays: Pittman, Sturtevant Approved: 4-2 Agenda Item No. 7A. Discussion - Sales Tax Report. Finance Director Sharen Elam stated the report included in the packet is the report presented at the previous CCPD meeting - reflecting $185,000 above budget and 2.4% above last year's collections. The Sales Tax Report for the month of August was not available. ALYenda Item No. 711. Discussion - Budgetarv exit strategy of the School Resource Officer (SRO). President Schelling informed the Board that he met with CISD Board Member Dale Crane regarding this subject. Mr. Crane explained the District could not take on the additional costs of funding SRO's now or in the 2004-05 budget because of the uncertainty of Robin Hood. He stated 2005-06 would be the first year that CISD would consider a roll out, if it were at an agreed acceptable rate, although without a legislative change to Robin Hood, CISD will not be able to plan to budget for SRO's. President Schelling stated CISD feels their charge is as educators to teach students, and that has priority. Members asked about the CCPD funding the SRO's. Director Black stated his opinion that the purpose of the CCPD is not for funding people but to fund present and future capital needs. His opinion is also that funding people with District money jeopardizes the integrity of the mission of the CCPD and that the 15 year District will not be sufficient to fund both personnel and planned building projects. President Schelling advised the Board to begin thinking about a policy that could be adopted to roll out SRO's. There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. President Martin Schelling ATTEST: 135-Z&1 VU~ Bobbye Shire, Secretary SCCPD Meeting August 13, 2003 - Page 2 of 2