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Item 6A & 6B - Presentation
Items 6A & 6B Brumlow East Land Use Plan Amendment Zoning Change & Development Plan Mll APPLICANT/ OWNER: Sage Group, Inc., on behalf of Wright Brumlow East RE, LLC REQUEST: Item 6A: Land Use Plan Amendment for a portion of Brumlow East. Existing Land Use Designation: Industrial and Flood Plain. Proposed Land Use Designation: Mixed Use Item 613: Zoning Change and Development Plan for Brumlow East. Existing Zoning: "AG" Agricultural District. Proposed Zoning: "TZD" Transition Zoning District. . a „� X'. LOCATION: 1719 E. Continental Blvd along with 1451, 1535 and 1537 Brumlow Ave CITY OF SOUTHLAKE Future Land Use Y6NOVN �,bp YINp BL4NC $ P �rteV [i oENm'Ci SoG mipNN:� � roN�ROSn wnY ie m VINO R0590 FGONNAY u � -- �:-own--- 4 .O�xN490h � 1MLi1NM Gn e � Medium Dens Ry lie sidential �� �Yw��x w�N�ELx OfApWICK ' fA056iN0 QBrumlow East Future Land Use t OlYYear Hued Plain Corps of Engineers Property Public Park/Open Space Public/Semi-Public Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Office Commercial Retail Commercial Mixed Use Town Center Regional Retail - Industrial 12 .III f, 112011I 24. 11A 11 jV I*4 1 III I 1604 f" rr� , ,: .�.L.X - �� _ CNadIGE TN[ PORTION TO-d j� Properly Owner:- ianwew�mr nmdnt,.�Mns. two _ PROPOSED LAND USE Engineer. l�n�eu� w,x�smrrc. us �o s. raw�m k vr� na Planner: I ? 61GCRCUP K aoaa 19 WW 24 �� a�Ygi ®� Land Use Exhibit 11569.- 1100 1101 11�i 11A 1207 1104 1'.69 1106 1t37 713 1106 1211 MIX E Cl 14' I 1716 1112 It 11 $IM 11 213 — 1 USE EXISTING LAND USE Zoning Case No. ZA24-0007' Brumlow East Consolidated Land Use Plan Mixed Use Recommended Land Use Mix* Retail 30% ±20% Office 35% ±30% Residential 15% ±15% Open space 15% ±15% Civic use 5% ±5% Total 100% *These percentages are not regulatory and should only be used as a guide. Proposed Land Use Mix (includes entirety of development) Land Use Percentage of Acreage Recommended Range from the Consolidated Land Use Plan Residential 46.5% 15%(+- 15%) Office/ Warehouse 11.9% 3S%(+- 30%) Open Space 41.6% 15% (+- 1 S%) n ;' Current Zoning Aerial pre- -- -I r Google ►. ' 5-1 IF -. y Current Street View of Site: 1719 E. Continental Blvd Current Street View of Site: Brumlow Ave Proposed Development Standards Srrnrdnrd 0fj7ce/W ..hartse Residexfinl Neighborhood 1.0 Permitted Land Uses Use Categories `I-1" Office District Uses. Single-family residential detached dwelling unit, model homes for sales and promotion. Parks. playgrounds and open space. 2.0 Street Design Standards R.O.W. Width Varies, as per Development Plan. Varies, but generally 50' Design Speed <25 mph_ <25 mph_ Street Typology}' Allowed Local Str-t_ 2 lane undivided Residential Street- 2 lane divided_ Travel lane widths 24' internal drives 31' b/b total street width On street parking None Yes. Turning radii 20, minimum 20' 3.0 Streetscape Standards Sidewalks/ Trails, Walkways 5' minimum 5' minimum Street trees required Average spacing of 40`, Maximum Average spacing of 40', Maximum spacing of 50' spacing of 50' Continuous planter width 5' minimum. 5' minimum. 4.0 Open Space Standards Open space Minimum of 2O% Minimum of 15% 5.0 Block and Lot Standards Black Type Single Site, fronting on Brumlowl Irregular, based on topography, Entry Road_ vegetation and site constraints_ Black Dimensions nla Less than 900 feet. Lot area Minimum of 2o,000 s.f. Minimum of 6,600 sf Lot width and depth Min. of 100' wide x BO' deep Minimum of 50' /60' wide x 125' deep. Maximum lot coverage 35% 60% Mum ions cover S0% 70% Minimum Black Length Iva 500' 6.0 Building Standards Maximum Building Height 1 stDries/ 35' 2-1/2 staries Maximum Building Area 15,000 sf. 5,200 sf. (Minimum of 2,500 sf. on 501oW 3,000 sf on 60' lots) Setbacks_ Front 25' 20' Living Area; 25' Garage Front Garage nia n!a Side 25' 5' far 50' Lots; 6' far 60'Lots Rear 25' 15' Accessory buildings As per rgmts of Zoning Ord., Sec. As per rqmts of Zoning Ord., Sec. 34, 34, Max_ of 1 000 s f SUP required Marc of 50O s_f per Section 45, Ord. 490. Principal Building Orientation Office toward Brumlaw Avenue; Toward front of lot on internal street_ Office/ Warehouse internal. 7.0 Site Design Standards Standard Off street parking requirements Screening • Trashlrecycling receptacles • Other utility equipment • Loading spaces Surface parking areas Of lce — Dfcel W arehouse Residential l4eighborhood Office: 3.3/ Office -Warehouse 2.9; 2 spaces in garage plus 2 in driveway. spaces per 1,000 s.f. of floor area. -3 side Masonry wall vvl opaque -n/a Entry door, mmrmum 81 high. -Screened from surrounding area. Landscaping or fence. with wall and/or landscaping. -nla -n/a -Screened from Brtrmlow Ave. with -n/a landscaping. Landscaping • Landscape buffer between 6' from Internal Road. 25' fi-om parking, sidewalks and Brumlow Ave. curb, 3' from streets Sidewalk. • Parking lot minimum All open spaces fully landscaped. interior landscaping • Rear setback at exist. Res. nfa Lighting • Building entrances • Parking areas, trails, and streets 8.0 Sign Standards All Signs in accordance with requirements of the Sign Ord.; Entry Feature signs allowed at all Project Entries from Brumlow.: Fully landscaped As per landscape plan, as shown along property lines. Yes Yes Street lights along one side of every Street lights along one side of every internal street, minimum spacing of interval street, minimum spacing of / 450' . 450' . Maximum of One (1) ground mounted monument sign shall be allowed per site/ building. No permanent signs allowed on Residential lots; Wayfinding and identification signs allowed in Commas areas. mg/vrppp:<e zpmng — OATH SUMMARY CHART oG/vrzbAk Ac/rzok NA ngt land use cesignation Ngsed me/Indu:[dal maed-use/1. AHW neag<Iminps a<m<alenl R.o w. Ne[Peraen[age u(gee Coverage )%a(building fppiprmtarea Fua< �% zaig M. 3�s3a<. 60% NA gpvenng the xRel veap—penspace _Open Space Percentage T3l% 33G%ar asa Total6ullding Area lburle�ngfoatpanfl —53zf NA AsA-0 keasabl¢square Femage breken tlewn by us¢ ,ss3sf/oHlre BOmm wareneus< NA ,Fs3 xf/OMre eOrcim wareneus< Total beaseable A1.6530 NA m6 ,f Parkingspaasltequiretl /Prprid<d offs—Y3wsf, Office/warehouse. ysm st. 1Tg Provieee NA 179spaces ImperviausCwerage lI&—f NA NA Maximum bullding Nelght lztpry/35'mae ir/e story/35'maa Planner: SAGE MOUP, INr, A an�,�gre V � 0 © wda�axo-ary, 17 JUN 24 Site Data Summa y Chart Easbn9 �r9 Ropr�d NwnheroF a�� RlM �I}maly Ne[Pvwge firms Zmiry rand Vx Ram I mom Acreage rG Agamw rzo zs loAza o.s�at i.e. aia< 3z.Rgtt Development Plan Zoning Case No. ZA24-0007 13mmlow East Planner��. omo� 171UN 24 = ?9 �- Landscape Plan Zoning Case No. ZA23-0007 Br umlow East T . J IPJ J+H+ '-HLL�l Existing Coverage: 12.62% Required to remain if straight zoning: 70% Tree canopy proposed to remain: 27.86% I I �€r - --___ C— -- 'RRr_snrEF— 1 z \ - ------------NA EL LL CF �W4 moon= ■ M, t �k Residential Character Images -low Commercial Character Images For: Opposed: Undecided: For: 2 Opposed: 7 Undecided: 0 Within 200' Opposition Percentage: 6.5% For: 2 For: 4 Opposed:8 Opposed: 39 Undecided:0 Undecided:3 Within 300' Outside 300' SPO 3: Stoercke, Opposed (Online Form) SPO 5: Trevino, Opposed (Online Form) SPO 8: Howell, Opposed (Online Form) SPO 23: Ducey, Opposed (Comment Card) SPO 46: Yonkoski, Opposed (Online Form) SPO 47: Dachniwsky, Opposed (Online Form) SPO 52: Davis, Opposed (Online Form) SPO 76: Pitcher, Opposed (Online Form) SPO 30: Jacobson, In Favor (Comment Card) SPO 31: Hasselfeldt, In Favor (Online Form) noble ru ks 1 — � Southl Public V Fa[ili • • I I I I I � I I l � I I I I I � 1 _ , fiTfiJt 4 � t -------- Item 6A: April 4, 2024; APPROVED (5-0). Item 613: April 4, 2024: APPROVED (5-0), Subject to Staff Report dated March 28, 2024, and Development Plan Review Summary No. 2, dated March 28, 2024, noting the applicant's willingness to address traffic calming along the north/south stretch of the roadway within the development. Item 6A: May 7, 2024: APPROVED (5-2), subject to Staff Report dated April 30, 2024, and noting that with this motion we would be approving an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan from Industrial to Mixed -use subject to the Staff Report dated April 30, 2024. Item 613: May 7, 2024: APPROVED (5-2), subject to Staff Report dated April 30, 2024, and the Development Plan Review Summary No. 3 dated April 30, 2024, noting the following conditions: Directing the applicant to work with city staff and the city attorney to craft a note to be placed on future plats or CCA's for the residential portion of the development acknowledging the adjacency of intensive non-residential industrial type uses and operations including the future municipal service center and public safety training tower facility. Also noting the applicant's willingness to come to second reading with a more detailed look at what the proposed landscape plan might be for the flood plain area. Also noting the applicant has agreed to come to second reading with options to present as it relates to Continental Blvd. and how best to handle deceleration and access to the neighborhood. L11 W IZ11, 111,111i"I x, !.s\1 Both items were tabled at the 2nd reading held on June 4, 2024, at the request of the applicant to the August 6th, 2024, and subsequently to the August 20, 2024 City Council Meeting. L0 CITY 4F SOUTHLAK Applicant Presentation Neighborhood Edge (Office - Office/Warehouse): The Neighborhood Edge will be made up of a Garden Office building along Brumlow, The Neighborhood contains single-family type residential units, and open space areas. The first 6 lots along the northern entry road (adjacent to Tealwood) shall be a minimum of 60' in width; the two lots on the east side of the drainage shall be unique lots- as shown on the Development Plan. All other lots shall be a minimum of 50' in width. -The 56 lots will feature a single-family detached product, ranging in size from a minimum of 2,500 s.f. (for the 50' lots); 3,000 sf (for the remainder) to approximately 5,200 s.f. Each unit will have at least an enclosed two -car garage and two off-street, dr parking spaces. All garages will be recessed from the front of the home by a COnnrviFgpelsu Exi�vng Zvni,eglPruPvsed IDn,ng AGlRa nc ,e g inn Miv zr/In i,nnal ge(m, W_ded¢nivni 7E9 ac a eof S,leo overage f% of 6ui l ding _ a e.nfr4 3�% real aGerr.sya,x Total 6elldIAR Arco lbVllding laatpnnl4 ]0,65351 �.arml nu rrne oee�aow�ev �.e. m,es3 �rrar.e aarnea was annm,esPe�: x�Pmrm rrrwmoa anl«,vxoaT; ofnrviw,r�noxsv. ll5[0 st V3 mri ed t ]tAfb s M xlmem u�elnannal,r eM1 tawry(is'm Location Map pp i h Fan[ B' F 44 Planner SAGE [A9UP, INC. 0 0 0 4 18 APR 29 q %SIOFNnoI i iOTul AGlRnIA Mir se/Intlusrrial NA N,E535t NA ]o,653 sr/ofFce aon,re evamna Vse NA 1]Sspaecs 2 to stun/35'mav Nn Site Data Summaay Chart laM x Floysm x� Sr= ,uAG cere1 xa u Development Plan 10C. NO D-2047 7 -T' 7 #-rH MEW re� raani E F;, fir m ERUInL- I T�j�- VC_. 3Bfi 27 TInH 2 EISMI- 31-Ill, PC IS LANDS CAP Z REQUIRE MENTSUMMARY k 1— 2 xIUT %'D-M; 1 11 11 11 1E.—EET z. HT L11111E 1111 111 —11" 111111 111E cnxow rxEEs ncrExTTaEEz 111U11 caxuxx cwEa IE11"11 1-1 K== �1 1, .1 —E, 1 1-11--E—W L L - ------- - ----------- Tuscan Ridge 5 MH 11.35 Carillon Parc* 5 ECZ 15.8* Crescent Royale * Phase 1&2 (Timarron)* 3.22 RPUD 53.74 Tealwood 2.77 TZD 5.4 Brenwyck II (Timarron)* 2.5 RPUD 44.78* Ridgeview 2.34 TZD 13.22 Watermere - South Village 2.10 TZD 33.72 Metairie 1.91 TZD 29.3 Brumlow East 1.61 TZD 32.8 1 *Net Acreage for a specific neighborhood as part of an overall development. -8,000 N/A 5,600 N/A (Min. 4,950) 7,200 7.35 (14%) (Min. 6,000) 10,000 .62 (12.8%) 11,000 1.33 -11,500 2.76 (20.88%) Varies per Phase g 91 (29%) (Minimum 7,400) 12,580 4.4 acres (15%) 6,600 on 13.26 (40..4y�1%may) JMinimum 57 79 173 15 112 31 71 56 53 Fence Wall Diagram Fence Legend 8' Retain Wood Fence with masonry Columns 6' Wood Fence i Y 6' Iron Fence with masonry columns i 6' Masonry Wall j 8' Masonry Wall 8' Retain Masonry Wall Retain Fence (TBD) III OS 192,685 s.f. ■! Open Space Management Plan: _ All Common Open Space sh&l be owned and maintained by a Homeowners/ Property Owners Association (H/POA). Open Space Easement areas shall also be maintained by the H/POA. All other areas shall be the responsibility of the 'individual property owners, including the front yards and required streetscnpe elements of the 1 residential lots. All property owners shall be required to be a member of the H/POA. Dues assessments, required for the maintenance of the common areas and 1 other H/POA activities, shall be mandatory The H/POA shall be responsible for the maintenance and operation of the protected open space within the development. The expenses required to maintain the common areas at a quality level shall be estimated annually by the H/POA Board, and dues shall be determined and assessed on each property owner in an equitable fashion at such a rate as necessary to maintain such a level of quality. - - °j Authority to enforce these requirements, and to place a lien on the property if such T dues are not paid, shall be in the form of written Deed Restrictions and Covenants, agreed to by all property owners at purchase, and shall run with the land. I 1 Provisions shall be made, in the H/POA bylaws and Deed Restrictions, that in the 2 1 unlikely event the H/POA fails to maintain all or a portion of the protected open 7S9 — l 5. space in reasonable order and condition, the City of Southlake may, but is not 1 m I I I required to, assume responsibility for its maintenance and take corrective action, 1 [/] including the provision of extended maintenance. The costs of such maintenance I 54 may be charged to the H/POA or individual property owners that make up the H/POA, and may include administrative costs and penalties which shall become a lien on all property in the development. OS It 8,840 s.f. "tOS 69,663 56 Homes Office/Warehouse Existing Traffic Cumulative Impact haL r i HOUR TRIPS 56 Homes Office/Warehouse Existing Traffic Cumulative Impact 22 87 1,428 1,004 1,428 +28 = 2% 1004 +93 = 9% 291 172 12,373 12,373 +463 = 3.7% 291 686 13,299 13,299 +977 = 7.3% Trip Data from ITE Manual and Provided Traffic Impact Analysis by Kimley-Horn Existing Traffic Counts from 2017 Lee Engineering Traffic Count Report 582 858 25,672 25.672 +1.440 = 5.6% 44./�WNWN